26 research outputs found

    Postpartum depressive symptoms in the first 17months after childbirth: the impact of an emotionally supportive partnership

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    Objectives: This study investigates the impact on different postpartum depressive trajectories (i.e., "non depressive symptoms”, "stable depressive symptoms”, "deterioration” and "improvement”) from 5-17months after childbirth exerted by emotional support that mothers receive from their partners and emotional support they provide to their partners. Methods: Postpartum depressive symptoms were assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale 5 and 17months after delivery in a sample of 293 mothers. Emotional support received from the partners was assessed among both mothers and partners. Results: The initial level and the change in emotional support that mothers received from their partners were related to different trajectories of postpartum depressive symptoms. Mothers who were living in a partnership with low reciprocal emotional support showed a significantly higher risk of suffering from "stable depressive symptoms” than mothers who were living in a partnership with high reciprocal emotional support. Conclusions: An increased risk of persistent depressive symptoms beyond the early postpartum period was observed in mothers with poor reciprocal emotional support in the partnership. Further research is needed for a better understanding of the mothers persistent depressive symptoms after childbirth associated with reciprocity of emotional support in the partnershi

    El rendimiento académico de estudiantes de Odontología en la asignatura de Morfología como predictor del tiempo real de titulación y rendimiento académico en asignaturas de alto crédito.

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    The relevance of basic sciences as predictors of students’ academic performance has great impact in healthcare education. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the predictive role of dental students’ academic performance in the subject of Morphology on high credit subjects in the preclinical and clinical phase, and on real time of graduation. A retrospective correlational study was conducted with 672 dental students (2002 to 2012) at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile. The variables studied were sex, year of admission and graduation, and academic performance in the subjects of Morphology (first year), Preclinics (third year), and Integral Adult Clinics of fourth and fifth year. Data analysis were conducted by means of Pearson’s correlation tests and structural equation modeling. Morphology academic performance was significantly associated, and predicted the academic performance in Adult Preclinical (r=0.25 p<.01, b=0.250 p<.001), fourth-year Adult Clinic (r=0.20 p<.01, b=0.198 p<.001) and fifth-year Adult Clinic (r=0.14 p<.01, b=0.138 p<.001), and was negatively with real graduation time. The model analyzed explained a 68.5 % variance in real time of the graduation. The results of this study contribute to strengthening the available evidence in relation to the relevance of students’ performance in the subject of Morphology for their development and training throughout the dental curriculum, as well as justifying the timely identification and support for those students experiencing difficulties in this subject

    Induction of NETosis in ovine colostral PMN upon exposure to Neospora caninum tachyzoites

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    Colostrum is one of the most important factors influencing the health and development of mammalian neonates. It is well-established that leukocytes, including polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN), migrate from the mother to the infant via colostrum uptake. In this study, for the first time, we studied the ability of ovine colostral-derived PMN to extrude neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) against the abortive apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum. Although this cell population plays a significant role in the transmission of maternal innate immunity to neonates, little is known about colostral PMN activities in sheep. However, this cell population is a significant source of the transfer of maternal immunity to the neonate. Colostral PMN continues to exert immunological effects even after transitioning into the colostrum. The present study aimed to investigate the extrusion of NETs by ovine colostral PMN exposed to the apicomplexan parasite, N. caninum, which is known to cause devastating reproductive disorders in cattle, small ruminants, wildlife animals, and dogs. The present study is the first to demonstrate that ovine colostral PMN can produce NETs after stimulation with vital N. caninum tachyzoites. Ovine colostrum-derived NETs were detected by chromatin staining and antibody-based immunofluorescence staining of NET-specific structures, including neutrophil elastase (NE) and global histones (H1, H2A/H2B, H3, H4), as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis

    Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of the organic acids lactic and acetic acids to reduce microbiological surface contamination on pork carcasses and pork cuts

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    Studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of lactic and acetic acids to reduce microbiological surface contamination on pork carcasses pre-chill and pork meat cuts post-chill were assessed. Lactic acid treatments consisted of 2–5% solutions at temperatures of up to 80°C applied to carcasses by spraying or up to 55°C applied on cuts by spraying or dipping. Acetic acid treatments consisted of 2–4% solutions at temperatures of up to 40°C applied on carcasses by spraying or on cuts by spraying or dipping. The maximum treatment duration was 30 s. The Panel concluded that: [1] the treatments are of no safety concern, provided that the substances comply with the European Union specifications for food additives; [2] spraying of pork carcasses pre-chill with lactic acid was efficacious compared to untreated control, but based on the available data, the Panel could not conclude whether lactic acid was more efficacious than water treatment when spraying of pork carcasses pre-chill or pork meat cuts post-chill. The Panel concluded that dipping of pork meat cuts post-chill in lactic acid was more efficacious than water treatment. However, it could not conclude on the efficacy of acetic acid treatment of pork carcasses pre-chill and/or pork meat cuts post-chill; [3] the potential selection and emergence of bacteria with reduced susceptibility to biocides and/or resistance to therapeutic antimicrobials linked to the use of the substances is unlikely as long as Good Hygienic Practices are implemented; and [4] the release of both organic acids is not of concern for the environment, assuming that wastewaters released by the slaughterhouses are treated, if necessary, to counter the potentially low pH caused by lactic or acetic acid, in compliance with local rules.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Behandlung von KĂŒhen mit GebĂ€rparese mit hochdosiertem Kalzium intravenös und Natriumphosphat per os

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    Die Ziele dieser Arbeit waren es, bei KĂŒhen mit GebĂ€rparese infolge HypokalzĂ€mie und HypophosphatĂ€mie den Elektrolytverlauf im Blut sowie den Therapieerfolg nach zwei verschiedenen TherapieansĂ€tzen zu vergleichen. Die 20 KĂŒhe der Gruppe A erhielten 500 ml einer Kalziumlösung intravenös. Die 20 KĂŒhe der Gruppe B wurden mit 1000 ml derselben Kalziumlösung intravenös sowie 500 g Natriumphosphat per os behandelt. In beiden Gruppen stiegen die Kalziumkonzentrationen direkt nach Behandlungsbeginn in den hyperkalzĂ€mischen Bereich an, um nach 90 Minuten (Gruppe A) bzw. 7 Stunden (Gruppe B) wieder in den normokalzĂ€mischen Bereich abzusinken. In der Gruppe A lag nach 8, in der Gruppe B erst nach 24 Stunden wieder eine leichte HypokalzĂ€mie vor. Die Phosphatverlaufskurven unterschieden sich zwischen den beiden Gruppen signifikant. Bei den KĂŒhen der Gruppe A stieg die Konzentration langsam an und war erst nach 48 Stunden im Normalbereich. Bei den KĂŒhen der Gruppe B hingegen war der Anstieg deutlich schneller, sodass bereits nach 90 Minuten eine NormophosphatĂ€mie bestand. Der Therapieerfolg nach Erstbehandlung unterschied sich zwischen den Gruppen nicht signifikant, er lag in der Gruppe A bei 60 % und in der Gruppe B bei 70 %. Auch die Rezidivrate unterschied sich zwischen den Gruppen nicht signifikant (Gruppe A: 15 %, Gruppe B: 20 %). In der Gruppe A erkrankten mit 6 KĂŒhen (30 %) tendenziell (P = 0.09) mehr Tiere an einem Downer-Cow-Syndrom als in der Gruppe B mit einem Tier (5 %). The goal of this study was to compare serum electrolyte concentrations and outcome in cows with parturient paresis attributable to hypocalcaemia and hypophosphataemia that were treated with two different therapy concepts. 20 cows in group A received 500 ml of calcium solution intravenously. 20 Cows in group B received 1000 ml of the same solution intravenously and 500 g sodium phosphate orally. The concentration of serum calcium increased above the reference interval immediately after the start of treatment in both groups and decreased to normal levels 90 min post treatment in group A and 7 h after the start of treatment in group B. In group A there was a mild hypocalcaemia at 8 h post treatment, in group B hypocalcaemia was seen only 24 h after the start of treatment. The concentration of inorganic phosphorus differed significantly between the two groups; the concentration increased slowly in group A and was within the reference interval 48 h post treatment, whereas in group B, the concentration increased more rapidly and was within the reference interval 90 min after the start of treatment. The outcome of the initial treatment did not differ significantly between the groups; 60 % of cows in Group A and 70 % of cows in group B were successfully treated. The recurrence rate did not differ significantly and was 15 % in group A and 20 % in group B with an average of 17.5 %. There was a trend (P = 0.09) toward more downer cows in group A (30 %) than in group B (5 %)

    Rumen perforation caused by horn injury in two cows

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    Post-operative complications of trocarisation and rumenotomy are the most common causes of peritonitis associated with a rumen disorder. Since horn injury leading to rumen perforation has not previously been reported in the literature, two cows with this condition are reported. Small superficial skin lesions were observed in one of the cows and the other had a perforating skin lesion in the left abdomen. Both cows had signs of hypovolaemic shock. Ultrasonography revealed hypoechoic fluid, echoic lesions and occasional fibrinous septa caudoventral to the reticulum. Caudally the fluid extended to the left flank fold and occupied about one third of the peritoneal cavity. The area of the skin perforation in the left abdomen was swollen and the muscle layers could not be differentiated using ultrasonography. Diffuse fibrino-purulent peritonitis was diagnosed in both cows, and because of a poor prognosis, they were euthanased and necropsied. Perforation of the abdominal wall and rumen with diffuse fibrino-purulent peritonitis was present. Ultrasonography is a suitable tool to characterise the inflammatory lesions between the rumen and left abdominal wall and objectify the interpretation of clinical findings. Horn injury should be included in the rule outs for cattle with left abdominal skin wounds and diffuse peritonitis

    Treatment of cows with parturient paresis using intravenous calcium and oral sodium phosphate

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    The goal of this study was to investigate whether intravenous infusion of 1000 ml 40% calcium borogluconate combined with the oral adminstration of 500 g sodium phosphate leads to a better cure rate and longer-lasting normocalcaemia and normophosphataemia than standard intravenous treatment with 500 ml calcium borogluconate in cows with parturient paresis. Forty recumbent cows with hypocalcaemia and hypophosphataemia were alternately allocated to group A or B. Cows of both groups were treated intravenously with 500 ml 40% calcium borogluconate, and cows of group B additionally received another 500 ml calcium borogluconate via slow intravenous infusion and 500 g sodium phosphate administered via an orogastric tube. Thirty-two cows stood within 8 hours after the start of treatment and 8 did not; of the 32 cows that stood, 18 belonged to group A and 14 to group B (90% of group A vs. 70% of group B; P = 0.23). Seven cows relapsed; of these and the 8 that did not respond to initial treatment, 10 stood after two standard intravenous treatments. Downer cow syndrome occurred in 5 cows, 3 of which recovered after aggressive therapy. The overall cure rate did not differ significantly between groups A and B. Twelve (60%) cows of group A and 14 (70%) cows of group B were cured after a single treatment and of the remaining 14, 11 were cured after two or more treatments. Two downer cows were euthanized and one other died of heart failure during treatment. Serum calcium concentrations during the first eight hours after the start of treatment were significantly higher in group B than in group A, and oral sodium phosphate caused a significant and lasting increase in inorganic phosphate. More cows of group B than group A were cured after a single treatment (P > 0.05). These findings, although not statistically significant, are promising and should be verified using a larger number of cows

    Vorkommen und Therapievarianten beim bovinen Prolaps uteri

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