118 research outputs found

    Copyright issues related to the digitization of cultural heritage in Croatia

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    A proliferation of the EU programmes and action plans on digitization proves that there is a political will to digitize and make available to the public the rich cultural heritage of Europe. The article tracks the development of these ideas and actions and focuses on one of the obstacles to overcome - the lack of consistency in approaches to intellectual property rights. The aim of the investigation described in the paper has been to find out how copyright issues related to the digitization performed by public institutions such as libraries and archives have been dealt with in Croatia. Information collected from the national electronic portal Croatian Cultural Heritage was further enriched by interviews held with the persons responsible for digitization projects in four major public institutions in the country. A lack of suitable registries or databases with data on the national authors has been noted. Institutions show different approach to digital copies they produce; some consider themselves to be publishers and rights holders of new digital editions of works, while the others take digitization primarily as a means of protection of originals. As a rule institution have a policy of copyright management, even if a rudimentary one. All institutions provide copyright information, sometimes with a copyright disclaimer. They use watermarking as a technical protection measure. Digitized materials are provided at no cost on the Internet for private use and research. Use of materials for commercial purposes has to be paid for and the institutions look upon it as a source of revenue to fund further digitization activities. The institutions’ policy toward derivative works, i.e. offering the opportunity to users to create their own content is yet to be determined


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    Breeding program should focus on high protein content although generally there is a negative correlation between protein content and yield. To obtain information about the reaction of winter wheat genotypes to different environmental conditions, experiments were set up with 18 winter wheat genotypes in four replications at four locations with different soil types in two seasons. Protein content, wet gluten content and sedimentation value were analyzed. The genotype Divana had a high mean protein content accompained with a high positive interaction between genotype and environment. The genotypes Golubica, Mihaela and Renata formed an adaptive group with moderate positive interaction. Distribution of genotypes points in the AMMI II biplot revealed that the genotype Sana scattered closest to the origin, indicating minimal interaction of this genotype with environments. Wet gluten content ranged from 18.3 % (genotype Aida in Pozega 2009) to 39.3 % (genotype Golubica in Osijek 2010). The highest sedimentation value was obtained at location Osijek 2010 (genotypes Renata, Golubica, and Divana). Investigated quality parameters (protein content, wet gluten content, sedimentation value) were highly correlated. This information about stability of quality parameters is helpful in selecting proper genotypes for wheat breeders, growers, millers and bakers for their end products with desired quality characteristics, which should be combined with good rheological and agronomic traits.Program oplemenjivanja se usmjerava na visok sadržaj proteina iako općenito postoji negativna korelacija između sadržaja proteina i prinosa. Za dobivanje informacija o reakciji genotipova ozime pšenice u različitim uvjetima okoliša, pokusi su postavljeni sa 18 genotipova ozime pšenice u četiri ponavljanja na četiri lokacije s različitim tipovima tla u dvije sezone. Analizirani su sadržaj proteina, vlažni gluten i sedimentacijska vrijednost brašna. Genotip Divana je imao visoki prosječni sadržaj proteina popraćen visokom pozitivnom interakcijom genotipa i okoline. Genotipovi Golubica, Mihaela i Renata su formirali adaptivnu grupu sa srednje pozitivnom interakcijom. Raspodjela genotipova u AMMI II biplotu otkrila je da je genotip Sana najbliže ishodištu, što pokazuje minimalnu interakciju ovog genotipa s okolinama. Vlažni gluten se kretao od 18,3% (genotip Aida u Požegi 2009) do 39,3% (genotip Golubica u Osijeku 2010.). Najveća sedimentacijska vrijednost zabilježena je na lokaciji Osijek 2010 (genotipovi Renata, Golubica, i Divana). Ispitivani parametri kvalitete (protein, vlažni gluten, sedimentacijska vrijednost) vrlo su usko povezani. Informacije u vezi stabilnosti nekih parametara kvalitete mogu pomoći oplmenjivačima, proizvođačima, mlinarima i pekarima u odabiru odgovarajućih genotipova pšenice, da se dobiju krajnji proizvodi sa željenim osobinama kvalitete, koji bi trebali biti u kombinaciji s dobrim reološkim i agronomskim svojstvima


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    Breeding program should focus on high protein content although generally there is a negative correlation between protein content and yield. To obtain information about the reaction of winter wheat genotypes to different environmental conditions, experiments were set up with 18 winter wheat genotypes in four replications at four locations with different soil types in two seasons. Protein content, wet gluten content and sedimentation value were analyzed. The genotype Divana had a high mean protein content accompained with a high positive interaction between genotype and environment. The genotypes Golubica, Mihaela and Renata formed an adaptive group with moderate positive interaction. Distribution of genotypes points in the AMMI II biplot revealed that the genotype Sana scattered closest to the origin, indicating minimal interaction of this genotype with environments. Wet gluten content ranged from 18.3 % (genotype Aida in Pozega 2009) to 39.3 % (genotype Golubica in Osijek 2010). The highest sedimentation value was obtained at location Osijek 2010 (genotypes Renata, Golubica, and Divana). Investigated quality parameters (protein content, wet gluten content, sedimentation value) were highly correlated. This information about stability of quality parameters is helpful in selecting proper genotypes for wheat breeders, growers, millers and bakers for their end products with desired quality characteristics, which should be combined with good rheological and agronomic traits.Program oplemenjivanja se usmjerava na visok sadržaj proteina iako općenito postoji negativna korelacija između sadržaja proteina i prinosa. Za dobivanje informacija o reakciji genotipova ozime pšenice u različitim uvjetima okoliša, pokusi su postavljeni sa 18 genotipova ozime pšenice u četiri ponavljanja na četiri lokacije s različitim tipovima tla u dvije sezone. Analizirani su sadržaj proteina, vlažni gluten i sedimentacijska vrijednost brašna. Genotip Divana je imao visoki prosječni sadržaj proteina popraćen visokom pozitivnom interakcijom genotipa i okoline. Genotipovi Golubica, Mihaela i Renata su formirali adaptivnu grupu sa srednje pozitivnom interakcijom. Raspodjela genotipova u AMMI II biplotu otkrila je da je genotip Sana najbliže ishodištu, što pokazuje minimalnu interakciju ovog genotipa s okolinama. Vlažni gluten se kretao od 18,3% (genotip Aida u Požegi 2009) do 39,3% (genotip Golubica u Osijeku 2010.). Najveća sedimentacijska vrijednost zabilježena je na lokaciji Osijek 2010 (genotipovi Renata, Golubica, i Divana). Ispitivani parametri kvalitete (protein, vlažni gluten, sedimentacijska vrijednost) vrlo su usko povezani. Informacije u vezi stabilnosti nekih parametara kvalitete mogu pomoći oplmenjivačima, proizvođačima, mlinarima i pekarima u odabiru odgovarajućih genotipova pšenice, da se dobiju krajnji proizvodi sa željenim osobinama kvalitete, koji bi trebali biti u kombinaciji s dobrim reološkim i agronomskim svojstvima

    Changes of Agronomic and Quality Traits in Fusarium-inoculated Wheat Genotypes

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    Wheat is an important crop grown in Croatia, with production approximately 4 t ha-1 in average from 1996 till 2006. The main growing areas for wheat production in Croatia are situated in the eastern part of Croatia. Wheat plants are attacked by several Fusarium species responsible for diseases, such as seedling blight, crown or foot rot. The aim of this paper was to test agronomic and quality traits of wheat genotypes under Fusarium infection. In total 24 genotypes were evaluated in 2008/09 at the experimental fi eld of Agricultural Institute Osijek (Croatia). Wheat plants were inoculated with F. culmorum (first treatment), and the second treatment were control plots which were left to natural infection. Spray inoculations were performed individually for each genotype at flowering (Zadok’s scale 65) using a hand-held-sprayer. The genotypes Libellula, Divana, Soissons and Srpanjka showed smallest grain yield reduction in inoculation treatment as compared to the control treatment. Almost all genotypes had higher protein content, sedimentation value and wet gluten content under infection with F. culmorum (inoculation treatment). Low differences between control and inoculation treatments in quality traits had genotypes Sirban Prolifi k, Pipi and Super Zitarka. Also it is important to check dough reheological properties and baking performance in inoculation treatment. The obtained results in combination with phenotypic selection could be a strategy to develop genotypes with improved Fusarium resistance

    Changes of Agronomic and Quality Traits in Fusarium-inoculated Wheat Genotypes

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    Wheat is an important crop grown in Croatia, with production approximately 4 t ha-1 in average from 1996 till 2006. The main growing areas for wheat production in Croatia are situated in the eastern part of Croatia. Wheat plants are attacked by several Fusarium species responsible for diseases, such as seedling blight, crown or foot rot. The aim of this paper was to test agronomic and quality traits of wheat genotypes under Fusarium infection. In total 24 genotypes were evaluated in 2008/09 at the experimental fi eld of Agricultural Institute Osijek (Croatia). Wheat plants were inoculated with F. culmorum (first treatment), and the second treatment were control plots which were left to natural infection. Spray inoculations were performed individually for each genotype at flowering (Zadok’s scale 65) using a hand-held-sprayer. The genotypes Libellula, Divana, Soissons and Srpanjka showed smallest grain yield reduction in inoculation treatment as compared to the control treatment. Almost all genotypes had higher protein content, sedimentation value and wet gluten content under infection with F. culmorum (inoculation treatment). Low differences between control and inoculation treatments in quality traits had genotypes Sirban Prolifi k, Pipi and Super Zitarka. Also it is important to check dough reheological properties and baking performance in inoculation treatment. The obtained results in combination with phenotypic selection could be a strategy to develop genotypes with improved Fusarium resistance

    Similarity of cultivars of wheat (triticum durum) on the basis of composition of gliadin alleles

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    Djukic N., D. Knezevic, D. Horvat, D. Zivancev and A. Torbica (2011): Similarity of cultivars of wheat (Triticum durum) on the basis of composition of gliadin alleles. - Genetika, Vol 43, No. 3, 527- 536. Twenty one durum wheat cultivars originating from different world countries were investigated. Composition of gliadins was analyzed by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Allele composition of gliadins was determined on the basis of identified gliadin blocks. Polymorphisms of Gli-loci was established and 27 different gliadin alleles were identified, namely, 5 at Gli-A1, 4 at Gli-B1, 9 at Gli-A2 and 9 alleles at Gli-B2 locus. The catalogue of determined alleles was presented. Frequency of alleles ranged from 4.76% to 42.86%. Heterozygous Gli- loci were identified at two durum cultivars. Similarity among cultivars was studied on composition of Gli-alleles and presented by UPGMA dendogram. On the base of Gli-allele composition, similarity varied from 0% to 100%

    Quality of wheat cultivars created at the Agricultural Institute Osijek in relation to high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW – GS) composition

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    Abstract Background and Purpose: The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of high molecularweight glutenin subunits(HMW-GS) composition of the Glu-1 loci on the quality of winter wheat cultivars created at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. Materials and Methods: Ten winter wheat cultivars were grown in 4 different locations during two years in a randomized complete block (RCB) experimental design with three repetitions at each location. Samples were collected and subjected to quality analysis and determination of HMW-GS composition by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Results: Considering theHMW-GS composition, the most frequent subunit at the Glu-A1 locus was N, at the Glu-B1 locus 7+9 and at the Glu-D1 locus 2+12. The analyzed cultivar Demetra, with subunits 5+10 at the Glu-D1 locus, has shown the best bread-making quality. Among cultivars with subunits 2+12 at the Glu-D1 locus, the cultivars with subunits 7+8 at the Glu-B1 locus have shown on average better characteristics of gluten strength with regard to higher values of Gluten Index and resistance to exstensibility ratio (R/Ext). The results of the linear correlation between quality parameters and HMW-GS composition, expressed as the Glu-1 score, have shown the most significant (P<0.05) influence ofHMW- -GS on Gluten Index r=0.42), dough energy (r=0.48) and dough maximum resistance (r=0.47). Conclusions: These results indicated that the presence of HMW-GS 5+10 and 7+8 contributes to higher bread-making quality of analyzed cultivars. TheHMW-GS composition has predictive value in quality analysis, therefore, the composition ofHMW-GS at the Glu-1 loci has to be taken into consideration when parents for a bread wheat breeding programme are chosen

    The Relation between Dough Rheology and Bread Crumb Properties in Winter Wheat

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    The present paper is focused on rheology dough properties of winter wheat cultivars in relation to bread crumb properties. The rheological characteristics of wheat fl our were evaluated by using Farinograph and Extensograph tests. The image analysis for bread crumb grain assessment was applied as alternative technique for more rapid and efficient measurement of bread characteristics. The highest significant positive correlation (P<0.05) was found between bread crumb properties and extensographic parameters: dough energy, maximum dough resistance and resistance to extensibility ratio. Cultivars ‘Klara’, ‘Barbara’, ‘Žitarka’ and ‘Golubica’ have shown finer and uniform bread crumbs with regard to optimal dough physicochemical characteristics

    Domestic hulless barley and malt as an easily available source of β-glucan

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    β-Glucans are described as non-starch polysaccharides, characterized by (1→3), (1→4) β-D-glucose linkage. In human nutrition, they are regarded as extremely wanted because of their bioactive and medicinal properties. Since β-glucans comprise soluble fibres that have the ability to lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, reduce the risk of heart disease and colon cancer. Especially desirable are (1,3)-β-D-glucans because they act as immunomodulatory agents. The aim of this paper was to determine the mass fraction of β-glucans and the ratio of total and soluble β-glucans in barley and malt in domestic hulless barley varieties. Hulless barley is an accesible and cheap source of β-glucans. Four different domestic varieties of hulless barley obtained from the Agricultural Institute Osijek were examined. The results indicate that all tested varieties have higher β-glucans content than standard winter and spring varietes. Variety Matko showed close relation to the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) recommendations of 750 mg of soluble β-glucans per serving