11 research outputs found

    Analisa Life Cycle Cost Perbandingan Antara Sistem Ac Dengan Blower Pada Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Kanwil Dirjend Pajak Surabaya

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    Untuk memcnuhi kcbutuhan pcnycdiaan fasi litas bidang administrasi dan opcrasional milik pcmcrinlah, khususnya di kola Surabaya maka pcmcrintah pusal bekerjasama dengan pcmcrintah daerah berencana mcndirikan gedung Kantor Kanwil Dirjcnd Pajak Jawa Uagian Timur. Dibutuhkan dana pembangunan sebesar Rp 53.3 untuk 8 lantai dcngan alokasi Rp 3,845,657.420.00 digunakan untuk sistcm pcngkondisian udara bcrupa sistem AC scntral pada 7 lantai. Melihat besamya anggaran biaya yang dipcrlukan untuk pekcljaan sistem AC, maka perlu dilakukan pcngoptimalan biaya agar biaya pembangunan gedung tersebut dapat lebih optimal dan cfekti f. Tugas Akhlr ini bertujuan tmn•k membandingkan biaya siklus hid up an tara sistcm A(' dan Blower. Untuk mclakukan analisa perbandingan perhitungan Life Cycle Cost antara sistem AC dan BIO\\Cf pcrlu dilakukan perhitungan biaya-biaya yang rclevan. Biayabiaya tcrscbut berupa biaya investasi peralatan, biaya replacement biaya operasional dan perawatan tiap tahun dan Nilai Sisa dari masing-masing peralatan. Pcrhinmgan dilakukan dcngan menjumlahkan Present Value dari biaya investasi. biaya replacement serta biaya operasional dan pcrawatan yang dikurangkan dengan nilai sisa sehingga didapat total biaya siklus hidup dari masing-masing sistem selama umur invcstasi gedung yang dipcrkirakan 25 tahun. Dari hasil perhitungan Life Cycle Cost selama umur iovestasi gcdung dengan asumsi kcnaikan tarif dasar listrik 2 % setiap 2 tahun didapat biaya siklus hidup sistem AC sebesar Rp. 7.624.558.968.037 sedangkan untuk sistem Blower scbcsar Rp. 6,499.591.341.94 (85.25 %). Dari hasil analisa sensitivitas dengan pcrubahan kenaikan tarif dasar listrik sampai dcngan 12 % sistem blower ma>ih mempunyai biaya siklus hid up yang lebih kccil

    Another Law in Indonesia: Customary Land Tenure System Coexisting with State Order in Mutis Forest

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    Local wisdom has been coexisting with the state system in several places in Indonesia. The Mountain Mutis Nature Reserve in East Nusa Tenggara province is the strict nature reserves, but a customary land tenure system, called suf, exists so far in the nature reserve. The objectives of this study are (1) to organize the historical territorialization process, (2) to clarify the customary land tenure system and activities for livelihoods by local people, and (3) to discuss the challenges of its land tenure system to manage forests sustainably as well as policy methods to harmonize legal pluralism in Mutis Area. Field observation and in-depth interviews with key informants were employed for data collection, and the collected data were analyzed by a qualitative descriptive method. The findings showed the traditional reward and punishment systems regarding extracting non-timber forest products, grazing livestock, and preventing forest fires were working well for sustainable forest management. However, increased pressure on forests due to future population growth appears to have an impact on the traditional system. It also showed the government officers and local people started some discussions to recognize the suf in the formal legal order. However, there were institutional problems to introduce current state systems. Therefore, it is required to flexibly operate or revise the state laws according to the actual situation to harmonize society between state and people

    The Effect of Tree Shade and Pruning Techniques on Screw Tree (Helicteres Isora Linn.) Fruit Productivity in the Natural Habitat

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    Screw tree (Helicteres isora Linn.) is a shrub species with 5 to 15 main stems where the natural distribution can be found in South Timor Tengah (TTS) regency of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province and it is potential as a medicinal plant. The fruits are the main material harnessed for traditional medicine or jamu. Recently, little is known on fruit productivity of screw tree under shaded and open area. At the field showed that there were differences on fruit and flower production under two shade condition and the main stems. The research aimed for gaining information on the effect of pruning on screw tree fruit productivity in the natural habitat under two shade conditions on fruit productivity. Split plot design was employed with two factors which were two shade conditions (shaded under trees and open) as a main plot and the pruning techniques as a sub plot. Pruning techniques had affected significantly on the number of shoots and fruits, and there was an interaction between treatments to the number of fruits. Shade conditions had an important role on fruit production. Plants grew under open space had better fruit characteristics on fruit length (46,94 cm), fruit diameter (6,41 mm), post-harvest fruit weight (0,94 g), oven-dried fruit weight (0,89 g) and lower water content (5,57 %), compared to under shaded space 44,16 mm; 5,73 mm; 0,87 g; 0,81 g and 6,95 %, respectively for fruit length, fruit diameter, post-harvest fruit weight, oven-dried fruit weight and fruit water content

    Effect of Stem Diameter, Media Type and Light Intensity on the Growth of Medicinal Plant of Screw Tree/kayu Ules (Helicteres Isora Linn.)

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    Screw tree (Helicteres isora) is a shrub species (Fam: Malvaceae) with 1.5–4 m in height and with multi-main trunks up to 9–12. In Indonesia, kayu ules has been used as a traditional medicine, known as jamu, and has been commercialized. In order to cultivate this species, vegetative propagation is likely promising compared to the generative propagation since seed viability is low and cannot be stored for longterm. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information on which diameter classes, media types and light intensities would give the best result for vegetative propagation. This research aimed to obtain information on which diameter classes and media that were suitable for kayu ules stem cutting propagation and to what degree the light intensity would be best for the growth of the seedlings of kayu ules. Three diameter classes and four media types were employed in a complete random design under the greenhouse environment. Three months old good quality vegetatively-propagated seedlings were transplanted under two light intensities (under transparent canopy and shading net). The result showed that considering the factor of diameter classes and media in kayu ules stem cutting propagation, it had improved the survival of the stem cutting. Diameter class I was best grown in media type 3 with 46.67 ± 12.2 % of survival rate, diameter class II was best grown in media type 2 with 38.67 ± 11.6 % of survival rate, whereas diameter class III was best grown in media type 4 with 52 ± 6.9 % of survival rate. The transplanted seedlings also grew significantly better under transparent canopy with higher light intensity. The distinctive features of screw tree under shading net were wider leaf area, higher specific leaf area and relative water content but it was lower in above ground dry biomass compared to the kayu ules under transparent canopy

    Effect of Stem Diameter, Media Type and Light Intensity on the Growth of Medicinal Plant of Screw Tree/kayu Ules (Helicteres Isora Linn.)

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    Screw tree (Helicteres isora) is a shrub species (Fam: Malvaceae) with 1.5–4 m in height and with multi-main trunks up to 9–12. In Indonesia, kayu ules has been used as a traditional medicine, known as jamu, and has been commercialized. In order to cultivate this species, vegetative propagation is likely promising compared to the generative propagation since seed viability is low and cannot be stored for longterm. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information on which diameter classes, media types and light intensities would give the best result for vegetative propagation. This research aimed to obtain information on which diameter classes and media that were suitable for kayu ules stem cutting propagation and to what degree the light intensity would be best for the growth of the seedlings of kayu ules. Three diameter classes and four media types were employed in a complete random design under the greenhouse environment. Three months old good quality vegetatively-propagated seedlings were transplanted under two light intensities (under transparent canopy and shading net). The result showed that considering the factor of diameter classes and media in kayu ules stem cutting propagation, it had improved the survival of the stem cutting. Diameter class I was best grown in media type 3 with 46.67 ± 12.2 % of survival rate, diameter class II was best grown in media type 2 with 38.67 ± 11.6 % of survival rate, whereas diameter class III was best grown in media type 4 with 52 ± 6.9 % of survival rate. The transplanted seedlings also grew significantly better under transparent canopy with higher light intensity. The distinctive features of screw tree under shading net were wider leaf area, higher specific leaf area and relative water content but it was lower in above ground dry biomass compared to the kayu ules under transparent canopy

    Studi Propagasi Vegetatif Tanaman Obat Kayu Ules (Helicteres Isoralinn.) Melalui Stek Batang (a Study of Vegetative Propagation on Medicinal Plant of Kayu Ules (Helicteres Isora Linn.) Through Stem Cuttings)

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    Kayu Ules (Helicteres isora) is one medicinal plant species in which the fruits are utilized for manufacturing traditional medicine or jamu. Plant propagation of this species is one problem need to be investigated as only few studies conducted on this. This research was undertaken to investigate the ability of Kayu Ules propagated through stem cuttings. The experiment was designed with completely randomized design (CRD) using 2 main treatments which were the source of stem cutting materials including material from hard-wood, semi hard-wood and soft-wood stem. The second treatment was the use of commercial growth regulators, which were Atonik and Root-up. The result showed that cutting materials from soft-wood stem was not recommended due to very low survival. Meanwhile, the use of cutting material from semi hard-wood (24% with atonik, 12% with root-up and 8% with control) and hard-wood stem (36% with atonik, 24 % with root-up and 20 % with control) appeared potential to be used. This research recommended that there were six diameter classes of stem cutting showing ability to be propagated, which were diameter class I 5.86-7.61 mm (22.58%), II 7.62-9.37 mm (45.16%), III 9.38-11.33 mm (22.58%), IV 11.14-12.89 mm (3.23%), V 12.9-14.65 mm (3.23%), and VI 14.66-16.41 mm (3.23%)


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    Background: Currently, the cultural values that Indonesian always upholds, have faded, especially among teenagers, which makes it easy for western culture to enter and undermine the value of implementing culture and national identity.  Aims: This study aims to analyze the culture of courtesy among adolescents in the digital era and provide solutions to maintain it. Method: Research samples of adolescents 17-19 years, 50 participants for questionnaires, and 2 participants for interviews. The method used is a qualitative study of literature and survey data collection techniques or questionnaires and is equipped with interviews. Results: This study resulted in less than half of the respondents still behaving impolitely. Respondents are aware of their behavior that lacks manners and provide reasons behind this behavior. Recommendation: Formal and informal education, group guidance, participation of social media companies, habit improving, 5S realizing. Limitations: 50 respondents is not enough to describe the actual situation, research limitations due to Covid-19, time constraints, respondents' targets are less specific