1,778 research outputs found

    Locally identifying coloring in bounded expansion classes of graphs

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    A proper vertex coloring of a graph is said to be locally identifying if the sets of colors in the closed neighborhood of any two adjacent non-twin vertices are distinct. The lid-chromatic number of a graph is the minimum number of colors used by a locally identifying vertex-coloring. In this paper, we prove that for any graph class of bounded expansion, the lid-chromatic number is bounded. Classes of bounded expansion include minor closed classes of graphs. For these latter classes, we give an alternative proof to show that the lid-chromatic number is bounded. This leads to an explicit upper bound for the lid-chromatic number of planar graphs. This answers in a positive way a question of Esperet et al [L. Esperet, S. Gravier, M. Montassier, P. Ochem and A. Parreau. Locally identifying coloring of graphs. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 19(2), 2012.]

    Un instrument de mesure pour faciliter l’évaluation et l’intervention en protection de la jeunesse

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    L'objectif général de cette étude est de faciliter l'évaluation et l'intervention en contexte de protection de la jeunesse, grâce à l'information recueillie par l'Inventaire concernant le bien-être de l'enfant en relation avec l'exercice des responsabilités parentales (ICBE). Cette information permet notamment de préciser quels alinéas des articles 38 et 38.1 de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse peuvent être invoqués pour statuer sur la compromission. De plus, des seuils d'intervention, c'est-à-dire des scores qui permettent d'évaluer si une intervention est requise, sont établis

    Single-atom trapping in holographic 2D arrays of microtraps with arbitrary geometries

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    We demonstrate single-atom trapping in two-dimensional arrays of microtraps with arbitrary geometries. We generate the arrays using a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM), with which we imprint an appropriate phase pattern on an optical dipole trap beam prior to focusing. We trap single 87Rb^{87}{\rm Rb} atoms in the sites of arrays containing up to 100\sim100 microtraps separated by distances as small as 3  μ3\;\mum, with complex structures such as triangular, honeycomb or kagome lattices. Using a closed-loop optimization of the uniformity of the trap depths ensures that all trapping sites are equivalent. This versatile system opens appealing applications in quantum information processing and quantum simulation, e.g. for simulating frustrated quantum magnetism using Rydberg atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Le maintien du pouvoir chez la personne âgée hébergée souffrant de déficits cognitifs

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    Cet article théorique interpelle à la fois la recherche et l’intervention, à l’égard du mieux-être des personnes âgées hébergées présentant des troubles cognitifs associés à des démences dégénératives. Appuyé par la perspective de l’interactionnisme symbolique, il met l’accent sur les interactions entre le personnel soignant (infirmière, infirmière auxiliaire, préposée, ergothérapeute, personnel de réadaptation et des loisirs, travailleuse sociale, etc.) et les proches aidants, dans un objectif de maintien du pouvoir pour et par la personne âgée. Sous l’angle de l’approche centrée sur la personne, qui affirme l’importance de dépasser l’âgisme et l’impuissance quant à la démence, il aborde deux approches : l’approche prothétique élargie et l’approche biographique qui permettent de soutenir l’identité et l’affirmation de soi de la personne âgée hébergée souffrant de déficits cognitifs.This theoretical article presents some thoughts on research and intervention’s frameworks for the well-being of nursing homes’ residents with cognitive deficits associated with dementia. Based on a symbolic interactionism perspective, it examines the relations between the staff (nurses, social worker, rehabilitation worker, homecare employee) and family caregivers, to maintain identity for, by and behalf of the elderly. Adopting a critical perspective on the person-centered care approach for an clearer understanding of the person faced with dementia, the authors call for an integrating framework based on two approaches: a bibliographic approach and the holistic relational prothetic approach, allowing the recognition and support of a positive identity in elders with dementia for critical actions promoting their well-being in nursing homes

    Supporting Defect Causal Analysis in Practice with Cross-Company Data on Causes of Requirements Engineering Problems

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    [Context] Defect Causal Analysis (DCA) represents an efficient practice to improve software processes. While knowledge on cause-effect relations is helpful to support DCA, collecting cause-effect data may require significant effort and time. [Goal] We propose and evaluate a new DCA approach that uses cross-company data to support the practical application of DCA. [Method] We collected cross-company data on causes of requirements engineering problems from 74 Brazilian organizations and built a Bayesian network. Our DCA approach uses the diagnostic inference of the Bayesian network to support DCA sessions. We evaluated our approach by applying a model for technology transfer to industry and conducted three consecutive evaluations: (i) in academia, (ii) with industry representatives of the Fraunhofer Project Center at UFBA, and (iii) in an industrial case study at the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES). [Results] We received positive feedback in all three evaluations and the cross-company data was considered helpful for determining main causes. [Conclusions] Our results strengthen our confidence in that supporting DCA with cross-company data is promising and should be further investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'17

    Caractérisation physico-chimique de tourbe utilisée en épuration d'eau usée urbaine

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    International audiencePeat beds are currently used for urban water treatment procedures, although reactions occuring within such beds are still unknown : filtration, ion exchange, adsorption or biodégradation by immobilized biomass. This work intends to characterize by physico-chemical parameters the evolution of peat used in water treatment. It is based upon comparison of 5 physical and 4 physico-chemical parameters on peat sampled either on 2 french treatment plants located in Queveauvillers (Somme department) and in Levis Saint Nom (Yvelynes department) or from 2 commercially available eutrophic and oligotrophic sources. Heurteauville and Floratorf, respectively.Among physical parameter tested, namely humidity and (M.O.T.) organic matter content, (R.A.) air and (R.F..) water retention values and (M.V.A.) apparent density, most significant changes were observed with organic matter content, i.e. its weight loss between 105 and 500 "C.Several physico-chemical parameter determinations have been tested, including equilibrium pH in peat suspensions, (C.E.P.) proton, (C.F.C.) alcaline and (C.E.M.) metallic cation exchange capacities. The first and most easily measured parameters, i.e. equilibrium pH within 40 g/1 peat suspensions, showed most significant variations when peat was used in treatment plants. Thus we recomend to compare organic matter content and/or equilibrium pH of peat sampled either on water treatment beds or on a reference source, i.e. « unused » peat, before deciding the renewal of such beds. Both parameters evolution may be related to inorganic deposition on beds, biodégradation of peat organic matter and/or partial dissolution of humic and fulvie acids in neutral or slightly basic pH waste waters, which all may play a prominent role in this treatment procedure.Des lits de tourbe sont couramment utilisés en assainissement urbain bien que la nature des phénomènes d'épuration soient encore inconnus : filtration, échange d'ions, adsorption ou biodégradation par biomasse immobilisée. Ce travail tente de caractériser l'évolution de la tourbe au cours de son utilisation en station à l'aide de paramètres physico-chimiques. Il repose sur la comparaison des valeurs de 5 paramètres physiques et 4 paramètres physico-chimiques d'échantillons de tourbe provenant soit de 2 stations françaises situées à Queveauvillers (Somme) et Levis Saint-Nom (Yvelynes), soit de 2 sources disponibles commercialement, à savoir une tourbe brune eutrophe d'Heurteauville et une tourbe blonde oligotrophe Floratorf. Parmi les paramètres physiques que nous avons testés, le taux d'humidité ou de matière organique (M.O.T.), de rétention d'air (R.A.) ou d'eau (R.E.) et la masse volumique apparente (M.V.A.), les variations les plus significatives ont été observées avec les taux de matière organique des échantillons de tourbe, c'est-à-dire leur perte de poids entre 105 et 500 "C. Nous avons mesuré plusieurs paramètres physico-chimiques, en particulier le pH d'équilibre, les capacités d'échange protonique (C.E.P.), canonique (C.E.C.) et métallique (C.E.M.) : la détermination du pH d'équilibre de suspensions de tourbe à 40 g/1 semble la méthode la plus simple à mettre en oeuvre et celle qui a permis de mettre en évidence les variations les plus significatives lors de l'utilisation de la tourbe en station. Nous suggérons par conséquent de comparer le taux de matière organique et/ou le pH d'équilibre d'échantillons de tourbe prélevés dans les lits et dans des lots de référence, c'est-à-dire non utilisés en station, avant de décider de renouveler ces lits. Les variations de ces deux paramètres lors de l'utilisation de la tourbe sont la conséquence de dépôts de matière minérale sur les lits, de biodégradation de la matière organique de la tourbe et/ou de la dissolution partielle des acides humiques et fulviques dans des eaux usées de pH neutre ou légèrement alcalin, phénomènes qui peuvent tous avoir un effet important sur ce procédé de traitement

    Tailoring TcT_c by symmetry principles: The concept of Superconducting Fitness

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    We propose a generalization of the concept of superconducting fitness, which allows us to make statements analogous to Anderson's theorems concerning the stability of different superconducting states. This concept can be applied to complex materials with several orbital, layer, sublattice or valley degrees of freedom. The superconducting fitness parameters FA(k)F_A(\bf{k}) and FC(k)F_C(\bf{k}) give a direct measure of the robustness of the weak coupling instability and of the presence of detrimental terms in the Hamiltonian, respectively. These two parameters can be employed as a guide to engineer normal state Hamiltonians in order to favour or suppress superconducting order parameters with different symmetries and topological properties. To illustrate the applicability and power of this concept we study three cases: the non-centrosymmetric heavy fermion CePt3Si\text{CePt}_3\text{Si}, the hole doped iron pnictide KFe2As2\text{KFe}_2\text{As}_2 and the doped topological insulator CuxBi2Se3\text{Cu}_x\text{Bi}_2\text{Se}_3