186 research outputs found

    Bronchodilation induced by PGE2 is impaired in Group-III pulmonary hypertension

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) associated with lung disease and/or hypoxia (Group III), a reduction of pulmonary vascular tone and tissue hypoxia are considered therapeutically beneficial. Prostaglandin (PG) E2 and PGI2 induce potent relaxation of human bronchi from non-PH (control) patients via EP4 and IP receptors, respectively. However, the effects of PGE2 /PGI2 and their mimetics on human bronchi from PH-patients are unknown. Our aim was to compare the relaxant effects of several PGI2 -mimetics approved for treating PH-Group I with several PGE2 -mimetics in bronchial preparations derived from PH-Group III and control patients. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Using an organ bath system, the tone of bronchial muscle was investigated in tissue from either control or PH-Group III patients. Expression of prostanoid receptors were analyzed by Western blot and real-time PCR and endogenous PGE2 , PGI2 and cAMP levels were determined by ELISA. KEY RESULTS: Maximal relaxations induced by different EP4 agonists (PGE2 , L-902688, ONO-AE1-329) were significantly decreased in human bronchi from PH-patients versus controls. In contrast, the maximal relaxations produced by PGI2 -mimetics (iloprost, treprostinil, beraprost) were similar for both groups of patients. Both EP4 and IP receptor protein and mRNA expressions were significantly lower in human bronchi from PH-patients. cAMP levels significantly correlated with PGI2 but not with PGE2 levels. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS: This study shows that PGI2 -mimetics have preserved maximal bronchodilation in PH-Group III patients. The decreased bronchodilation induced by EP4 agonists suggests that restoration of EP4 expression in airways of PH-patients with respiratory diseases could bring additional therapeutic benefit

    Ціноутворення земель техногенного походження як чинник формування рівня їх споживчих властивостей

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    Визначено засади ціноутворення як головного чинника обгрунтування рівня відтворення екологічної та господарської цінності земель техногенного походження, встановлено вплив грошової оцінки на формування їх цільового споживчого ринку, представлено принципи поєднання екологічних та економічних складових оцінки рекультивованого ґрунту.Определены основы ценообразования как главного фактора обоснования уровня восстановления экологической и хозяйственной ценности земель техногенного происхождения, определено влияние денежной оценки на формирование их целевого потребительского рынка, представлены принципы объединения экологических и экономических составляющих оценки рекультивированного грунта.Defined pricing principles as the main factor of level playing ground environmental and economic values of land anthropogenic origin, the effect of monetary valuation of forming their target consumer market, representing a combination of ecological principles and economic evaluation of reclaimed soil constituents

    A Trial of Early Antiretrovirals and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy in Africa

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    BACKGROUND: In sub-Saharan Africa, the burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated tuberculosis is high. We conducted a trial with a 2-by-2 factorial design to assess the benefits of early antiretroviral therapy (ART), 6-month isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT), or both among HIV-infected adults with high CD4+ cell counts in Ivory Coast. METHODS: We included participants who had HIV type 1 infection and a CD4+ count of less than 800 cells per cubic millimeter and who met no criteria for starting ART according to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: deferred ART (ART initiation according to WHO criteria), deferred ART plus IPT, early ART (immediate ART initiation), or early ART plus IPT. The primary end point was a composite of diseases included in the case definition of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), non-AIDS-defining cancer, non-AIDS-defining invasive bacterial disease, or death from any cause at 30 months. We used Cox proportional models to compare outcomes between the deferred-ART and early-ART strategies and between the IPT and no-IPT strategies. RESULTS: A total of 2056 patients (41% with a baseline CD4+ count of ≥500 cells per cubic millimeter) were followed for 4757 patient-years. A total of 204 primary end-point events were observed (3.8 events per 100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.3 to 4.4), including 68 in patients with a baseline CD4+ count of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter (3.2 events per 100 person-years; 95% CI, 2.4 to 4.0). Tuberculosis and invasive bacterial diseases accounted for 42% and 27% of primary end-point events, respectively. The risk of death or severe HIV-related illness was lower with early ART than with deferred ART (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.76; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≥500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.94) and lower with IPT than with no IPT (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48 to 0.88; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≥500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.36 to 1.01). The 30-month probability of grade 3 or 4 adverse events did not differ significantly among the strategies. CONCLUSIONS: In this African country, immediate ART and 6 months of IPT independently led to lower rates of severe illness than did deferred ART and no IPT, both overall and among patients with CD4+ counts of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter. (Funded by the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis; TEMPRANO ANRS 12136 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00495651.)

    High maternal mortality estimated by the sisterhood method in a rural area of Mali

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Maternal mortality is high in Mali. Nevertheless, there are few studies on this topic from rural areas, and current estimates are mostly based on studies from urban settings. Our objective was to estimate the maternal mortality ratio in Kita, rural Mali.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using the "sisterhood method", we interviewed participants aged 15-50 years from 20 villages in Kita, Mali, and thereby created a retrospective cohort of their sisters in reproductive age. Based on population and fertility estimates, we calculated the lifetime risk of maternal death, and from that the estimated approximate maternal mortality ratio.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 2,039 respondents reported 4,628 sisters who had reached reproductive age. Of these 4,628 sisters, almost a third (1,233; 27%) had died, and 429 (9%) had died during pregnancy or childbirth. This corresponded to a lifetime risk of maternal death of 20% and a maternal mortality ratio of 3,131 per 100,000 live births (95% confidence interval 2,967-3,296), with a time reference around 1999.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found a very high maternal mortality in rural Mali and this highlights the urgent need for obstetric services in the remote rural areas.</p

    Practices and Obstacles to Provider-Initiated HIV Testing and Counseling (PITC) Among Healthcare Providers in Côte d’Ivoire

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    Practices of Provider-Initiated HIV Testing and Counseling (PITC) remains suboptimal in Côte d'Ivoire. The aim of this survey was to identify the practices and obstacles to PITC among healthcare professionals in Côte d'Ivoire. A nationally representative cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2018 by telephone among three separate samples of midwives, nurses and physicians practicing in Côte d'Ivoire. The number of HIV tests proposed during consultation in the month preceding the survey was collected for each professional. Factors associated with the number of proposed tests were identified through ordinal logistic regression models. A total of 298 midwives, 308 nurses and 289 physicians were interviewed. Midwives proposed the test more frequently, followed by nurses and physicians. Among midwives, a higher number of proposed tests was associated with the perception that HIV testing does not require specific consent compared to other diseases (aOR 4.00 [95% CI 1.37-14.29]). Among nurses, having received HIV training and the presence of community HIV counselors were associated with a higher number of proposed tests (aOR 2.01 [1.31-3.09] and aOR 1.75 [1.14-2.70], respectively). For physicians, the presence of a voluntary testing center was associated with a higher number of proposed tests (aOR 1.69 [1.01-2.86]). PITC practices and barriers differed across professions. Beyond improving environmental opportunities such as dedicated staff or services, strengthening the motivations and capabilities of healthcare professionals to propose testing could improve PITC coverage

    Detection of codon 12 K- ras mutations in non-neoplastic mucosa from bronchial carina in patients with lung adenocarcinomas

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    K- ras activation by point mutation in codon 12 has been reported in lung adenocarcinomas in various models of experimental lung tumours induced by chemical carcinogens. The hypothesis of the presence of cells containing K- ras mutation in non neoplastic bronchial carina, the main site of impaction of airborne contaminants, was investigated by evaluating concurrent lung tumour and non-neoplastic proximal bronchial carinae from 19 patients with lung adenocarcinomas. The restriction fragment length polymorphism enriched PCR method used can detect one mutant allele among 103normal alleles. A mutation was detected in 42% of lung adenocarcinoma samples. No mutation was detected in either tumour or bronchial carinae in nine patients (47%). K- ras mutation was detected in the lung tumour but not in bronchial carinae in four patients (21%), in both the lung tumour and bronchial carinae in four other patients (21%). In two patients (11%), K- ras mutation was detected in at least one bronchial carina, but not in the lung tumour. Mutations of codon 12, confirmed by sequencing analysis of ten samples, were G to T transversion, mostly TGT and GTT in bronchial carinae and lung tumours. Our data show that activated K- ras by point mutation can be present in non-neoplastic bronchial carina mucosa even when no mutation is detected in tumour samples. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Standing genetic variation and the evolution of drug resistance in HIV

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    Drug resistance remains a major problem for the treatment of HIV. Resistance can occur due to mutations that were present before treatment starts or due to mutations that occur during treatment. The relative importance of these two sources is unknown. We study three different situations in which HIV drug resistance may evolve: starting triple-drug therapy, treatment with a single dose of nevirapine and interruption of treatment. For each of these three cases good data are available from literature, which allows us to estimate the probability that resistance evolves from standing genetic variation. Depending on the treatment we find probabilities of the evolution of drug resistance due to standing genetic variation between 0 and 39%. For patients who start triple-drug combination therapy, we find that drug resistance evolves from standing genetic variation in approximately 6% of the patients. We use a population-dynamic and population-genetic model to understand the observations and to estimate important evolutionary parameters. We find that both, the effective population size of the virus before treatment, and the fitness of the resistant mutant during treatment, are key-parameters that determine the probability that resistance evolves from standing genetic variation. Importantly, clinical data indicate that both of these parameters can be manipulated by the kind of treatment that is used.Comment: 33 pages 6 figure

    PLoS One

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    INTRODUCTION: The Temprano and START trials provided evidence to support early ART initiation recommendations. We projected long-term clinical and economic outcomes of immediate ART initiation in Cote d'Ivoire. METHODS: We used a mathematical model to compare three potential ART initiation criteria: 1) CD4 <350/muL (ART<350/muL); 2) CD4 <500/muL (ART<500/muL); and 3) ART at presentation (Immediate ART). Outcomes from the model included life expectancy, 10-year medical resource use, incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) in /yearoflifesaved(YLS),and5yearbudgetimpact.WesimulatedpeoplewithHIV(PWH)incare(meanCD4:259/muL,SD198/muL)andtransmittedcases.KeyinputparameterstotheanalysisincludedfirstlineARTefficacy(80/year of life saved (YLS), and 5-year budget impact. We simulated people with HIV (PWH) in care (mean CD4: 259/muL, SD 198/muL) and transmitted cases. Key input parameters to the analysis included first-line ART efficacy (80% suppression at 6 months) and ART cost (90/person-year). We assessed cost-effectiveness relative to Cote d'Ivoire's 2017 per capita annual gross domestic product (1,600).RESULTS:ImmediateARTincreasedlifeexpectancyby0.34yearscomparedtoART<350/muLand0.17yearscomparedtoART<500/muL.ImmediateARTresultedin4,500fewer10yeartransmissionsper170,000PWHcomparedtoART<350/muL.Incosteffectivenessanalysis,ImmediateARThada10yearICERof1,600). RESULTS: Immediate ART increased life expectancy by 0.34 years compared to ART<350/muL and 0.17 years compared to ART<500/muL. Immediate ART resulted in 4,500 fewer 10-year transmissions per 170,000 PWH compared to ART<350/muL. In cost-effectiveness analysis, Immediate ART had a 10-year ICER of 680/YLS compared to ART<350/muL, ranging from cost-saving to an ICER of 1,440/YLSastransmissionratesvaried.ART<500/muLwas"dominated"(aninefficientuseofresources),comparedwithImmediateART.ImmediateARTincreasedthe5yearHIVcarebudgetfrom1,440/YLS as transmission rates varied. ART<500/muL was "dominated" (an inefficient use of resources), compared with Immediate ART. Immediate ART increased the 5-year HIV care budget from 801.9M to $812.6M compared to ART<350/muL. CONCLUSIONS: In Cote d'Ivoire, immediate compared to later ART initiation will increase life expectancy, decrease HIV transmission, and be cost-effective over the long-term, with modest budget impact. Immediate ART initiation is an appropriate, high-value standard of care in Cote d'Ivoire and similar settings

    TWIST1 a New Determinant of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in EGFR Mutated Lung Adenocarcinoma

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    Metastasis is a multistep process and the main cause of mortality in lung cancer patients. We previously showed that EGFR mutations were associated with a copy number gain at a locus encompassing the TWIST1 gene on chromosome 7. TWIST1 is a highly conserved developmental gene involved in embryogenesis that may be reactivated in cancers promoting both malignant conversion and cancer progression through an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). The aim of this study was to investigate the possible implication of TWIST1 reactivation on the acquisition of a mesenchymal phenotype in EGFR mutated lung cancer. We studied a series of consecutive lung adenocarcinoma from Caucasian non-smokers for which surgical frozen samples were available (n = 33) and showed that TWIST1 expression was linked to EGFR mutations (P<0.001), to low CDH1 expression (P<0.05) and low disease free survival (P = 0.044). To validate that TWIST1 is a driver of EMT in EGFR mutated lung cancer, we used five human lung cancer cell lines and demonstrated that EMT and the associated cell mobility were dependent upon TWIST1 expression in cells with EGFR mutation. Moreover a decrease of EGFR pathway stimulation through EGF retrieval or an inhibition of TWIST1 expression by small RNA technology reversed the phenomenon. Collectively, our in vivo and in vitro findings support that TWIST1 collaborates with the EGF pathway in promoting EMT in EGFR mutated lung adenocarcinoma and that large series of EGFR mutated lung cancer patients are needed to further define the prognostic role of TWIST1 reactivation in this subgroup

    Characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates: Occurrence rates, antimicrobial susceptibility patterns, and molecular typing in the global SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, 1997-1999

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    During 1997–1999, a total of 70,067 isolates (6631 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates) were analyzed in the SENTRY program by geographic region and body site of infection. The respiratory tract was the most common source of P. aeruginosa. P. aeruginosa isolation rates increased during the study interval. Europe was the only region to show a significant decline in β-lactam and aminoglycoside susceptibility rates. There was a reduction in the rates of susceptibility of Canadian isolates to imipenem and of Latin American isolates to meropenem. A total of 218 multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates (MDR-PSA; resistant to piperacillin, ceftazidime, imipenem, and gentamicin) were observed; MDR-PSA occurrence rates (percentages of all isolates) ranged from 8.2% (Latin America) to 0.9% (Canada). No antimicrobial inhibited >50% of MDR-PSA strains. Molecular characterization of selected, generally resistant strains was performed. Isolates showing unique ribogroups were found in Europe, Latin America, and the United States, but clonal spread was documented in several medical centers.A. C. Gales, R. N. Jones, J. Turnidge, R. Rennie, and R. Rampha