71 research outputs found

    Diffusion MRI of the human brain at ultra-high field (UHF): A review

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    The continued drive towards MRI scanners operating at increasingly higher main magnetic fields is primarily motivated by the maxim that more teslas mean more signal and lead to better images. This promise of increased signal, which cannot easily be achieved in other ways, encourages efforts to overcome the inextricable technical challenges which accompany this endeavor. Unlike for many applications, however, diffusion imaging is not currently able to directly reap these potential signal gains – at the time of writing it seems fair to say that, for matched gradient and RF hardware, the majority of diffusion images acquired at 7T, while comparable in quality to those achievable at 3T, do not demonstrate a clear advantage over what can be obtained at lower field. This does not mean that diffusion imaging at UHF is not a worthwhile pursuit – but more a reflection of the fact that the associated challenges are manifold – and converting the potential of higher field strengths into ‘better’ diffusion imaging is by no means a straightforward task. This article attempts to summarize the specific reasons that make diffusion imaging at UHF more complicated than one might expect, and to highlight the range of developments that have already been made which have enabled diffusion images of excellent quality to be acquired at 7T

    Analysis of the effect of motion on highly accelerated 3D FatNavs in 3D brain images acquired at 3T

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    Purpose: 3D FatNavs are rapid acquisitions of MRI fat-volumes within the head that can be used for retrospective motion correction for brain MRI. 3D FatNavs typically use very high acceleration factors and are reconstructed with the GRAPPA parallel imaging technique. However, the GRAPPA reconstruction is not expected to perform well on 3D FatNavs volumes in the presence of strong motion due to the mismatched calibration data acquired once at the start of the scan, leading to motion-parameter misestimation. This study aims to assess the accuracy and precision of 3D FatNav-derived motion-estimates in the presence of large changes in head position. Methods: Rigid motion parameters were simulated and applied retrospectively to the 3D FatNav volumes from MPRAGE datasets acquired at 3T. The transformed images were then re-reconstructed using GRAPPA to simulate real motion deterioration of the fat-navigator, and used to estimate the motion applied and evaluate the tracking inaccuracy. This information was then used to estimate the residual motion after 3D FatNav-based motion correction and applied to the original MPRAGE volumes. The effect of the misestimation was assessed using an image quality metric and the evaluation scores from two observers. Quality boundaries were then estimated to assess the motion tolerance when 3D FatNavs are used. Results: The GRAPPA reconstruction was shown to deteriorate for large changes in the head position, affecting the quality of 3D FatNav volumes and consequently degrading the accuracy of the motion-estimates. Based on our simulations, the estimated threshold of motion that led to a noticeable degradation in the MPRAGE image quality was up to RMS values of 3.7° and 3 mm for rotations and translations respectively. Conclusions: 3D FatNavs were shown to be able to correct for a wide range of motion levels and types. Boundaries of acceptable motion magnitudes for different levels of acceptable loss of image quality were determined

    Motion-correction enabled ultra-high resolution In-Vivo 7T-MRI of the brain

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    Objectives To demonstrate the image quality that can be obtained for multiple contrasts using ultra-high resolution MRI (highest nominal resolution: 350 ÎŒm isotropic) at 7T using appropriate motion-correction. Materials and Methods An MRI-based fat-excitation motion navigator (which requires no additional hardware) was incorporated into T1-weighted (MP2RAGE, 350 ÎŒm nominal isotropic resolution, total scan time 124 mins over 2 sessions. The MP2RAGE also provides quantitative T1-maps), 3D-TSE (380 ÎŒm nominal isotropic resolution, total scan time 58 mins) and T2*-weighted protocols (3D-GRE, 380 ÎŒm nominal isotropic resolution, total scan time 42 mins) on a 7T MR system. Images from each contrast are presented from a single healthy adult male volunteer (34 years) for direct comparison. The subject provided written consent in accordance with the local review board. Results Images of various brain structures are revealed at unprecedented quality for in-vivo MRI. The presented images permit, for example, to delimit the internal structure of the basal ganglia and thalamus. The single digitationes of the hippocampus are visible, and the gyrus dentatus can be visualized. Intracortical contrast was also observed in the neocortex, including the stria of Gennari of the primary visual cortex. Conclusions Appropriate motion-correction allows MRI scans to be performed with extended scan times enabling exceptionally high resolution scans with high image quality, with the use of a 7T scanner allowing large brain coverage for 350–380 ÎŒm isotropic voxels with total scan times for each contrast ranging from 42 to 124 minutes

    Evaluation of 3D fat-navigator based retrospective motion correction in the clinical setting of patients with brain tumors

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    Purpose A 3D fat-navigator (3D FatNavs)-based retrospective motion correction is an elegant approach to correct for motion as it requires no additional hardware and can be acquired during existing ‘dead-time’ within common 3D protocols. The purpose of this study was to clinically evaluate 3D FatNavs in the work-up of brain tumors. Methods An MRI-based fat-excitation motion navigator incorporated into a standard MPRAGE sequence was acquired in 40 consecutive patients with (or with suspected) brain tumors, pre and post-Gadolinium injection. Each case was categorized into key anatomical landmarks, the temporal lobes, the infra-tentorial region, the basal ganglia, the bifurcations of the middle cerebral artery, and the A2 segment of the anterior cerebral artery. First, the severity of motion in the non-corrected MPRAGE was assessed for each landmark, using a 5-point score from 0 (no artifacts) to 4 (non-diagnostic). Second, the improvement in image quality in each pair and for each landmark was assessed blindly using a 4-point score from 0 (identical) to 3 (strong correction). Results The mean image improvement score throughout the datasets was 0.54. Uncorrected cases with light and no artifacts displayed scores of 0.50 and 0.13, respectively, while cases with moderate artifacts, severe artifacts, and non-diagnostic image quality revealed a mean score of 1.17, 2.25, and 1.38, respectively. Conclusion Fat-navigator-based retrospective motion correction significantly improved MPRAGE image quality in restless patients during MRI acquisition. There was no loss of image quality in patients with little or no motion, and improvements were consistent in patients who moved more

    SM1.3 Seismic Centers Data Acquisition: an introduction to Antelope, EarthWorm, SeisComP and their usage around the world

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    Many medium to big size seismic data centers around the world are facing the same question: which software to use to acquire seismic data in real-time? A home-made or a commercial one? Both choices have pros and cons. The in-house development of software usually requires an increased investment in human resources rather than a financial investment. However, the advantage of fully accomplishing your own needs could be put in danger when the software engineer quits the job! Commercial software offers the advantage of being maintained, but it may require both a considerable financial investment and training. The main seismic software data acquisition suites available nowadays are the public domain SeisComP and EarthWorm packages and the commercial package Antelope. Nanometrics, Guralp and RefTek also provide seismic data acquisition software, but they are mainly intended for single station/network acquisition. Antelope is a software package for real-time acquisition and processing of seismic network data, with its roots in the academic seismological community. The software is developed by Boulder Real Time Technology (BRTT) and commercialized by Kinemetrics. It is used by IRIS affiliates for off-line data processing and it is the main acquisition tool for the USArray program and data centers in Europe like the ORFEUS Data Center, OGS (Italy), ZAMG (Austria), ARSO (Slovenia) and GFU (Czech Republic). SeisComP was originally developed for the GEOFON global network to provide a system for data acquisition, data exchange (SeedLink protocol) and automatic processing. It has evolved into to a widely distributed, networked seismographic system for data acquisition and real-time data exchange over Internet and is supported by ORFEUS as the standard seismic data acquisition tool in Europe. SeisComP3 is the next generation of the software and was developed for the German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS). SeisComP is licensed by GFZ (free of charge) and maintained by a private company (GEMPA). EarthWorm was originally developed by United States Geological Survey (USGS) to exchange data with the Canadian seismologists. Its is now used by several institution around the world. It is maintained and developed by a commercial software house, ISTI

    High spatio-temporal resolution in functional MRI with 3D echo planar imaging using cylindrical excitation and a CAIPIRINHA undersampling pattern

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    Purpose The combination of 3D echo planar imaging (3D‐EPI) with a 2D‐CAIPIRINHA undersampling scheme provides high flexibility in the optimization for spatial or temporal resolution. This flexibility can be increased further with the addition of a cylindrical excitation pulse, which exclusively excites the brain regions of interest. Here, 3D‐EPI was combined with a 2D radiofrequency pulse to reduce the brain area from which signal is generated, and hence, allowing either reduction of the field of view or reduction of parallel imaging noise amplification. Methods 3D‐EPI with cylindrical excitation and 4 × 3‐fold undersampling in a 2D‐CAIPIRINHA sampling scheme was used to generate functional MRI (fMRI) data with either 2‐mm or 0.9‐mm in‐plane resolution and 1.1‐s temporal resolution over a 5‐cm diameter cylinder placed over both temporal lobes for an auditory fMRI experiment. Results Significant increases in image signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) and temporal SNR (tSNR) were found for both 2‐mm isotropic data and the high‐resolution protocol when using the cylindrical excitation pulse. Both protocols yielded highly significant blood oxygenation level–dependent responses for the presentation of natural sounds. Conclusion The higher tSNR of the cylindrical excitation 3D‐EPI data makes this sequence an ideal choice for high spatiotemporal resolution fMRI acquisitions. Magn Reson Med 79:2589–2596, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

    Practical considerations for in vivo MRI with higher dimensional spatial encoding

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    Object: This work seeks to examine practical aspects of in vivo imaging when spatial encoding is performed with three or more encoding channels for a 2D image. Materials and methods: The recently developed 4-Dimensional Radial In/Out (4D-RIO) trajectory is compared in simulations to an alternative higher-order encoding scheme referred to as O-space imaging. Direct comparison of local k-space representations leads to the proposal of a modification to the O-space imaging trajectory based on a scheme of prephasing to improve the reconstructed image quality. Data were collected using a 4D-RIO acquisition in vivo in the human brain and several image reconstructions were compared, exploiting the property that the dense encoding matrix, after a 1D or 2D Fourier transform, can be approximated by a sparse matrix by discarding entries below a chosen magnitude. Results: The proposed prephasing scheme for the O-space trajectory shows a marked improvement in quality in the simulated image reconstruction. In experiments, 4D-RIO data acquired in vivo in the human brain can be reconstructed to a reasonable quality using only 5% of the encoding matrix—massively reducing computer memory requirements for a practical reconstruction. Conclusion: Trajectory design and reconstruction techniques such as these may prove especially useful when extending generalized higher-order encoding methods to 3D image

    Superior GRAPPA reconstruction with reduced g-factor noise using 2D CAIPIRINHA for 3D EPI

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    Efficient GRAPPA or SENSE reconstruction is largely dependent on coil geometry in the direction in which phase encoding steps reduction is performed during partially parallel acquisition. In this study we demonstrate the ability to perform a 2D CAIPIRINHA trajectory in a 3D EPI sequence to reduce the geometry factor (g-factor) noise amplification in the reconstructed images for a predefined total acceleration. 2D CAIPIRINHA style k-space patterns provide improved reconstructions when using very large accelerations on one phase-encode direction, thanks to the ability to use the coil sensitivities along the other phase-encode direction to compensate the reduced coil sensitivity variation

    Fat navigators and Moiré phase tracking comparison for motion estimation and retrospective correction

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    Purpose: To compare motion tracking by two modern methods (fat navigators - FatNavs and Moiré phase tracking - MPT) as well as their performance for retrospective correction of very high resolution acquisitions. Methods: A direct comparison of FatNavs and MPT motion parameters was performed for several deliberate motion patterns to estimate the agreement between methods. In addition, two different navigator resolution were applied. 0.5 mm isotropic MP2RAGE images with simultaneous MPT and FatNavs tracking were acquired in nine cooperative subjects with no intentional motion. Retrospective motion corrections based on both tracking modalities were compared qualitatively and quantitatively. The FatNavs impact on quantitative T1 maps was also investigated. Results: Both methods showed good agreement within a 0.3 mm/° margin in subjects that moved very little. Higher resolution FatNavs (2mm) showed overall better agreement with MPT than 4mm resolution ones, except for fast and large motion. The retrospective motion corrections based on MPT or FatNavs were at par in 33 cases out of 36, and visibly improved image quality compared to the uncorrected images. In separate fringe cases, both methods suffered from their respective potential shortcomings: unreliable marker attachment for MPT and poor temporal resolution for FatNavs. The magnetization transfer induced by the navigator RF pulses had a visible impact on the T1 values distribution, with a shift of the gray and white matter peaks of 12 ms at most. Conclusion: This work confirms both FatNavs and MPT as excellent retrospective motion correction methods for very high resolution imaging of cooperative subjects
