76 research outputs found

    Vacancies and their complexes in FCC metals

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    The formation energies of vacancies and their complexes in copper and nickel at zero and finite temperatures are calculated by the embedded-atom method in the quasi-harmonic approximation. The role of temperature effects in the formation of various atomic configurations of intrinsic point defects is studiedyesBelgorod State Universit

    Prediction and measurement of radiation damage to CMOS devices on board spacecraft

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    The CMOS Radiation Effects Measurement (CREM) experiment is presently being flown on the Explorer-55. The purpose of the experiment is to evaluate device performance in the actual space radiation environment and to correlate the respective measurements to on-the-ground laboratory irradiation results. The experiment contains an assembly of C-MOS and P-MOS devices shielded in front by flat slabs of aluminum and by a practically infinite shield in the back. Predictions of radiation damage to C-MOS devices are based on standard environment models and computational techniques. A comparison of the shifts in CMOS threshold potentials, that is, those measured in space to those obtained from the on-the-ground simulation experiment with Co-60, indicates that the measured space damage is smaller than predicted by about a factor of 2-3 for thin shields, but agrees well with predictions for thicker shields

    Selection of a forecasting model for Russia consumer price index based on the application of Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    The present article is dedicated to the problem of making decisions in the process of selecting a forecasting model through the example of Russia Consumer Price Index (CPI) forecast. Forecast values of CPI have been obtained for a year of 2021 using five models. Qualitative criteria for the comparability of the models have been formulated in order to select the most appropriate model. The application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process gives the opportunity to determine the optimal model for the Consumer Price Index forecast based on the synthesis of quantitative preference vectors

    Improvement of financial literacy as a crucial factor of economic development

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    Issues on the public financial literacy are highly relevant in the context of expanding opportunities of financial services used, increasing the complexity and the appearance of new financial tools. Ensuring personal financial security is becoming an important factor of economic development and public welfare improvement. Nevertheless, a low level of financial literacy negatively impacts personal welfare and a financial potential of households, deteriorates the resource base of financial institutions, hampers the financial market development, retards investment processes in economics and leads to the aggravation of the socio-economic situation of the country. In this regard, the following tasks have been set in this study. To consider a conceptual characteristic of the notion “financial literacy” and its components – fiscal and taxation literacy; study the contemporary international and Russian practice of financial literacy improvement as a factor for the economic development of a country. The article substantiates the following: the constructive use of the best practices should create real opportunities for raising the level of financial literacy of the population in the Russian Federation, increase confidence in the financial system, reduce the financial risks of consumers of financial services and improve the population’s welfare.peer-reviewe

    Thermally stable composite system Al2O3-Ce 0.75Zr0.25O2 for automotive three-way catalysts

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    Present-day three-way catalysts operate in contact with exhaust gases whose temperature is as high as >1000 C, so the problem of developing thermally stable catalytic compositions is still topical. A series of Al2O 3-Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 composites containing 0, 10, 25, and 50 wt % Al2O3 has been synthesized by direct precipitation. The as-prepared composites and those calcined in air at 1000 and 1100 C have been characterized by BET, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and temperature-programmed reduction methods. The composites aged at 1050 C in a 2% O2 + 10% H2O + 88% N2 atmosphere have been used to prepare monolith catalysts, and the oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of the latter has been measured using a gas analysis setup. As the proportion of Al2O 3 in the composite is raised, the mixing uniformity and degree of dispersion of Ce x Zr1-x O2-δ particles increase, their chemical composition becomes homogeneous, and the amount of cerium involved in oxidation and reduction increases. The composite containing 50 wt % Al2O3 is a mixture of Ce x Zr 1-x O2-δ and Al2O3 crystallites, whose size is practically unaffected by calcination. The (Pt/Al2O3 + Al2O3-Ce 0.75Zr0.25O2) based on this composite has the highest OSC and is the most active. For this reason, full-scale testing of this catalyst is recommended. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd


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    Localization of larvae, nymphs and imago of Ixodes angustus on cattle body is studied. Ticks I. angustus mostly attach to the front part of the host’s body to feed. The preimaginal stages ticks usually are localized on conches, and adult species – on head, neck and shoulder blades. The self-purification ability of the host can be considered as a leading factor influencing the distribution of ticks. The choice of sitesfor attachmentof larvae and nymphs is probably determined by particular characteristics of host’s skin and hair coat.Клещи Ixodes angustus прикрепляются для питания на хозяине, преимущественно на передней части туловища. Преимагинальные стадии клещей обычно локализуются на ушных раковинах, а взрослые особи – на голове, шее и спине в области лопаток. Ведущим фактором, обусловливающим распределение клещей, можно считать способность хозяина к самоочищению. Выбор мест прикрепления личинками и нимфами, вероятно, обусловлен также и особенностями кожного и волосяного покровов хозяина. Материалом для работы служили иксодовые клещи I. angustus, собранные с мелких млекопитающих в окрестностях г. Магадана (северное побережье Тауйской губы Охотского моря) в июне–сентябре 2012–2013 гг. Для отлова животных использовали ловушки Геро и конусы, заполненные водой


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    The aim of the study was to analyze the early and late outcomes of pediatric liver transplantation (LTx) program in the Novosibirsk region. Material and Methods. The retrospective study included 24 patients aged 72 ± 74.8 months (from 4 to 212 months, median – 20 months) with a body weight of 21.7 ± 18.1 kg (from 4.5 to 55 kg, median – 12.5 kg). Two (8.3 %) cadaveric whole liver grafts, 19 (79.2 %) living donor liver grafts, and 3 (12.5 %) cadaveric liver fragments (reduced-size or split-liver) were transplanted. Results. The features of vascular and biliary reconstruction in different types of LTx are discussed. The incidence of vascular and biliary complications was 8.3 and 20.8%, respectively. The patients stayed in the intensive care unit for 9 ± 5.1 days (from 4 to 22 days, median 8 days) and total length of hospital stay was for 40 ± 25.4 days (from 19 to 136 days, median 32 days). Two (8.3 %) recipients had early graft dysfunction. Perioperative mortality (up to 90 days) was absent. The overall 5-year patient and graft survival rates were 95 and 88 %, respectively. Conclusion. The Novosibirsk region has a pediatric LTx program with outcomes comparable to the data of the leading world and Russian centers