2,376 research outputs found

    Mapping a New Socio-Political Landscape: British Columbia, 1871-1874

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    Historians have generally believed that the provincial legislature in post-Confederation British Columbia divided along “Island vs. Mainland” lines prior to the introduction of political parties. This myth is challenged in a study using political voting records and the computer-based methods of legislative roll-call analysis. A systematic re-examination of a traditional source, nineteenth-century newspapers, further supports a new interpretation: that in the inaugural period of Confederation an “Island vs. Mainland” schism did not exist in the B.C. legislature, but a “Rural vs. Urban” split was evident. The underlying divisive issue was adoption of the Canadian tariff.Les historiens ont cru en gĂ©nĂ©ral que la lĂ©gislature provinciale de la Colombie- Britannique post-ConfĂ©dĂ©ration Ă©tait partagĂ©e par une ligne de dĂ©marcation entre les reprĂ©sentants de l’üle de Vancouver et ceux de la terre ferme avant l’arrivĂ©e des partis politiques. Ce mythe est contestĂ© dans une Ă©tude fondĂ©e sur les documents Ă©lectoraux politiques et les mĂ©thodes informatiques de l’analyse du vote lĂ©gislatif par appel nominal. Le rĂ©examin systĂ©matique d’une source traditionnelle, les journaux du XIXe siĂšcle, appuie Ă©galement une nouvelle interprĂ©tation voulant qu’aucun schisme « Ăźle versus terre ferme » n’existait Ă  la lĂ©gislature britannocolombienne durant la pĂ©riode inaugurale de la ConfĂ©dĂ©ration, mais qu’on y observait bel et bien une division « milieu rural versus milieu urbain ». La question divisive sous-jacente Ă©tait l’adoption d’un tarif canadien

    Jean Barman - The West beyond the West: A History of British Columbia

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    Robin Fisher - Duff Pattullo of British Columbia

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    The polarization of the planet-hosting WASP-18 system

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    We report observations of the linear polarization of the WASP-18 system, which harbors a very massive ( approx 10 M_J) planet orbiting very close to its star with an orbital period of 0.94 days. We find the WASP-18 system is polarized at about 200 parts-per-million (ppm), likely from the interstellar medium predominantly, with no strong evidence for phase dependent modulation from reflected light from the planet. We set an upper limit of 40 ppm (99% confidence level) on the amplitude of a reflected polarized light planetary signal. We compare the results with models for a number of processes that may produce polarized light in a planetary system to determine if we can rule out any phenomena with this limit. Models of reflected light from thick clouds can approach or exceed this limit, but such clouds are unlikely at the high temperature of the WASP-18b atmosphere. Additionally, we model the expected polarization resulting from the transit of the planet across the star and find this has an amplitude of about 1.6 ppm, which is well below our detection limits. We also model the polarization due to the tidal distortion of the star by the massive planet and find this is also too small to be measured currently.Comment: 23 pages, 10 Figures, 6 Tables, Accepted to A

    Dark Energy and Modified Gravity

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    Despite two decades of tremendous experimental and theoretical progress, the riddle of the accelerated expansion of the Universe remains to be solved. On the experimental side, our understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the major dark energy probes has evolved; here we summarize the major probes and their crucial challenges. On the theoretical side, the taxonomy of explanations for the accelerated expansion rate is better understood, providing clear guidance to the relevant observables. We argue that: i) improving statistical precision and systematic control by taking more data, supporting research efforts to address crucial challenges for each probe, using complementary methods, and relying on cross-correlations is well motivated; ii) blinding of analyses is difficult but ever more important; iii) studies of dark energy and modified gravity are related; and iv) it is crucial that R&D for a vibrant dark energy program in the 2030s be started now by supporting studies and technical R&D that will allow embryonic proposals to mature. Understanding dark energy, arguably the biggest unsolved mystery in both fundamental particle physics and cosmology, will remain one of the focal points of cosmology in the forthcoming decade.Comment: 5 pages + references; science white paper submitted to the Astro2020 decadal surve

    Operational approach to the Uhlmann holonomy

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    We suggest a physical interpretation of the Uhlmann amplitude of a density operator. Given this interpretation we propose an operational approach to obtain the Uhlmann condition for parallelity. This allows us to realize parallel transport along a sequence of density operators by an iterative preparation procedure. At the final step the resulting Uhlmann holonomy can be determined via interferometric measurements.Comment: Added material, references, and journal reference

    WHOI SDSL data-link project—ethernet telemetry through sea cables

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 34 (2017): 269-275, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00196.1.A data telemetry technique for communicating over standard oceanographic sea cables that achieves a nearly 100-fold increase in bandwidth as compared to traditional systems has been recently developed and successfully used at sea on board two Research Vessel (R/V) Atlantis cruises with an 8.5-km, 0.322-in.-diameter three-conductor sea cable. The system uses commercially available modules to provide Ethernet connectivity through existing sea cables, linking serial and video underwater instrumentation to the shipboard user. The new method applies Synchronous Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) communications technology to undersea applications, greatly increasing the opportunities to use scientific instrumentation from existing ships and sea cables at minimal cost and without modification.This development program has been supported, in part, through research grants from the National Science Foundation (OCE 0447395), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s ASTEP program (NNX09AB76G), and a WHOI Green and Hiam Innovative Technology Award.2017-07-2
