212 research outputs found

    Sequential evacuation strategy for multiple rooms toward the same means of egress

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    This paper examines different evacuation strategies for systems where several rooms evacuate trough the same means of egress, using microscopic pedestrian simulation.As a case study, a medium-rise office building is considered. It was found that the standard strategy, whereby the simultaneous evacuation of all levels is performed, can be improved by a sequential evacuation, beginning with the lowest floor and continuing successively with each one of the upper floors after a certain delay. The importance of the present research is that it provides the basis for the design and implementation of new evacuation strategies and alarm systems that could significantly improve the evacuation of multiple rooms trough a common means of escape.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Fundamental diagram of vibration-driven vehicles

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    In this study, we conducted experimental investigations into the fundamental diagram of vibration-driven vehicles (VDV) in a one-dimensional array. As these mechanical agents interact solely through collisions, their mean speed remains nearly constant at low and medium densities. However, there is a reduction of between 25% and 40% when the lineal density approaches the inverse of the contact distance. Remarkably, in this one-dimensional system, the outcome is significantly influenced by the order in which agents, sorted by their free speeds, are gradually introduced into the experiment. While a significant speed difference is observed at low and medium densities based on this ordering, both curves eventually converge to the same speed at maximum density. Moreover, the attained speed in saturated systems is slower than the speed of the slowest agent.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Perturbative Matching of the staggered four-fermion operators for e'/e

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    Using staggered fermions, we calculate the perturbative corrections to the bilinear and four-fermion operators that are used in the numerical study of weak matrix elements for ϵ/ϵ\epsilon'/\epsilon. We present results for one-loop matching coefficients between continuum operators, calculated in the Naive Dimensional Regularization (NDR) scheme, and gauge invariant staggered fermion operators. These results, combined with existing results for penguin diagrams, provide the complete one-loop renormalization of the staggered four-fermion operators.Comment: 36 pages. will appear in physical review

    One Spin Trace Formalism for BK B_K

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    It has been known for some time that there are two methods to calculate BK B_K with staggered fermions: one is the two spin trace formalism and the other is the one spin trace formalism. Until now, the two spin trace formalism has been exclusively used for weak matrix element calculations with staggered fermions. Here, the one spin trace formalism to calculate BK B_K with staggered fermions is explained. It is shown that the one spin trace operators require additional chiral partner operators in order to keep the continuum chiral behavior. The renormalization of the one spin trace operators is described and compared with the two spin trace formalism.Comment: 47 pages, latex, 4 figures are available on reques

    Few amino acid mutations in H6 Influenza A virus from South American Lineage increase viral replication efficiency in poultry

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    In chickens, infections due to influenza A virus (IAV) can be mild to severe and lethal. The study of IAV infections in poultry has been mostly limited to strains from the North American and Eurasian lineages, whereas limited information exists on similar studies with strains from the South American lineage (SAm). To better evaluate the risk of introduction of a prototypical SAm IAV strain into poultry, chickens were infected with a wild-type SAm origin strain (WT557/H6N2). The resulting virus progeny was serially passaged in chickens 20 times, and the immunopathological effects of the last passage virus, 20Ch557/H6N2, in chickens were compared to those of the parental strain. A comparison of complete viral genome sequences indicated that the 20Ch557/H6N2 strain contained 13 amino acid differences compared to the wild-type strain. Five of these mutations are in functionally relevant regions of the viral surface glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). However, despite higher and more prolonged virus shedding in chickens inoculated with the 20Ch557/H6N2 strain compared to those that received the WT557/H6N2 strain, transmission to naïve chickens was not observed for either group. Analyses by flow cytometry of mononuclear cells and lymphocyte subpopulations from the lamina propria and intraepithelial lymphocytic cells (IELs) from the ileum revealed a significant increase in the percentages of CD3CTCRgdC IELs in chickens inoculated with the 20Ch557/H6N2 strain compared to those inoculated with the WT557/H6N2 strain.Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológico

    Non-perturbative Landau gauge and infrared critical exponents in QCD

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    We discuss Faddeev-Popov quantization at the non-perturbative level and show that Gribov's prescription of cutting off the functional integral at the Gribov horizon does not change the Schwinger-Dyson equations, but rather resolves an ambiguity in the solution of these equations. We note that Gribov's prescription is not exact, and we therefore turn to the method of stochastic quantization in its time-independent formulation, and recall the proof that it is correct at the non-perturbative level. The non-perturbative Landau gauge is derived as a limiting case, and it is found that it yields the Faddeev-Popov method in Landau gauge with a cut-off at the Gribov horizon, plus a novel term that corrects for over-counting of Gribov copies inside the Gribov horizon. Non-perturbative but truncated coupled Schwinger-Dyson equations for the gluon and ghost propagators D(k)D(k) and G(k)G(k) in Landau gauge are solved asymptotically in the infrared region. The infrared critical exponents or anomalous dimensions, defined by D(k)1/(k2)1+aDD(k) \sim 1/(k^2)^{1 + a_D} and G(k)1/(k2)1+aGG(k) \sim 1/(k^2)^{1 + a_G} are obtained in space-time dimensions d=2,3,4d = 2, 3, 4. Two possible solutions are obtained with the values, in d=4d = 4 dimensions, aG=1,aD=2a_G = 1, a_D = -2, or aG=[93(1201)1/2]/980.595353,aD=2aG a_G = [93 - (1201)^{1/2}]/98 \approx 0.595353, a_D = - 2a_G.Comment: 26 pages. Modified 2.25.02 to update references and to clarify Introduction and Conclusio

    Dynamics of the frustrated Ising lattice gas

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    The dynamical properties of a three dimensional model glass, the frustrated Ising lattice gas (FILG) are studied by Monte Carlo simulations. We present results of compression experiments, where the chemical potential is either slowly or abruptly changed, as well as simulations at constant density. One time quantities like density and two time ones like correlations, responses and mean square displacements are measured, and the departure from equilibrium clearly characterized. The aging scenario, particularly in the case of density autocorrelations is reminiscent of spin glass phenomenology with violations of the Fluctuation-dissipation theorem, typical of systems with one replica symmetry breaking. The FILG, as a valid on-lattice model of structural glasses can be described with tools developed in spin glass theory and, being a finite dimensional model, can open the way for a systematic study of activated processes in glasses.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. E, november (2000