39 research outputs found

    Firm Dynamics: The Size and Growth Distribution of Firms

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    Abstract This thesis is about rm dynamics, and relates to the size and growth-rate distribution of rms. As such, it consists of an introductory and four separate chapters. The rst chapter concerns the size distribution of rms, the two subsequent chapters deal more specically with high-growth rms (HGFs), and the last chapter covers a related topic in distributional estimation theory. The rst three chapters are empirically oriented, whereas the fourth chapter develops a statistical concept. Data in the empirical section of the thesis come from two sources. First, PAR, a Swedish consulting rm that gathers information from the Swedish Patent and registration oce on all Swedish limited liability rms. Second, the IFDB-database, which comes from the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis and comprises a selection of longitudinal register data from Statistics Sweden and contains business-related information on rms and establishments operating in Sweden, irrespective of their legal status. The rst chapter addresses the size distribution of rms, outlining a method that can be used to test a number of economic hypotheses of what determines the shape of the rm size distribution. Using the PAR-dataset, rm size distributions (at the 3-digit NACE industry level) are found to exhibit signicant heterogeneity, both over time and across industries. Furthermore, the results suggest that easier access to nancial capital has a positive eect on the number of large rms in the industry, hence thickening the tail of the rm size distribution. The second chapter problematizes the view of HGFs as a target of economic policy. It applies regression analysis and transition probabilities to the IFDB-dataset of rms to demonstrate that the presence of individual HGFs is not persistent over time, rather high growth is likely followed by a period of lower or negative growth. The third chapter considers the basic denition of HGFs, examining whether the statistical properties of the rm growth-rate distribution can be used to distinguish HGFs from other rms in a more systematic fashion. Using the PAR-dataset, this paper suggests that HGFs can be thought of as rms with growth rates that follow a power law in the growth-rate distribution. Applied to the 2-digit NACE industry level this denition suggests that HGFs might be even rarer than previously thought. The last chapter addresses a statistical property of many growth-rate distributions, known as geometric stability, and develops an estimator for the family of skewed geometric stable distributions. 1 In all, this thesis provides valuable contributions to rm dynamics and furthers our knowledge in areas of empirical ndings, empirical methodology, economic policy and statistical estimation theory

    The Role of VET in a Green Transition of Industry: A Literature Review

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    Purpose: This article examines the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in a green transition of industry. In the world of industry, battling climate change is often treated as a technical issue, but recent research on VET has tried to balance the technological paradigm with more human-centric approaches. The literature review addresses emergent VET research that presents various and partially competing perspectives on the purpose of VET in relation to climate change. Methods: We use an integrative literature review to investigate this complex topic. This technique is particularly useful for making sense of emergent research concepts, as well as various, and partially competing, theoretical and methodological approaches. It also allows us to incorporate literature from different countries and VET systems. The main search was performed in Scopus during March 2023, and included studies published within a timespan of eight years (2016–2023). Findings: Through a qualitative content analysis, we have identified five cross-cutting themes in the literature: Conceptualising ill-defined concepts of green jobs and skills; high-tech solutions in the movement towards a fourth industrial revolution versus inclusive growth for VET greening; towards sustainable work-based learning for green skills in VET; radical transformative approaches to a just green transition; and the co-creation of skill-formation ecosystems. The analysis has highlighted the ways in which VET can take on different roles in the green transition, and that these roles can be developed successively in parallel with a green transition in industry. In the development of the role of VET, it is also relevant to consider the contrast between transitional approaches and transformative approaches in VET research. While transitional approaches are recurrently marked by empirical research in specialised areas and subsystems within society, transformative approaches are characterised by a stronger focus on societal transformation (large-scale changes), power dynamics, and social justice. Conclusion: In conclusion, we suggest an analytical model that synthesises research on what role VET can play in a green transition of industry. The development model highlights that VET can take on different roles in a green transition and can gradually develop in parallel with a green transition in industry.

    The role of VET in a green transition of industry: a literature review

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    Purpose: This article examines the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in a green transition of industry. In the world of industry, battling climate change is often treated as a technical issue, but recent research on VET has tried to balance the technological paradigm with more human-centric approaches. The literature review addresses emergent VET research that presents various and partially competing perspectives on the purpose of VET in relation to climate change. Methods: We use an integrative literature review to investigate this complex topic. This technique is particularly useful for making sense of emergent research concepts, as well as various, and partially competing, theoretical and methodological approaches. It also allows us to incorporate literature from different countries and VET systems. The main search was performed in Scopus during March 2023, and included studies published within a timespan of eight years (2016–2023). Findings: Through a qualitative content analysis, we have identified five cross-cutting themes in the literature: Conceptualising ill-defined concepts of green jobs and skills; high-tech solutions in the movement towards a fourth industrial revolution versus inclusive growth for VET greening; towards sustainable work-based learning for green skills in VET; radical transformative approaches to a just green transition; and the co-creation of skill-formation ecosystems. The analysis has highlighted the ways in which VET can take on different roles in the green transition, and that these roles can be developed successively in parallel with a green transition in industry. In the development of the role of VET, it is also relevant to consider the contrast between transitional approaches and transformative approaches in VET research. While transitional approaches are recurrently marked by empirical research in specialised areas and subsystems within society, transformative approaches are characterised by a stronger focus on societal transformation (large-scale changes), power dynamics, and social justice. Conclusion: In conclusion, we suggest an analytical model that synthesises research on what role VET can play in a green transition of industry. The development model highlights that VET can take on different roles in a green transition and can gradually develop in parallel with a green transition in industry. (DIPF/Orig.

    Identification of multiple risk loci and regulatory mechanisms influencing susceptibility to multiple myeloma

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have transformed our understanding of susceptibility to multiple myeloma (MM), but much of the heritability remains unexplained. We report a new GWAS, a meta-analysis with previous GWAS and a replication series, totalling 9974 MM cases and 247,556 controls of European ancestry. Collectively, these data provide evidence for six new MM risk loci, bringing the total number to 23. Integration of information from gene expression, epigenetic profiling and in situ Hi-C data for the 23 risk loci implicate disruption of developmental transcriptional regulators as a basis of MM susceptibility, compatible with altered B-cell differentiation as a key mechanism. Dysregulation of autophagy/apoptosis and cell cycle signalling feature as recurrently perturbed pathways. Our findings provide further insight into the biological basis of MM.</p

    Identification of multiple risk loci and regulatory mechanisms influencing susceptibility to multiple myeloma

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have transformed our understanding of susceptibility to multiple myeloma (MM), but much of the heritability remains unexplained. We report a new GWAS, a meta-analysis with previous GWAS and a replication series, totalling 9974 MM cases and 247,556 controls of European ancestry. Collectively, these data provide evidence for six new MM risk loci, bringing the total number to 23. Integration of information from gene expression, epigenetic profiling and in situ Hi-C data for the 23 risk loci implicate disruption of developmental transcriptional regulators as a basis of MM susceptibility, compatible with altered B-cell differentiation as a key mechanism. Dysregulation of autophagy/apoptosis and cell cycle signalling feature as recurrently perturbed pathways. Our findings provide further insight

    Industry Differences in the Firm Size Distribution

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    This paper empirically examines industry determinants of the shape of Swedish firm size distributions at the 3-digit (NACE) industry level between 1999-2004 for surviving firms. Recent theoretical studies have begun to develop a better understanding of the causal mechanisms behind the shape of firm size distributions. At the same time there is a growing need for more systematic empirical research. This paper therefore presents a two-stage empirical model, in which the shape parameters of the size distribution are estimated in a rst stage, with rm size measured as number of employees. In a second stage regression analysis, anumber of hypotheses regarding economic variables that may determine the distributional shape are tested. The result from the first step are largely consistent with previous statistical ndings conrming a power law. The main nding, however, is that increases in industry capital and nancial constraint exert a considerable inuence on the size distribution, shaping it over time towards thinner tails, and hence fewer large firms.QC 20130215</p

    The Suspect and Mutual Legal Assistance : A legal analysis of the rights of the individual in the suppression of transnational organised crime

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    The suppression of transnational organised crime has continued to rise on the agenda of the international community and is today an affirmed goal of most states. To increase the effectiveness of suppression, it is necessary for states to cooperate across borders in criminal investigations. The legal regime by which this is done is called mutual legal assistance, MLA, and is one of the most practically important developments in public international law over recent decades. The development however has led to several unanswered questions regarding the position of the individual in the procedure. Those are manifested in three main areas, namely; the requirements for employment of MLA; the application of exceptions and; human rights protection.   This thesis elaborates on and analyses the balance between effectiveness in formal international law enforcement and the protection of fundamental rights in such procedures in the three main ambiguous areas.   The analysis points to the importance of the principle of reciprocity for effective cooperation and argues that the conditions for MLA should not be altered. It argues that the number of exceptions shall be kept at a minimum. However, the efforts to abolish the exception for offences of a political nature should be halted or at least approached with more caution. This is true also of when concerning terrorism offences.   The analysis shows that the protection available to the person whom the MLA request concerns is inadequate. There is an urgent need to reform the system in that respect, in particular by opening channels of complaint.   The final conclusion is that, in light of the unquestionable importance of MLA in the suppression of transnational organised crime, it is possible to make limited reform in the areas of human rights and the guarantee of a right to a fair trial without jeopardising the necessary effectiveness of the system.

    Firm Dynamics : The Size and Growth Distribution of Firms

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    This thesis is about firm dynamics, and relates to the size and growth-rate distribution of firms. As such, it consists of an introductory and four separate chapters. The first chapter concerns the size distribution of firms, the two subsequent chapters deal more specically with high-growth firms (HGFs), and the last chapter covers a related topic in distributional estimation theory. The first three chapters are empirically oriented, whereas the fourth chapter develops a statistical concept.QC 20130215</p

    On the Estimation of Skewed Geometric Stable Distributions

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    The increasing interest in the application of geometric stable distribu-tions has lead to a need for appropriate estimators. Building on recent procedures for estimating the Linnik distribution, this paper develops two estimators for the geometric stable distribution. Closed form expressions are provided for the signed and unsigned fractional momentsof the distribution. The estimators are then derived using the methods of fractional lower order moments and that of logarithmic moments. Their performance is tested on simulated data, where the lower order estimators, in particular, are found to give ecient results over most of the parameter space.QC 20130215</p

    Identifying High-Growth Firms

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    This paper investigates the role(s) of high-growth firms (HGFs) in the robust growth-rate distribution. HGFs are identied as firms for which the growth-rate distribution exhibits power-law decay. In contrast to the traditional means of identifying HGFs, a distributional approach eliminates the need to specify an arbitrary growth rate or percentage share. The latter approach is illustrated by the growth-rate distribution for Swedish data on incorporated firms at the aggregate level and at the 2-digit in-dustry level. The empirical results indicate that a power law is sometimes present in the growth-rate distribution and suggest that HGFs are rarer than previously thought.QC 20130215</p