57 research outputs found

    Digital innovation's contribution to sustainability transitions

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    Digital innovation is increasingly mentioned as a potential key contributor to sustainability transitions. However, there has been little theoretical discussion of this topic. In this conceptual paper, the authors draw on literature on both sustainability transition studies and innovation studies to explore critically the contribution of digital innovation in sustainability transitions. They conceptualize transitions as fundamental changes in patterns of production and consumption, such as those relating to energy. Radical innovation leads to changes in the structure of socio-technical systems underlying such patterns, while incremental innovation contributes to maintaining the structure and current patterns. The authors suggest that digital innovations may contribute positively to sustainability transitions through couplings with sustainable innovations. They propose the following typology of such couplings: incremental twin innovations, sustainability supported digital innovations, digitally supported sustainable innovations, and radical twin innovations. Radical twin innovations may possess the greatest potential for sustainability transitions, as they are linked to structural change and thus open new pathways for sustainability transitions, whereas incremental twin innovations merely optimize current unsustainable systems. The typology is illustrated with examples from shipping and from electricity systems, and some of the complexities of twin transitions encountered by researchers and practitioners alike are discussed.publishedVersio

    Towards a water-smart society: Progress in linking theory and practice

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    Few scientific publications discuss the vision of the water-smart society. Our paper addresses this gap, outlining key principles of urban water–smartness and translating them into five strategic objectives to support decision-making at the local government level. Based on recent literature and dialogue with six European water Living Labs, we argue that the water-smart society must highlight societal well-being and co-development across sectors. Furthermore, we emphasize the need for a long-term perspective, conserving nature, and maximising ecosystem services, while anticipating change. Finally, we discuss how a more grounded conceptualisation of the water-smart society can guide utilities and urban policy design.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Governance Regime Factors Conducive to Innovation Uptake in Urban Water Management: Experiences from Europe

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    Innovative ways to manage the urban water cycle are required to deal with an ageing drinking and waste water infrastructure and new societal imperatives. This paper examines the influence of water governance in enabling transformations and technological innovation uptake in urban water management. A governance assessment framework is developed and applied in three case-studies, examining different scales and types of innovations used to tackle challenges in European urban water management. The methodology combines documentary analysis and interviews to reconstruct historical storylines of the shift in the water governance of urban water management for each site. The research provides detailed empirical observations on the factors conducive to innovation uptake at the local level. Critical governance factors such as commitment to compromise, the necessity to build political support, and the role of "entrepreneurs" and coalitions are highlighted. The paper also explores the role of discursive strategies and partnership design, as well as that of regulative, economic and communicative instruments, in creating barriers and opportunities to initiate and secure change. A number of recommendations targeted at innovators and water managers are presented in the conclusio

    Getting into the water with the Ecosystem Services Approach: The DESSIN ESS evaluation framework

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    Driven by Europe's pressing need to overcome its water quality and water scarcity challenges, the speed of innovation in the water sector is outpacing that of science. The methodologies available to assess the impact of innovative solutions to water-related challenges remain limited and highly theoretical, which sets boundaries on their application and usefulness to water practitioners. This hampers the uptake of new technologies and innovative management practices, thus foregoing potential gains in resource efficiency and nature protection, as well as wider benefits to society and the economy. To address this gap, the DESSIN project developed a framework to evaluate the changes in ecosystem services (ESS) associated with technical or management solutions implemented at the water body, sub-catchment or catchment level. The framework was developed with a specific focus on freshwater ecosystems to allow for a more detailed exploration of practical implementation issues. Its development, testing and validation was carried out by conducting ESS evaluations in three different urban case study settings. The framework builds upon existing classification systems for ESS (CICES and FEGS-CS) and incorporates the DPSIR adaptive management scheme as its main structural element. This enables compatibility with other international initiatives on ESS assessments and establishes a direct link to the EU Water Framework Directive, respectively. This work furthers research on practical implementation of the Ecosystem Services Approach, while pushing the discussion on how to promote more informed decision-making and support innovation uptake to address Europe's current water-related challenges

    'Where is your "F"?': Psychological Testing, Communication and Identity Formation in a Multinational Corporation

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    The article is based on multi-sited fieldwork in a multinational corporation, where psychological tests were used extensively to facilitate communication and human resource development. The analysis indicates that the test effects were more complex than intended. Their application may be considered as a form of audit that was both individualizing and totalizing. While socio-cultural negotiations reached a level with new common reference points, attention was diverted away from important aspects of the socio-cultural context. Individuals were quick to struggle and assert themselves through the categories of the tests, but at the same time the room for diverse, independent articulations of identity at work seemed to be diminishing. In other words, the application of the tests may have opened some discursive fields, but narrowed others, thus contributing to a form of generification (Errington and Gewertz 2001) and entification (Zubiri 1984) of work identities. These observations give reason to question and continue exploring the effects of psychological typologies in corporate settings.publishedVersio

    Ikke sultne nok? En studie av vilkår for vekst og innovasjon i bioenerginæringa i Midt-Norge

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    Ikke sultne nok? En studie av vilkår for vekst og innovasjon i bioenerginæringa i Midt-NorgeRapporten er basert på 15 intervjuer med aktører fra alle leddene i verdikjeden. Etter en innledende interessentanalyse drøftes politiske føringer, marked, kunnskapssamarbeid og kompetanse, sosiale overføringsfaktorer, og tiltak for å skape økt vekst og integrasjon. De fleste informantene mente at de politiske rammene ikke står i forhold til målene for bioenergi i Norge. Samtidig ga de uttrykk for en avventende holdning til markedet. Alle så behov for investeringer i større anlegg, og noen argumenterte sterkt for terminaler og klyngesamarbeid, men mange sitter likevel på gjerdet og er skeptiske til om de som kan, virkelig har vilje til å satse. Det er behov for mer samarbeid og kunnskapsdeling lokalt. Vi ser også at det finnes betydelige utfordringer når det gjelder åpenhet og tillit, i et miljø der ikke alle har en like klar business orientering. Pr. i dag ser det ut til at det største potensialet ligger i små til mellomstore anlegg der samme aktør dekker flere ledd i verdikjeden. Større terminaler kan ha mer vidtrekkende effekt på det lokale flismarkedet, som mange mener er en viktig barriere. Næringsklynger har størst potensial på sikt, men er kapitalkrevende og forbundet med risiko. Markedet og myndighetene legger viktige føringer, men det er mye opp til aktørene selv å adressere utfordringene når det gjelder integrasjon, kompetanse og sosiale overføringsfaktorer. Som for markedet og myndighetene er spørsmålet, slik noen sa det selv, om man er "sultne nok" - eller ikke.publishedVersio

    Business models for nZEB renovation of small wooden buildings

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    To achieve a sustainable building stock, it is necessary to focus on existing as well as new buildings. New houses built according to the Norwegian building code are close to nZEB (near Zero-Energy Building) level, but existing buildings contribute a significant share of the energy consumption, and the difference between new and older houses is increasing. As the renovation rate is low, it is important to include ambitious energy upgrading once a renovation project is undertaken. So far, however, there is almost no market for nZEB renovation of small wooden buildings. These buildings are challenging to renovate, and even more challenging to do so with ambitious climate targets. In effect, only half of the renovations in Norway include energy renovation. The demand for ambitious renovation depends on a value proposition that is understood by the customer. Novel and well-designed business models can be central tools for achieving this. In this paper, existing and potential business models for renovation of wooden housing are identified and analysed. This paper is based on the “Energy upgrading of wooden dwellings to nearly zero energy level” (OPPTRE) project. One of the activities for researchers, industry and public partners in OPPTRE is to identify, analyse and assess current business models, and develop novel approaches through collaborative workshops and interviews. The results are documented and elaborated upon by the research team before the next step, which is to test the most promising models. Previous research indicates that only a small share of Norwegian enterprises have changed their business model over time. Two of the reasons for this are lack of critical reflection on existing business models and fear of changing the status quo. A third reason is lack of knowledge of how to manage the transformation process. In the process of identifying existing and developing novel business models, the partners in OPPTRE explore new opportunities to promote ambitious energy upgrading. Their commercial performance is likely to increase through the focus on business model design. New business models may also help increase the uptake of innovative energy solutions in the renovation market for small wooden buildings.publishedVersio

    A socio-technical perspective on the scope for ports to enable energy transition

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    The paper applies the multi-level perspective (MLP) in a descriptive study of three Norwegian ports, to shed new light on the sociotechnical processes that structure their efforts to develop into zero emission energy hubs. While exogenous pressures cause tensions over port governance, the studied ports utilize their full spectre of functions; as landlords, operators, authorities and community managers, to enable transition. The respective approaches vary, related to their local context, market situation and social networks, including port's relations with their owners. Individual orientations and organizational capacity further influence their engagement with radical innovation niches (e.g. OPS, hydrogen, LNG). The study highlights the active role of ports in sustainability transition. It shows how the interaction between geographical factors and institutional work influences the scope for new solutions around the individual port, and how this makes for different feedback loops and contributions to sustainability transition in wider transport and energy systems

    A socio-technical perspective on the scope for ports to enable energy transition

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    The paper applies the multi-level perspective (MLP) in a descriptive study of three Norwegian ports, to shed new light on the sociotechnical processes that structure their efforts to develop into zero emission energy hubs. While exogenous pressures cause tensions over port governance, the studied ports utilize their full spectre of functions; as landlords, operators, authorities and community managers, to enable transition. The respective approaches vary, related to their local context, market situation and social networks, including port's relations with their owners. Individual orientations and organizational capacity further influence their engagement with radical innovation niches (e.g. OPS, hydrogen, LNG). The study highlights the active role of ports in sustainability transition. It shows how the interaction between geographical factors and institutional work influences the scope for new solutions around the individual port, and how this makes for different feedback loops and contributions to sustainability transition in wider transport and energy systems.publishedVersio

    Principal component analysis for decision support in integrated water management

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    A general methodology for holistic sustainability assessment of measures in integrated water management based on principal component analysis (PCA) was developed. Application on data from three cases demonstrated that PCA could be used to rank alternatives, assess differences between groups of alternatives and the main properties responsible for this, and account for the impacts of measures on different dimensions of sustainability. The results demonstrated the general applicability of the method. For all cases a combination of measures/options yielded the most sustainable solution. The absence of a single clearly most optimal solution highlights the need for a transparent and systematic analysis, which can be obtained with the presented methodology.publishedVersio
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