79 research outputs found

    Doubling the mobility of InAs/InGaAs selective area grown nanowires

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    Selective area growth (SAG) of nanowires and networks promise a route toward scalable electronics, photonics, and quantum devices based on III-V semiconductor materials. The potential of high-mobility SAG nanowires however is not yet fully realised, since interfacial roughness, misfit dislocations at the nanowire/substrate interface and nonuniform composition due to material intermixing all scatter electrons. Here, we explore SAG of highly lattice-mismatched InAs nanowires on insulating GaAs(001) substrates and address these key challenges. Atomically smooth nanowire/substrate interfaces are achieved with the use of atomic hydrogen (a-H) as an alternative to conventional thermal annealing for the native oxide removal. The problem of high lattice mismatch is addressed through an InxGa1-xAs buffer layer introduced between the InAs transport channel and the GaAs substrate. The Ga-In material intermixing observed in both the buffer layer and the channel is inhibited via careful tuning of the growth temperature. Performing scanning transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction analysis along with low-temperature transport measurements we show that optimized In-rich buffer layers promote high-quality InAs transport channels with the field-effect electron mobility over 10 000 cm2 V-1 s-1. This is twice as high as for nonoptimized samples and among the highest reported for InAs selective area grown nanostructures.The project was supported by Microsoft Quantum, the European Research Council (ERC) under Grant No. 716655 (HEMs-DAM), and the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant No. 722176. The authors acknowledge Dr. Keita Ohtani for technical support and fruitful discussions. D.V.B. is grateful to Dr. Juan-Carlos Estrada Saldaña for careful reading of the manuscript. The authors thank Francesco Montalenti, Marco Albani and Leo Miglio for scientific discussions. ICN2 acknowledges funding from Generalitat de Catalunya 2017 SGR 327. ICN2 is supported by the Severo Ochoa program from Spanish MINECO (Grant No. SEV-2017-0706) and is funded by the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. Part of the present work has been performed in the framework of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Materials Science Ph.D. program. The HAADF-STEM microscopy was conducted in the Laboratorio de Microscopias Avanzadas at Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon-Universidad de Zaragoza. M.C.S. has received funding from the European Unionâs Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 754510 (PROBIST). The funding agency is Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the project reference is “Research Platform on Quantum Technologies PTI-001”

    DNA Barcode Sequence Identification Incorporating Taxonomic Hierarchy and within Taxon Variability

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    For DNA barcoding to succeed as a scientific endeavor an accurate and expeditious query sequence identification method is needed. Although a global multiple–sequence alignment can be generated for some barcoding markers (e.g. COI, rbcL), not all barcoding markers are as structurally conserved (e.g. matK). Thus, algorithms that depend on global multiple–sequence alignments are not universally applicable. Some sequence identification methods that use local pairwise alignments (e.g. BLAST) are unable to accurately differentiate between highly similar sequences and are not designed to cope with hierarchic phylogenetic relationships or within taxon variability. Here, I present a novel alignment–free sequence identification algorithm–BRONX–that accounts for observed within taxon variability and hierarchic relationships among taxa. BRONX identifies short variable segments and corresponding invariant flanking regions in reference sequences. These flanking regions are used to score variable regions in the query sequence without the production of a global multiple–sequence alignment. By incorporating observed within taxon variability into the scoring procedure, misidentifications arising from shared alleles/haplotypes are minimized. An explicit treatment of more inclusive terminals allows for separate identifications to be made for each taxonomic level and/or for user–defined terminals. BRONX performs better than all other methods when there is imperfect overlap between query and reference sequences (e.g. mini–barcode queries against a full–length barcode database). BRONX consistently produced better identifications at the genus–level for all query types

    Combined Noncyclic Scheduling and Advanced Control for Continuous Chemical Processes

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    A novel formulation for combined scheduling and control of multi-product, continuous chemical processes is introduced in which nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) and noncyclic continuous-time scheduling are efficiently combined. A decomposition into nonlinear programming (NLP) dynamic optimization problems and mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problems, without iterative alternation, allows for computationally light solution. An iterative method is introduced to determine the number of production slots for a noncyclic schedule during a prediction horizon. A filter method is introduced to reduce the number of MILP problems required. The formulation’s closed-loop performance with both process disturbances and updated market conditions is demonstrated through multiple scenarios on a benchmark continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) application with fluctuations in market demand and price for multiple products. Economic performance surpasses cyclic scheduling in all scenarios presented. Computational performance is sufficiently light to enable online operation in a dual-loop feedback structure

    Economic Benefit from Progressive Integration of Scheduling and Control for Continuous Chemical Processes

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    Performance of integrated production scheduling and advanced process control with disturbances is summarized and reviewed with four progressive stages of scheduling and control integration and responsiveness to disturbances: open-loop segregated scheduling and control, closed-loop segregated scheduling and control, open-loop scheduling with consideration of process dynamics, and closed-loop integrated scheduling and control responsive to process disturbances and market fluctuations. Progressive economic benefit from dynamic rescheduling and integrating scheduling and control is shown on a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) benchmark application in closed-loop simulations over 24 h. A fixed horizon integrated scheduling and control formulation for multi-product, continuous chemical processes is utilized, in which nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) and continuous-time scheduling are combined

    Andreev Interference in the Surface Accumulation Layer of Half-Shell InAsSb/Al Hybrid Nanowires

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    Understanding the spatial distribution of charge carriers in III-V nanowires proximity coupled to superconductors is important for the design and interpretation of experiments based on hybrid quantum devices. In this letter, the gate-dependent surface accumulation layer of InAsSb/Al nanowires was studied by means of Andreev interference in a parallel magnetic field. Both uniform hybrid nanowires and devices featuring a short Josephson junction fabricated by shadow lithography, exhibited periodic modulation of the switching current. The period corresponds to a flux quantum through the nanowire diameter and is consistent with Andreev bound states occupying a cylindrical surface accumulation layer. The spatial distribution was tunable by a gate potential as expected from electrostatic models

    Cryogenic multiplexing using selective area grown nanowires

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    Bottom-up grown nanomaterials play an integral role in the development of quantum technologies but are often challenging to characterise on large scales. Here, we harness selective area growth of semiconductor nanowires to demonstrate large-scale integrated circuits and characterisation of large numbers of quantum devices. The circuit consisted of 512 quantum devices embedded within multiplexer/demultiplexer pairs, incorporating thousands of interconnected selective area growth nanowires operating under deep cryogenic conditions. Multiplexers enable a range of new strategies in quantum device research and scaling by increasing the device count while limiting the number of connections between room-temperature control electronics and the cryogenic samples. As an example of this potential we perform a statistical characterization of large arrays of identical quantum dots thus establishing the feasibility of applying cross-bar gating strategies for efficient scaling of future selective area growth quantum circuits. More broadly, the ability to systematically characterise large numbers of devices provides new levels of statistical certainty to materials/device development
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