978 research outputs found

    Analysis of reported adverse liver reactions associated with drugs used to treat patients with coronavirus disease 2019

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    Hepatic injury has been documented in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, pharmacotherapy can frequently impact liver alterations, given the known hepatotoxic potential of drugs not effective to treat COVID-19. The objective of the present study was to evaluate reports of suspected liver reactions to drugs used for treating COVID-19, compare their use for other indications among patients with COVID-19, and assess possible interactions between them. We obtained reports on drugs used to treat COVID-19 (tocilizumab, remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, and/or lopinavir/ritonavir), registered on June 30, 2020, from the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) Public Dashboard. We then analyzed the risk of developing liver events with these drugs by calculating the reported odds ratios (ROR). We identified 662, 744, and 1381 reports related to tocilizumab, lopinavir/ ritonavir, and hydroxychloroquine use, respectively. The RORs (95% confidence intervals) were 6.32 (5.28-7.56), 6.12 (5.22-7.17), and 9.07 (8.00-10.29), respectively, demonstrating an increased risk of liver events among patients with COVID-19 when compared with uninfected patients. The elevated risk of reporting adverse liver events in patients with COVID-19 who receive these drugs, alone or in combination, highlights the need for careful drug selection and efforts to reduce drug combinations without notable benefits. Similar to any other condition, the use of drugs without established efficacy should be avoided

    Guidelines for intravenous therapy in elderly: a bibliographic research

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    Objective: To know the specific recommendations of intravenous therapy in the elderly. Method: Bibliographical research, the data sources were Policies and Procedures for Infusion Nursing of the Older Adult, Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice, Policies and Procedures for Infusion Nursing, Practice guidelines for intravenous therapy and Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter Related Infections and analyzed based on content analysis. Results: the professional must know the anatomical and physiological changes of aging, including patients and families in the education process; the puncture site should be greater quantity of subcutaneous tissue and bone support in selecting the catheter considering the smallest gauge possible for therapy prescribed. It is important to obtain a complete history of medications used, including the non-prescribed, phytotherapeutic or homemade preparations. Conclusion: The recommendations show how the elderly are different from young adult; this implies modifications and adaptations in the planning and development of nursing care


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o lote de sementes de alfavaca-cravo, bem como determinar a temperatura e fotoperíodo para a germinação dessa espécie. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: peso de mil sementes, teor de água na semente, condutividade elétrica em diferentes tempos de embebição e quantidade de sementes e teste de germinação. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado. Para condutividade elétrica foram utilizadas quatro repetições com amostras de 25, 50, 75 e 100 sementes, colocadas em copos plásticos contendo 75 mL de água deionizada, com tempos de embebição de 6, 12, 24 e 48 horas, à temperatura de 25°C. Para o teste de germinação, cada repetição foi composta de 50 sementes colocadas em caixas tipo “gerbox” sobre duas folhas de papel germitest umedecidas com 2,5 vezes o seu peso em água. Os tratamentos para a germinação consistiram na ausência e fotoperíodo de 12 horas combinados com diferentes temperaturas (20, 25, 30 °C). Sendo o T1, T2, T3 na ausência de luz e as respectivas temperaturas de 30, 25 e 20°C, o T4, T5, T6 o fotoperíodo foi de 12 horas e 25, 30 e 20°C, respectivamente. Verificou- se que o teor de água e peso de mil sementes foram 11,04 % e 0,062g, respectivamente. Foi observado que não houve interação entre o tempo de embebição e a quantidade de sementes utilizadas. As temperaturas mais altas e a ausência de luz tiveram ação inibitória na germinação de O. gratissimum. Os tratamentos de 12 horas de fotoperíodo com temperaturas de 25 e 30 °C se diferiram estatisticamente dos demais, sendo que as sementes submetidas ao fotoperíodo de 12 horas e a 25 °C obtiveram médias superiores para a maioria das variáveis analisadas.  Diante dos resultados, a temperatura e o fotoperíodo indicado para a germinação de alfavaca-cravo são, respectivamente, 25°C e 12 horas.

    Molecular epidemiology of influenza A(H1N1)PDM09 hemagglutinin gene circulating in São Paulo State , Brazil: 2016 anticipated influenza season

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    Compared to previous years, seasonal influenza activity commenced early in São Paulo State, Brazil, Southern hemisphere during the 2016 year. In order to investigate the genetic pattern of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in the State of Sao Paulo a total of 479 respiratory samples, collected in January by Sentinel Surveillance Units, were screened by real-time RT-PCR. A total of 6 Influenza viruses A(H1N1)pdm09 presenting ct values ≤ 30 were sequenced following phylogenetic analysis. The present study identified the circulation of the new 6B.1 subgroup (A/Sao Paulo/10-118/2016 and A/Sao Paulo/3032/2016). In addition, influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 group 6B has also been identified during January in the State of Sao Paulo. Despite amino acid changes and changes in potential glycosylation motifs, 6B.1 viruses were well inhibited by the reference ferret antiserum against A/California/07/2009 virus, the A(H1N1)pdm09 component of the vaccine for the 2016 influenza season


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      Luiz Gama liderou os movimentos garantistas consubstanciados na luta pela garantia de direitos contra os abusos do poder estatal. Em seus famosos “considerandos”, aponta que o povo do Brasil, sepultado nas trevas da ignorância, representa na américa continental um papel secundário que o degrada, quando deveria ser assinalado como primeiro, pelos recursos naturais e pela índole pacífica excessivamente progressista de seu povo. Assim, olhando para as denúncias de Luiz Gama, a problemática desse estudo cinge-se no questionamento sobre a possibilidade ou não da superação das mazelas discutidas pelo autor, presentes no século XXI, especificamente sobre as questões relacionados ao subdesenvolvimento do Brasil.  Na verdade, busca-se demonstrar que o papel secundário e degradante denunciado nas premissas de Luiz Gama pode ser superado a partir da assimilação e da efetividade dos princípios e fundamentos da ordem econômicas, sendo esta a hipótese proposta, corroborada sob a ótica do compromisso maximizador da Constituição Federal de 1988. O raciocínio dedutivo é o utilizado como procedimento metodológico para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. A justificativa do presente trabalho corresponde à relevância social da temática e sua contribuição da concretização do Estado Democrático de Direito. 

    Topical anti-inflammatory activity of yacon leaf extracts

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    Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.) H. Rob. , Asteraceae, known as yacon, is an herb that is traditionally used for the treatment of diabetes in folk medicine. However, recent studies have demonstrated that this plant has other interesting properties such as anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory actions. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the topical anti-inflammatory property of different extracts prepared from yacon leaves and analyze the role of different chemical classes in this activity. Three yacon leaf extracts were obtained: aqueous extract, where chlorogenic acid derivatives and sesquiterpene lactones were detected; leaf rinse extract, rich in sesquiterpene lactones; and polar extract, rich in chlorogenic acid derivatives. All the extracts exhibited anti-edematogenic activity in vivo (aqueous extract: 25.9% edema inhibition at 0.50 mg/ear; polar extract: 42.7% inhibition at 0.25 mg/ear; and leaf rinse extract: 44.1% inhibition at 0.25 mg/ear). The leaf rinse extract furnished the best results regarding neutrophil migration inhibition, and NO, TNF-? and PGE2 inhibition. These data indicate that both sesquiterpene lactones and chlorogenic acid derivatives contribute to the anti-inflammatory action, although sesquiterpene lactones seem to have more pronounced effects. In conclusion, yacon leaf extracts, particularly the sesquiterpene lactone-rich extract, has potential use as topical anti-inflammatory agent.FAPESP #2007/00844-3CAPES #314/0

    Hydrolyzed collagen interferes with in vitro photoprotective effectiveness of sunscreens

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    The chronological skin aging is a progressive and natural process with genetic and physiological changes. However, ultraviolet (UV) radiation may accelerate the oxidative stress, generating carcinogenesis and photoaging. Natural compounds and their applications are considered a trend in the cosmetic market. The protein-based film-forming compounds play an important role, once it collaborates for the better distribution of sunscreens on the skin. Here we investigated the in vitro photoprotective effectiveness of sunscreens containing the hydrolyzed collagen associated with UVA, UVB and/or inorganic filters. Sunscreens were developed with octocrylene (7.5%), butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane (avobenzone) (3.0%) and/or titanium dioxide (5.0%), associated or not with the hydrolyzed collagen (3.0%). In vitro photoprotective effectiveness was determined in a Labsphere(r) UV2000S by the establishment of the sun protection factor (SPF) and critical wavelength (nm) values. Physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics were also assayed. The hydrolyzed collagen subjectively improved the formulation sensory characteristics. However, this bioactive compound led to a decrease of the SPF values of the photoprotective formulations containing octocrylene alone and octocrylene + butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane + TiO2. This inadequate interaction may be considered during the development of new sunscreens intended to contain protein-based components

    In situ effect of CPP-ACP chewing gum upon erosive enamel loss

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    Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) is able to increase salivary calcium and phosphate levels at an acidic pH. Previous studies demonstrated that a CPP-ACP chewing gum was able to enhance the re-hardening of erosion lesions, but could not diminish enamel hardness loss. Therefore, there is no consensus regarding the effectiveness of CPP-ACP on dental erosion. Objective This in situ study investigated the ability of a CPP-ACP chewing gum in preventing erosive enamel loss. Material and Methods: During three experimental crossover phases (one phase per group) of seven days each, eight volunteers wore palatal devices with human enamel blocks. The groups were: GI – Sugar free chewing gum with CPP-ACP; GII – Conventional sugar free chewing gum; and GIII – No chewing gum (control). Erosive challenge was extraorally performed by immersion of the enamel blocks in cola drink (5 min, 4x/day). After each challenge, in groups CPP and No CPP, volunteers chewed one unit of the corresponding chewing gum for 30 minutes. Quantitative analysis of enamel loss was performed by profilometry (µm). Data were analyzed by Repeated-Measures ANOVA and Tukey’s test (


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    This paper presents the preliminary results of a methodology developed for the systematic mapping of annual crops, potentially applicable to the entire country. There are many interests and demands for information referring to agricultural activity worldwide. The execution of yearly crop harvests and its relation to the definition of future markets, the measurement of environmental impacts and, the formulation of public policies for agribusiness, are only some examples of the activities which would benefit from the data generation of cultures in the field. Mapping and monitoring the potential of daily images and of vegetation index from MODIS sensor system, in spite of its limitations due to the spatial resolution of 250m, has not yet been fully explored. The objective of this work is to develop and test a methodological approach based on the spectral/ temporal characteristics of an annual series of images from this sensor and to identify and map annual crops in the State Mato Grosso do Sul, produced with images of medium and high spatial resolution during the year 200

    Ocorrência de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. em eqüinos de área urbana de Londrina, Paraná, Brasil

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    A total of 320 horses were studied in this paper, both male and female, between two and 17 years of age, which were used for traction of wagons in the urban area of the municipality of Londrina (PR). These animals were kept, after their daily work, in abandoned areas or plots, in the outskirts of the urban area of the city. When these animals were attended by the veterinarians, between 1996 and 2005, none of them presented symptoms suggesting leptospirosis. The most frequent reasons for the visit were loss of weight, unwillingness for work, parasitism, laminess, and wounds. Microscopic Seroagglutination Test (SAM), with 22 Leptospira serovars, was performed in sera sample from all these animals. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of antibodies against Leptospira spp. in horses from the urban area of Londrina (PR). From the samples tested, 214 (66.88%) were considered positive, with titers between 100 and 3200, being that 49 (22.90%) presented antibodies against a single serovar of Leptospira, and 165 (77.10%) samples presented antibodies against two or more serovars simultaneously, where in 88 (53.33%) it was possible to characterize the most likely probable serovar. Antibodies against the serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae were detected in 32 (23.36%) animals.Foram estudados 320 eqüinos, machos e fêmeas com idade entre dois a 17 anos, utilizados para tração de carroças na área urbana do município de Londrina (PR). Estes animais eram mantidos, após a jornada diária de serviço, em áreas ou terrenos baldios, localizados na periferia da área urbana do município. Por ocasião do atendimento, realizado entre 1996 e 2005, no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, nenhum dos animais apresentou sintomas sugestivos de leptospirose, sendo os motivos mais freqüentes, o emagrecimento, a indisposição para o trabalho, a verminose, problemas no sistema locomotor e feridas. A prova de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), com 22 sorovares de Leptospira, foi realizada em amostra de soro de todos os animais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a ocorrência de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. em eqüinos da área urbana do município de Londrina. Foram consideradas positivas 214 (66,88%) amostras de soros com títulos entre 100 e 3200, sendo em 49 (22,90%) detectadas anticorpos contra um único sorovar de Leptospira e em 165 (77,10%) amostras com anticorpos contra dois ou mais sorovares simultâneamente, sendo em 88 (53,33%) destes caracterizado o sorovar mais provável. Anticorpos contra o sorovar Icterohaemorrhagiae foram detectados em 32 (23,36%) animais