7 research outputs found

    Avaliação in vitro da interferência do herbicida glyphosate no controle endócrino do crescimento ovariano por neuro-hormônios e prostaglandinas, no caranguejo do estuário Neohelice granulata: In vitro evaluation of the interference of the herbicide glyphosate on the endocrine control of ovarian growth, by neurohomones and prostaglandins, in the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata

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    Fêmeas adultas do caranguejo Neohelice granulata, da Baía de Samborombón (Província de Buenos Aires), foram utilizadas para experimentos. Os testes in vitro foram realizados durante o período pré-reprodutivo, a fim de avaliar o crescimento do ovário isolado na presença do herbicida (em sua formulação comercial Roundup) e/ou extratos de órgãos neuroendócrinos ou inibidores da síntese de prostaglandinas. Para cada teste, foram utilizadas 12 fêmeas, atribuindo um tratamento diferente para cada porção do ovário da mesma fêmea (delineamento de blocos randomizados). As peças de ovário foram incubadas por 24 h em meio de cultura M199, a 24 ºC e atmosfera controlada. Ao final de cada ensaio, os ovários foram processados ​​para análise histológica ou para determinação dos níveis de vitelogenina (Vg) pela técnica de ELISA. Os resultados dos testes realizados com extratos de pedúnculo ocular ou gânglio torácico indicaram que a adição de Roundup (RUP) não modificou significativamente (p>0,05) o efeito desses extratos no crescimento ovariano. No entanto, para avaliar se o efeito do RUP em ovários isolados está relacionado à sinalização hormonal exercida pelas prostaglandinas (PGs), foi realizado um ensaio in vitro com ibuprofeno (IBF, inibidor da síntese de PGs). O nível de Vg no tratamento com RUP 0,2 mg/L + IBF 10 mg/L foi significativamente menor (p<0,05) que o dos grupos Controle, RUP 0,2 mg/L e IBF 10 mg./L. Embora o RUP per se tenha produzido uma diminuição (p<0,05) nos níveis de vitelogenina abaixo dos níveis de controle, sua combinação com o IBF estimulou ainda mais (p<0,05) essa diminuição. Dada a aditividade dos efeitos inibitórios observados entre o ibuprofeno e o RUP, é plausível propor que o modo de ação do RUP possa ser devido à inibição da síntese endógena de PGs no ovário, embora a possível interferência do RUP com o receptor de PGs, ou a inibição de alguma etapa na via de transdução do hormônio prostaglandina, não possa ainda ser descartado

    Vitellogenin levels in hemolymph, ovary and hepatopancreas of the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) during the reproductive cycle.

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    The freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus is a tropical species of great interest for aquaculture. Vitellogenin (Vg), a lipoprotein precursor of the vitellum accumulated in spawned eggs, can be synthesized in the ovary and/or hepatopancreas of most crustaceans, being the hemolymph the way for transporting Vg throughout the reproductive cycle. Concentration of Vg in hemolymph, ovary and hepatopancreas of Cherax quadricarinatus adult females was measured by means of ELISA, specifically developed after purifying the native Vg. Measurements were made at four periods of the reproductive cycle: pre-reproductive, mid-reproductive, late reproductive and post-reproductive. Besides, both hepatosomatic (HSI) and gonadosomatic (GSI) indexes were determined in each period. Significant variations in Vg levels were detected in both hemolymph and hepatopancreas, being the highest values observed during the mid-reproductive period. Besides, such variations were positively correlated to the HSI. A positive correlation between Vg levels in hepatopancreas and ovary was also seen. These results support previous evidences about the central role of the hepatopancreas as a site of Vg synthesis in the studied species, together with the relevancy of hemolymph for transporting Vg from the hepatopancreas to the ovary. For aquaculture purposes, Vg monitoring in hemolymph could be used as a non-injurious method, to check the reproductive activity of C. quadricarinatus females.La langosta de agua dulce Cherax quadricarinatus es una especie tropical de gran interés para la acuicultura. Se midió la concentración de vitelogenina (Vg) en hemolinfa, ovario y hepatopáncreas de hembras adultas de esta especie, por medio de ELISA. Las mediciones fueron hechas en los cuatro períodos del ciclo reproductivo: pre-reproductivo, reproductivo medio, reproductivo tardío y post-reproductivo. Se detectaron variaciones significativas en los niveles de Vg tanto en hemolinfa como en hepatopáncreas, se observó el mayor valor durante el período reproductivo medio. Además, tales variaciones se correlacionaron positivamente con el índice hepatosomático. Se observó además una correlación positiva de los niveles de Vg entre hepatopáncreas y ovario. Estos resultados apoyan evidencias previas sobre el papel central del hepatopáncreas como sitio de síntesis de Vg, en esta especie, y también enfatizan la importancia de la hemolinfa para el transporte de la Vg del hepatopáncreas al ovario. Para propósitos de acuicultura, la medición de Vg en hemolinfa podría ser utilizada como un método no lesivo, con el fin de constatar la actividad reproductiva de hembras de C. quadricarinatus

    Vitellogenin levels in hemolymph, ovary and hepatopancreas of the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) during the reproductive cycle

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    The freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus is a tropical species of great interest for aquaculture. Vitellogenin (Vg), a lipoprotein precursor of the vitellum accumulated in spawned eggs, can be synthesized in the ovary and/or hepatopancreas of most crustaceans, being the hemolymph the way for transporting Vg throughout the reproductive cycle. Concentration of Vg in hemolymph, ovary and hepatopancreas of Cherax quadricarinatus adult females was measured by means of ELISA, specifically developed after purifying the native Vg. Measurements were made at four periods of the reproductive cycle: pre-reproductive, mid-reproductive, late reproductive and post-reproductive. Besides, both hepatosomatic (HSI) and gonadosomatic (GSI) indexes were determined in each period. Significant variations in Vg levels were detected in both hemolymph and hepatopancreas, being the highest values observed during the mid-reproductive period. Besides, such variations were positively correlated to the HSI. A positive correlation between Vg levels in hepatopancreas and ovary was also seen. These results support previous evidences about the central role of the hepatopancreas as a site of Vg synthesis in the studied species, together with the relevancy of hemolymph for transporting Vg from the hepatopancreas to the ovary. For aquaculture purposes, Vg monitoring in hemolymph could be used as a non-injurious method, to check the reproductive activity of C. quadricarinatus females.La langosta de agua dulce Cherax quadricarinatus es una especie tropical de gran interés para la acuicultura. Se midió la concentración de vitelogenina (Vg) en hemolinfa, ovario y hepatopáncreas de hembras adultas de esta especie, por medio de ELISA. Las mediciones fueron hechas en los cuatro períodos del ciclo reproductivo: pre-reproductivo, reproductivo medio, reproductivo tardío y post-reproductivo. Se detectaron variaciones significativas en los niveles de Vg tanto en hemolinfa como en hepatopáncreas, se observó el mayor valor durante el período reproductivo medio. Además, tales variaciones se correlacionaron positivamente con el índice hepatosomático. Se observó además una correlación positiva de los niveles de Vg entre hepatopáncreas y ovario. Estos resultados apoyan evidencias previas sobre el papel central del hepatopáncreas como sitio de síntesis de Vg, en esta especie, y también enfatizan la importancia de la hemolinfa para el transporte de la Vg del hepatopáncreas al ovario. Para propósitos de acuicultura, la medición de Vg en hemolinfa podría ser utilizada como un método no lesivo, con el fin de constatar la actividad reproductiva de hembras de C. quadricarinatus

    Vitellogenin levels in hemolymph, ovary and hepatopancreas of the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) during the reproductive cycle

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    The freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus is a tropical species of great interest for aquaculture. Vitellogenin (Vg), a lipoprotein precursor of the vitellum accumulated in spawned eggs, can be synthesized in the ovary and/or hepatopancreas of most crustaceans, being the hemolymph the way for transporting Vg throughout the reproductive cycle. Concentration of Vg in hemolymph, ovary and hepatopancreas of Cherax quadricarinatus adult females was measured by means of ELISA, specifically developed after purifying the native Vg. Measurements were made at four periods of the reproductive cycle: pre-reproductive, mid-reproductive, late reproductive and post-reproductive. Besides, both hepatosomatic (HSI) and gonadosomatic (GSI) indexes were determined in each period. Significant variations in Vg levels were detected in both hemolymph and hepatopancreas, being the highest values observed during the mid-reproductive period. Besides, such variations were positively correlated to the HSI. A positive correlation between Vg levels in hepatopancreas and ovary was also seen. These results support previous evidences about the central role of the hepatopancreas as a site of Vg synthesis in the studied species, together with the relevancy of hemolymph for transporting Vg from the hepatopancreas to the ovary. For aquaculture purposes, Vg monitoring in hemolymph could be used as a non-injurious method, to check the reproductive activity of C. quadricarinatus females