5,761 research outputs found

    Quality-aware mashup composition: issues, techniques and tools

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    Web mashups are a new generation of applications based on the composition of ready-to-use, heterogeneous components. In different contexts, ranging from the consumer Web to Enterprise systems, the potential of this new technology is to make users evolve from passive receivers of applications to actors actively involved in the creation of their artifacts, thus accommodating the inherent variability of the users’ needs. Current advances in mashup technologies are good candidates to satisfy this requirement. However, some issues are still largely unexplored. In particular, quality issues specific for this class of applications, and the way they can guide the users in the identification of adequate components and composition patterns, are neglected. This paper discusses quality dimensions that can capture the intrinsic quality of mashup components, as well as the components’ capacity to maximize the quality and the userperceived value of the overall composition. It also proposes an assisted composition process in which quality becomes the driver for recommending to the users how to complete mashups, based on the integration of quality assessment and recommendation techniques within a tool for mashup development

    Radiation hardness studies of neutron irradiated CMOS sensors fabricated in the ams H18 high voltage process

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    High voltage CMOS detectors (HVCMOSv3), fabricated in the ams H18 high voltage process, with a substrate resistivity of 10 Ω·cm were irradiated with neutrons up to a fluence of 2×1016 neq/cm2 and characterized using edge-TCT. It was found that, within the measured fluence range, the active region and the collected charge reach a maximum at about 7×1015 neq/cm2 to decrease to the level of the unirradiated detector after 2×1016 neq/cm2

    An optical coherence microscope for 3-dimensional imaging in developmental biology

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    An optical coherence microscope (OCM) has been designed and constructed to acquire 3-dimensional images of highly scattering biological tissue. Volume-rendering software is used to enhance 3-D visualization of the data sets. Lateral resolution of the OCM is 5 mm (FWHM), and the depth resolution is 10 mm (FWHM) in tissue. The design trade-offs for a 3-D OCM are discussed, and the fundamental photon noise limitation is measured and compared with theory. A rotating 3-D image of a frog embryo is presented to illustrate the capabilities of the instrument

    Psychobiological Aspects of Panic Disorder

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    Anxiety is a useful warning sign that helps an individual face potential or real danger. At appropriate levels, it serves as a warning for the presence of internal or external threats, causing a person to be alert and prepare to deal appropriately with such situations. Moreover, moderate levels of anxiety can lead to improved performance in several activities. However, anxiety becomes pathological when its duration is excessively long or its intensity is extremely high and leads to significant suffering and distress. In such cases, anxiety is appropriately described as part of a pathological response, characterizing an anxiety disorder. The historical concept of a unitary anxiety disorder has been replaced by a heterogeneous group of psychopathologies with different etiologies. Panic disorder is a complex anxiety disorder that involves both recurrent, unexpected panic attacks, and persistent concern about having additional attacks. The present chapter reviews current psychobiological perspectives in the etiology and treatment of panic disorder. The first section describes the current classification of this anxiety disorder. We then explore possible neural circuitry associated with panic disorder. Finally, the chapter addresses current treatment approaches, considering the efficacy of different forms of psychotherapy and pharmacological treatments

    The relationship between obesity and quality of life in Brazilian adults

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    The incidence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions, affecting 30% of the adult population globally. During the last decade, the rising rates of obesity in developing countries has been particularly striking. One potential consequence of obesity is a decline in quality of life. Thus, the objective of the present study was to investigate the possible relationship between obesity, defined by body mass index (BMI), and quality of life, evaluated using the short version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) scale in a Brazilian population. The sample consisted of 30 men and 30 women, divided into three groups according to BMI: normal weight, obese, and morbidly obese. All of the subjects responded to the WHOQOL inventories. The results indicated that the groups with lower BMIs had better quality of life than the groups with higher BMIs. Being overweight interfered with quality of life equally in both sexes, with no difference found between men and women. The results indicate the necessity of multidisciplinary care of obese individuals

    Utilidad de la reconstrucciĂłn tridimensional con tomografĂ­a computarizada en TraumatologĂ­a y Ortopedia

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    La reconstrucción tridimensional es una nuev a técnica diagnóstica introducida en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología. Está indicada en algunas fracturas de acetábulo, columna y pelvis porque facilita una visión desde diferente s ángulos y en determinadas lesiones congénitas donde es imprescindible una correcta evaluación preoperatoria. Presentamo s dos paciente s con fracturas acetabulares, otro con lesión me - tastásica en columna lumbar y otro con hipoplasia del arco neural de cuarta vértebra lumbar. La reconstrucción tridimensional fue útil para el definitivo diagnóstico en los cuatro pacientes.Three dimensional images is a new technique introduced in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology. It's indicated for some fractures of the acetabulum, spine or pelvic girdle becaus e supply a vision from differents angles and in determinated congenital damage s who is indispensable an accurate evaluation before the surgery. We presented two patients with acetabular fractures, other with a metastasi c tumour in lumbar spine and anothe r with a hipoplasti c neural arch in a lumbar vertebra. The thre e dimensional reconstruction was useful for the definitive diagnostic in the four patients

    Automatic marine sensors services discovery on IP networks

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    Nowadays, the studies of episodic processes in the ocean is manly done through the innovative facilities called ocean observatories which provide unprecedented amounts of power and two-way bandwidth to access and control sensor networks in the oceans. The most capable ocean observatories are designed around a submarine fiber optic/power cable connecting one or more seafloor science nodes to the terrestrial power grid and communications backhaul. In a network consisting of tens, hundreds or thousands of marine sensors, manual configuration and integration becomes very challenging. Methods are required which support this task to minimize the administration efforts. This paper addresses this issue and presents an approach for the automatic discovery of marine sensors in ocean observatories. The work provides a needed reference implementation of PUCK over TCP/IP, and suggests the potential of a set of protocols and standards that could realize true end to end “Plug and Work” capability for sensor networks.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Mapping Wind Direction with HF Radar

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    The article of record as published may be found at https://www.jstor.org/stable/43924806Office of Naval ResearchH.C. Graber acknowledges the sup- port by the Office of Naval Research through grant N00014-94-1-1016 (DUCK94)

    Fracturas epifisiolisis graves de la extremidad proximal del radio: resultado tras tratamiento quirĂşrgico

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    La fractura-epifisiolisis del cuello radial es una lesión grave que puede originar alteracione s en e l crecimiento epifisario. Presentamo s una seri e de 22 casos revisados con una antigüedad mínima de dos años. Fueron intervenidos 14 pacientes, de los que 10 estaban incluidos en el grupo III o en lesione s de Jeffery. Once enfermos fueron tratado s con cirugí a abierta. Cuando l a intervenció n consisti ó en reducció n abierta y osteosíntesis, los resultados clínicos fueron buenos en el 50%, pero cuando só- lo se practicó reducción cruenta sin asociar sistema estabilizador metálico, éstos llegaron al 100%. En cinco de los ocho paciente s del primer grupo se presentaron calcificacione s articulares y en dos, epifisiodesis. En el segundo grupo no aparecieron ninguna de éstas alteraciones. Creemos que en los casos de fracturas epifisiolisis del cuello radial en niños con gran desplazamiento, el tratamiento ideal es la cuidadosa reducción cruenta evitando fijación con aguja.The fracture epiphysiolysis of radial neck is a grave lesion which may induc e epiphysea l grown disturbances. A review of 22 case s suffering such fracture s was carried out with a mean follow-up of 2 years. Of the total, 14 cases wer e treated by surgery, 10 of thes e showing either type III or Jeffery's fractures. Eleven patients reequired open reduction. In 50% of the cases treated by open reduction and internal fixation, the clinical results wer e satisfactory. When internal fixation was not used, the satisfactory results reached 100%. Five of the 8 cases of the firt groups developed periarticular ossifications and 2 othe r showed epiphyseal closening. Thes e type of complications wer e not seen in the second group. For epiphysiolysis of the radial neck with sever e displacement. The ideal treatment seems to be a careful open reduction avoiding internal fixation
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