795 research outputs found

    Acreditación y fomento de la calidad. La experiencia chilena de las últimas décadas

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    La preocupación por la calidad surge como tema prioritario en la educación superior (ES) al producirse cambios en la estructura del sistema chileno a partir de 1981. Estos cambios han implicado una drástica expansión y diversificación de la oferta educativa, originada tanto por la división de instituciones del Estado ya existentes, como por la autorización que permitió la creación de instituciones privadas. De ocho universidades, en gran medida financiadas por el Estado, altamente selectivas y que reclutaban a la élite de estudiantes y académicos, se pasó a un sistema que hoy cuenta con 224 instituciones de muy distinta naturaleza, que incluye universidades, institutos profesionales y centros de formación técnica. Ello ha provocado que la selectividad se circunscriba actualmente a unas pocas instituciones, sólo de nivel universitario y de elevado prestigio social, lo que ha impactado en la calidad del sistema. Por otra parte, las instituciones buscan lograr su autofinanciamiento (incluidas las estatales), por lo que se ha producido una multiplicación de la oferta tradicional de carreras, la creación de nuevas y atractivas carreras para el mercado y la proliferación de sedes por todo el paísPeer Reviewe

    Examining Classroom Observation Rubric Data: Issues emerging from classroom observation rubric data submitted August 2017

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    Observational rubrics should be designed to measure candidate progress toward prioritized skills in a valid and reliable way. Importantly, the observational rubric must accurately capture variation between the dimensions of teaching included on the rubric, among candidates, and over time. In August 2017, the Foundation asked NGEI campuses to submit observation rubric data from all or a subset of candidates enrolled in funded programs from the most recent semester from which data was available and to write a brief reflection on their rubric data. Campuses could choose to submit data from one or more points in time. The Foundation requested that WestEd/SRI analyze the data submitted by NGEI sites.The purpose of this memo is to provide an overview of the data campuses submitted, highlight patterns in the data, and identify issues that can inform changes in how campuses use their rubrics to support candidates

    Berufs-, Studien-, und Laufbahnberatung im Leistungssport : Erarbeitung eines Leitfadens

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    Mit dieser Arbeit wird für Swiss Olympic einen Leitfaden für die Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung (BSLB) im Leistungssport erarbeitet. Hierfür werden Theorien über Athletenentwicklung, Berufswahl und Laufbahn erläutert sowie die Situation von Schweizer Leistungssportlern zum Ende ihrer Karriere dargestellt. Weiter wird ein Überblick über die Beratungs- und Informationsangebote der BSLB im Leistungssport gegeben und das Berner Beratungsmodell als Raster für diesen Leitfaden vorgestellt. Anhand von Experteninterviews werden die zentralen Aspekte für die Beratung von Leistungssportlern identifiziert. Aus den Erkenntnissen der Theorie und der Interviews wird, in Anlehnung an die Module des Berner Beratungsmodells, ein erster Entwurf des Leitfadens formuliert. Er zeigt die Besonderheiten in der Beratung von Leistungssportlern vor und während des Beratungsprozesses auf. Weiter enthält er Qualitätsstandards sowie Verweise auf spezifisches Unterstützungsmaterial

    Developing Systems for High-Quality Feedback to Teacher Candidates: Lessons Learned from 11 California State University Teacher Preparation Programs

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    This paper shares information and lessons learned from sites that are attempting to transform their teacher preparation systems toward practice-based approaches that feature high-quality feedback for teacher candidates. The paper is based on qualitative data collected from 2016 through 2018 in 11 sites where partnerships between California State University (CSU) teacher preparation programs and local school districts are working to improve how they prepare new teachers. Each partnership received a grant from the New Generation of Educators Initiative (NGEI)

    Strengthening the Clinical Orientation of Teacher Preparation Programs

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    Educators and policymakers across the United States recognize a growing urgency to improve the nation's systems of teacher preparation. Ensuring that teachers stay and thrive in the profession depends largely on having system-wide policies and practices in place that address teacher shortages, promote equity and excellence, and cultivate expertise, diversity, and more.The California State University (CSU) system partnered with the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation to launch the New Generation of Educators Initiative (NGEI), in an effort to transform the nature and quality of teacher preparation at both individual CSU campuses and across the CSU system as a whole. To answer the question, "What does it take to transform teacher education?" WestEd and SRI International conducted an evaluation to examine and share learnings about the CSU-led effort to implement large-scale clinically oriented teacher preparation reform.As part of a series of new evaluation reports that explore key transformational elements of effective teacher preparation programs, this paper identifies key levers to put high-quality clinical experience - that is, the opportunity to practice the work of teaching in classrooms - at the center of teacher preparation. Findings in this report explore the following high-leverage strategies to strengthen the clinical orientation of teacher preparation programs:Lever 1: Identify prioritized skillsLever 2: Select or create a rubric to assess candidate proficiency with prioritized skillsLever 3: Integrate and expand opportunities to practice prioritized skillsLever 4: Re-conceptualize clinical roles, selection, and supportLever 5: Define and implement processes to provide formative feedback to candidates on prioritized skill

    Propuesta de manejo sustentable de desechos sólidos en la Hostería Cotococha, provincia del Napo

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    In the middle of year 2006, the Cotococha Amazon Lodge, located in the province of the Napo, joined the initiative of diverse tourist operators to carry out sustainable tourism in the country. It is then when, thanks to the aid of Rainforest Alliace, they began to work in conservation, cultural identity and the improvement of their services. For this aim, they began to work in projects of water treatment, policies of water handling and garbage treatment. This last topic was the subject of this project. It is based on the identification of the related problems, the analysis of the present situation of treatment of solid wastes, including their amount and the products that are acquired by the Lodge.A mediados del año 2006, la Hostería Cotococha, ubicada en la provincia del Napo, se unió a la iniciativa de diversos operadores turísticos para lograr turismo sostenible en el país. Fue entonces cuando, gracias a la ayuda de Rainforest Alliace empezaron a trabajar en pos de la conservación, la identidad cultural y la mejora de sus servicios. Para este fin, se empezó a trabajar en algunos proyectos, dentro de los cuales se encuentran: tratamiento de agua, políticas de manejo de agua, energía y desechos sólidos. Este último fue el tema de este proyecto

    Produção de materiais biomiméticos para células fotovoltaicas

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    O antigénio carcinoembrionário (CEA) é uma proteína produzida pelas células que revestem o trato gastrointestinal do feto. No entanto, também pode ser produzida em adultos, mas em quantidades muito pequenas. Quando se deteta concentrações muito elevadas desta proteína no sangue, pode ser indício de algumas complicações presentes no trato gastrointestinal, como por exemplo cancro do cólon e reto. Desta forma, torna-se importante a criação de dispositivos ou formas de deteção deste biomarcador, para que a doença possa ser detetada atempadamente, criando condições para o tratamento da mesma. Além disso, a procura de novos materiais que confiram maior seletividade e sensibilidade aos sistemas de deteção, que apresentem menores riscos para o doente quando utilizados em dispositivos e que permitam uma análise point-of-care, são consideradas elementos cruciais no apoio à decisão clinica. No presente estudo, desenvolveu-se um sensor eletroquímico para a deteção do CEA, usando-se como suporte uma superfície de vidro condutor e como material sensor um polímero preparado por técnica de impressão molecular (MIP). Para avaliação do comportamento da superfície sensora perante a proteína, utilizaram-se métodos eletroquímicos, como a voltametria cíclica e a espectroscopia de impedância. O polímero sensor foi preparado com pirrol e por electropolimerização, tendo-se otimizadas várias variáveis, como a sua concentração em solução, gama de potencial aplicada e a velocidade de varrimento. Também foi preparado um polímero não impresso (NIP), preparação esta efetuada de forma análoga à do MIP, mas sem a presença da proteína em estudo. É de salientar, que algumas etapas na conceção do MIP e do NIP foram elaboradas, a pensar na integração final destes dois elementos numa célula solar sensibilizada com corante (DSSC). O sensor desenvolvido foi calibrado por incubação consecutiva em concentrações crescentes de CEA. A curva de calibração apresentou um comportamento linear entre 5,010-6 a 5,010-1 g/mL. Os resultados mostraram ainda boa precisão (desvio padrão igual a 13%) e o limite de deteção obtido foi de 0,935 ng/mL. O dispositivo apresentou, porém, algumas limitações à presença de iodo em solução, pelo que a sua aplicação em DSSCs requer estudos adicionais.Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a glycoprotein produced by cells which are in contact with the gastrointestinal tract of the foetus. CEA is also found in adults, but in small quantities. High concentrations of this protein in the blood, may therefore signal gastrointestinal tract complications, such as colorectal cancer. In this regard, it is important to create new devices or methods for tracking this biomarker, in order to, detect colorectal cancer in its early stages. Moreover, the search for new materials that confer higher selectivity and sensitivity to the detection systems are also crucial elements for sustaining clinical medical decisions. In this study, an electrochemical CEA sensor was developed by assembling directly on a conductive transparent glass a sensing material prepared by molecular imprinting polymer (MIP) technology. Tthe behaviour of the sensing layer in the presence of the protein was evaluated by several electrochemical techniques, such as, cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy. Several parameters regarding the polymerization of pyrrole have been optimized, namely solution concentration, potential range and scan-rate. A Non-imprinting polymer (NIP) material was also prepared as control, in the same form as MIP but in the absence of protein. Some procedures were made having in mind that the sensor would be included in a dye sensitized solar cell (DSCC). The biosensor was calibrated by consecutive incubation in increasing concentrations of CEA. The calibration curve displayed a linear behavior from 5.010-6 a 5.010-1 g/mL. The obtained results revealed a good precision (standard devition of 13%) and a limit of detection of 0.935 ng/mL. The device displayed however limited behavior in the presence of iodide, for which its application to DSSCs requires additional studies

    Experiencia subjetiva del cuerpo en mujeres adolescentes embarazadas de nivel socioeconómico bajo de Lima

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    La presente investigación cualitativa explora la experiencia subjetiva del cuerpo en mujeres adolescentes embarazadas de NSE bajo de Lima. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de casos múltiple sobre la base de entrevistas semiestructuradas a ocho adolescentes entre 15 y 18 años que atravesaban su primer embarazo y se encontraban entre los cinco y ocho meses de gestación. El análisis temático realizado evidencia, a partir de cuatro ejes identificados, que la experiencia subjetiva del cuerpo de las participantes se da generalmente en relación con los otros: Cuerpo de otros, en relación con sus padres; Cuerpo mirado, en relación con la sociedad y el sexo opuesto; Relación personal con su cuerpo; y Cuerpo ocupado, en relación con el bebé que contienen. De manera transversal a estos ejes, se identifica un proceso en que la percepción de los movimientos fetales resulta fundamental para que se dé un cambio significativo en la experiencia subjetiva del cuerpo de las participantes. A partir de este acontecimiento, el deseo inicial de tener un cuerpo desocupado y las miradas negativas hacia su propio cuerpo pasan a un segundo plano y se despierta el amor por el cuerpo ocupado, y, con ello, cierta aceptación y adaptación a este. Los resultados se discuten desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas con el fin de lograr una comprensión integral de esta experiencia en que tres condiciones particulares del cuerpo se entrecruzan e influencian: ser mujer, estar en la adolescencia y contener a un bebé dentro del propio cuerpo. Asimismo, proveen información valiosa para una intervención clínica oportuna que favorezca un desarrollo psicológico adolescente y una relación madre-bebé más saludables.This qualitative study explores the subjective experience of the body in pregnant adolescents of low SES in Lima. To this end, a multiple case study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with eight adolescent girls aged between 15-18 years old, who were among five and eight months of their first pregnancy. Through thematic analysis, four axes were identified revealing that the participants experience their bodies in relation to others: Body of others, regarding their parents; Stared body, regarding society and men; Personal relationship with their body; and, Occupied body, regarding their fetus. Transversely to the aforementioned axes, the study found a process in which perception of fetal movement is essential for a significant change in the participants’ subjective experience of their bodies: from the initial desire of having an empty body and negative views towards it to the rise of love for their occupied body. Therefore, the participants experience some acceptance and adaptation to it. Findings are discussed from different theoretical perspectives in order to achieve an integral understanding of this experience, in which three particular conditions of the body intersect and influence each other: being a woman, going through adolescence and having a baby inside the body. Moreover, the study provides valuable information for a timely clinical intervention that could potentially favor healthier adolescent psychological development and mother-child relationship.Tesi

    Knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and training needs of ICU nurses on medication errors in the use of IV drugs: a pilot study

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    Background. Prior studies have shown that lack of knowledge and training, incorrect behaviours and attitudes put Intensive care unit (ICU) patients at risk. The aim of this study was to assess knowledge, attitudes and professional behaviour of Italian nurses towards preparation and administration of intravenous medications in ICUs. Reliability and validity of the questionnaire were assessed as well. Methods. A survey was conducted on a sample of Italian nurses in 2015 through a self-administered questionnaire. Reliability was tested and content validity was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha. Multiple logistic regression models were built to identify predictors of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. Results. In total, 123 nurses completed the questionnaire. For the variable ‘adequate knowledge’ nurses were divided in those who had correctly answered 7 of 8 questions on knowledge and everyone else, while for ‘attitudes and professional behaviour’ responders were grouped into those who showed a positive attitude and appropriate behaviour and everyone else. Results of the multiple logistic regression analyses show some association, although not statistically significant, between correct behaviour, positive attitudes and the years of work experience. It is interesting to note that appropriate knowledge weighs negatively on correct behaviour (OR 0.06, 95% CI 0.04-0.42). Moreover, graduate nurses have more appropriate knowledge than those who are not. A high level of interest for specific training was reported by almost all responders. Cronbach’s alpha for all three sections together resulted in a value of 0.49. Conclusions.This pilot study demonstrated the need to amend the questionnaire, especially the knowledge and behaviour sections, in which the Cronbach’s alpha was less than 0.7. Targeted educational programs are needed to improve the expertise of nurses to reduce medication errors during preparation and administration of IV medications in the ICU