29 research outputs found

    Evaluation of cases of concussion and subluxation in the permanent dentition: a retrospective study

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    Objectives: This study evaluated the evolution of cases of concussion and subluxation through a retrospective study of 20 years. Material and Methods:Were examined clinical and radiographic records of 1,309 patients who underwent treatment of dentoalveolar trauma in the discipline of Integrated Clinic of the School of Dentistry of Araçatuba, UNESP, of which we selected 137 whose patients had concussion and subluxation injuries, with average age of 23.3 (SD – 10.96). The variables collected were: gender, age, history of previous and actual trauma, treatments performed, the presence of necrotic pulp, and time elapsed until the same trauma. The concussion and subluxation groups were subjected to statistical analyses using the SPSS 16.0 version software (α=0.05), Chi-square, and t-tests. Results: Of the 301 teeth involved, 49 (16.3%) suffered concussion and 252 (83.7%), subluxation, being the upper anterior teeth the most affected (75.1%) for both conditions. Subluxation and concussion traumas were more prevalent in men aged 10 to 20 years, most caused by cycling accidents (36.2%). There was a concomitant presence of crown fracture in 21% of cases of concussion and 34.7% of subluxation. Pulp necrosis was detected in 16.3% (concussion) and 27.1% (subluxation) (p=0.12), and most occurred within 6 months after the trauma (p=0.29). The pulp necrosis shows a positive correlation with motorcycle accidents (p=0.01), direct impact (p≤0.0001), crown fracture with pulp exposure (p≤0.0001), darkening of the crown (p=0.004) and spontaneous pain (p≤0.0001); and negative correlation with indirect impact (p≤0.0001). Conclusions: Although concussion and subluxation traumas are considered of minor degrees, they must be monitored, since the possibility of pulp necrosis exists, and its early treatment favors a good prognosis

    Effects of Maternal Pb2+ poisoning during pregnancy on the development of the jaw (Meckel´s Cartilage) of rat fetus

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of maternal lead poisoning during pregnancy on the development of the jaw (Meckel's cartilage) of rat fetuses by histologic and morphometric methods. Pregnant rats received a single intraperitoneal injection of 2.5 mg of lead acetate/100g body weight on the 10th day of pregnancy. Meckel's cartilage of fetuses of the lead-treated group showed smaller volume density and size of the lacunae, as well as modification of the lacunae shape. Moreover, the number density of lacunae and the volume density of the matrix increased significantly in the Meckel's cartilage in treated group fetuses. The results suggest that lead poisoning during the period of organogenesis can induce disturbances in the development and differentiation of the fetal stomatognathic system. Reducing the consumption of alcoholic beberages and smoking cessation by women in childbearing age, along with a strict policy of control of the environmental lead exposure can bring great benefits to the future generations of children

    Immediate tooth replantation: root canal filling for delayed initiation of endodontic treatment

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    Abstract The aim of this study is to evaluate the action of paramonochlorophenol associated with Furacin followed by calcium hydroxide (CH) dressing in the control of inflammatory root resorption in cases of immediate tooth replantation with delayed endodontic treatment. A total of 28 incisors of 3 male dogs were extracted and replanted after 15 minutes, and randomly divided into 3 groups: Group I (n = 8) - endodontic treatment was performed before the extraction and replantation; Group II (n = 10) - endodontic treatment was performed 30 days after replantation and the root canal was filled with CH dressing; Group III (n = 10) - endodontic treatment was performed 30 days after replantation and root canals received temporary medication of paramonochlorophenol-Furacin followed by CH dressing. The animals were euthanized 90 days after replantation. The histomorphological events analyzed at the epithelial reattachment site were the intensity and extent of acute and chronic inflammatory processes, periodontal ligament (PDL) organization, the intensity and extent of acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the PDL space, root resorption, bone tissue, and ankylosis. Data were submitted to the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test for group comparison (α = 5%). In Groups I, II and III the periodontal ligament was regenerated and most of the resorption areas were repaired by newly formed cementum. The depth and extent of root resorption were significantly higher in Group II than in Group III. The use of paramonochlorophenol-furacin followed by CH dressing was more effective in controlling inflammatory root resorption after immediate tooth replantation


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    Statement of problem. Noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are a frequent challenge in clinical dental practice, given the variety of opinions regarding their etiology, diagnosis, and treatment.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential relationship between occlusal forces and the occurrence of NCCLs.Material and methods. The participant population consisted of 111 volunteers (30 male and 81 female, mean age 23.6 years). General personal information was recorded, after which participants were examined for the presence and location of NCCLs, gingival recession, fracture lines, dental and restoration fractures, presence and location of tooth wear, type of occlusal guidance scheme for lateral mandibular movements, and existence of occlusal interference or premature contacts. The participants were divided according to the presence or absence of NCCLs, and data were statistically analyzed with the Independent t test, the Chi-square test, and the Fisher exact test (alpha=.05).Results. A significant association was found between the presence of NCCLs and age (P=.008), gingival recession (P<.001), occlusal trauma (P<.001), presence (P<.001) and location of tooth wear, and group function as occlusal guidance scheme in lateral excursive movements (P<.001).Conclusions. A strong relationship between the presence of NCCLs and occlusal overload was found. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;108:298-303

    Relation between bruxism and dental implants

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to gather information and discuss the predictability of implant-supported prostheses in patients with bruxism by performing a literature review. METHODS: In order to select the studies included in this review, a detailed search was performed in PubMed and Medline databases, using the following key words: bruxism, dental implants, implant supported prosthesis, and dental restoration failure. Items that were included are: case reports, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature and systematic reviews, with or without meta-analysis, of the last 20 years that addressed the theme. Articles without abstracts, animal studies, articles in languages other than English and articles from journals unrelated to the dental field were excluded. RESULTS: after analysis according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 28 articles were selected from a total of 54. It is known from the array of scientific articles which have assessed, either through retrospective, prospective or experimental studies, that the biomechanical and biological impact of bruxism on implant-supported prostheses is small, and that the literature has contributed little to exemplify the prosthetic limits of safety for the specialist from a clinical point of view. CONCLUSION: Although there is still no general consensus on this matter, most of the literature review articles do provide clinical guidelines that contribute to implant supported prostheses longevity and stability in patients with bruxism.OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão sistemática, a fim de reunir informações e discutir a previsibilidade de próteses sobre implantes em pacientes com bruxismo. MÉTODOS: Para a identificação dos estudos dessa revisão, foi realizada uma estratégia de busca detalhada e avançada nos bancos de dados PubMed e Medline. Foram utilizados como descritores: bruxismo, implantes dentários, prótese implantossuportada e falha da restauração dentárial; bruxism, dental implants, implant-supported prosthesis e dental restoration failure. Os critérios de inclusão foram: artigos clínicos, estudos controlados aleatórios, estudos in vitro, revisões de literatura e revisões sistemáticas com e sem meta-análise dos últimos 20 anos que abordassem o tema proposto. Os critérios de exclusão foram: artigos sem resumo, estudos em animais, artigos cujo idioma não fosse o inglês e artigos de periódicos que não pertencessem à área odontológica. RESULTADOS: De um total de 54 artigos, após uma análise segundo o critério de inclusão e exclusão, foram selecionados 28 artigos. É sabido que a quantidade de artigos científicos que avaliaram, seja através de estudos retrospectivos, prospectivos ou experimentais, o impacto biológico e biomecânico do bruxismo em próteses sobre implantes é pequena e pouco tem contribuído para melhor exemplificação e discernimento dos limites protéticos de segurança para o especialista sob um ponto de vista clínico. CONCLUSÃO: Portanto, ainda não há um consenso geral acerca desse assunto, porém, a maioria dos artigos de revisão de literatura fornecem guias de orientação clínica, os quais auxiliam na longevidade e estabilidade de próteses sobre implantes em pacientes com bruxismo

    Terapéutica alternativa asociada al bruxismo: revisión de literatura

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    The aim of this study was to review the literature in order to discuss the main and the most effective therapeutic activities to control the nocturnal bruxism. To identify the studies included in this review, it was conducted a detailed and advanced search strategy in the PubMed and Medline databases. It was used as KEY WORDS: bruxism, therapeutics and drug therapy. Inclusion criteria were: case reports, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature reviews and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis of the past 10 years that addressed the theme. Exclusion criteria were: articles without abstract, animal studies, articles whose first language was not English and articles from journals that do not belong to the dentario field. From a total of 83 articles, after an analysis according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 33 articles were selected. Despite the fact that there is a small number of prospective clinical studies with high degree of reliability and most studies that evaluated the alternative treatments effectiveness are isolated case reports, the current literature shows that the use of botulinum toxin has been shown to be effective in the control of nocturnal bruxism. On the other hand, important aspects such as transitory effect, safe dosage and application technique are still little discussed, then, further studies are needed to have these doubts clarified.El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una revisión de literatura actualizada, con la finalidad de discutir las principales y más eficaces actividades terapéuticas en el control del bruxismo nocturno. Para la identificación de los estudios, fue realizada una estrategia de búsqueda detallada y avanzada en los bancos de datos: PubMed y Medline. Fueron utilizados como PALABRAS CLAVE: bruxism, therapeutics y drug therapy. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: artículos clínicos, estudios controlados aleatorios, estudios in vitro, revisiones de literatura y revisiones sistemáticas con y sin meta-análisis de los últimos 10 años, que aborden el tema propuesto. Los criterios de exclusión fueron: artículos sin resumen, estudios en animales, artículos cuyo idioma no sea el inglés y artículos de revistas que no pertenecen al área odontológica. De un total de 83 artículos, después de un análisis según el criterio de inclusión y exclusión, fueron seleccionados 33 artículos. A pesar de la pequeña cantidad de estudios clínicos prospectivos con alto grado de confiabilidad y que la mayoría de los estudios que evaluaron la eficacia de tratamientos alternativos fueron reportes de casos clínicos aislados, la literatura muestra que la utilización de la toxina botulínica se mostró eficaz para el control del bruxismo nocturno. Por otro lado, aspectos importantes como el efecto transitorio, dosis segura y técnica de aplicación aún son poco estudiados, de esa manera más investigaciones son necesarias para que esas dudas sean esclarecidas

    Effects of cigarette smoke on the Meckel's cartilage of rat fetus : Morphologic, morphometric and stereologic study

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cigarette smoke on the development of the embryo mandible (Meckel's) cartilage in rat fetuses. When inhaled by female Wistar rats between the 9th and the 12th day of pregnancy, cigarette smoke (5 cigarettes a day) caused intrauterine growth retardation, providing smaller fetuses and placentas. In fetuses from the experimental group, the histopathologic examination revealed a poorly developed Meckel' s cartilage with smaller chondroblasts showing a scanty cytoplasm with spherical and paler central nuclei, as well as more abundant cartilage matrix. Morphometric analysis revealed that Meckel's cartilage lacunae were smaller in the fetuses from the experimental group, although not showing any remarkable alteration in shape. The results suggested that inhalation of cigarette smoke by pregnant rats during the organogenic period induced growth retardation and delayed cellular differentiation in rat fetal Meckel's cartilage

    Clinical evaluation of the association of noncarious cervical lesions, parafunctional habits, and TMD diagnosis

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    Objective: To verify a potential association between the presence of noncarious cervical lesions, parafunctional habits, and temporomandibular disorder (TMD) diagnosis. Method and Materials: Sample-size calculation provided a value of 130 participants with a confidence level of 95% and an error margin of 5%. A population of 132 volunteers (30 men: mean age, 23.7 +/- 3.05 years; 102 women: mean age, 24.9 +/- 5.86 years) underwent an oral examination and was interviewed by a trained dentist. The following parameters were registered: personal details, TMD diagnosis, parafunctional habits, and noncarious cervical lesion presence. The population was then divided into a noncarious cervical lesion group and a control group and subjected to the t test, chi-square test, Fisher exact test, and Spearman correlation (alpha = .05). Results: Noncarious cervical lesions were present in 39% of the population, with the largest concentrations found in the maxillary premolars (32%). The data showed a significant association between noncarious cervical lesion presence, tooth clenching (P = .03), and nail biting (P = .02), as well as a relation with TMD diagnosis (Fonseca Index [P = .01] and Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD) [P = .004] ). In the noncarious cervical lesion group, direct rank correlation was found between maxillary premolars and clenching (P = .03), mandibular canines and nail biting (P = .05), and mandibular incisors and parafunctional habits without dental contacts (P = .02). Conclusion: Parafunctional habits and TMD presence should be taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment plan of noncarious cervical lesions


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/010283085718A tradição (ou a Educação Física tradicional) vem demonstrando mais resistência à mudança do que o esperado pelo movimento renovador da década de 1980. Aos poucos as esperanças iniciais de mudanças massivas da prática, deram lugar a uma expectativa mais modesta de fomentar inovações ou mudanças locais. Uma mudança no enfrentamento teórico-metodológico do problema está relacionada ao reconhecimento da importância do professor e de sua formação nesse processo, bem como, da consideração do ambiente concreto da escola, ou seja, o “chão da escola” ou o cotidiano escolar. Assim sendo, o presente artigo constitui-se numa tentativa de identificar e compreender os processos de inovação pedagógica na Educação Física, levados a efeito por professores em contextos específicos. Tem a intenção também, de dar visibilidade a estas experiências na expectativa de potencializar outras.Palavras chave: Educação Física. Inovação. Prática pedagógica