183 research outputs found

    A Simulation Model for Logical and Operative Clash Detection

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    The introduction of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach has facilitated the management process of documents produced by different kinds of professionals involved in the design and/or renovation of a building, through identification and subsequent management of geometrical interferences (Clash Detection). The methodology of this research proposes a tool to support Clash Detection, introducing the logical-operative dimension, that may occur with the presence of a construction site within a hospital structure, through the integration of a BIM model within a Game Engine environment, to preserve the continuity of daily hospital activities and trying to reduce negative impacts, times and costs due to construction activities

    Influencia del estado de desarrollo y parametros ambientales sobre la sensibilidad y respuestas bioquimicas de manzanas cv. Fuji al dano por sol

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    54 p.Durante la temporada 2008/2009, se desarrollaron dos estudios en manzanas cv. Fuji. Para caracterizar las diferencias entre los tratamientos, se midió la fluorescencia (Ensayo 1), el grado de deshidratación de los tejidos, cantidad de pigmentos clorofílicos y antocianinas, concentración de fenoles totales, actividad antioxidante (métodos DPPH y ABTS) y quercetinas en piel (método HPLC). En el primer ensayo se evaluaron los cambios asociadas a estrés térmico sobre frutos en desarrollo; se realizó sobre árboles plantados en 2003 a 4,0 x 2,0 m., injertados sobre patrón EMLA 9; los árboles seleccionados corresponden a los controles del lisímetro de drenaje, ubicado en la Estación Experimental Panguilemo de la Universidad de Talca (35º 23’L.S., 71º 40’L.O., 105 m.s.n.m.). Las mediciones se realizaron en 5 fechas (65, 78, 93,113 y 150 DDPF); en cada medición dos ramas de un árbol fueron sometidas a distintos umbrales de temperatura (35 ºC v/s 45 ºC), y los frutos fueron recolectados una vez terminado el estrés de 5 horas y luego de 24 horas post estrés, de modo de observar la recuperación del fruto. El segundo ensayo, realizado a cosecha (180 DDPF), evaluó el cambio en las concentraciones de compuestos fenólicos, asociados a zonas del fruto con diferentes niveles de daño por sol. Los frutos se recolectaron de árboles ubicados en el huerto San Carlos, comuna de San Clemente (35º 30’ L.S., 71º 28’ L.O., 83 m.s.n.m.) plantados en 1995 a 4,5 x 2,75 m., injertados sobre patrón franco. Para el estudio de los cambios bioquímicos del Ensayo 1, se utilizó piel; mientras que para el Ensayo 2, se utilizó piel y pulpa de fruta con tres niveles de daño por sol. En cuanto a los resultados del Ensayo 1, se observó para todas las fechas una tendencia a disminuir la fluorescencia luego de las 5 horas de exposición térmica para el tratamiento a 45º C. Respecto de los pigmentos, a los 65 DDPF, existe un aumento significativo en las concentraciones de carotenos y clorofila total, para todos los tratamientos en comparación con el control. La cuantificación de fenoles totales a los 78 y 113 DDPF, mostraron diferencias altamente significativas, con aumento en los tratamientos T1 y T2; para los 65 y 150 DDPF, las concentraciones tienden a aumentar con el estrés térmico, para los tratamientos 1 y 2. La actividad antioxidante en las 5 fechas de muestreo, indicó una tendencia a aumentar las concentraciones a medida que el estrés aumenta, la cual fue significativa a los 78 DDPF bajo el método ABTS. Las quercetinas tendieron a aumentar en 3 de las 5 fechas (65, 113 y 150 DDPF), sobre todo en los tratamientos T3 y T4. Para el Ensayo 2, se encontraron diferencias en los porcentajes de deshidratación, fenoles totales y actividad antioxidante, principalmente en los niveles de daño severo y moderado, en zona expuesta y contorno frente a la zona no expuesta. Se observó, en las concentraciones de fenoles totales, un aumento altamente significativo en fruta con niveles de daño severo, moderado y sano, siendo la cara no expuesta la que presentamenores concentraciones. Las quercetinas tienden a aumentar en todos los niveles de daño, siendo el nivel sano el que presenta menores concentraciones; además, se demostraron distintos comportamientos en los niveles severo y moderado, comparado con el nivel sano./ ABSTRACT: During the season 2008/2009 two studies were carried out on apples cv Fuji. To categorize the differences between treatments, fluorescence (Trial 1), tissue dehydration level, amount of chlorophyll and anthocyanin pigments, total phenols concentration, antioxidant activity (DPPH & ABTS methods) and leather quercetin (HPLC method) were measured. In the first trial, changes related with thermal stress on developing fruits were assessed; it was carried out on trees planted in 2003 at 4.0 x 2.0 m., grafted on EMLA 9. The selected trees correspond to the control trees of the drainage lysimeter, located in the Panguilemo Experimental Station of Talca University (35º 23’ S; 71º 40’ W; 105 m.a.s.l.). Measurements were taken on five dates (65, 78, 93,113 y 150 DAFB); in each measurement two tree branches were subjected to different temperature thresholds (35 ºC v/s 45 ºC), and fruits were collected once the 5 hours stress was finished and after 24 hours post stress, in order to observe the fruit recovery. The second trial, carried out to harvest (180 DAFB), was designed to assess changes on the concentration of phenolic compounds related to different levels sunburn on fruit zones. Fruits were collected from trees located on San Carlos orchard, San Clemente County (35º 30’ S; 71º 28’ W; 83 m.a.s.l.) planted in 1995 at 4.5 x 2.75 m., grafted on standard seeding. To study the biochemical changes, the Trial 1 used skin, while Trial 2 used skin and fruit flesh with three levels of sunburn. As for the results of Trial 1, it was observed for all dates evaluated a decreasing tendency of fluorescence after 5 hours of exposure to heat treatment at 45º C. In reference to pigments, at 65 DAFB, a significant increase in carotenoids and total chlorophyll concentrations exists, for all treatments in comparison with the control. Total phenols quantification at 78 and 113 DAFB showed highly significant differences, with increased T1 and T2; for the 65 and 150 DAFB, the concentrations tend to increase with heat stress, for treatments 1 and 2. The antioxidant activity at 5 sampling dates indicated a trend to increasing concentrations as the stress increases, which was significant at 78 DAFB under the ABTS method. The quercetin tended to increase in 3 of the 5 dates (65, 113 and 150 DAFB), especially in T3 and T4. For Trial 2, significant differences in the rates of dehydration, total phenol and antioxidant activity were found, mainly on severe and moderate damage levels, in exposed area and contour versus unexposed area. On total phenols concentration, a highly significant increase was observed in fruit with damage levels of severe, moderate and healthy, being the unexposed side the one with lower concentrations. The quercetin tends to increase in all levels of damage, being the healthy level which has lower concentrations; moreover, showed different behaviors in severe and moderate levels compared to healthy leve


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    Objetivo: Com base na teoria do Empreendedorismo Internacional, que culmina na teoria dos Born Globals, este estudo de caso tem como principal objetivo examinar as estratégias de internacionalização utilizadas por uma startup brasileira da área de óleo e gás, a CRN Engenharia, para entrada em mercados avançados. Método / abordagem: O método escolhido foi o estudo de caso, de caráter exploratório, ambiental e com o tipo de corte seccional. Para a coleta de dados fez-se uso da entrevista semiestruturada. A análise de conteúdo foi feita de acordo com as etapas de pré-análise, exploração do material e tratamento dos resultados (BARDIN, 1996). Principais resultados: Os resultados evidenciam e corroboram com a teoria, que para internacionalizar, essas empresas precisam fazer alianças comerciais transfronteiriças para minimizar riscos financeiros e culturais. Esses fatores mostram ser determinantes em como empresas de mercados emergentes, com alto poder de escalabilidade como as startups, respondem à distância institucional. Contribuições metodológicas / sociais / gerenciais: A pesquisa contribui com a evolução teórica do tema e aos estudos de campo relacionados às teorias do Empreendedorismo Internacional e estudos de caso na literatura brasileira sobre internacionalização, ainda pouco explorados na literatura, principalmente por se tratar de uma startup brasileira. Trata-se de uma importante contribuição para este campo compreender como essas organizações vêm superando os desafios da internacionalização, e assim, possibilitar caminhos mais assertivos para novas empresas nascentes. Originalidade / relevância: Mostra a importância de mais pesquisas empíricas ao ainda incipiente conjunto de estudos de campo relacionados às teorias do Empreendedorismo Internacional e startups no Brasil

    Total phenol and quercetin content and antioxidant activity in apples in response to thermal, light stress and to organic management

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    Flavonoids are the most abundant phenol compound group in apples, the concentration of which varies with the cultivars and climatic conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of temperature, solar radiation, sunburn damage of the peel and the state of development of fruit on total phenol concentrations, quercetin glycosides and antioxidant activity. Three assays were conducted during the 2008/09 season to evaluate aforementioned variables on these parameters. The following season, the effect of the state of development on the fruit was evaluated. Sunburn increased phenol concentrations from 5.5 to 8.7 mg CAE* g FW-1. In relation to the state of development of the fruit, phenol concentrations decreased from 14 to 1.3 mg CAE* g FW-1 between 32 DAFB to harvest, respectively.  Fruit that was bagged until one month before harvest had significantly higher concentrations of quercetin rutinoside (28 mg*g-1FW), galactoside (484 mg*g-1FW) and glucoside (54 mg*g-1FW) than fruit that remained bagged until harvest (6, 161 and 21 mg*g-1FW, respectively). Temperature did influence phenol concentrations. This study determined that sunburn, the state of development and bagging the fruit are factors that determine phenol concentration in apples

    Population pharmacokinetics of intravenous acyclovir in oncologic pediatric patients

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    Background: Acyclovir represents the first-line prophylaxis and therapy for herpes virus infections. However, its pharmacokinetics in children exposes them to the risk of ineffective or toxic concentrations. The study was aimed at investigating the population pharmacokinetics (POP/PK) of intravenous (IV) acyclovir in oncologic children. Methods: Patients (age, 8.6 ± 5.0 years, 73 males and 47 females) received IV acyclovir for prophylaxis (n = 94) and therapy (n = 26) under a therapeutic drug monitoring (i.e., minimum and maximal plasma concentrations, >0.5 and <25 mg/L, respectively). Plasma concentrations were fitted by nonlinear mixed effect modeling and a simulation of dosing regimens was performed. Findings were stratified according to an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) threshold of 250 ml/min/1.73m2. Results: The final 1-compartment POP/PK model showed that eGFR had a significant effect on drug clearance, while allometric body weight influenced both clearance and volume of distribution. The population clearance (14.0 ± 5.5 L/h) was consistent across occasions. Simulation of standard 1-h IV infusion showed that a 10-mg/kg dose every 6 h achieved target concentrations in children with normal eGFR (i.e., ≤250 ml/min/1.73m2). Increased eGFR values required higher doses that led to an augmented risk of toxic peak concentrations. On the contrary, simulated prolonged (i.e., 2 and 3-h) or continuous IV infusions at lower doses increased the probability of target attainment while reducing the risk of toxicities. Conclusion: Due to the variable pharmacokinetics of acyclovir, standard dosing regimens may not be effective in some patients. Prospective trials should confirm the therapeutic advantage of prolonged and continuous IV infusion

    Superconducting tunable flux qubit with direct readout scheme

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    We describe a simple and efficient scheme for the readout of a tunable flux qubit, and present preliminary experimental tests for the preparation, manipulation and final readout of the qubit state, performed in incoherent regime at liquid Helium temperature. The tunable flux qubit is realized by a double SQUID with an extra Josephson junction inserted in the large superconducting loop, and the readout is performed by applying a current ramp to the junction and recording the value for which there is a voltage response, depending on the qubit state. This preliminary work indicates the feasibility and efficiency of the scheme.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Narrative Based Medicine as a tool for needs assessment of patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Background and aim: In the last years we have seen an ever increasing number of patients with haematologic disorders who need hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The whole sector of HSCT results, infact to be in a continous scientific and technological clinical progress, offering a very advanced care. Despite this, some aspects are underconsidered, some of which could be fundamental to determine the success of the care pathway, such as the experience of the illness by the patient. Using a Narrative Based Medicine approach we wanted to investigate clinical, psychosocial and organizational aspects of the patient\u2019s journey whilst undergoing HSCT. Method: Various narrative interviews were conducted using non-structured approach. Results were analysed by thematic contents. Results: Psycological dimension is the most compromised: above all emerged sentiments of oppression linked to the isolation period in the Low Bacterial Load (LBL) room. To note are also the different dynamics with which the patients perceive the organisation and hospital structures, and how much these factors can influence their care experience. Conclusions: Results suggest the need in clinical practice of an integration between qualitative and clinical approach, so as to permit the psychosocial and relational necessities to emerge, often unexpressed by patients undergoing HSCT

    Efecto del raleador químico Metamitrón sobre el calibre, color y condición de manzanas cv. Ultra Red Gala

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    31 p.Durante la temporada 2019/2020 se realizó un ensayo para determinar el efecto del Metamitrón, como refuerzo del programa de raleo químico de un huerto comercial, sobre las variables fisiológicas de los frutos en un huerto comercial, perteneciente a Frutícola El Aromo S.A., ubicado en la localidad de “Quebrada de Agua”, comuna de San Clemente, provincia de Talca, Región del Maule - Chile (35° 30’ Latitud Sur, 71° 28’ Longitud Oeste; 200 m.s.n.m). Se utilizaron árboles de manzano cv. Ultra Red Gala / MM 111, plantados en el año 2003 a 4 x 2 m, con una densidad de 1.250 plantas/ha, conducidos en sistema Solaxe y con una disposición oriente-poniente. Las evaluaciones se realizaron considerando dos tratamientos I) Control; II) Uso de Metamitrón. Los resultados demostraron que el Metamitrón ayudó a obtener un mayor calibre, acumulando un 28,4% más de fruta entre los calibres 70 – 100 respecto a la obtenida en el testigo. Por otra parte, en la primera cosecha se detectaron diferencias significativas en cuanto a la firmeza de la pulpa, mostrando valores más bajos a los medidos en el Control. En cuanto a los indicadores de productividad, hay una diferencia favorable significativa en el peso promedio de cada fruto en el tratamiento con Metamitrón

    Anti-PD1 Consolidation in Patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma at High Risk of Relapse after Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation: A Multicenter Real-Life Study

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    (1) Background: Consolidation therapy is an emerging strategy for patients with relapsed/refractory (RR) Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) at high risk of failing salvage autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). (2) Objectives: To assess the safety and effectiveness of PD1-blockade consolidation for these high-risk patients. (3) Design: Multi-center retrospective analysis. (4) Methods: We identified 26 patients given anti-PD1 consolidation, from June 2016 to May 2020. (5) Results: Patients displayed the following risk factors: refractory disease (69%), relapse 3, occurred in 12 patients (46.15%) and mainly included skin rashes (41.7%), transaminitis (33.3%), and thyroid hypofunction (25%). Patients completed a median of 13 courses (range 6–30). At a median follow-up of 25.8 months post-ASCT, the median progression-free (PFS) was 42.6 months, with a 2-year PFS and overall survival rates of 79% and 87%, respectively. (6) Conclusions: Post-ASCT consolidation with anti-PD1 is feasible and effective. Further studies are warranted to define the optimal treatment length and patients’ subsets more likely to benefit from this approach

    Adherence of systematic reviews to Cochrane RoB2 guidance was frequently poor : A meta epidemiological study

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    Objectives To assess whether the use of the revised Cochrane risk of bias tool for randomized trials (RoB2) in systematic reviews (SRs) adheres to RoB2 guidance. Methods We searched MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library from 2019 to May 2021 to identify SRs using RoB2. We analyzed methods and results sections to see whether risk of bias was assessed at outcome measure level and applied to primary outcomes of the SR as per RoB2 guidance. The relation between SR characteristics and adequacy of RoB2 use was examined by logistic regression analysis. Results Two hundred-eight SRs were included. We could assess adherence in 137 SRs as 12 declared using RoB2 but actually used RoB1 and 59 did not report the number of primary outcomes. The tool usage was adherent in 69.3% SRs. Considering SRs with multiple primary outcomes, adherence dropped to 28.8%. We found a positive association between RoB2 guidance adherence and the methodological quality of the reviews assessed by AMSTAR2 (p-for-trend 0.007). Multivariable regression analysis suggested journal impact factor [first quartile vs. other quartiles] was associated with RoB2 adherence (OR 0.34; 95% CI: 0.16-0.72). Conclusions Many SRs did not adhere to RoB2 guidance as they applied the tool at the study level rather than at the outcome measure level. Lack of adherence was more likely among low and very low quality reviews