199 research outputs found

    Immune-Related Sclerosing Cholangitis and Subsequent Pyogenic Liver Abscesses in Two Patients With Melanoma Treated by Triplet Therapy: A Case Report

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors have improved the treatment of many cancers. However, immune-related (IR) adverse events can limit their use. A rare but potentially severe IR adverse event is IR-cholangitis, which is mostly induced by anti-programmed cell death 1 (PD1) antibodies and is often corticosteroid-resistant. Consequently, immunosuppressive therapy is increased, which interferes with the antitumor response and bears the risk of infection. We report on 2 patients with BRAF V600E mutant melanoma, who presented with IR-sclerosing cholangitis under triplet therapy with atezolizumab [anti-programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) antibody], vemurafenib (BRAF inhibitor), and cobimetinib (MEK inhibitor). In both cases, the administration of corticosteroids initially resulted in a marginal improvement but was followed by a rebound of biliary enzymes and the subsequent emergence of pyogenic liver abscesses with bacteremia. Liver abscesses developed without preceding invasive procedures, which implies that a more restrictive approach to immunosuppressive therapy for IR-cholangitis should be considered. To our knowledge, we report the first 2 cases of IR-cholangitis and subsequent liver abscesses without prior invasive intervention, the first cases of IR-cholangitis induced by triplet therapy, and 2 of the few anti-PD-L1 induced cases contributing to the evidence that both anti-PD1 and anti-PD-L1 antibodies induce IR-cholangitis. Treatment strategies for IR-cholangitis need to be improved to prevent life-threatening infectious complications

    GPR182 is a broadly scavenging atypical chemokine receptor influencing T-independent immunity.

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    Immune responses highly depend on the effective trafficking of immune cells into and within secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs). Atypical chemokine receptors (ACKRs) scavenge chemokines to eliminate them from the extracellular space, thereby generating gradients that guide leukocytes. In contrast to canonical chemokine receptors, ACKRs do not induce classical intracellular signaling that results in cell migration. Recently, the closest relative of ACKR3, GPR182, has been partially deorphanized as a potential novel ACKR. We confirm and extend previous studies by identifying further ligands that classify GPR182 as a broadly scavenging chemokine receptor. We validate the "atypical" nature of the receptor, wherein canonical G-protein-dependent intracellular signaling is not activated following ligand stimulation. However, β-arrestins are required for ligand-independent internalization and chemokine scavenging whereas the C-terminus is in part dispensable. In the absence of GPR182 in vivo, we observed elevated chemokine levels in the serum but also in SLO interstitium. We also reveal that CXCL13 and CCL28, which do not bind any other ACKR, are bound and efficiently scavenged by GPR182. Moreover, we found a cooperative relationship between GPR182 and ACKR3 in regulating serum CXCL12 levels, and between GPR182 and ACKR4 in controlling CCL20 levels. Furthermore, we unveil a new phenotype in GPR182-KO mice, in which we observed a reduced marginal zone (MZ), both in size and in cellularity, and thus in the T-independent antibody response. Taken together, we and others have unveiled a novel, broadly scavenging chemokine receptor, which we propose should be named ACKR5

    RNA editing contributes to epitranscriptome diversity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    RNA editing—primarily conversion of adenosine to inosine (A > I)—is a widespread posttranscriptional mechanism, mediated by Adenosine Deaminases acting on RNA (ADAR) enzymes to alter the RNA sequence of primary transcripts. Hence, in addition to somatic mutations and alternative RNA splicing, RNA editing can be a further source for recoding events. Although RNA editing has been detected in many solid cancers and normal tissue, RNA editing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) has not been addressed so far. We determined global RNA editing and recurrent, recoding RNA editing events from matched RNA-sequencing and whole exome sequencing data in CLL samples from 45 untreated patients. RNA editing was verified in a validation cohort of 98 CLL patients and revealed substantially altered RNA editing profiles in CLL compared with normal B cells. We further found that RNA editing patterns were prognostically relevant. Finally, we showed that ADAR knockout decreased steady state viability of MEC1 cells and made them more susceptible to treatment with fludarabine and ibrutinib in vitro. We propose that RNA editing contributes to the pathophysiology of CLL and targeting the RNA editing machinery could be a future strategy to maximize treatment efficacy

    Citogenética aplicada

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    La Citogenética como disciplina que estudia el comportamiento y la estructura de los cromosomas y su relación con la transmisión y recombinación de los genes, proporciona diferentes niveles de análisis, constituyendo una herramienta fundamental para estudios taxonómicos, evolutivos y de genómica estructural y funcional. En el presente capítulo, se ejemplifican tres aplicaciones de la citogenética en el ámbito vegetal y animal: la citogenética en el estudio evolutivo y aplicado del maíz y sus especies relacionadas, la aplicabilidad de la técnica de Hibridación In Situ Fluorescente (FISH) para la identificación de telómeros y secuencias teloméricas intersticiales (STI) y el estudio de las aberraciones cromosómicas que los involucran y la caracterización citogenética en el manejo de primates en cautiverio.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Comparison of the effectiveness of microsatellites and SNP panels for genetic identification, traceability and assessment of parentage in an inbred Angus herd

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    During the last decade, microsatellites (short tandem repeats or STRs) have been successfully used for animal genetic identification, traceability and paternity, although in recent year single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been increasingly used for this purpose. An efficient SNP identification system requires a marker set with enough power to identify individuals and their parents. Genetic diagnostics generally include the analysis of related animals. In this work, the degree of information provided by SNPs for a consanguineous herd of cattle was compared with that provided by STRs. Thirty-six closely related Angus cattle were genotyped for 18 STRs and 116 SNPs. Cumulative SNPs exclusion power values (Q) for paternity and sample matching probability (MP) yielded values greater than 0.9998 and 4.32E-42, respectively. Generally 2-3 SNPs per STR were needed to obtain an equivalent Q value. The MP showed that 24 SNPs were equivalent to the ISAG (International Society for Animal Genetics) minimal recommended set of 12 STRs (MP ~ 10-11). These results provide valuable genetic data that support the consensus SNP panel for bovine genetic identification developed by the Parentage Recording Working Group of ICAR (International Committee for Animal Recording).Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Comparison of the effectiveness of microsatellites and SNP panels for genetic identification, traceability and assessment of parentage in an inbred Angus herd

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    During the last decade, microsatellites (short tandem repeats or STRs) have been successfully used for animal genetic identification, traceability and paternity, although in recent year single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been increasingly used for this purpose. An efficient SNP identification system requires a marker set with enough power to identify individuals and their parents. Genetic diagnostics generally include the analysis of related animals. In this work, the degree of information provided by SNPs for a consanguineous herd of cattle was compared with that provided by STRs. Thirty-six closely related Angus cattle were genotyped for 18 STRs and 116 SNPs. Cumulative SNPs exclusion power values (Q) for paternity and sample matching probability (MP) yielded values greater than 0.9998 and 4.32E-42, respectively. Generally 2-3 SNPs per STR were needed to obtain an equivalent Q value. The MP showed that 24 SNPs were equivalent to the ISAG (International Society for Animal Genetics) minimal recommended set of 12 STRs (MP ~ 10-11). These results provide valuable genetic data that support the consensus SNP panel for bovine genetic identification developed by the Parentage Recording Working Group of ICAR (International Committee for Animal Recording).Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    La genética molecular de bovinos y equinos criollos en los albores del siglo XXI

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    American Creole bovines and equines are direct descendant from the animals introduced by European conquerors during XV an XVI centuries. At the beginning of the last decade, new technologies based in DNA emerged for genetic analysis, and Creole breeds were not the exception for these kind of studies. During the last years, these methodologies evolved vertiginously. In a short time, the amount of available information increased, and the analysis of few loci turned into analysis of complete genomes. This work describes the evolution of Creole, cattle and equines, molecular genetic studies during the last fifteen years. Even though, Creole breeds have not entered yet into genomic and proteomic era, its study is relevant because they are suffering a progressive population reduction. In this sense, information about infectious diseases resistance, adaptability, forensic genetics, animal production and phylogeography, among others, can be obtained from them. Furthermore, Creole breeds are a unique natural reservoir of genetic variability, and strategies for its conservation should be implemented.Los bovinos y equinos criollos americanos son descendientes directos de los animales introducidos al Nuevo Mundo por los europeos durante los siglos XV y XVI. En los comienzos de la década pasada, surgieron tecnologías basadas en el estudio del ADN que permitieron profundizar el análisis genético, por su parte, las especies criollas americanas no quedaron fuera de dichos estudios. En los últimos años, estas metodologías evolucionaron en forma vertiginosa, y en poco tiempo, el aumento de información creció significativamente de modo tal que las investigaciones pasaron de unos pocos loci a la secuenciación y el análisis de los genomas completos de ambas especies. En el presente trabajo se describe como ha evolucionado el estado del arte de la genética molecular de bovinos y equinos criollos en los últimos 15 años. Si bien las razas criollas aun no han entrado en la era de la genómica y la proteómica, su estudio es valioso dado que actualmente se encuentran en progresiva reducción poblacional. Su importancia radica en que aporta información relacionada con la resistencia a enfermedades infecciosas, la adaptabilidad ante condiciones desfavorables, la genética forense, la producción animal y la filigeografía, entre otras. Además, las razas criollas son un reservorio natural e irremplazable de variabilidad genética, y el conocimiento pormenorizado de ellas es clave para la planificación de estrategias de conservación sustentables a lo largo del tiempo

    Altered populations of unconventional T Cell lineages in patients with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) lesions are defined by the presence of CD1a+/CD207+ myeloid cells, but many other immune cells are present including unconventional T cells, which have powerful immunoregulatory functions. Unconventional T cell lineages include mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells, type I natural killer T (NKT) cells and gamma-delta (γδ) T cells, which are associated with many inflammatory conditions, although their importance has not been studied in LCH. We characterized their phenotype and function in blood and lesions from patients with LCH, and identified a deficiency in MAIT cell frequency and abnormalities in the subset distributions of γδ T cells and NKT cells. Such abnormalities are associated with immune dysregulation in other disease settings and are therefore potentially important in LCH. Our study is the first to recognize alterations to MAIT cell proportions in patients with LCH. This finding along with other abnormalities identified amongst unconventional T cells could potentially influence the onset and progression of LCH, thereby highlighting potential targets for new immune based therapies

    Patient recruitment into clinical studies of solid malignancies during the COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary cancer center

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    Background and purpose: To analyze clinical trial activities and patient recruitment numbers into prospective clinical studies for solid malignancies during the COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary cancer center. Materials and methods: Patient recruitment numbers in prospective clinical studies of solid malignancies were retrospectively analyzed for the years 2019 – 2021 at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich (CCCZ). Changes in recruitment numbers were tested for association with organ-specific subunits, as well as organizational and treatment-related trial characteristics. To assess differences between categorical variables, Chi-squared test was used. For uni- and multivariate analysis, Cox proportional hazards were calculated. Results: In 2019, there were a total of 107 studies (registry trials, clinical phase I-III trials, and translational studies) recruiting 304 patients at the CCCZ. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, there were 120 and 125 active trials with a total recruitment of 355 and 666 patients, respectively. No significant differences between the subunits and study characteristics in changes of patient recruitment in clinical phase I-III trials were identified when the year prior to the COVID-19 pandemic (2019) was compared to the first year of the pandemic (2020) and to 2020-2021. Conclusions: Despite healthcare systems around the world have experienced significant disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic, data from our tertiary cancer center showed that clinical trial activities were maintained at a high level during the pandemic

    Gating of Long-Term Potentiation by Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors at the Cerebellum Input Stage

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    The brain needs mechanisms able to correlate plastic changes with local circuit activity and internal functional states. At the cerebellum input stage, uncontrolled induction of long-term potentiation or depression (LTP or LTD) between mossy fibres and granule cells can saturate synaptic capacity and impair cerebellar functioning, which suggests that neuromodulators are required to gate plasticity processes. Cholinergic systems innervating the cerebellum are thought to enhance procedural learning and memory. Here we show that a specific subtype of acetylcholine receptors, the α7-nAChRs, are distributed both in cerebellar mossy fibre terminals and granule cell dendrites and contribute substantially to synaptic regulation. Selective α7-nAChR activation enhances the postsynaptic calcium increase, allowing weak mossy fibre bursts, which would otherwise cause LTD, to generate robust LTP. The local microperfusion of α7-nAChR agonists could also lead to in vivo switching of LTD to LTP following sensory stimulation of the whisker pad. In the cerebellar flocculus, α7-nAChR pharmacological activation impaired vestibulo-ocular-reflex adaptation, probably because LTP was saturated, preventing the fine adjustment of synaptic weights. These results show that gating mechanisms mediated by specific subtypes of nicotinic receptors are required to control the LTD/LTP balance at the mossy fibre-granule cell relay in order to regulate cerebellar plasticity and behavioural adaptation
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