2,008 research outputs found

    Financialization and Its Entrepreneurial Consequences

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    Examines the financial sector's rise in relative economic importance and its impact on science and engineering employment and entrepreneurship. Explores new firm formation and performance and capital allocation under a scenario with a smaller sector

    Super-resolution community detection for layer-aggregated multilayer networks

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    Applied network science often involves preprocessing network data before applying a network-analysis method, and there is typically a theoretical disconnect between these steps. For example, it is common to aggregate time-varying network data into windows prior to analysis, and the tradeoffs of this preprocessing are not well understood. Focusing on the problem of detecting small communities in multilayer networks, we study the effects of layer aggregation by developing random-matrix theory for modularity matrices associated with layer-aggregated networks with NN nodes and LL layers, which are drawn from an ensemble of Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi networks. We study phase transitions in which eigenvectors localize onto communities (allowing their detection) and which occur for a given community provided its size surpasses a detectability limit KK^*. When layers are aggregated via a summation, we obtain KO(NL/T)K^*\varpropto \mathcal{O}(\sqrt{NL}/T), where TT is the number of layers across which the community persists. Interestingly, if TT is allowed to vary with LL then summation-based layer aggregation enhances small-community detection even if the community persists across a vanishing fraction of layers, provided that T/LT/L decays more slowly than O(L1/2) \mathcal{O}(L^{-1/2}). Moreover, we find that thresholding the summation can in some cases cause KK^* to decay exponentially, decreasing by orders of magnitude in a phenomenon we call super-resolution community detection. That is, layer aggregation with thresholding is a nonlinear data filter enabling detection of communities that are otherwise too small to detect. Importantly, different thresholds generally enhance the detectability of communities having different properties, illustrating that community detection can be obscured if one analyzes network data using a single threshold.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Why Copyrights are Not Community Property

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    Rethinking the Compatibility of Moral Rights and Fair Use

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    Mechanism, reactivity, and selectivity of nickel-catalyzed [4 + 4 + 2] cycloadditions of dienes and alkynes.

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    Density functional theory (DFT) calculations with B3LYP and M06 functionals elucidated the reactivities of alkynes and Z/E selectivity of cyclodecatriene products in the Ni-catalyzed [4 + 4 + 2] cycloadditions of dienes and alkynes. The Ni-mediated oxidative cyclization of butadienes determines the Z/E selectivity. Only the oxidative cyclization of one s-cis to one s-trans butadiene is facile and exergonic, leading to the observed 1Z,4Z,8E-cyclodecatriene product. The same step with two s-cis or s-trans butadienes is either kinetically or thermodynamically unfavorable, and the 1Z,4E,8E- and 1Z,4Z,8Z-cyclodecatriene isomers are not observed in experiments. In addition, the competition between the desired cooligomerization and [2 + 2 + 2] cycloadditions of alkynes depends on the coordination of alkynes. With either electron-deficient alkynes or alkynes with free hydroxyl groups, the coordination of alkynes is stronger than that of dienes, and alkyne trimerization prevails. With alkyl-substituted alkynes, the generation of alkyne-coordinated nickel complex is much less favorable, and the [4 + 4 + 2] cycloaddition occurs

    Evidence for HI replenishment in massive galaxies through gas accretion from the cosmic web

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    We examine the H i -to-stellar mass ratio (H i fraction) for galaxies near filament backbones within the nearby Universe (d < 181 Mpc). This work uses the 6 degree Field Galaxy Survey (6dFGS) and the Discrete Persistent Structures Extractor (DisPerSE) to define the filamentary structure of the local cosmic web. H i spectral stacking of H i Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) observations yield the H i fraction for filament galaxies and a field control sample. The H i fraction is measured for different stellar masses and 5th nearest neighbour projected densities (Σ5) to disentangle what influences cold gas in galaxies. For galaxies with stellar masses log(M⋆) ≤ 11 M⊙ in projected densities 0 ≤ Σ5 < 3 galaxies Mpc−2, all H i fractions of galaxies near filaments are statistically indistinguishable from the control sample. Galaxies with stellar masses log(M⋆) ≥ 11 M⊙ have a systematically higher H i fraction near filaments than the control sample. The greatest difference is 0.75 dex, which is 5.5σ difference at mean projected densities of 1.45 galaxies Mpc−2. We suggest that this is evidence for massive galaxies accreting cold gas from the intra-filament medium which can replenish some H i gas. This supports cold mode accretion where filament galaxies with a large gravitational potential can draw gas from the large scale structure

    Community visioning and action plans: Tonle Sap hub

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    The process of rolling out the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) in 12 target villages in the Tonle Sap region in Cambodia throughout 2013 involved several important tasks at different stages. This report covers one of those tasks: the Community Life Competence Process (CLCP), commonly referred to by stakeholders as "visioning". It has two main objectives: (1) to document the community visioning process, including the development of a community action plan and NGO work plan to monitor progress; and (2) to document village and network profiles of key community stakeholders at the village level