224 research outputs found

    Equivalence of some geometric and related results of nonlinear functional analysis

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    On local and global moduli of convexity

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    Surjectivity and fixed point theorems (Preliminary communication)

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    On the strict convexity of the polar operator

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    The paper gives an overview of the spatial conditions, human resources and development course of child and adolescent psychiatry as an independent profession. The beginnings of the development date back to 1959, when the Department of children and youth is opened in Sarajevo at the Neuropsychiatric Clinic, which continues without interruption even today. After that was opened same department in Banja Luka and after a certain period of outpatient work, and stationary departments in Tuzla and Mostar. Over time, as the world’s developed and improved understanding of the needs of treatment of mental disorders, and as the trends of professional approaches changed from time to time, the same set of guidelines were followed by the professional work of staff members in the departments. As the material opportunities allowed, in all localities there is a clear tendency to improve spatial conditions. However, personnel capability has improved at a slightly faster pace, so by the war time in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH) between 1992 and 1995, in BH were mostly trained professional teams. In meanwhile, the need for psychiatric assistance has largely exceeded the human resource capabilities. The situation of war has changed dramatically in the present situation, departments are empty, and there is a paradoxical situation that the patient in the hospitals does not exist, but the reason is bizarre, since because of the war, physically, patients are not able to access to hospitals. This situation also contributes to the departure a large number of staff, which is in the child psychiatry, and so was insufficient. Despite this, during the war in Sarajevo, the Psychiatric Clinic conducts research on psychiatric morbidity and evaluation of population trauma due to war stress in the city of Sarajevo, and included the population of children and adolescents who remained in the city. The project is implemented only in the city area, because Sarajevo was city, three and half years under the total military siege. Further on, the paper elaborates the status of spatial and human resources capacity in the post-war period up to the present day. There is an evident expansion of the psychological assistance service throughout the territory of BH, which has been largely on the initiative and all the necessary assistance of the international community through non-governmental organizations, but with the involvement of the remaining domestic staffs. They were also stated the government projects, in the last two decades, on the professional training of staff working in Mental Health Centers across the country. In the latest age of the last ten years, a number of private psychological counselling centers have been opened that, beside the psychiatrists, are led by certified psychotherapists, psychologists, pedagogues, and teachers. This fact is very important for the future, because this is a good part solving the current lack of professionalism to provide psychological assistance to the population in developmental age. All professionals involved in the human psyche were aware of how important the timely recognition and provided expert assistance, when it comes to developmental age. In the post-war period, certain scientific researches on the psychological trauma severity of the population are being carried out, and the results of some of these researches are mentioned in this paper. The paper concludes with the statement that the current state of development of child psychiatry in the country is satisfactory in relation to the conditions that we had the past decade, but with the suggestion that a long way to furthering this profession and its affirmation at the global level is in the future

    Stylistika - textová lingvistika - rétorika

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    Urban transformation: environmental issues, wicked problems, and transport development in the context of circular economy

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    The paper brings some perspectives on new challenges for the synergy of urban transformation, environmental issues and transport development in the circular economy (CE) context. Considering that the number of studies on the given topics only pays attention to some selected areas, we bring a more comprehensive view of the current challenges for cities. The growing size of cities and population density are putting pressure on urban transport systems. As a result of the increasing intensity of traffic and economic activity, there is an increase in emissions in cities. Making decisions about changes in the city becomes more complex. The paper indicates the nature of “wicked” problems and obstacles in implementing the CE model in the context of sustainable transport/mobility development in big cities. It also demonstrates the situation in selected European cities regarding pollution and transport performance indicators. While the traditional city policy approach is predominantly based on the need to maintain the status quo and the reality of the city´s functioning is perceived as a routine matter, new approaches should work with challenges as opportunities for change towards greater efficiency and environmental sustainability and take into account new approaches to the governance of cities. One of the possible directions of urban development is using the CE in the context of the strategy of cities in the transport field. This could improve the situation within the goals of SDG 11. Solutions based on traditional approaches can cause disorders in the functioning of big cities, weaken their resilience and thus threaten their further development. In the future, the city leaders and other stakeholders will have to reevaluate traditional approaches to city governance in this area, as it can be assumed that an increasing number of "wicked" challenges will arise, which will need to be quickly/effectively resolved about the justified needs of city residents

    Development of materials used in construction

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je analyzovat tepelně technické vlastnosti a ceny skladeb zdiva u vybraného domu v porovnání s dalšími konstrukčními typy. Teoretická část se zabývá tématikou vývoje určitých materiálů používaných ve stavebnictví od historie po současnost a dále tvorbou cen stavebních prací v ČR. V praktické části se zaměřuji na rodinný dům v obci Knínice, který splňuje požadavky pasivního domu. Popisuji jej podrobněji z konstrukčního hlediska a jeho skladbu zdiva porovnávám s jinými skladbami a to jak z hlediska tepelného, tak z hlediska cenového.The subject of this bachelor thesis is to analyze thermal properties and prices of the composition of the masonry with selected house in comparison with other types of construction. Theoretical part is dealing with development of certain material used in construction from history to the present and then pricing of construction work in the Czech Republic. The practical part is focused on the family house in Knínice village that fulfils the requirements of the passive house. I describe it in more details from a construction point of view and I compare its composition of the masonry with other compositions, both in terms of heat and in terms of price.