14 research outputs found

    Design, characterization, and reinforcement of mineralized collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffolds for orthopedic wound repair

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    The treatment of craniofacial orthopedic defects remains a challenge due to the large size, complex geometry, and load bearing aspects that often accompany such defects. The typical treatment or correction of craniofacial defects employed during surgical intervention of such injuries often necessitates the use of either autologous or allogenic bone grafts for orthopedic implants as the gold standard. However, this standard of treatment has been plagued with concerns over the size, geometry, donor site morbidity, disease transmission, and availability. To address these concerns, the development of an alternative orthopedic implant biomaterial capable of: (1) flexible design for meeting bone, defect, and patient specific treatment criteria; (2) guiding and supporting cellular specific repair specific to orthopedic defects; (3) demonstrate mechanical competence for surgical implantation and subsequent loading during function. This work outlines the development of a collagen-glycosaminoglycan platform that satisfies these requirements for the treatment of craniofacial defects. Chapter 2 details the fabrication and characterization of the collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffold biochemical and biophysical properties important for the bioactivity and interaction with target cellular populations. The chapter 3 evaluates the in vitro cellular response and subsequent remodeling of a relevant cell population, mesenchymal stem cells, within the collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffold. Chapter 4 addresses the necessary mechanical reinforcement and subsequent characterization of a multi-scale polycaprolactone-collagen-glycosaminoglycan composite biomaterial for in vivo implantation and culture. In chapter 5 the polycaprolactone-collagen-glycosaminoglycan composite was then implanted in a subcritical mandibular ramus defect to affirm the composites in vivo efficacy. Finally, chapter 6 evaluated possible alterations in the collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffold design for enhancing cellular behavior, while chapter 7 expanded upon the multi-compartment collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffold design for the treatment of craniofacial defects and associated entheses

    Polyhedral Particles with Controlled Concavity by Indentation Templating.

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    Current methods for fabricating microparticles offer limited control over size and shape. Here, we demonstrate a droplet microfluidic method to form polyhedral microparticles with controlled concavity. By manipulating Laplace pressure, buoyancy, and particle rheology, we generate microparticles with diverse shapes and curvatures. Additionally, we demonstrate the particles provide increased capture efficiency when used for particle-templated emulsification. Our approach enables microparticles with enhanced chemical and biological functionality

    Photopatterning of vascular endothelial growth factor within collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffolds can induce a spatially confined response in human umbilical vein endothelial cells

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    Biomolecular signals within the native extracellular matrix are complex, with bioactive factors found in both soluble and sequestered states. In the design of biomaterials for tissue engineering applications it is increasingly clear that new approaches are required to locally tailor the biomolecular environment surrounding cells within the matrix. One area of particular focus is strategies to improve the speed or quality of vascular ingrowth and remodeling. While the addition of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been shown to improve vascular response, strategies to immobilize such signals within a biomaterial offer the opportunity to optimize efficiency and to explore spatially defined patterning of such signals. Here we describe the use of benzophenone (BP) photolithography to decorate three-dimensional collagen-glycosaminoglycan (CG) scaffolds with VEGF in a spatially defined manner. In this effort we demonstrate functional patterning of a known agonist of vascular remodeling and directly observe phenotypic effects induced by this immobilized cue. VEGF was successfully patterned in both stripes and square motifs across the scaffold with high specificity (on:off pattern signal). The depth of patterning was determined to extend up to 500 μm into the scaffold microstructure. Notably, photopatterned VEGF retained native functionality as it was shown to induce morphological changes in human umbilical vein cells indicative of early vasculogenesis. Immobilized VEGF led to greater cell infiltration into the scaffold and the formation of immature vascular network structures. Ultimately, these results suggest that BP-mediated photolithography is a facile method to spatially control the presentation of instructive biological cues to cells within CG scaffolds

    Osteogenesis on nanoparticulate mineralized collagen scaffolds via autogenous activation of the canonical BMP receptor signaling pathway

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    Skeletal regenerative medicine frequently incorporates deliverable growth factors to stimulate osteogenesis. However, the cost and side effects secondary to supraphysiologic dosages of growth factors warrant investigation of alternative methods of stimulating osteogenesis for clinical utilization. In this work, we describe growth factor independent osteogenic induction of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on a novel nanoparticulate mineralized collagen glycosaminoglycan scaffold (MC-GAG). hMSCs demonstrated elevated osteogenic gene expression and mineralization on MC-GAG with minimal to no effect upon addition of BMP-2 when compared to non-mineralized scaffolds (Col-GAG). To investigate the intracellular pathways responsible for the increase in osteogenesis, we examined the canonical and non-canonical pathways downstream from BMP receptor activation. Constitutive Smad1/5 phosphorylation with nuclear translocation occurred on MC-GAG independent of BMP-2, whereas Smad1/5 phosphorylation depended on BMP-2 stimulation on Col-GAG. When non-canonical BMPR signaling molecules were examined, ERK1/2 phosphorylation was found to be decreased in MC-GAG but elevated in Col-GAG. No differences in Smad2/3 or p38 activation were detected. Collectively, these results demonstrated that MC-GAG scaffolds induce osteogenesis without exogenous BMP-2 addition via endogenous activation of the canonical BMP receptor signaling pathway

    Osteogenesis on nanoparticulate mineralized collagen scaffolds via autogenous activation of the canonical BMP receptor signaling pathway

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    Skeletal regenerative medicine frequently incorporates deliverable growth factors to stimulate osteogenesis. However, the cost and side effects secondary to supraphysiologic dosages of growth factors warrant investigation of alternative methods of stimulating osteogenesis for clinical utilization. In this work, we describe growth factor independent osteogenic induction of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on a novel nanoparticulate mineralized collagen glycosaminoglycan scaffold (MC-GAG). hMSCs demonstrated elevated osteogenic gene expression and mineralization on MC-GAG with minimal to no effect upon addition of BMP-2 when compared to non-mineralized scaffolds (Col-GAG). To investigate the intracellular pathways responsible for the increase in osteogenesis, we examined the canonical and non-canonical pathways downstream from BMP receptor activation. Constitutive Smad1/5 phosphorylation with nuclear translocation occurred on MC-GAG independent of BMP-2, whereas Smad1/5 phosphorylation depended on BMP-2 stimulation on Col-GAG. When non-canonical BMPR signaling molecules were examined, ERK1/2 phosphorylation was found to be decreased in MC-GAG but elevated in Col-GAG. No differences in Smad2/3 or p38 activation were detected. Collectively, these results demonstrated that MC-GAG scaffolds induce osteogenesis without exogenous BMP-2 addition via endogenous activation of the canonical BMP receptor signaling pathway