4,385 research outputs found


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    The European crisis has triggered a series of economic, political and social consequences in the European Union, particularly for the euro zone member states and this has generated a public discussion about the pertinence of a single currency. This paper presents some of the social, political and economic consequences. One of the main consequences of the crisis in peripheral countries is higher unemployment. The political reconfiguration at the national-level in some European countries is presented. The pressures on labor markets are high and there is a reconfiguration in the immigration and emigration in Europe

    Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las periimplantitis. Actualización en el diagnóstico clínico y en el tratamiento de las periimplantitis

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    En el presente capítulo realizamos una descripción de las investigaciones y hallazgos más importantes aparecidos recientemente en la literatura implantológica, los cuales inciden de una forma más significativa en el diagnóstico clínico y su aplicación en el tratamiento de las periimplantitis por parte del dentista. Aunque todavía no existe claridad ni consenso en los protocolos de actuación terapéutica, hemos realizado un meticuloso análisis de los conocimientos aportados por los diferentes investigadores, y describimos su aplicación más racional al hilo de las últimas investigaciones

    Fuzzy inference system for the identification of over-the-counter (otc) drugs.

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    This document shows the details of the implementation of a fuzzy inference system, for the identification of four over-the-counter drugs (Naproxen, Calcium Carbonate, Muvett and Winadol), by using a Raman Spectroscopy, which output is the characterization of the substance. Data obtained from Raman Spectroscopy are modeled with Matlab®- Fuzzy Logic Toolbox

    Are receptor concentrations correlated across tissues within individuals? A case study examining glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor binding

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    Copyright © 2015 by the Endocrine Society. Hormone receptors are a necessary (although not sufficient) part of the process through which hormones like corticosterone create physiological responses. However, it is currently unknown to what extent receptor concentrations across different target tissues may be correlated within individual animals. In this study, we examined this question using a large dataset of radioligand binding data for glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) and mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs) in 13 different tissues in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) (n = 72). Our data revealed that individual house sparrows tended to exhibit higher or lower receptor binding across all tissues, which could be part of what creates the physiological and behavioral syndromes associated with different hormonal profiles. However, although statistically significant, the correlations between tissues were very weak. Thus, when each tissue was independently regressed on receptor concentrations in the other tissues, multivariate analysis revealed significant relationships only for sc fat (for GR) and whole brain, hippocampus, kidney, omental fat, and sc fat (for MR). We also found significant pairwise correlations only between receptor concentrations in brain and hippocampus, and brain and kidney (both for MR). This research reveals that although there are generalized individual consistencies in GR and MR concentrations, possibly due to such factors as hormonal regulation and genetic effects, the ability of 2 different tissues to respond to the same hormonal signal appears to be affected by additional factors that remain to be identified

    Polyamines as an ecofriendly postharvest tool to maintain fruit quality

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    Polyamines (PAs) are natural compounds involved in a wide range of plant growth and developmental process, such as cell division, dormancy breaking, germination, development of flower buds, fruit set, growth and ripening, as well as in plant responses to environmental stresses including chilling injury. This chapter will focus on the role of PAs in fruit growth and ripening, with special emphasis on the effects of pre- and postharvest PA treatment on fruit quality attributes, bioactive constituents with antioxidant activity, and tolerance of fruit to chilling injury damage. The results of this chapter provide evidence for the numerous beneficial effects of the exogenous PA treatments, both at pre- and postharvest time in fruit quality attributes including their concentration in antioxidant compounds. Taking into account that PAs are naturally occurring molecules their application as pre- or postharvest treatment could be considered as an environmentally compatible tool as they can be metabolized by fruit cells. In addition, it should be pointed out that although exogenous application of PAs enhances their endogenous levels, the concentrations remain far lower than the toxic ones. Since modern agriculture is searching for effective biological molecules with well-known metabolic effects but without toxicological effects, a possible answer may be related to PA treatments