56 research outputs found

    Reinforcing Religious Moderation through Local Culture-Based Pesantren

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    The study aims to explore the diversity of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) in Soppeng Regency, Indonesia. The regency is known as a place for multicultural education based on local culture which is expected to strengthen religious moderation. This research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The object is selected purposively; four pesantren institutions in Soppeng Regency, Yasrib (Nahdhatul Ulama), Muhammadiyah Lajoa, Al-Irsyad (Darud Da'wah wal Irsyad) Pattojo, and Al-Ihsan Appanang (Jamaah Tablig). The results of the study show that the diversity of pesantren serves as a place for multicultural education. Pesantren may reflect the diversity of society, founding organizations, institutional typologies, and networks. The local culture-based pesantren is designed to promote multicultural education model which was developed by applying several local culture values: sipakatau (mutual respect), sigunakannge' (reminding each other), sipakalebbi (mutual glorification), and sipammase-mase (mutual love). Those values are used as the principles of multiculturalism which is carried out with the ethos of siri (respect themselves) in the life of the pesantren community. Multicultural education model strengthens the principle of wasaį¹­iyah (moderate) religious moderation through the ideology of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā'ah. Religious moderation facilitates the society to accommodate local culture, express strong national commitments, and grow tolerance in the spirit of egalitarianism


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    This study discusses the modernization and democratization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman. This research was conducted with the aim of: 1) knowing the nature of the concept of modernization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman. 2) knowing the nature of the concept of democratization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman. 3) knowing the variety of modernization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman and 4) knowing the variety of democratization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman. Basically this research is a literature research or library research using a philosophical analysis approach and a historical approach. Data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. The results of this study indicate that the concept of modernization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman, namely: education is the starting point for reform. Any renewal model in Islam would never have happened without the involvement of education in it. Fazlur Rahman emphasized the concept of democratization in freedom for humans to develop creative attitudes and knowledge that exist in humans in order to improve their lives. Furthermore according to Fazlur Rahman that education should be held by promoting the freedom of students, because without the existence of a creative attitude students are difficult to develop. The variety of modernization of Islamic education that was initiated by Fazlur Rahman includes five aspects, namely: The Purpose of Islamic Education, the Education System, Educators, Students, and Educational Facilities. The various types of democratization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman are: respecting human potential and the development and implications of humans on Islamic education


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    Abstract:This study described the effect of principalsā€™ competencies on madrasah/school accreditation in Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Tellu Siattinge District in Bone Regency. Substitution of principals frequently occurred, having an impact on the achievement of accreditation. The principalsā€™ competencies were managing and supervisory. Madrasah accreditation was the process of content standards, competency standards for graduates, standards for educators and educational staff, standards for facilities and infrastructure, financing standards, management standards, and procurement standards. Ex-post facto research was used to find the cause of an event. The population was 88 teachers, as well as the sample. The instrument was a questionnaire that was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics by testing the hypothesis with the product-moment test and simple regression analysis.Ā  The results showed that the reality of principals competencies with 86.56 of the average response rate was in the very good category with 66.9%. In the reality of madrasah accreditation, the average of respondentsā€™ responses was 87.57, which was in the very good category with 68.2%. Furthermore, there was a positive and significant effect of principals' competencies on accreditation in Madrasah Tsanawiyah throughout Tellu Siattinge District in Bone Regency. The principalsā€™ competencies of madrasah, which was utilized well by their leadership, provided an increase in madrasah accreditation. It was evidenced by 0.832 of the coefficient and 0.000 of the significance.Abstrak:Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pengaruh kompetensi kepala madrasah terhadap akreditasi madrasah di Madrasah Tsanawiyah se-Kecamatan Tellu Siattinge Kabupaten Bone. Pergantian kepala madrasah sering terjadi, memberikan dampak terhadap pencapaian akreditasi madrasah. Kompetensi kepala madrasah di antaranya kompetensi manajerial dan kompetensi supervisi, sedangkan akreditasi madrasah dinilai melalui standar isi, standar proses, standar kompetensi lulusan, standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pembiayaan, standar pengelolaan serta standar penilaian. Penelitian ex-post facto digunakan dalam menemukan penyebab dari suatu peristiwa. Populasi penelitian adalah 88 guru sekaligus sebagai sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan angket serta dianalisis denganĀ  statistik deksriptif dan statistik inferensial dengan pengujian hipotesis dengan uji korelasi product moment dan analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Realitas kompetensi kepala madrasah dengan rata-rata tanggapan sebesar 86,56 berada pada kategori sangat baik dengan persentase sebesar 66,9%. Realitas akreditasi madrasah rata-rata tanggapan responden sebesar 87,57 berada pada kategori sangat baik dengan persentaĀ­se sebesar 68,2%. Selanjutnya terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan kompetensi kepala madrasah terhadap akreditasi madrasah di Madrasah Tsanawiyah se-Kecamatan Tellu Siattinge Kabupaten Bone. Kompetensi kepala madrasah yang dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh kepala madrasah dalam kepemimpinannya memberikan peningkatan terhadap pencapaian akreditasi madrasah, hal ini terbukti dengan koefisien 0,832 dan siginifikansi 0,000

    Model Integrasi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh

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    The purposes of the study were to analyze the availability of supporting infrastructure and facilities in integrating ICT, describe the utilization model of information and communication technology used in the distance learning process, and reveal the interaction model implemented in distance learning classes by using ICT. This study used qualitative research by involving distant classes in cooperation between post graduate program of UINAM, STAIN Palopo, and UMPAR. The methods in collecting data consisted of observation, interviews and document study. The data analysis included data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion and verification. The results showed that the integration model of information and communication technologies used in distance learning under the cooperation class between post graduate program at the UINAM, STAIN Palopo, and UMPAR covered (1) the identification of appropriate sources that are in the category of fairly complete, (2) the use of ICT in distance learning can be categorized into two parts; providing materials and learning activities, and (3) the forms of interaction are faculty-student interaction, student-student interaction, and faculty student and learning resources interaction


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    This study aims to: determine the reality of the library, a description of students' reading interest, and the implementation of library management in increasing students' reading interest in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Gowa. This type of research is a collaborative action research school (madrasah) using a management approach. This research is located in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Gowa. Data collection uses two types of data, namely primary data sources through direct observation and observation and secondary data sources from books, journals, and other important documents. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of library management can increase students' reading interest in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Gowa. This can be seen from the increasing number of library visitors each cycle, namely in cycle 1 as many as 24 people (5.15%), cycle II as many as 69 people (14.81%), and cycle III as many as 151 people (32.40%) of the total number of students as many as 466 people. Based on these calculations, cycle 1 to cycle II has increased by 9.66% while from cycle II to cycle III has increased by 17.59%. Thus the interest of students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Gowa has increased. The implication of this research is that the head of the madrasa should provide adequate facilities and infrastructure in the library so that students feel happy and interested in entering the library. Meanwhile, the library must further improve good library management in carrying out work programs prepared by making SOP so that the implementation of each program can run effectively and efficiently


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    This study aims to explain the description of the principal's leadership management in improving the spiritual intelligence of students at SMK YP-PGRI I Makassar and to explain the impact of the principal's leadership management in improving the spiritual intelligence of students at SMK YP-PGRI I Makassar. The type of research used in this research is qualitative. The results showed that the principal was able to manage all school resources, including Educators, Education Personnel, Students, infrastructure, finance, administration, planning of learning programs, programs of religious activities (spiritual activities), and others. other. Planning of school learning programs through structured scheduling by the Deputy Head of Curriculum with the involvement of the Principal and Educators in the preparation. The Principal of SMK YP-PGRI I Makassar seeks to organize educators and education staff through the division of tasks to each educator and education staff based on their potential and educational background, namely the distribution of task decrees in the hope that educators and education staff can work according to their job descriptions each

    Desain Blended Learning: Model Pemaduan Sumber Belajar Online Dan Tradisional

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan sumber belajar tradisional dan online dan mendesain model pembelajaran blended yang dapat memadukan sumber belajar online dan tradisional pada Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan R & D, tahap analisis kebutuhan dan prototipe blended learning. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, observasi, dan dokumen dianalisis dengan cara (1) reduksi data; (2) sajian data, dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sumber belajar tradisional dan online mencakup pemanfaatan bahan ajar cetak dan bukan cetak. Desain model pembelajaran blended yang dapat memadukan sumber belajar online dan tradisional dikembangkan dengan memerhatikan struktur, konten, dan sumber-sumber online yang diintegrasikan ke dalam bahan pembelajaran ceta

    Action Research: Teori, Model, dan Aplikasi

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    New Integration Model of ICT Based Distance Education

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    One of the important agreements of three universities (UINAM, STAIN Palopo, and UMPAR) in South Sulawesi to accelerate human resource enhancement is delivering instruction through distance education. Synchronous interaction (through radio and telephone) and modular system were firstly used to link learners in three sites but encountered many problems. Afterwards, ICT based instruction is facilitated to promote the cooperation. The purposes of the study are to describe the utilization model of information and communication technology and reveal the interaction model implemented in distance education by using ICT. Data were collected through semi-structured interview with faculty members, administrators, and technical assistants and moderate observations through classroom interaction in three sites of postgraduate program. Miles and Huberman qualitative data analysis was used to reduce and display data, draw conclusion and verification. The research findings indicate the utilization model of ICT based instruction consists of using appropriate social media by selecting appropriate tools, learning with, and building interaction to share opinion, disseminating information, and discussing by using ICT and social media. The types of ICT and social media used to deliver instructional materials are Portal, mailing lists, Facebook, Web-blog, BBM, WhatsApp, and YouTube. The interaction model shows that synchronous and asynchronous approaches integrate into the instruction. Asynchronous model is more dominant to link faculty-learner interaction, learner-learner interaction, and lecturer-learner and learning resources interactio
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