112 research outputs found

    Caracterització morfoagronòmica de Phaseolus vulgaris, L. Producció.

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    The snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has, depending on growth type, determined (bush type) o undetermined (climbing type). The growth type greatly influences the production cost, as bush type need much less work to install (props are not needed) and the crop iseasier to manage (phytosanitary treatments are easier to apply). Nowadays, farmers from the Maresme zone have valuable varieties form an agronomic and sensory point of view, but these varieties are of undetermined growth. For this reason, a breeding programme was launched to obtain a variety of determined growth with the same sensory characteristics of the best variety of undeterminate growth variety, along with an acceptable production. This Final Degree Project is a part of this general project. The work here presented consists on a generation of selection within the general pedigree selection program on course. In particular, during the 2016 spring-summer seasons S3 plants coming from crosses between determined and undetermined type of growth plants were evaluated in field trials. The traits recorded included from yield to plant architecture, and its combined consideration allowed identifying the best families and plants within family for agromorphologyc and productive traits. During the experiment it has also been proved that in this S3 generation, as expected, all plants had the gene fin in homozygosis, as no climbing plants appeared in the field trials. The seeds obtained by selfing (self-fertilization) of the selected plants (93.75% loci homozygous in average) will be the base for the next generation of selection.La mongeta tendra (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) presenta, segons la varietat, creixement determinat (mata baixa) o indeterminat (mata alta). El tipus de creixement fa variar molt els costos de producció, ja que les varietats de mata baixa requereixen molta menys feina d'instal·lació (no s'han de posar tutors) i el cultiu és més senzill de gestionar (els tractaments fitosanitaris es fan amb més facilitat). Actualment els agricultors de la zona del Maresme disposen de varietats de gran valor agronòmic i sensorial però de creixement indeterminat. Per aquest motiu es va iniciar el projecte de millora, en el qual està inserit aquest treball de grau. El seu objectiu general era obtenir una varietat de creixement determinat que tingués les mateixes característiques sensorials que la millor varietat de creixement indeterminat, juntament amb una producció acceptable. La feina realitzada en el treball de fi de grau consisteix en el seguiment d'una generació de selecció dins del programa de selecció genealògica que s'està desenvolupant. En concret, durant la primavera-estiu del 2016 s'ha realitzat l'estudi i valoració de plantes S3, obtingudes a partir de l'encreuament entre línies pures de creixement determinat i creixement indeterminat. Els caràcters que s'inclouen en el treball van des de la producció fins la arquitectura de la planta i la seva consideració conjunta ha permès identificar les millors famílies i plantes dins de família per caràcters agromorfològics i productius. També s'ha comprovat que en aquesta generació de selecció totes les famílies tenen fixat en homozigosi el gen fin, doncs no han aparegut segregants de creixement indeterminat. Les llavors obtingudes per autofecundació de les plantes seleccionades (ja amb un 93.75% d'homozigosi), serviran per establir al camp la següent generació de selecció.La judía verde (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) presenta, según la variedad, un crecimiento determinado (mata baja) o indeterminado (mata alta). El tipo de crecimiento hace variar mucho los costes de producción, ya que las variedades de mata baja requieren mucho menos trabajo en cuanto a la instalación (no se ponen tutores) y el cultivo es más sencillo de gestionar (los tratamientos fitosanitarios se hacen con más facilidad). Actualmente los agricultores de la zona del Maresme tienen variedades de gran valor agronómico y sensorial pero de crecimiento indeterminado. Por este motivo se inició el proyecto de mejora, en el cual se halla enmarcado este trabajo de fin de grado. Su objetivo general era obtener una variedad de crecimiento determinado que tuviera las mismas características sensoriales que la mejor variedad de crecimiento indeterminado, juntamente con una producción aceptable. La labor realizada en el trabajo de final de grado consiste en el seguimiento de una generación de selección dentro del programa de selección genealógica que se está desarrollando. En concreto, durante la primavera-verano del 2016 se ha realizado el estudio y valoración de las plantas S3, obtenidas a partir del cruzamiento entre líneas puras de crecimiento determinado y de crecimiento indeterminado. Los caracteres que se incluyen en este trabajo abarcan desde la producción hasta la arquitectura de la planta y su consideración conjunta ha permitido identificar las mejores familias y plantas dentro de familia por caracteres agromorfológicos y productivos. También se ha comprobado que en esta generación de selección todas las familias tienen fijado en homocigosis el gen fin, por lo que no han aparecido segregantes de crecimiento indeterminado. Las semillas obtenidas por autofecundación de las plantas seleccionadas (ya con un 93,75% de homocigosis), servirán para obtener la siguiente generación de selección en campo

    Mathematical Model of the Impact of a Nonantibiotic Treatment for Clostridium difficile on the Endemic Prevalence of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci in a Hospital Setting

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    Introduction. Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD) is treated using antibiotics, which often leads to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). This study estimated the impact of a non antibiotic treatment for CDAD on VRE prevalence. Methods. A previously published model describing the impact of in-hospital antibiotic use on VRE prevalence was adapted to include CDAD treatment. Simulations compared the prevalence of VRE when nonantibiotic versus antibiotic therapy was used. Results. Nonantibiotic treatment in 50% of CDAD patients resulted in an 18% relative reduction in the prevalence of VRE colonization compared with antibiotic use only. Sensitivity analysis found the model to be most sensitive to rates of antibiotic initiation and discontinuation, prevalence of VRE in admitted patients, length of stay of colonized patients, probability of CDAD acquisition, and hand-washing compliance. Conclusion. Nonantibiotic treatment of patients hospitalized with CDAD may significantly reduce the incidence of VRE colonization

    Quantification of the resonant energy transfer processes in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped Ca3Al2Si3O12 glasses

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    The resonant cross relaxation processes between Yb3+ and Er3+ ions in calcium alumino-silicate glasses have been quantified under selective Er3+ excitation. The infrared emission spectra, measured under steady state conditions (CW excitation to the 4I9/2 erbium level), have allowed to obtain an experimental relationship linking the transfer (Yb3+ → Er3+) and back transfer (Er3+ → Yb3+) parameters. These measurements combined with the dynamics of the main emitting levels, measured under pulsed excitation to the 2H11/2 erbium level, have allowed the fully quantification of the energy transfer parameters. The obtained values, C25=5.5×10−18cm3s−1 (Yb3+ → Er3+), C52=1.5×10−18cm3s−1 (Er3+ → Yb3+) and C27=7.6×10−18cm3s−1 (up-conversion mechanism, estimated from the Judd-Ofelt analysis previously reported), can be used to predict the temporal evolution of the main luminescent emission band

    El impuesto de sucesiones en España: principios constitucionales relacionados con la cesión a las Comunidades Autónomas y posibles conflictos

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    Se va a tratar de realizar un estudio del trato que dan las Comunidades Autónomas al impuesto de sucesiones y donaciones, únicamente en la rama de sucesiones, para finalmente observar las diferencias existentes a la hora de tributar por este y tratar sobre los posibles conflictos relativos al impuesto

    La D.O. Calatayud y su papel como motor de desarrollo rural en el territorio que abarca.

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    La D.O. Calatayud se ha convertido en un vector de desarrollo rural del territorio circundante a Calatayud. Este trabajo trata de analizar los factores que la han hecho llegar a serlo, así como la propia idiosincrasia de la institución y su actividad. Las zonas rurales están viviendo un proceso de renovación tras el cambio de paradigma en el desarrollo rural. Las instituciones nacionales y supranacionales se esfuerzan, mediante la puesta en marcha de políticas de desarrollo rural y su financiación, en evitar el vaciamiento de los pueblos. La búsqueda de la calidad certificada por parte de las D.O. es una demostración de que el desarrollo rural es posible.<br /

    Clinical and economic impact of first-line or drug-naïve catheter ablation and delayed second-line catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation using a patient-level simulation model

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    AimsTo determine the clinical and economic implications of first-line or drug-na &amp; iuml;ve catheter ablation compared to antiarrhythmic drugs (AADs), or shorter AADs-to-Ablation time (AAT) in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients in France and Italy, using a patient level-simulation model.Materials and methodsA patient-level simulation model was used to simulate clinical pathways for AF patients using published data and expert opinion. The probabilities of adverse events (AEs) were dependent on treatment and/or disease status. Analysis 1 compared scenarios of treating 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of patients with first-line ablation and the remainder with AADs. In Analysis 2, scenarios compared the impact of delaying transition to second-line ablation by 1 or 2 years.ResultsOver 10 years, increasing first-line ablation from 0% to 100% (versus AAD treatment) decreased stroke by 12%, HF hospitalization by 29%, and cardioversions by 45% in both countries. As the rate of first-line ablation increased from 0% to 100%, the overall 10-year per-patient costs increased from 13,034 to 14,450 in Italy and from 11,944 to 16,942 in France. For both countries, the scenario with no delay in second-line ablation had fewer AEs compared to the scenarios where ablation was delayed after AAD failure. Increasing rates of first-line or drug-na &amp; iuml;ve catheter ablation, and shorter AAT, resulted in higher cumulative controlled patient years on rhythm control therapy.LimitationsThe model includes assumptions based on the best available clinical data, which may differ from real-world results, however, sensitivity analyses were included to combat parameter ambiguity. Additionally, the model represents a payer perspective and does not include societal costs, providing a conservative approach.ConclusionIncreased first-line or drug-na &amp; iuml;ve catheter ablation, and shorter AAT, could increase the proportion of patients with controlled AF and reduce AEs, offsetting the small investment required in total AF costs over 10 years in Italy and France.This study created an individual patient level simulation to estimate the clinical and economic implications of catheter ablation, which is a non-pharmacological option to treat patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). This study examines the impact of the updated 2020 ESC guidelines to managing AF in Italian and French patients comparing antiarrhythmic drug treatment to first- and second-line catheter ablation. Differences in AF-related adverse events (AEs) such as stroke, hospitalization, cardioversions, and bleeding events were considered in the model to inform the overall per-patient costs. The model was tested with 50,000 patient simulations to limit random effects. The results of the patient simulation model revealed that as the frequency of utilizing first-line catheter ablation increased from 0% to 100% compared to pharmacological treatment, AEs were reduced in both countries, resulting in a slightly increased 10-year-per-patient cost. Additionally, for patients who fail first-line pharmacological treatment, those who receive second-line catheter ablation in the next year, versus a delay of one or two years, had the highest rate of cumulative controlled patient years on rhythm control therapy and the lowest AE rate by year 10 of the model. Overall, 10-year per-patient costs were similar, regardless of whether second-line ablation was delivered with no delay or a one-or two-year delay. In conclusion, increased use of first-line catheter ablation and earlier second-line catheter ablation can reduce the rates of adverse clinical events and increase the proportion of patients with controlled AF for a similar investment in per-patient costs over 10-years

    The use of computer simulation modeling to estimate complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus : comparative validation of the cornerstone diabetes simulation model

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    Objective The objective of this study was to assess the validity of the Cornerstone Diabetes Simulation (CDS), a Microsoft Excel(R)-based patient-level simulation for type 2 diabetes mellitus based on risk equations from the revised United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study Outcomes Model (UKPDS-OM2, also known as UKPDS 82). Methods Three levels of validation were conducted. Internal validation was assessed through independent review and model stress-testing. External validation was addressed by populating the CDS with baseline characteristics and treatment effects from three major diabetes clinical trials used in the Fifth Mount Hood Diabetes Challenge (MH5) for computer simulation models. Cross-validation of predicted outcomes was tested versus eight models that participated in the MH5. Simulated results were compared with observed clinical outcomes via the coefficient of determination (R-2) for both the absolute risk of each clinical outcome and the difference in absolute risk between control and intervention arm in each trial. We ensured transparency of all model inputs and assumptions in reporting. Results The CDS could be used to predict 18 of 39 single and composite endpoints across the three trials. The model obtained an R-2 of 0.637 for predicted versus observed absolute risks, and an R-2 of 0.442 for predicted versus observed risk differences between control and intervention. Among the other eight models, only one obtained a higher R-2 value under both definitions, albeit based on only four predicted endpoints. Conclusions The CDS provides good predictions of diabetes-related complications when compared to observed trial outcomes and previously validated models. The model has value as a validated tool in cost-effectiveness evaluations

    Public private partnerships and their applicability in Malta : an analysis

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    Purpose: We herein examine the private public partrnership (PPPs) in Malta by (i) ascertaining the nature and assessing their definability, (ii) identifying and analysing the main alternative ways of formulating PPPs and finding the optimal ways of doing so, as well as (iii) assessing PPP monitoring and analysing any factors which may render such monitoring more effective.Methodology: The study follows a qualitative mixed-methods design. It draws data from semi-structured interviews conducted with fourteen experts within the Maltese PPP scenario. These consisted of representatives from consultancy firms and from Government entities and private sector firms involved in PPPs.Findings: The findings indicate that, if a formal statutory PPP definition were to be adopted, this would likely face substantial resistance. Moreover, specific case studies and detailed risk assessments are sine qua nons for optimal PPP formulations. Furthermore, at the PPP contract drafting stage, dilemmas too often arise regarding the inclusion of the appropriate level of detail about the different aspects of such contracts if one is not to render them too complex. In SPs procurement, respondents preferred the inclusion of a pre-qualification stage. Furthermore, while it is generally agreed that further skills and resources are required for effective Government monitoring, differences of opinion emerged as to how and when such monitoring is to be performed.Originality/Value: This study is meant to raise public sector awareness on the need to improve Maltese PPP practices with respect to their definability, formulation and monitoring. It is hoped that the forwarded recommendations support the competent authorities in addressing the identified existing deficiencies, thus enabling them to enhance PPPs and render them improved vehicles for public sector development.peer-reviewe

    Health impact of tafamidis in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy patients:an analysis from the Tafamidis in Transthyretin Cardiomyopathy Clinical Trial (ATTR-ACT) and the open-label long-term extension studies

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    AIM: The Tafamidis in Transthyretin Cardiomyopathy Clinical Trial (ATTR-ACT) showed that tafamidis reduced all-cause mortality and cardiovascular-related hospitalizations in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM). This study aimed to estimate the impact of tafamidis on survival and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). METHODS AND RESULTS: A multi-state, cohort, Markov model was developed to simulate the disease course of ATTR-CM throughout a lifetime. For survival extrapolation, survival curves were fitted by treatment arm and New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class I/II (68% of patients) and NYHA Class III (32% of patients) cohorts using the individual patient-level data from both the ATTR-ACT and the corresponding long-term extension study. Univariate and multivariate sensitivity analyses were conducted. The predicted mean survival for the total population (NYHA Class I/II + III) was 6.73 years for tafamidis and 2.85 years for the standard of care (SoC), resulting in an incremental mean survival of 3.88 years [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32-5.66]. Of the 6.73 life-years, patients on tafamidis spend, on average, 4.82 years in NYHA Class I/II, while patients on SoC spend an average of 1.60 life-years in these classes. The combination of longer survival in lower NYHA classes produced a QALY gain of 5.39 for tafamidis and 2.11 for SoC, resulting in 3.29 incremental QALYs (95% CI 1.21-4.74) in favour of tafamidis. CONCLUSION: Based on the disease simulation model results, tafamidis is expected to more than double the life expectancy and QALYs of ATTR-CM patients compared to SoC. Longer-term follow-up data from the ATTR-ACT extension study will further inform these findings. CLINICAL TRIALS.GOV IDENTIFIER: NCT01994889 (date of registration: 26 November 2013)