360 research outputs found

    Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bifidobacteria with Potential to Design Natural Biofunctional Health-Promoting Dairy Foods

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    peer-reviewedConsumer interest in healthy lifestyle and health-promoting natural products is a major driving force for the increasing global demand of biofunctional dairy foods. A number of commercial sources sell synthetic formulations of bioactive substances for use as dietary supplements. However, the bioactive-enrichment of health-oriented foods by naturally occurring microorganisms during dairy fermentation is in increased demand. While participating in milk fermentation, lactic acid bacteria can be exploited in situ as microbial sources for naturally enriching dairy products with a broad range of bioactive components that may cover different health aspects. Several of these bioactive metabolites are industrially and economically important, as they are claimed to exert diverse health-promoting activities on the consumer, such as anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic, anti-oxidative, immune-modulatory, anti-cholesterolemic, or microbiome modulation. This review aims at discussing the potential of these health-supporting bacteria as starter or adjunct cultures for the elaboration of dairy foods with a broad spectrum of new functional properties and added value.This work was funded by the JPI Food Processing for Health funded by the LONGLIFE Project and the APC Microbiome Institute, a Centre for Science and Technology (CSET) funded by the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), through the Irish Government’s National Development Plan. The authors are grateful to the University of León (León, Spain) for granting a Ph.D. fellowship to ER


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    Economic impacts of using biomass in Southeast United States coal-fired plants are estimated using a county-level biomass database; ORCED, a dynamic electricity distribution model that estimates feedstock value; ORIBAS, a GIS model that estimates feedstock transportation costs; and IMPLAN, an input-output model that determines the impacts of co-firing on economic activity.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    A new species of the fish louse genus Dipteropeltis Calman, 1912 (Crustacea: Branchiura) from Peru

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    Dipteropeltis es un género poco descrito de piojo de los peces endémico de Sudamérica. En una pequeña región de aguas negras en Loreto, Perú, se observaron y recolectaron 13 especímenes adultos y juveniles de una especie no identificada de Dipteropeltis Calman, 1912, así como un espécimen adulto de D. hirundo Calman, 1912. Se adquirieron micrografías electrónicas y ópticas de barrido para examinar y medir características clave de estos especímenes. Las diferencias morfológicas con las dos especies conocidas de Dipteropeltis, D. hirundo y D. Dipteropeltis Neethling et al., 2014, indican que los especímenes recogidos representan una nueva especie. Dipteropeltis longicaudatus sp. nov. se distingue por sus lóbulos abdominales alargados, un caparazón en forma de cresta y unos maxilares de forma única. Un espécimen representa el branquiuro más largo documentado hasta la fecha, con 31,5 mm. Además, se proporcionan los primeros datos de secuencia para este género utilizando códigos de barras de ADN, lo que corrobora la designación de una nueva especie. También se grabaron vídeos que documentan comportamientos como la fijación al hospedero, la pulsación de los lóbulos abdominales, el "desplazamiento" del disco de succión y la natación. Los hallazgos tienen implicaciones para sus hospederos teleósteos, Triportheus albus Cope, 1872 y Brycon amazonicus Spix & Agassiz, 1829, siendo este último una especie crítica para la acuicultura y la pesca comercial en la Amazonia.Revisión por pares

    Draft - FCIC memo of staff interview with Dan Mudd, Fannie Mae

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    Revised- FCIC memo of staff interview with Dan Mudd, Fannie Mae

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