14 research outputs found

    MOTIM – An Industrial Application Using NOCs

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    High-speed networks used to interconnect computers advance at an extraordinary pace, driven by the evolution of several contributing technologies. Due to the ever-increasing complexity of designing parts and equipments for these networks, design complexity management makes scalability and reusability more important issues than performance, in most cases. This paper describes MOTIM, a scalable and reusable architecture enabling the implementation of Ethernet switches with low latency and high throughput. The architecture is built around a network-on-chip-based switch fabric, which guarantees scalability. The architecture has been validated by functional simulation and prototyped in FPGAs. The experimental results show that even under severe traffic conditions the architecture achieves packet transmission with low latencies. Categories and Subject Descriptor

    Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Algorithms for Elliptic Curve Cryptography with El-Gamal based on MIRACL and RELIC Libraries

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    This paper presents a comparison between two implementations of the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) algorithm based on El-Gamal. Each implementation uses different cryptographic libraries: MIRACLand RELIC. The application of this algorithm meets the common needs of most critical embedded systems, focusing on unmanned aerial and ground vehicles (UAVs and UGVs) and addressing the particularities of each scenario, such as limitations of computing resources and energy supply. One of the challenges is to study and evaluate the impact of the use of each library via a performance evaluation based on statistical techniques. The results have presented the best solution and the influences of each algorithm on response times for each experiment, varying the sizes of keys used by the algorithms.Keywords: Cryptographic Libraries, ECC, Embedded Systems, MIRACL, Performance Evaluation, RELIC

    AVENS - A Novel Flying Ad Hoc Network Simulator with Automatic Code Generation for Unmanned Aircraft System

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    The wireless communication has played a significant impact on our daily lives introducing simplicity and making life more comfortable. \ As a result of faster technological advances in electronics and communications, the development of different types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has become possible. \ Recently, many efforts have been made to develop more efficient inter- and intra-vehicle communication protocols introducing new challenges, e. g. multiple-UAV communication and Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANETs). \ However, most of the experiments using real prototypes or systems are not feasible due to the costs and risks involved. \ Thus, simulating network protocol behavior in FANET scenarios is increasingly required to evaluate the applicability of developed network protocols. \ Thereby, we have been developing AVENS, a hybrid aerial network simulation framework, which merges LARISSA Architectural Model, X-Plane Flight Simulator and OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulator. \ In a proof-of-concept study, we highlighted its advantages. \ Using AVENS, we can advance in the state-of-the-art concerning performance evaluation of intelligent aerial vehicles and provide means to evaluate the development of protocols, codes and systems more accurately

    Security in critical embedded systems - using cryptography for secure

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    Este trabalho contempla o estudo de algoritmos criptográficos para assegurar a comunicação entre sistemas embarcados críticos tendo em vista o grande crescimento na utilização e disseminação desse tipo de sistema, bem como a alta necessidade em se assegurar as informações que são enviadas e recebidas. Um dos desafios a serem contemplados é o estudo e a avaliação do impacto no desempenho desses sistemas, levando em consideração limitações de recursos inerentes a esta plataforma e a criticidade da comunicação em sistemas de tempo real. Os experimentos realizados são de cunho prático por meio de um protótipo implementado em kits Gumstix Overo EVM. Os resultados avaliam os principais algoritmos de criptografia, provendo informações que podem auxiliar na escolha de uma solução criptográfica própria para ambientes embarcadosThis research includes the study of cryptographic algorithms to ensure communication among critical embedded systems, considering the large growth of application and dissemination of this type of system, as well as the high necessity to ensure the security of information that is exchanged. One of the challenges to be addressed is the study and evaluation of the performance impact in these systems, considering resource constraints inherent to the platform and the criticality of the communication in real-time systems. The experiments are of practical lead through a prototype implemented in Gumstix Overo EVM kits. The results evaluate the main encryption algorithms, providing information that may help in choosing a cryptographic solution suitable for embedded environment

    HAMSTER - arquitetura de comunicação de dados voltada à verificação de saúde, mobilidade e segurança para sistemas não tripulados

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    Advances in communicat ions have been unarguably essent ial to enablemodern systems and applicat ions as we know them. Ubiquity has turned into reality, allowing specialised embedded systems to eminent ly grow and spread. That is notably the case of unmanned vehicles which have been creat ively explored on applications that were not as efficient as they currently are, neither as innovative as recent ly accomplished. Therefore, towards the efficient operat ion of either unmanned vehicles and systems they integrate, in addition to communicat ion improvements, it is highly desired that we carefully observe relevant , co-related necessit ies that may lead to the full insert ion of unmanned vehicles to our everyday lives. Moreover, by addressing these demands on integrated solut ions, better resultswill likely be produced. This thesis presentsHAMSTER, theHeAlthy, Mobility and Security based data communication archiTEctuRe for unmanned vehicles, which addresses threemain types of communicat ions: machine-to-machine, machine-to-infrast ructure and internal machine communications. Four addit ional elements on co-related requirements are provided alongside with HAMSTER for more accurate approaches regarding security and safety aspects (SPHERE platform), crit icality analysis (NCI index), energy efficiency (NP plat form) and mobility-oriented ad hoc and infrast ructured communicat ions (NIMBLE platform). Furthermore, three specialised versions are provided: unmanned aerial vehicles (Flying HAMSTER), unmanned ground vehicles (Running HAMSTER) and unmanned surface/ underwater vehicles (Swimming HAMSTER). The architecture validat ion is achieved by case studies on each feature addressed, leading to guidelines on the development of vehicles more likely to meet certificat ion requirements, more efficient and secure communicat ions, assert ive approaches regarding crit icality and green approaches on internal communicat ions. Indeed, results prove the efficiency and effectiveness of HAMSTER architecture and its elements, as well as its flexibility in carrying out different experiments focused on various aspects of communication, which helps researchers and developers to achieve safe and secure communicat ions in unmanned vehicles.Os avanços na área de comunicações foram indiscutívelmente essenciais para a obtenção de sistemas e aplicações modernos como os o atuais. A computação ubíqua se tornou realidade, permitindo que sistemas embarcados especializados ganhassem espaço e cada vez mais autonomia. Esse é notavelmente o caso de veículos não tripulados que têm sido criativamente explorados em aplicações inovadoras e avançadas. Entretanto, para o funcionamento eficiente desses veículos e sistemas não tripulados, além de melhorias de comunicação, é altamente desejável que as necessidades relevantes co-relacionadas a comunica¸cao sejam cuidadosamente observadas, levando a uma facilitação na inserção de veículos não tripulados em espaços públicos. Além disso, ao abordar essas demandas de modo integrado, as chances de produzir melhores resultados é maior. Esta tese apresenta a HAMSTER, uma arquitetura de comunicação de dados baseada em mobilidade e segurança para veículos não tripulados, que aborda três tipos principais de comunicação: máquina-para- máquina, máquina-para-infraestrutura e comunicações internas. Quatro elementos adicionais co-relacionados são fornecidos juntamente com a arquitetura HAMSTER de modo a prover abordagens mais precisas em relação a aspectos de segurança física e da informação (plataforma SPHERE), análise de criticalidade (índice NCI), eficiência energética (plataforma NP) e comunicações ad hoc e infraestruturadas orientadas a mobilidade (plataforma NIMBLE). Além disso, são fornecidas três versões especializadas: para veículos aéreos não tripulados (Flying HAMSTER), veículos terrestres não tripulados (Running HAMSTER) e veículos submarinos e de superfície não tripulados (Swimming HAMSTER). A validação da arquitetura é obtida por meio de estudos de caso sobre cada recurso abordado, levando a diretrizes sobre o desenvolvimento de veículos mais preparados para atender a requisitos de certificação, comunicação mais eficiente e segura, abordagens assertivas sobre criticidade e abordagens verdes nas comunicações internas. Por fim, os resultados comprovaram a eficiência da arquitetura HAMSTER e os elementos com ela providos, bem como a flexibilidade em realizar experimentos focados em vários aspectos de comunicação, auxiliando na obtenção de comunicações seguras em veículos autônomos

    HAMSTER - arquitetura de comunicação de dados voltada à verificação de saúde, mobilidade e segurança para sistemas não tripulados

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    Advances in communicat ions have been unarguably essent ial to enablemodern systems and applicat ions as we know them. Ubiquity has turned into reality, allowing specialised embedded systems to eminent ly grow and spread. That is notably the case of unmanned vehicles which have been creat ively explored on applications that were not as efficient as they currently are, neither as innovative as recent ly accomplished. Therefore, towards the efficient operat ion of either unmanned vehicles and systems they integrate, in addition to communicat ion improvements, it is highly desired that we carefully observe relevant , co-related necessit ies that may lead to the full insert ion of unmanned vehicles to our everyday lives. Moreover, by addressing these demands on integrated solut ions, better resultswill likely be produced. This thesis presentsHAMSTER, theHeAlthy, Mobility and Security based data communication archiTEctuRe for unmanned vehicles, which addresses threemain types of communicat ions: machine-to-machine, machine-to-infrast ructure and internal machine communications. Four addit ional elements on co-related requirements are provided alongside with HAMSTER for more accurate approaches regarding security and safety aspects (SPHERE platform), crit icality analysis (NCI index), energy efficiency (NP plat form) and mobility-oriented ad hoc and infrast ructured communicat ions (NIMBLE platform). Furthermore, three specialised versions are provided: unmanned aerial vehicles (Flying HAMSTER), unmanned ground vehicles (Running HAMSTER) and unmanned surface/ underwater vehicles (Swimming HAMSTER). The architecture validat ion is achieved by case studies on each feature addressed, leading to guidelines on the development of vehicles more likely to meet certificat ion requirements, more efficient and secure communicat ions, assert ive approaches regarding crit icality and green approaches on internal communicat ions. Indeed, results prove the efficiency and effectiveness of HAMSTER architecture and its elements, as well as its flexibility in carrying out different experiments focused on various aspects of communication, which helps researchers and developers to achieve safe and secure communicat ions in unmanned vehicles.Os avanços na área de comunicações foram indiscutívelmente essenciais para a obtenção de sistemas e aplicações modernos como os o atuais. A computação ubíqua se tornou realidade, permitindo que sistemas embarcados especializados ganhassem espaço e cada vez mais autonomia. Esse é notavelmente o caso de veículos não tripulados que têm sido criativamente explorados em aplicações inovadoras e avançadas. Entretanto, para o funcionamento eficiente desses veículos e sistemas não tripulados, além de melhorias de comunicação, é altamente desejável que as necessidades relevantes co-relacionadas a comunica¸cao sejam cuidadosamente observadas, levando a uma facilitação na inserção de veículos não tripulados em espaços públicos. Além disso, ao abordar essas demandas de modo integrado, as chances de produzir melhores resultados é maior. Esta tese apresenta a HAMSTER, uma arquitetura de comunicação de dados baseada em mobilidade e segurança para veículos não tripulados, que aborda três tipos principais de comunicação: máquina-para- máquina, máquina-para-infraestrutura e comunicações internas. Quatro elementos adicionais co-relacionados são fornecidos juntamente com a arquitetura HAMSTER de modo a prover abordagens mais precisas em relação a aspectos de segurança física e da informação (plataforma SPHERE), análise de criticalidade (índice NCI), eficiência energética (plataforma NP) e comunicações ad hoc e infraestruturadas orientadas a mobilidade (plataforma NIMBLE). Além disso, são fornecidas três versões especializadas: para veículos aéreos não tripulados (Flying HAMSTER), veículos terrestres não tripulados (Running HAMSTER) e veículos submarinos e de superfície não tripulados (Swimming HAMSTER). A validação da arquitetura é obtida por meio de estudos de caso sobre cada recurso abordado, levando a diretrizes sobre o desenvolvimento de veículos mais preparados para atender a requisitos de certificação, comunicação mais eficiente e segura, abordagens assertivas sobre criticidade e abordagens verdes nas comunicações internas. Por fim, os resultados comprovaram a eficiência da arquitetura HAMSTER e os elementos com ela providos, bem como a flexibilidade em realizar experimentos focados em vários aspectos de comunicação, auxiliando na obtenção de comunicações seguras em veículos autônomos

    Uso da Computação em Névoa para Coleta e Análise de Dados em Cidades Inteligentes

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    This work proposes a two-layer communication architecture based on fog computing for smart cities. The architecture aims to store, process, and aggregate sensor data. To choose the most suitable communication protocol for the proposed architecture, we analyze the performance of the two most popular protocols for Internet of Things (IoT), the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). We considered latency, bandwidth consumption, efficiency in case of data loss, and energy efficiency as performance metrics. After the protocol is chosen, we employ a topic-based publish/subscribe system for sending and receiving messages, as well as issuing alerts based on received information. Two case studies on monitoring are shown: water quality in reservoirs and city air conditions. Results show that the application is able to receive data and issue alerts for both case studies

    Análise de desempenho de protocolos para computação em névoa

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    ABSTRACTThe rise in popularity of mobile devices has been made possibledue to advances in processing power and the miniaturization ofmodern processors. Mobile devices are often embedded systemswith limited resources such as battery, processing power, and memory,which impact the user experience. These devices located atthe edge of the network can also generate large amounts of data,which makes it difficult to centralize the data in the cloud. To addressthe scalability issues, fog computing is used to intermediatestorage and communication services between cloud computing andend devices, allowing for decentralized and scalable data. In fogcomputing, a message server may be used to distribute informationthrough one or more communication channels, reducing computationalresources. To transmit messages, it is necessary to choosea communication protocol, and it is important to consider the limitationsof mobile devices when analyzing the behavior of fogcommunication protocols. This paper evaluates the performanceof three fog computing protocols: MQTT, AMQP, and STOMP. Resultsindicate that MQTT achieves the best performance in termsof power and processing consumption, AMQP has lower memoryusage, and STOMP has a shorter round trip time for each message