45 research outputs found

    Comparison of topical 0.03% tacrolimus and homologous injectable platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca in dogs

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    Background and Aim: Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is predominantly an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory ocular disease that is commonly diagnosed in dogs. This study aimed to compare the conventional use of topical immunosuppressant tacrolimus 0.03% eye drops and a new therapy injectable homologous platelet-rich plasma (HPRP) into the third eyelid gland and inferior and superior palpebral conjunctiva of dogs with KCS. Materials and Methods: A total of 66 eyes from 33 dogs were evaluated. The eyes were divided into three equal groups: Negative control group, tacrolimus group (TG), and homologous platelet-rich plasma group (HPRPG). The animals were evaluated using the Schirmer's tear test-1 (STT-1), osmolarity test (OT), strip meniscometry test (SMT), tear film break-up test (TBUT), fluorescein test, lissamine green test (LGT), and cytological and histopathological analyses. Results: In TG, there was a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the STT-1 and SMT values, and goblet cell count in the palpebral conjunctiva by the end of the study. In HPRPG, 36% (four dogs) received three applications, 55% (six dogs) received two applications, and 9% (one dog) received one application before the initial ocular signs improved. There was a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the lymphocyte and neutrophil counts of the palpebral conjunctiva in HPRPG than in TG. Both groups showed equivalent improvements in TBUT, OT, and LGT values. Conclusion: Tacrolimus 0.03% eye drops were more efficient than HPRP in increasing tear production and the number of goblet cells. However, injectable HPRP was more efficient than tacrolimus in decreasing the number of conjunctival inflammatory cells. Treatment with injectable HPRP requires an average of two to three applications, is safe and feasible, and can be used as a cheaper alternative or as an adjuvant to conventional treatment with topical immunosuppressants


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    Estudos demonstram que as lesões causadas pela dermatite digital bovina apresentam expressiva quantidade de eosinófilos, mas seus aspectos ainda são motivos de especulação. O presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar a eosinofilia tecidual presente em lesões de dermatite digital, nas diferentes fases da doença. Foram utilizadas quarenta fêmeas bovinas distribuídas em quatro grupos compostos de dez animais, sendo que o grupo GI constituiu-se de animais saudáveis, GII de animais na fase inicial da doença, GIII de bovinos com lesões erosivas e o grupo GIV formado por animais portadores de lesões na forma papilomatosa. O exame histopatológico revelou infiltrado inflamatório eosinofílico nas diferentes lesões digitais examinadas, principalmente na derme papilar, apresentando distribuição que variou de difusa a focal e/ou multifocal. O aumento na intensidade deste infiltrado foi proporcional ao grau da lesão. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Bovino, enfermidade digital, eosinófilos, histopatologia

    Convalescent plasma for COVID-19 in hospitalised patients : an open-label, randomised clinical trial

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    Background: The effects of convalescent plasma (CP) therapy in hospitalised patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) remain uncertain. This study investigates the effect of CP on clinical improvement in these patients. Methods: This is an investigator-initiated, randomised, parallel arm, open-label, superiority clinical trial. Patients were randomly (1:1) assigned to two infusions of CP plus standard of care (SOC) or SOC alone. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients with clinical improvement 28 days after enrolment. Results: A total of 160 (80 in each arm) patients (66.3% critically ill, 33.7% severely ill) completed the trial. The median (interquartile range (IQR)) age was 60.5 (48–68) years; 58.1% were male and the median (IQR) time from symptom onset to randomisation was 10 (8–12) days. Neutralising antibody titres >1:80 were present in 133 (83.1%) patients at baseline. The proportion of patients with clinical improvement on day 28 was 61.3% in the CP+SOC group and 65.0% in the SOC group (difference −3.7%, 95% CI −18.8–11.3%). The results were similar in the severe and critically ill subgroups. There was no significant difference between CP+SOC and SOC groups in pre-specified secondary outcomes, including 28-day mortality, days alive and free of respiratory support and duration of invasive ventilatory support. Inflammatory and other laboratory marker values on days 3, 7 and 14 were similar between groups. Conclusions: CP+SOC did not result in a higher proportion of clinical improvement on day 28 in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 compared to SOC alone

    A importância do ambiente de não-mercado para a formulação da estratégia das empresas produtoras de biodiesel : um estudo usando Grounded Theory

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    A cadeia produtiva do biodiesel no Brasil experimenta consistente tendência de aumento nos volumes e valores financeiros movimentados desde sua fundação em 2005. Este segmento encontra-se na intersecção de três assuntos de importância nacional: desenvolvimento rural, sustentabilidade ambiental e sustentabilidade energética. Rigoroso sistema de regulações foi estabelecido ao longo da cadeia haja vista sua importância para o país. Esta estrutura regulatória tem potencial para impactar o desempenho das empresas produtoras de biodiesel quando negligenciadas por elas. Dois tipos de regulação se destacam neste sentido: os leilões de comercialização de biodiesel e o Selo Combustível Social. A primeira tem relevância para as ações da empresa à jusante da cadeia produtiva, ou seja, na sua relação com seus clientes. A segunda tem papel crucial nas ações da firma à montante da cadeia, ou seja, na sua relação com fornecedores de matéria-prima. Os conceitos tradicionais de estratégia empresarial não são capazes de fornecer os subsídios teóricos necessários para explicar a obtenção de vantagem competitiva e, portanto, de desempenho superior, a partir da relação entre a empresa e os agentes presentes além do ambiente competitivo. Os conceitos de ambiente de não-mercado e de estratégia de não-mercado se propõem a apresentar o ferramental teórico para tal discussão. Estes conceitos são especialmente válidos para mercados com características monopolísticas ou que sejam fortemente regulados. Neste sentido, estabeleceu-se a seguinte questão de pesquisa: Como o ambiente de não-mercado influencia a estratégia e o desempenho da empresa produtora de biodiesel? No cerne desta questão encontram-se dois fenômenos: o impacto sobre o desempenho da empresa produtora de biodiesel causado pelos leilões de biodiesel; e o impacto sobre o desempenho da empresa produtora de biodiesel causado pelo Selo Combustível Social. Adotou-se a perspectiva metodológica fenomenológica para a condução do estudo, ou seja, priorizou-se a exploração dos pontos de vista dos agentes envolvidos com a questão de pesquisa para a descrição dos fenômenos observados e discussões sobre suas causas. Três estratégias de pesquisa complementares foram adotadas para a condução dos trabalhos de coleta e análise de dados: pesquisa bibliográfica; pesquisa bibliométrica e teoria substantiva. As duas primeiras estratégias tiveram a finalidade de delimitar o estado da arte sobre os conceitos de estratégia de não-mercado; ambiente de não-mercado e estudos sobre gestão no contexto da cadeia produtiva do biodiesel. Elas foram conduzidas a partir da análise de dados secundários. A terceira estratégia teve por objetivo explorar em profundidade a visão de agentes com experiência no setor visando desvendar as relações entre ambiente de não-mercado e desempenho da empresa produtora de biodiesel. As discussões provenientes da análise dos dados foram divididas em dois grandes grupos: abordagens exploratórias e abordagens teóricas. A primeira, de caráter descritivo, expôs detalhes sobre os mecanismos de funcionamento dos leilões de biodiesel e do Selo Combustível Social, apondo as primeiras impressões sobre como estes dois aspectos do ambiente de não-mercado impactam o desempenho da empresa produtora de biodiesel. A segunda, de caráter teórico, expôs detalhes sobre os processos analítico e de refinamento dos dados qualitativos obtidos em campo. Discutiu-se desde as avaliações mais simples relacionadas a frequência de palavras até as análises mais sofisticadas de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva. Como resultado central, propôs-se a seguinte teoria substantiva: Estratégias de mercado e de não-mercado são indissociáveis e fundamentais na obtenção de desempenho superior no mercado brasileiro de biodiesel.Biodiesel supply chain experiences a consistent trend of increase in production volumes and financial turnover since its foundation in 2005. This industry is placed at the intersection of three highly relevant national subjects: rural development, environmental sustainability and energy sustainability. Rigid framework was established throughout the supply chain due to its importance for the country. This framework has the potential to impact the performance of biodiesel production companies when neglected by them. Two types of regulation are especially important on this purpose: the auctions for biodiesel commercialization and the Social Fuel Stamp. The former is relevant for the actions of the organizations downstream of the supply chain, i.e., for the relations between the biodiesel producer companies and their clients. The latter is key for the actions of the organizations upstream the supply chain, i.e., for the relations between the biodiesel producer companies and their raw material suppliers. The most traditional concepts of business strategy are not able to provide the required theoretical tools to explain the obtainment of competitive advantage and, therefore, superior performance, since the relation between the company and the actors at the layer beyond the competitive environment. The concepts of nonmarket and nonmarket strategy present the theoretical tool to this kind of discussion. These concepts are especially valid for markets with monopolistic features or that are highly regulated. In this regard, it was established the following research question: How does nonmarket environment impact strategy and performance of the biodiesel producer firm? At the heart of this question lie two phenomena: the impact on the performance of the biodiesel producer company caused by the biodiesel auctions; and the impact on performance of the biodiesel producer company caused by the Social Fuel Stamp. From a methodological standpoint, it was adopted a phenomenological perspective for the conduction of this study, i.e., it was prioritized the understanding of the standpoints of the agents involved with the research question aiming to describe the observed phenomena and to discuss their causes. Three research strategies were adopted to drive the tasks of collecting and analyzing data: bibliographic research; bibliometric research; and grounded theory. The first two strategies aimed to delimit the state of the art about the concepts of nonmarket strategy; nonmarket environment; and studies on management in the context of the biodiesel supply chain. They were managed from the assessment of secondary data. The third strategy aimed to deeply explore the view of the agents with experience in the biodiesel industry with an eye on the relations between nonmarket environment and performance of the company. The discussions originated from data assessment were divided into two blocks: exploratory approach and theoretical approach. The former, with a descriptive purpose, exposed details on the functioning of the biodiesel auctions and of the Social Fuel Stamp, adding the first impressions on how these two issues of the nonmarket environment impact the performance of the biodiesel producer company. The latter, with a theoretical purpose, exposed details on the analytical and refining processes of the qualitative data that came from the field. It was discussed since the simplest assessments related to the frequency of words until the most sophisticated analysis of open, axial and selective coding. As core result, it is being proposed the following grounded theory: Market and nonmarket strategies are indivisible and key in the pursuit of superior performance in the Brazilian biodiesel market

    Private certifications as access requirement to European distribution chains: the GlobalGAP case on mango from São Francisco Valley

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    O objetivo desta dissertação é verificar a importância da certificação privada GlobalGAP para o acesso dos produtores de manga do Vale do São Francisco às redes de distribuição da União Européia. Partindo-se do pressuposto de que as redes de supermercados dos países desenvolvidos representam o principal canal de distribuição de frutas frescas e sabendo-se que estas organizações jogam um papel decisivo na governança de cadeias de valor, estudos que se proponham a investigar os impactos de ações desenvolvidas por este segmento para com seus fornecedores passam a se revestir de grande relevância. A configuração das cadeias de suprimentos de frutas com origem em países em desenvolvimento e com destino à União Européia apresenta peculiaridades nas relações de poder entre os segmentos e nas demandas dos atores à jusante que podem ser profundamente explorados por teorias e abordagens acadêmicas. A presente dissertação se propõe a discutir os impactos gerados pelo advento das certificações privadas (mais especificamente o selo GlobalGAP) sobre a dinâmica da produção e do mercado da manga oriunda do Vale do São Francisco. Para tanto, escolheu-se como instrumento de análise duas bases conceituais: a Teoria da Cadeia Global de Valor e os conceitos de Competitividade em Cadeias de Suprimentos Agrícolas. O primeiro instrumento teórico tem a pretensão de estudar o certificado GlobalGAP considerando-o como um resultado ou conseqüência da concentração do poder (governança da cadeia) nas redes varejistas. A segunda teoria surge para subsidiar as discussões a respeito da importância destes protocolos privados no que concerne à competitividade da região produtora submetida aos padrões destes selos. No que se refere à metodologia, optou-se pela abordagem do tema a partir do instrumento de estudo de caso, que permite a limitação geográfica e temática da abordagem. Os dados utilizados para o desenvolvimento da dissertação foram obtidos de fontes primárias e secundárias. No primeiro caso, foram aplicados questionários junto a segmentos importantes do setor produtivo da manga no Vale do São Francisco. A segunda fonte de dados baseou-se no levantamento de informações sobre o fluxo comercial de manga, aspectos organizacionais e números relativos à produção no Brasil e no mundo. As discussões desenvolvidas nesta dissertação se basearam em três pilares: (1)informações técnicas sobre os processos de certificação e as bases conceituais do GlobalGAP; (2) a adequação dos pequenos produtores à realidade da exportação sob influência dos selos privados e (3) o impacto destes certificados sobre os grandes produtores exportadores de manga do Vale do São Francisco. Verificou-se que a irrevogável exigência por parte dos importadores de frutas produzidas sob os preceitos do GlobalGAP criou na região uma relação cliente-fornecedor entre grandes e pequenos produtores. Os primeiros, detentores das certificações privadas, completam seus lotes com frutas oriundas de áreas de pequena produção. Estas relações e outras questões serão pormenorizadamente discutidas ao longo deste trabalho.This dissertation aims to verify the importance of GlobalGAP private certification to Vale do São Francisco’s mango productive chain access to the European Union retail networks. Assuming that supermarket networks from developed countries represent the main fresh fruit distribution channel and taking into account that these organizations play a decisive role on value chain governance, studies that propose to investigate the impacts from actions developed by this segment over its suppliers acquire great relevance. The fruit supply chain set beginning in developing countries and finishing at European Union presents peculiarities regarding power relations among segments and actor demands downstream that may be deeply explored by academic theories and approaches. This dissertation comes up with itself a discussion about the impacts generated by private certifications (specifically GlobalGAP) on the dynamic of Vale do São Francisco mango production flowing. For this, it was chosen as analysis tool two conceptual backgrounds: the Global Value Chain Theory and Agricultural Supply Chain Competitiveness concepts. The first theoretical instrument strives to study Global- GAP certification considering it as a result or consequence of power concentration (chain governance) by retail networks. The second conceptual approach arises to subsidize the discussions about the importance of these private protocols on the competitiveness of the productive region submitted to the standards established by the label. The data used to the development of the study were gotten from primary and secondary sources. The former source was explored through questionnaire application to important segments of the Vale do São Francisco’s mango productive sector. The latter source was obtained from mango commercial flow data, organizational aspects and world and Brazilian production numbers. The discussions were based on three elements: (1) technical information about the certification processes and the conceptual basis of GlobalGAP; (2) the adequacy of small farmers to the export reality taking into account private labels; (3) and the impacts of certifications over the Vale do São Francisco’s mango great exporter farmers. It was noticed that the irrevocable exigency from fruit importers about the necessity of GlobalGAP label created in the region a kind of clientsupplier relation between great and small farmers. The first ones, who have private certifications, complete their lots with fruits from small farmers. These relations and other nuances will be particularly discussed along this work


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    Leading companies of the industry sector demonstrate their competencies through performance. The biggest challenge of the nonleading companies is to understand the difference in the actions of the leading companies in order to maintain this position, that is, mimic them or develop new capabilities. This paper aimed at identifying which are the factors that make the companies reach and maintain competitive advantage in the biodiesel industry. For this, we applied an exploratory qualitative methodology in which five different data collection tools were used. We identified five factors related to the creation of competitive advantage in the biodiesel sector. These factors are: supply chain management focused on the anticipated or postponed purchase and on the diversification of raw-material; supply chain management focused on the reduction in the costs of inputs; cost and industrial yields management; ICMS tax pickups; and proximity of customers and differentiated logistics structures. After identifying the factors, six companies, recognized in the market by their industrial capacity usage and market share, were chosen. In all these companies, there was at least one of the factors that generates competitive advantage. This paper has academic and practical implications since it clearly delimitates the factors that are capable of leading companies toward a leadership position

    Autologous mononuclear bone marrow cells in the regeneration of tibial nerve of rabbits submitted to neurectomy: morphofunctional aspects

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    Submitted by Franciele Moreira ([email protected]) on 2017-12-27T16:19:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Camila França de Paula Orlando Goulart - 2013.pdf: 786354 bytes, checksum: 95532e41e3965b0f6273c1eb06a44ea0 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Rejected by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]), reason: Reveja o nome da Camila França de Paula Orlando no lattes, lá não aparece o Goulart on 2017-12-28T10:46:19Z (GMT)Submitted by Franciele Moreira ([email protected]) on 2017-12-28T11:48:29Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Camila França de Paula Orlando Goulart - 2013.pdf: 786354 bytes, checksum: 95532e41e3965b0f6273c1eb06a44ea0 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]) on 2017-12-28T11:57:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Camila França de Paula Orlando Goulart - 2013.pdf: 786354 bytes, checksum: 95532e41e3965b0f6273c1eb06a44ea0 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-28T11:57:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Camila França de Paula Orlando Goulart - 2013.pdf: 786354 bytes, checksum: 95532e41e3965b0f6273c1eb06a44ea0 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10A recuperação funcional de nervos periféricos após lesão é o principal objetivo da intervenção terapêutica. Por isso o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar clinicamente a recuperação funcional de coelhos após neurectomia e tratamento com células mononucleares de medula óssea associada à técnica de tubulização. Foram utilizados para isto, 24 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, alocados em dois grupos com 12 animais cada, denominados grupo célula mononuclear (GCM) e grupo solução salina (GSS). Os coelhos foram submetidos à secção do nervo tibial direito e reparação por meio da técnica de tubulização utilizando tubo oco de silicone, para então, receberem no interior do tubo, 0,1mL de suspensão de células mononucleares autólogas de medula óssea (2 x 106 células) no GCM e solução salina no GSS, para comparação da evolução da recuperação funcional dos membros operados. Foram realizadas avaliações da marcha e planimetria da pegada do membro pélvico impressa em papel a partir de tinta à base d’água aplicada à área plantar, antes (M0) e após o 7º (M7), 15º (M15), 30º (M30), 45º (M45) e 60º (M60) dias do procedimento cirúrgico. Os resultados mostraram que não houve a recuperação funcional do nervo tibial em ambos os grupos, sem diferença entre eles nos diferentes momentos e entre os momentos dentre dos grupos, exceto quando comparado com M0.The functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury is the main goal of therapeutic intervention. Therefore the aim of this study was to clinically evaluate functional recovery in rabbits after neurectomy and treatment with bone marrow mononuclear cells associated with the tubulization technique. For this, 24 New Zealand rabbits, were used. They were divided into two groups with 12 animals each, mononuclear cell group (MCG) and saline group (SSG). The rabbits underwent right tibial nerve section and repair by the tubulization technique using silicone hollow tube, which received 0.1 ml of autologous mononuclear bone marrow cells (2 x 106 cells ) in the MCG and of saline solution in the SSG, in order to compare the evolution of functional recovery of the operated limbs. Gait and planimetry were performed. Planimetry of the pelvic limb footprint printed on paper with water-based ink applied to the plantar area, before (M0) and after 7 (M7), 15 (M15), 30 (M30), 45 (M45) and 60 (M60) days after surgery. The results showed no functional recovery of the tibial nerve in both groups, without differences between them in different times and among times within groups, except when compared to M0


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    Peanuts production in Brazil is strongly concentrated in the State of São. This situation calls the attention aiming to understand the possibilities of strengthening the supply chain in this region. The targets of this paper are to describe peanut supply chain in the region of Itaparica System between the States of Bahia and Pernambuco and to come up with suggestions to strengthen local farmers’ position in this supply chain. This is a qualitative paper based on primary data. Participative observation and non-structured interviews were used as data collection tools. This work is one of the outcomes from the research project “Peanuts Production System in São Francisco Valley, Brazil”, led by Embrapa Algodão and Noble Agri. Nowadays this supply chain is built to trade a specific kind of peanut named “amendoim verde” (pre-matured or fresh peanut) in small scale and based on a very rudimentary production system. Key to strengthen this supply chain is to support it in delivering a wider sort of fresh and processed products and in increasing volume and improving frequency. To this end, four actions are suggested regarding to the following fields: production technology, financing, logistics and associative/cooperative forms of organization