3,666 research outputs found

    Genome stability assessment in new diverse <em>Brassica</em> allohexaploid crop types (AABBCC) using molecular karyotyping

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    Interspecific hybridization and polyploidization processes are known to confer advantages, such as hybrid vigor and increased environmental tolerances. Although cultivated diploid and allotetraploid Brassica species which contain different combinations of the A, B, and C genomes exist, there is no naturally occurring allohexaploid containing all three genomes (AABBCC). Despite this, there are traits in each of the Brassica species, that if combined, can potentially produce a new species with many advantageous features. Although hexaploids can be produced via human intervention, these neo-polyploids have quite unstable genomes and usually suffer from severe genome reshuffling. Whether these genome rearrangements continue in later generations and follow similar, reproducible patterns between different lines, is still unknown. This thesis aims to investigate genomic stability, chromosomes inheritance, seed fertility, and crossability between and within four Brassica allohexaploid types (2n = AABBCC = 54): naponigra (B. napus × B. nigra), carirapa (B. carinata × B. rapa), junleracea (B. juncea × B. oleracea), and NCJ (B. napus × B. carinata × B. juncea). Genomic stability was investigated using the Illumina Infinium Brassica 90K SNP array genotyping. Karyotype stability varied between genotypes. Although some genomic regions were more likely to be duplicated, deleted or rearranged, a consensus pattern was not shared between genotypes. Significant differences between genotypes and within lineages were found for frequencies of euploids and rearrangements, with one NCJ line showing relatively high karyotype stability. Only 3.2% of allohexaploid plants investigated were euploids. Hybridization between different allohexaploids was mostly achievable, with 0 - 4.6 seeds per flower bud on average, and strong maternal genotype effects were also found. Novel F1 hybrids between allohexaploid lineages showed similar fertility and stability to their parents. Meiosis analysis of the new F1 hybrids showed the production of on average 8.6 new rearrangements, with no improvement in genome stability, despite increased heterozygosity. According to the findings in this thesis, synthetic Brassica allohexaploids can develop genomic stability in a few generations, but this occurs at very low frequencies and may not always be under selective pressure, due to the unforeseeable link between fertility and karyotype constitution in these hybrid types

    Market making model analysis in high frequency trading for the North American stock market

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    This work wants to test a market making model on a High Frequency Trading for different stocks, using a code or algorithm that help us to understand the behavior of the model with different variables as latency, number of simulations during the day, risk aversion coefficient, and margin. This is accomplished by using fictional bid and ask prices, to create the different orders that will make possible this simulation.Este trabalho pretende testar um modelo de market making num High Frequency Trading para diferentes acções, utilizando um código ou algoritmo que ajude-nos a compreender o comportamento do modelo com diferentes variáveis como a latência, o número de simulações durante o dia, o coeficiente de aversão ao risco e a margem. Isto é conseguido utilizando preços de compra e venda fictícios, para criar as diferentes ordens que tornarão possível esta simulação

    Post-Acquisition Integration: The Effect of Vision Communication on the Development of an Integration Capability and Alleviation of Task Uncertainties

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    Methodology: The method used is a single case study in a high tech company in Sweden, leader in network camera market. This work is a qualitative research, in which an inductive method and deductive analysis has been applied. Grounded-theory techniques have been used; eight semi-structured interviews were conducted-carefully and objectively selected following purposive sampling. Theoretical perspectives: The concept under study is integration capability under the scope of ‘dynamic capabilities’, along with communication and uncertainties. The first concept is approached in a context of external corporate venturing for innovation, in which firms need to integrate acquired companies for competence building. In order to extend this concept, the concept of communication of a vision studied in entrepreneurship literature and strategic management has been connect. Therefore, the aim is to operationalize integration capability concept, and analyze the effect of vision communication in task uncertainties during integration processes. Conclusions: Firms engage in an acquisition strategy as a mode of external corporate venturing, with the aim to innovate through reconfiguration of resources and competences. The integration is fundamental for the value capture process but it is highly complex as it requires task and human integration. Thus, firms develop a set of learned patterns that governs systematic execution of integration efforts, called ‘integration capability’. This work demonstrates that firms operationalize an integration capability through learning mechanisms such as codification, articulation and experiential learning. Furthermore, communication of the vision constitutes a generalizable task that has a double effect of alleviating task uncertainties during in Integration processes, and enhancing integration capability building

    eCHASE: Sustainable Exploitation of Electronic Cultural Heritage

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    Europe’s digital cultural heritage content has tremendous exploitation potential in applications such as Education, Publishing, e-Commerce, Public Access and Tourism. Value is hugely amplified if the content can be aggregated, repurposed and distributed at a European level. The eCHASE project seeks to demonstrate that public-private partnerships between content holders and commercial service providers can create new services and a sustainable business based on access and exploitation of digital cultural heritage content. This paper describes these issues and introduces the eCHASE architecture that is being developed to showcase the business models created for the project

    Gender Bias and Stereotypes in Medicine: A Medical Student Experience

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    Gender bias is a universal phenomenon that is strongly embedded in human society. Its omnipresence originates consequences that have a lasting structural impact. Despite social, scientific, and cultural changes, gender discrimination remains prevalent in the twenty-first century. In this paper, we describe a situation in which a medical student was discouraged by a professor when she expressed the professional path she intended to pursue in the future just because of her gender. In addition, we discuss possible solutions such as raising awareness, developing educational programs, increasing women representation, and addressing everyone’s needs. It is imperative that we, as a society, educate ourselves in identifying stereotypes and gender-biased situations to eliminate gender discrimination in science and in our systems

    Why Do First and Second-Generation Young Migrants Volunteer? The Migrant Volunteerism Motivation Model (MVMM)

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    The following study aims at inquiring into the motivations behind young migrants' volunteerism in civic organizations in Italy, namely in starting and maintaining their engagement (preliminary vs. maintenance phase). The term "young migrants" refers to first and second generation of migrants who deal with two challenges: the transition to adulthood and the acquisition of a cultural identity. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 37 Sub-Saharan young migrants living in Italy (18-32 years old), 19 of first generation (1G) and 18 of second generation (2G). The Omoto and Snyder's Volunteer Process Model (VPM, 1995) was used as an underpinning theoretical framework and a guide for the interpretations of the results. The findings indicate that a) motivations included in the VPM are also found for young migrants, b) some of these motivations take particular meaning for young migrants, c) some motivations are not included in the VPM and are specific of this sample. We named these last motivations: social norms, advocacy and ethno-cultural. In addition, some considerations may be advanced regarding the generation and the phase of motivation: 1G migrants are particularly moved by the importance of integration in the Italian context and by the promotion of their ethnic group while 2G migrants reported mostly the desire to understand their roots. The values, the concern for the community and the longing to develop relationships are the motivations for which all young migrants continue to volunteer; however, 1G migrants are also sustained by advocacy and ethno-cultural motivations. Implications and future directions are discussed

    Estructura productiva:Analisis del comportamiento de la produccion y consumo del Frijol en Nicaragua durante el periodo 2009-2013

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    El frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) es cultivada por pequeños y medianos productores en todo el país. La producción está destinada para satisfacer las necesidades de consumo interno y en menor proporción se destina a la exportación hacia Centro América. La exploración del tema caracterizara los eslabones y agentes de la cadena del frijol y aquellos factores claves que inciden en su sostenibilidad y competitividad. Además de ser importante en la dieta nacional, el frijol también lo es en la generación de empleo, Nicaragua cosecha 5.5 millones de quintales (253.000 toneladas), de estos 4 millones de quintales rojo (184.000 toneladas) y 1.5 millones de quintales negro (69.000 toneladas), y se consume alrededor de 2.5 y 2.7 millones de quintales , con lo cual se garantiza el abastecimiento local y se deja para la exportación más de un millón de quintales (46.000 toneladas). El consumo per cápita del frijol es de 26.1 kg por año y es el más alto de Centro América , siendo después del maíz el principal alimento básico, pero esto varía año con año, dependiendo de la producción, las importaciones, exportaciones, precio y existencias. En Nicaragua se siembran alrededor de 350 mil manzanas por año, producida en un 95% por pequeños y medianos productores que utilizan baja tecnología y carecen de apoyo financiero para el cultivo del frijol, además enfrenta la vulnerabilidad climática, el cual están expuesto a la alta variabilidad de los precios de frijol. En el país existen alrededor de 137,879 productores que se dedican al cultivo de este rubro. El presente trabajo se divide en cuatro capítulos: Capítulo I: Se abordarán, los aspectos metodológicos del tema de estudio donde se plantean los objetivos a alcanzar, donde daremos a conocer los distintos datos de diferentes actores y organismos que enriquece la investigación realizada para un mayor entendimiento y la manera que se lleva acabo para recopilar la información necesaria para el desarrollo del tema. Capitulo II: Se describirá la cadena de producción para el rubro de frijol y los actores tantos públicos como privados. Capitulo III: En este capítulo se tratara de examinar los costos de producción de la comercialización del frijol del precio de venta destinado al consumo. Capitulo IV: Se analizará las principales limitantes de la producción y comercialización del frijol

    Multidimensional study of orofacial chronic neuropathic pain: An experimental study in rats

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    Orofacial neuropathic chronic pain (NCP) is frequently attributed to lesions caused by orofacial surgeries and dental treatments. There are many experimental models available to study orofacial NCP, however, many are extremely painful for the animal due to the amplitude of the innervated region. A previously proposed mental nerve constriction model, mNC, was used in this project. Forty Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: one group included rats with mNC (n=20), and another rats with sham lesions (n=20). Through the use of the fixed ratio program and the progressive program, a decrease of motivation for a sweet substance, caused by the lesion, was evaluated. The possibility of alterations in cognitive learning and adaptation abilities was also assessed using the go/no-go behavioral task. The mNC group showed low induced and spontaneously evoked pain responses, as well as a decrease in the motivation for sucrose, a sign of anhedonia. This decrease does not depend on taste processing. Finally, although no alterations in the learning-memory process were observed, the mNC group did show alterations when adapting to a new rule