35 research outputs found

    The Functions and Dysfunctions of Reminders

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    Not many people use memory cues. For example, only 50% of consumers make shopping lists. If memory cues are important for memory (as previous research shows), why don’t people use them more often? In the first essay of my dissertation, I found that people don’t use memory cues because they are overconfident about their memory. That is, consumers often incorrectly predict that they will remember to do something, do not take appropriate actions to help them remember (e.g., write a shopping list or stick a Post-It on the fridge or the steering wheel) and end up forgetting to do what they should be doing (e.g., buy grocery items, pay bills, take the baby out of the car). But do reminders always help task completion? Almost all previous research on prospective memory and implementation intentions finds that reminders help people execute tasks. Very few papers found no effects of reminders on task completion (3 papers). Those three papers examined the effect of reminders in the context of multiple tasks. The second essay of my dissertation shows that, when multiple tasks are involved, reminders sometimes benefit, but sometimes harm task completion. Reminders help people high in propensity to plan to resume an interrupted task in the future and to maintain vigilance for opportunities to complete it. But they harm the execution of other tasks that demand immediate attention. On the contrary, reminders hurt those low on propensity to plan to resume an interrupted task and they decrease the urgency to start working on the task. But they also free up cognitive resources to be used for other tasks that require immediate attention. Companies often send special deals, early bird specials, and other promotions that may work as reminders to buy the product. These reminders may accelerate the purchase of the product among consumers high on propensity to plan. But, it may delay the purchase of the product among consumers low on propensity to plan. Companies also send reminders when they send its customers information about hotel and theater reservation or confirmations, bills to be paid, subscriptions to be renewed, prepaid cell phone credit to be topped up. Consumers use reminders for several tasks including going out for groceries, eating healthy, housekeeping and maintenance, taking medicines, calling for pizza. It is important to understand for whom the reminder helps and for whom it hurts task completion and performance such that companies and policy makers can tailor appropriate interventions for different groups of individuals. For example, propensity to plan is related to income, education and strongly related to the FICO credit scores. Perhaps for those at the bottom of the income distribution, for those with low education levels and for those with low FICO credit scores, reminders should not be used. Among those individuals, a more effective intervention to get something done might be to ask them to either perform the task immediately or as soon as possible. In that case, procrastination is discouraged and, hence, tasks are more likely to be completed

    Perceptions of Justice after Recovery Efforts in Internet Purchasing: the Impact on Consumer Trust and Loyalty toward Retailing Sites and Online Shopping in General

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    The main goal of this paper is to extend the traditional theoretical model of service recovery to the online purchasing environment by investigating the impact of perceptions of justice after recovery efforts toward unsatisfactory Internet purchasing on customer trust and loyalty. The authors develop a theoretical model focusing on interrelationships among complaint handling evaluations, quality of prior experience, familiarity, trust, perceived value and loyalty. To test this model, 3,339 customers from all over Brazil who had been engaged in complaint processes about online purchases within the past 6 months answered an online questionnaire. Findings indicate that interpersonal treatment by the e-retailer improves consumer perceptions of the online recovery process. Consumer trust in the firm's website is strongly influenced by satisfaction with complaint handling, familiarity and the quality of prior experiences with the website, while consumer trust in Internet shopping is mainly affected by familiarity and the quality of prior experiences with Internet purchasing. These two dimensions of trust are distinct and represent discrete facets, as they do not impact each other. Moreover, repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth communication are influenced by consumer trust

    Antecedents and consequences of price unfairness

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    O preço é um elemento fundamental do composto de marketing, por ser o único do marketing mix que se traduz em receita para a companhia, é a quantificação do valor de uma troca. É fundamental para as empresas o entendimento de como o cliente avalia e internaliza o preço de um produto, bem como as conseqüências da mudança no custo monetário de uma oferta para o cliente. Nota-se que a percepção de preço, embora aparentemente racional e quantitativa, carrega uma carga psicológica afetiva bastante forte, no sentido de que as mudanças no preço podem causar diferentes percepções de injustiça e a avaliação cognitiva leva à manifestação da emoção como resultado da apreciação. Por meio de um estudo experimental, pretendeu-se avaliar algumas influências sobre a percepção do consumidor de injustiça no preço e investigar as conseqüências de práticas percebidas como injustas. No geral, a percepção de injustiça é influenciada fortemente por freqüência de compra, nível de relacionamento entre o cliente e a empresa e percepção de preço em relação ao passado ou à concorrência. Em relação às conseqüências da injustiça, ressalta-se que a raiva e a ira são as emoções mais fortemente sentidas e, também, de maior impacto nas ações pós-percepção de injustiça. Ainda, a ansiedade e a repugnância possuem efeito contrário sobre a intenção de reclamação, diminuindo essa intenção de ação. Por fim, as implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais são analisadas, bem como as limitações da pesquisa aqui relatada.El precio es un elemento central del marketing mix, puesto que es el único elemento de la mezcla que se convierte en rédito para la compañía, es la cuantificación del valor de un cambio. Es esencial para las empresas entender cómo el cliente evalúa y percibe el precio de un producto, así como las consecuencias del cambio en el costo monetario de una oferta para el cliente. Se observa que la percepción del precio, aunque aparentemente racional y cuantitativa, tiene un papel psicológico afectivo bastante fuerte, en el sentido de que los cambios en el precio pueden causar diferentes percepciones de injusticia y la evaluación cognitiva conduce a la manifestación de la emoción como resultado del aprecio. Por medio de un estudio experimental, se buscó evaluar algunas influencias sobre la percepción del consumidor de injusticia del precio e investigar las consecuencias de las prácticas percibidas como injustas. En general, la percepción de injusticia está fuertemente influenciada por la frecuencia de compra, por el nivel de relación entre el cliente y la empresa y por la opinión sobre el precio con relación al pasado o a la competencia. En cuanto a las consecuencias de la injusticia, se observa que la rabia y la cólera son las emociones más fuertemente sentidas y, también, las que tienen impacto más intenso en las reacciones a la percepción de injusticia. Por otra parte, la ansiedad y la repugnancia ejercen un efecto contrario sobre la intención de queja: la disminuyen. Finalmente, se analizan las implicaciones académicas y directivas, así como las limitaciones de la investigación llevada a cabo.Price is a central element of the marketing mix, since it is the only element of the mix that is converted into revenue for the company, it is the value quantification of an exchange. It's important for companies to understand how the customer evaluates and perceives the price, as well as, the consequences of a monetary cost change for the client of an offer. It is recognized that the price perception, although apparently rational and quantitative, carries a strong affective psychological role, by the reason that changes in the price can cause different perceptions of unfairness and that the cognitive evaluation leads to the expression of emotion as a result of the appreciation. Through an experimental study, some influences on the consumer perception of price unfairness were evaluated, as well as, the consequences of practices perceived as unfair. In general, the unfairness perception is influenced strongly by the frequency of purchase, relationship level between customer and the company and perception of price based on the past or on competitors. Regarding the consequences of price unfairness perception, the anger and the rage are the strongest emotions felt and the ones which exert the highest impact on the reactions of price unfairness perception. Moreover, anxiety and repugnance exert negative effect on complaint intention, diminishing it. Finally, the academic and managerial implications are focused, as well as, the limitations of the present research

    A construção de uma tipologia dos consumidores para resposta à insatisfação

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    This study aims to answer the following three questions: how dissatisfied customers answer to dissatisfaction, what types of response styles do consumers utilize and which customer profile composes each one of the styles. After the initial qualitative phase, an experimental study with undergraduate students from two universities was accomplished. The groups of variables confirmed the three dimensions of responses to the dissatisfaction: negative word-of-mouth communication; company switch; complaint addressed to the company. The groups of individuals indicated four clusters of customers with different response styles - irate, passive, disloyal and compromised. To answer the last question, discriminant analysis with demographic, attitudinal, personality and specific to the complaint episode variables was applied. The irate ones presented higher levels of self-confidence and low level of relationship with the company; the passive ones presented high level of relationship and negative attitude toward the complaining; the disloyal ones demonstrated the lowest levels of self-confidence and perceived likelihood of successful complaint, and the most negative attitude toward the complaining act; and the compromised clients presented higher income, positive attitude toward the complaining act, high self-confidence and high degree of relationship with the company. Finally, the academic and managerial implications are discussed, and the limitations of the study are presented.Key words: typology, dissatisfaction responses, consumer profiles, complaint, negative word-ofmouth, switching company.Este estudo objetiva responder a três questões: como os clientes insatisfeitos reagem à insatisfação; quais os tipos de estilos de resposta são utilizados e qual o perfil de cliente compõe cada um dos estilos encontrados. A metodologia constituiu-se de uma primeira fase qualitativa, após a qual foi realizado um estudo experimental com estudantes de graduação de duas universidades. Entre os resultados, o agrupamento de variáveis confirmou as três dimensões de resposta à insatisfação: a comunicação boca a boca negativa, a troca de empresa e a reclamação à empresa. O agrupamento de indivíduos indicou quatro clusters de clientes com diferentes estilos de resposta à insatisfação – irados, passivos, desleais e fiéis. Para responder à última questão, foi aplicada análise discriminante com variáveis demográficas, atitudinais, de personalidade e específicas do episódio de reclamação. Os irados apresentaram níveis mais altos de autoconfiança e grau de relacionamento com a empresa baixo; os passivos apresentaram grau elevado de relacionamento com a empresa e uma baixa atitude frente ao ato de reclamar; os desleais demonstraram os níveis mais baixos de autoconfiança e de atitude frente à reclamação e probabilidade de sucesso da reclamação; e os fiéis apresentam renda mais elevada, atitude positiva frente à reclamação, elevada autoconfiança e alto nível relacionamento com a empresa. Por fim, as implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais são discutidas, e as limitações do estudo são apresentadas. Palavras-chave: tipologia, respostas à insatisfação, perfil de consumidores, reclamação, boca a boca negativa, troca de empresa

    The behavioral consequences of the customer dissatisfaction

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    O propósito deste estudo é investigar os antecedentes das intenções comportamentais de clientes insatisfeitos. Inicialmente, revisam-se os fundamentos teóricos. A seguir, apresentam-se a metodologia empregada e as três etapas de pesquisa realizadas. Na primeira, qualitativa, foram realizadas 16 entrevistas em profundidade, que deram origem ao instrumento de coleta de dados. Na segunda, a eficácia da manipulação da variável a ser controlada na pesquisa experimental - nível de insatisfação - foi qualitativamente validada com 22 entrevistados. Finalmente, um questionário estruturado foi aplicado a 480 estudantes de graduação. Os resultados mostram que o impacto do nível de insatisfação nas intenções de comunicação boca-a-boca negativa e troca de empresa é alto. Em relação à intenção de reclamação, o impacto da autoconfiança do consumidor é superior à influência das demais variáveis. A atitude em face da reclamação exerceu papel de moderadora entre o nível de insatisfação e a intenção de reclamação. Esses resultados fornecem implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais para minimizar a troca de fornecedor e a comunicação negativa e aumentar os índices de reclamação e, portanto, as oportunidades de remediar problemas.The purpose of this study is to investigate the antecedents of the behavioral intentions of dissatisfied customers. Initially, the theoretical foundations are revised. After that, the methodology employed and the three research phases are presented. In the first, a qualitative one, 16 in depht interviews were made and gave origin to the instrument for data collection. In the second phase, the manipulation effectiveness of the controlled variable in the experimental research – dissatisfaction level – was qualitatively validated with 22 interviews. Finally, the questionnaire was applied to 480 undergraduate students. The results show that the impact of dissatisfaction level on the negative word-of-mouth communication and switch company intentions are high. In regarding to the complaint toward the company intention, the impact of the consumer’s self-confidence is superior to the influence of the other variables. Attitude towards the act of complaining moderates the relationship between dissatisfaction intensity and complaint intention. These results supply academic and managerial implications to minimize the customer intentions to switch provider and to exert negative word-of-mouth communication and to increase the number of complaints and, therefore, the opportunities to remedy customers’ problems

    The construction of a typology of consumer response to dissatisfaction

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    Este estudo objetiva responder a três questões: como os clientes insatisfeitos reagem à insatisfação; quais os tipos de estilos de resposta são utilizados e qual o perfil de cliente compõe cada um dos estilos encontrados. A metodologia constituiu-se de uma primeira fase qualitativa, após a qual foi realizado um estudo experimental com estudantes de graduação de duas universidades. Entre os resultados, o agrupamento de variáveis confirmou as três dimensões de resposta à insatisfação: a comunicação boca a boca negativa, a troca de empresa e a reclamação à empresa. O agrupamento de indivíduos indicou quatro clusters de clientes com diferentes estilos de resposta à insatisfação – irados, passivos, desleais e fiéis. Para responder à última questão, foi aplicada análise discriminante com variáveis demográficas, atitudinais, de personalidade e específicas do episódio de reclamação. Os irados apresentaram níveis mais altos de autoconfiança e grau de relacionamento com a empresa baixo; os passivos apresentaram grau elevado de relacionamento com a empresa e uma baixa atitude frente ao ato de reclamar; os desleais demonstraram os níveis mais baixos de autoconfiança e de atitude frente à reclamação e probabilidade de sucesso da reclamação; e os fiéis apresentam renda mais elevada, atitude positiva frente à reclamação, elevada autoconfiança e alto nível relacionamento com a empresa. Por fim, as implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais são discutidas, e as limitações do estudo são apresentadas.This study aims to answer the following three questions: how dissatisfied customers answer to dissatisfaction, what types of response styles do consumers utilize and which customer profile composes each one of the styles. After the initial qualitative phase, an experimental study with undergraduate students from two universities was accomplished. The groups of variables confirmed the three dimensions of responses to the dissatisfaction: negative word-of-mouth communication; company switch; complaint addressed to the company. The groups of individuals indicated four clusters of customers with different response styles - irate, passive, disloyal and compromised. To answer the last question, discriminant analysis with demographic, attitudinal, personality and specific to the complaint episode variables was applied. The irate ones presented higher levels of self-confidence and low level of relationship with the company; the passive ones presented high level of relationship and negative attitude toward the complaining; the disloyal ones demonstrated the lowest levels of self-confidence and perceived likelihood of successful complaint, and the most negative attitude toward the complaining act; and the compromised clients presented higher income, positive attitude toward the complaining act, high self-confidence and high degree of relationship with the company. Finally, the academic and managerial implications are discussed, and the limitations of the study are presented

    A construção de uma tipologia dos consumidores para resposta à insatisfação

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    This study aims to answer the following three questions: how dissatisfied customers answer to dissatisfaction, what types of response styles do consumers utilize and which customer profile composes each one of the styles. After the initial qualitative phase, an experimental study with undergraduate students from two universities was accomplished. The groups of variables confirmed the three dimensions of responses to the dissatisfaction: negative word-of-mouth communication; company switch; complaint addressed to the company. The groups of individuals indicated four clusters of customers with different response styles - irate, passive, disloyal and compromised. To answer the last question, discriminant analysis with demographic, attitudinal, personality and specific to the complaint episode variables was applied. The irate ones presented higher levels of self-confidence and low level of relationship with the company; the passive ones presented high level of relationship and negative attitude toward the complaining; the disloyal ones demonstrated the lowest levels of self-confidence and perceived likelihood of successful complaint, and the most negative attitude toward the complaining act; and the compromised clients presented higher income, positive attitude toward the complaining act, high self-confidence and high degree of relationship with the company. Finally, the academic and managerial implications are discussed, and the limitations of the study are presented.Key words: typology, dissatisfaction responses, consumer profiles, complaint, negative word-ofmouth, switching company.Este estudo objetiva responder a três questões: como os clientes insatisfeitos reagem à insatisfação; quais os tipos de estilos de resposta são utilizados e qual o perfil de cliente compõe cada um dos estilos encontrados. A metodologia constituiu-se de uma primeira fase qualitativa, após a qual foi realizado um estudo experimental com estudantes de graduação de duas universidades. Entre os resultados, o agrupamento de variáveis confirmou as três dimensões de resposta à insatisfação: a comunicação boca a boca negativa, a troca de empresa e a reclamação à empresa. O agrupamento de indivíduos indicou quatro clusters de clientes com diferentes estilos de resposta à insatisfação – irados, passivos, desleais e fiéis. Para responder à última questão, foi aplicada análise discriminante com variáveis demográficas, atitudinais, de personalidade e específicas do episódio de reclamação. Os irados apresentaram níveis mais altos de autoconfiança e grau de relacionamento com a empresa baixo; os passivos apresentaram grau elevado de relacionamento com a empresa e uma baixa atitude frente ao ato de reclamar; os desleais demonstraram os níveis mais baixos de autoconfiança e de atitude frente à reclamação e probabilidade de sucesso da reclamação; e os fiéis apresentam renda mais elevada, atitude positiva frente à reclamação, elevada autoconfiança e alto nível relacionamento com a empresa. Por fim, as implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais são discutidas, e as limitações do estudo são apresentadas. Palavras-chave: tipologia, respostas à insatisfação, perfil de consumidores, reclamação, boca a boca negativa, troca de empresa

    Consumer-company Identification: Development and Validation of a Scale

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    Consumer-Company Identification is a relatively new issue in the marketing academia. Bhattacharya and Sen(2003) explored the Social Identity theory and established Consumer-Company Identification as the primary psychological substrate for deep relationships between the organization and its customers. In the present study a new instrument was constructed and validated that permits the empirical verification of the phenomenon described by Bhattacharya and Sen (2003). The scale validated in the present study is the first to embrace the idiosyncrasies of the identification between consumers and organizations. The process was conducted through 3 independent data collections. The first one was collected using literature search and in-depth interviews with 12 undergraduate students and bachelors from different professional fields. The second data base was obtained from a survey of 226 undergraduate students from 3 universities in 2 big Brazilian cities. This data base was used for purification purposes using Explanatory Factorial Analysis. Finally, the Structural Equation Modeling technique was applied to analyze a third data base composed of 387 observations collected from the same 3 universities of the second study. The results confirm the content, convergent and discriminant validity of the new scale proposed