31 research outputs found

    Grow Out Culture of Coral Trout Plectropomu Leopardus in Floating Net Cages with Different Feeding Frequencies

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    A study on the effect of feeding frequency on coral trout culture Plectropomus leopardus was conducted in floating net cages. The aim of this study was to determine an optimum feeding frequency for better growth rate and feed conversion ratio. The experiment was divided into two stages, i.e.; using fish with a range of body weight of 24 to 100 g (1st stage), and fish with a range of 100 to150 g (2nd stage). The first stage, consisted of four treatments of feeding frequencies, i.e. four times a day (4/1), three times a day (3/1), twice a day (2/1), and once a day (1/1). For the second stage experiment, the treatments applied were, three times a day (3/1), twice a day (2/1), once a day (1/1), and once in two days (1/2). Each treatment was in triplicate. At each feeding time, experimental fish were fed with dry pellets to apparent satiation. Both first and second experimental stages showed that the treatments of twice a day (2/1) feeding frequency attained significantly higher growth rates and lower feed conversion ratios than other treatments (P<0.05). Survival rate at the first stage (4/1), three times a day (3/1), twice a day (2/1), higher than (1/1) (P<0.05). But in the second stage the survival rate is not significant. The most optimum feeding frequencies for this species is 2/1 for the fish of 24 to 150 g BW

    Studi Pemasangan Damping Reaktor untuk Mengatasi Feroresonansi pada Incoming 20 KV GIS Tandes

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    Pada studi ini, dilakukan simulasi pemasangan damping reaktor sebagai salah satu teknik mitigasi feroresonansi dengan menggunakan ATP Draw. Damping reaktor sebagai teknik mitigasi feroresonansi menggunakan elemen resistor yang dipasang di sisi primer transformer. Hasil dari simulasi pemasangan damping reaktor yang diperoleh berupa respon arus dan respon tegangan yang berubah terhadap waktu yang menunjukkan apakah feroresonansi dapat diredam atau tidak. Dari hasil simulasi pemasangan damping reaktor pada studi ini diperoleh bahwa feroresonansi dapat diredam dengan pemasangan nilai damping yang tepat. Sehingga dalam studi ini akan dibahas mengenai sejauh mana keefektifan dari pemasangan damping untuk meredam feroresonansi

    Analisis Persebaran Medan Listrik pada Lightning Arrester 20kV Menggunakan Finite Element Method

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    Lightning Arrester adalah perangkat semikonduktor yang digunakan dalam sistem tenaga listrik untuk melindungi peralatan terhadap petir dan switching tegangan lebih. Alat pelindung terhadap gangguan petir ini berfungsi melindungi peralatan sistem tenaga listrik dengan membatasi tegangan lebih yang datang dan mengalirkannya ke tanah. Arrester tidak akan bekerja pada keadaan normal melainkan akan bekerja pada saat adanya tegangan impuls yang datang pada arrester. Dalam penggunaanya arrester ini akan menimbulkan medan pada permukaan arrester. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan pemodelan untuk menganalisa persebaran medan listrik pada arrester tersebut. Analisa pemodelan medan listrik membantu dalam mengetahui pengaruh dari itensitas medan maksimum dalam arrester baik dalam kondisi normal maupun transien. Metode yang digunakan adalah simulasi yang berbasis pada FEM (finite element method). Serta membandingkan kondisi medan listrik pada permukaan arrester dalam keadaan normal, terkontaminasi air garam, saat terdapat rongga udara dan terkontaminasi debu. Nilai medan listrik yang didapatkan pada saat diberi arus impuls sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan saat diberikan tegangan nominal karena saat terkena arus impuls tegangannya sangat kecil atau mendekati nol

    Exploitation Of Love In The Sonnets Of Shakespeare (1609): A Sociological Approach

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    This research paper aimed to show visible image of Shakespeare‟s Sonnets which analyzed by using a sociological approach. The objective of the research are to analyzing the sonnet based on the structural element and to analyzed the sonnets based on sociological perspective by indentifying from relationship between social historical background of English in late sixteenth century. This research paper belongs to qualitative research. Data of the research is the text from and it has taken based on the theme, thereabout consisting 23 sonnets a thematically. The primary data of the research is the Shakespeare‟s Sonnets from the book with entitled The Sonnets of Shakespeare by Thomas G Thorpe and secondary data of the research are biography of the author, websites, and other source about the sonnets, the social background of English society that support the analysis. The method to analyze of this data is descriptive analysis. The researcher comes to the conclusion as follows. Based on the sociological analysis, it is evident that Shakespeare exploited love theme in his sonnets. The exploitation of love themes was related to the upper class culture to which he belonged in which literature was considered as the main factor of civilized society. Literature became important of individual social strata in the society

    Investigation of Insulator Performance Under Artificial Contaminants

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    There are three types of insulators, namely glass, ceramic, and polymer. Although polymers have hydrophobic properties that make them superior to other materials. However, in its application, ceramic and glass insulators are still used because they are cheaper. Environmental conditions around the work location of the insulator greatly affect its performance. Areas with high levels of pollution will result in the insulator being damaged quickly. The effect of seawater and fly-ash contaminants on the three types of insulators is discussed in this study. Experimental approaches and FEM-based simulations have been carried out. Pollution levels in seawater contaminants were standardized using ESDD. Meanwhile, the level of pollution in fly-ash contaminants is standardized using NSDD. Simulations and experiments were carried out at four levels of contamination, namely light, medium, heavy and very heavy. Then the simulation and test results are compared. The greater the ESDD and NSDD values, the greater the leakage current

    Investigation of Insulator Performance Under Artificial Contaminants

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    There are three types of insulators, namely glass, ceramic, and polymer. Although polymers have hydrophobic properties that make them superior to other materials. However, in its application, ceramic and glass insulators are still used because they are cheaper. Environmental conditions around the work location of the insulator greatly affect its performance. Areas with high levels of pollution will result in the insulator being damaged quickly. The effect of seawater and fly-ash contaminants on the three types of insulators is discussed in this study. Experimental approaches and FEM-based simulations have been carried out. Pollution levels in seawater contaminants were standardized using ESDD. Meanwhile, the level of pollution in fly-ash contaminants is standardized using NSDD. Simulations and experiments were carried out at four levels of contamination, namely light, medium, heavy and very heavy. Then the simulation and test results are compared. The greater the ESDD and NSDD values, the greater the leakage current

    Efek Ekstrak Rimpang Temu Putih Terhadap Kadar Kreatinin dan Kadar Ureum Pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar (Rattus novergicus) Model Gagal Ginjal yang diinduksi Gentamisin

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    White turmeric’s rhizome (Curcuma zedaoria) has several ingredients, including curcumin, flavonoids, essential oils. The content of curcumin at the extract White turmeric’s rhizome (Curcuma zedoaria) has a function as a protector of the kidneys so that it can reduce blood creatinine levels and blood urea levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect extract of White turmeric’s rhizome (Curcuma zedoaria) on blood creatinine levels and blood urea levels of male wistar (Rattus novergicus) strain of rats induced by gentamicin. This study uses a laboratory experimental research design with the design of pre and post test with controlled group design. The research subjects used were extract White turmeric’s rhizome (Curcuma zedoaria) with a dose of 20mg /200gBW, 40mg /200gBW, and 80mg/200gBW. A total of 25 male Wistar (Rattus novergicus) strain rats were used as research objects. Test animals were divided into 5 groups, namely the normal group (aquadest), gentamicin group (kidney damage), treatment group I (dose 20mg / 200gBW), treatment group II (40mg / 200gBW dose), treatment group III (dose 80mg / 200gBW) . Data were analyzed by SPSS version 25. Oneway Anova test on creatinine levels and urea levels were obtained p = 0.001 and p = 0.003 (p <0.05) respectively which means that were differences in effects on creatinine levels and urea levels between groups. It was continued by Post-Hoc analysis with LSD Test between groups of creatinine levels and urea levels there were significant differences (p <0.05). The conclusions of this study are the effects of the administration of extract White turmeric’s rhizome (Curcuma zedaoria) at doses of 20mg/200gBW, 40mg/200gBW, and 80mg/200gBW on blood creatinine levels and blood urea levels in Wistar male rats (Rattus novergicus) that induced by gentamicin

    Pengembangan Virtual Laboratory Entrepreneurship sebagai sistem monitoring usaha bagi mahasiswa

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    Tujuan dari pengembangan virtual laboratory sebagai sistem monitoring usaha mahasiswa adalah membangun sistem yang dapat membantu Dosen untuk memantau (monitoring) progress usaha yang sedang dijalankan oleh mahasiswa, kemudian sistem yang mampu mengukur progress dari usaha mahasiswa. Model pengembangan ini dilakukan melalui 5 tahapan yaitu : (1) Requirement analysis and definitions; (2) System and software design; (3) Implementation and unit testing; (4) Integration and system testing; (5) Operation and maintenance. Metode pengujian yang digunakan adalah blackbox, yakni untuk menguji fungsionalitas dan usabilitas sistem yang dikembangkan. Berdasarkan pengujian fungsionalitas dan usabilitas oleh ahli sistem, dosen, dan mahasiswa, mendapatkan hasil yang baik untuk aspek fungsionalitas dan presentase 85.86% untuk aspek usabilitas, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem ini telah layak dan dapat dioperasikan. Diharapkan dengan pengembangan sistem Virtual Laboratory Entrepreneurship dapat bermanfaat bagi dosen dan mahasiswa sebagai sarana yang dapat membantu proses pengembangan usaha mahasiswa