15 research outputs found

    From Information to Knowledge: Business Intelligence Usage and Perspectives

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    A lack of quality data is one of the managing problems. It does not mean that they do not exist, but on the contrary, we are usually swamped with unnecessary information. The problem is how to extract the essential data for decision-making from the large amount of data. The data are the part of the organization\u27s assets and, together with the capital and human resources, are an important part of the overall competitiveness. New technologies to support taking the correct and valid conclusions from the "enormous" amounts of data are created every day. Business intelligence and knowledge management are indispensable elements of successful business systems and public administration strategy. The concept of business intelligence or business information management is one of the modern systems that offered the possibility of a comprehensive and efficient usage of information. The concept of business information management also provides usage of the remaining collected data and converting them into useful information and knowledge. The information technology development in recent years provides the ability to store large amounts of information at lower costs, and people share their knowledge and jointly and interactively work at large distances. If we take into account the aspirations of Bosnia and Herzegovina toward accession to the EU, the concept of business intelligence is even more important as our systems can be connected with the systems at the European Union level, or the public administration interoperability in the European context can be achieved. Goal of the paper is to review the notion of business intelligence, and to assess the level of business intelligence usage in the public organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    The impact of business intelligence development on the knowledge management system maturity in public administration

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    Cilj doktorske disertacije je istražiti utjecaj razine razvijenosti poslovne inteligencije na zrelost sustava upravljanja znanjem u javnoj upravi u Bosni i Hercegovini. U teorijskom dijelu rada predstavljene su spoznaje iz područja doktorske disertacije i naveden je prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja, kao i komparativne usporedbe iskustvenih značajki javne uprave iz zemalja okruženja poradi prijedloga možebitno najpogodnijeg modela implementacije elektroničke uprave za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Konceptualizirani su pojmovi poslovne inteligencije, upravljanja znanjem, konkurentnosti i elektroničke uprave te utvrđene međuovisnosti između njih sa motrišta uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija kao jednog od izvora konkurentne prednosti zemalja. Sustavno je prikazan način i mjerenje uporabe informacijskokomunikacijskih tehnologija glede stupnja razvitka elektroničke uprave, potom su navedeni utjecajni čimbenici i definirani agregatni mjerljivi pokazatelji bitni za konkurentnost zemalja, a utvrđen je i utjecaj institucijskih kapaciteta javne uprave na konkurentnost države te njena uloga u potpori znanstveno-tehnologijskom razvitku kao temeljnoj odrednici dugoročnog gospodarskoga rasta i konkurentnosti. Determinirane su sličnosti i razlike između termina poslovne inteligencije i upravljanja znanjem, uz raščlanjivanje njihovog povijesnog konteksta, evolucije i tendencije razvitka te, u konačnici, njihove konvergencije. U empirijskom dijelu rada provelo se mjerenje utjecaja razvijenosti funkcija poslovne inteligencije na zrelost pojedinačnih elemenata sustava upravljanja znanjem, raščlanjenih po utjecajnim područjima. Istraživanje je provedeno na primarnim anketnim podacima uporabom metoda inferencijalne statistike. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja djelomično su potvrdili postavljene hipoteze doktorske disertacije o utjecaju razvijenosti poslovne inteligencije na razinu zrelosti sustava upravljanja znanjem u područjima: strategije i ciljeva, infrastrukture i izvora znanja, respektivno.The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the impact of the level of development of business intelligence on the level of maturity of the knowledge management system in public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Theoretical part of dissertation is composed of the findings from the field of the doctoral dissertation, overview of previous research and comparative analogy with empirical features of public administration of neighbouring countries in order to find out the most suitable model of electronic government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Following terms were conceptualized: business intelligence, knowledge management, competitiveness and electronic government. Mutual dependence among these terms in the light of using information-communication technologies as one of the sources for competitive advantages of countries was determined. Operating and measuring information and communication technologies in terms of electronic government development stage were systematically presented, and then the influential factors were listed; aggregate measurable indicators, essential for the competitiveness of countries, were defined; the impact of public administration institutional capacity on the country's competitiveness, as well as its role in supporting scientific and technological development as basis for long-term economic growth and competitiveness was determined. Similarities and differences between terms business intelligence and knowledge management, along with analysing their historical context, evolution and development tendencies and, ultimately, their convergence, were determined. Empirical part of dissertation is devoted to measuring the impact of business intelligence functions development on the maturity of individual knowledge management system elements, divided into sections by areas of influence. Research was conducted on primary survey data using inferential statistical methods. Results of conducted research have partially confirmed the doctoral dissertation hypothesis on the impact of the level of development of business intelligence on the level of maturity of the knowledge management system in the areas of strategy and objectives, infrastructure and sources of knowledge, respectively


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    Jedan od problema upravljanja je nedostatak kvalitetnih podataka. To ne značida oni ne postoje nego, naprotiv, najčešće smo zatrpani nepotrebnim podacima.Problem je kako iz takve mase podataka izdvojiti bitne za donošenje odluka.Podaci su dio aktive poduzeća i zajedno s kapitalom i ljudskim resursima bitansu dio ukupne kompetitivnosti. Različiti softverski alati za gradnju sustava zapotporu odlučivanju omogućuju analize, a osobito one za prognoziranje vodećihekonomskih indikatora.Rad prikazuje primjenu jedne od suvremenih metoda transformiranja podataka uposlovnu inteligenciju, tj. kako učinkovitije iskoristiti raspoložive podatke.Poslovna inteligencija je upravo takav proces koji nedostaje velikom brojuorganizacija, a kojim se nastoje dobiti potrebne informacije iz raspoloživihpodataka. Takvi primarni podaci o transakcijama jasan su pokazatelj stanja,jasan pokazatelj što se događa u organizaciji. Oni ne daju jasan odgovor zašto senešto događa, ne dijagnosticiraju procese i promjene, ne interpretiraju rezultate,ne klasificiraju podatke, ne određuju klastere, ne modeliraju ovisnosti međupodacima, ne otkrivaju promjene ni odstupanja u odnosu na postavljene ciljeve,ne određuju korelaciju između podataka, ne generiraju asocijativna pravila ilikorelacije između slogova u bazama. S transakcijskim podacima neposredno nemožemo dati odgovore na naprijed postavljena pitanja. Skladištenje podataka, on-line analitička obrada (OLAP) i otkrivanje znanja uskladištima i bazama podataka najznačajnije su i najvažnije nove tehnologije upodručju poslovne obrade podataka. Integracije informatičkih alata iodgovarajućih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih modela odlučivanja rezultirajunovim tipovima informacijskih sustava za potporu odlučivanju (od izvršnihinformacijskih sustava, strategijskih informacijskih sustava do inteligentnihsustava za potporu odlučivanju).U ovome se radu istražuje kako modeli podatkovne kocke i modeli odlučivanja«surađuju» na primjeru prognoziranja uvoza/izvoza

    The impact of business intelligence development on the knowledge management system maturity in public administration

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    Cilj doktorske disertacije je istražiti utjecaj razine razvijenosti poslovne inteligencije na zrelost sustava upravljanja znanjem u javnoj upravi u Bosni i Hercegovini. U teorijskom dijelu rada predstavljene su spoznaje iz područja doktorske disertacije i naveden je prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja, kao i komparativne usporedbe iskustvenih značajki javne uprave iz zemalja okruženja poradi prijedloga možebitno najpogodnijeg modela implementacije elektroničke uprave za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Konceptualizirani su pojmovi poslovne inteligencije, upravljanja znanjem, konkurentnosti i elektroničke uprave te utvrđene međuovisnosti između njih sa motrišta uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija kao jednog od izvora konkurentne prednosti zemalja. Sustavno je prikazan način i mjerenje uporabe informacijskokomunikacijskih tehnologija glede stupnja razvitka elektroničke uprave, potom su navedeni utjecajni čimbenici i definirani agregatni mjerljivi pokazatelji bitni za konkurentnost zemalja, a utvrđen je i utjecaj institucijskih kapaciteta javne uprave na konkurentnost države te njena uloga u potpori znanstveno-tehnologijskom razvitku kao temeljnoj odrednici dugoročnog gospodarskoga rasta i konkurentnosti. Determinirane su sličnosti i razlike između termina poslovne inteligencije i upravljanja znanjem, uz raščlanjivanje njihovog povijesnog konteksta, evolucije i tendencije razvitka te, u konačnici, njihove konvergencije. U empirijskom dijelu rada provelo se mjerenje utjecaja razvijenosti funkcija poslovne inteligencije na zrelost pojedinačnih elemenata sustava upravljanja znanjem, raščlanjenih po utjecajnim područjima. Istraživanje je provedeno na primarnim anketnim podacima uporabom metoda inferencijalne statistike. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja djelomično su potvrdili postavljene hipoteze doktorske disertacije o utjecaju razvijenosti poslovne inteligencije na razinu zrelosti sustava upravljanja znanjem u područjima: strategije i ciljeva, infrastrukture i izvora znanja, respektivno.The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the impact of the level of development of business intelligence on the level of maturity of the knowledge management system in public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Theoretical part of dissertation is composed of the findings from the field of the doctoral dissertation, overview of previous research and comparative analogy with empirical features of public administration of neighbouring countries in order to find out the most suitable model of electronic government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Following terms were conceptualized: business intelligence, knowledge management, competitiveness and electronic government. Mutual dependence among these terms in the light of using information-communication technologies as one of the sources for competitive advantages of countries was determined. Operating and measuring information and communication technologies in terms of electronic government development stage were systematically presented, and then the influential factors were listed; aggregate measurable indicators, essential for the competitiveness of countries, were defined; the impact of public administration institutional capacity on the country's competitiveness, as well as its role in supporting scientific and technological development as basis for long-term economic growth and competitiveness was determined. Similarities and differences between terms business intelligence and knowledge management, along with analysing their historical context, evolution and development tendencies and, ultimately, their convergence, were determined. Empirical part of dissertation is devoted to measuring the impact of business intelligence functions development on the maturity of individual knowledge management system elements, divided into sections by areas of influence. Research was conducted on primary survey data using inferential statistical methods. Results of conducted research have partially confirmed the doctoral dissertation hypothesis on the impact of the level of development of business intelligence on the level of maturity of the knowledge management system in the areas of strategy and objectives, infrastructure and sources of knowledge, respectively

    The impact of business intelligence development on the knowledge management system maturity in public administration

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    Cilj doktorske disertacije je istražiti utjecaj razine razvijenosti poslovne inteligencije na zrelost sustava upravljanja znanjem u javnoj upravi u Bosni i Hercegovini. U teorijskom dijelu rada predstavljene su spoznaje iz područja doktorske disertacije i naveden je prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja, kao i komparativne usporedbe iskustvenih značajki javne uprave iz zemalja okruženja poradi prijedloga možebitno najpogodnijeg modela implementacije elektroničke uprave za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Konceptualizirani su pojmovi poslovne inteligencije, upravljanja znanjem, konkurentnosti i elektroničke uprave te utvrđene međuovisnosti između njih sa motrišta uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija kao jednog od izvora konkurentne prednosti zemalja. Sustavno je prikazan način i mjerenje uporabe informacijskokomunikacijskih tehnologija glede stupnja razvitka elektroničke uprave, potom su navedeni utjecajni čimbenici i definirani agregatni mjerljivi pokazatelji bitni za konkurentnost zemalja, a utvrđen je i utjecaj institucijskih kapaciteta javne uprave na konkurentnost države te njena uloga u potpori znanstveno-tehnologijskom razvitku kao temeljnoj odrednici dugoročnog gospodarskoga rasta i konkurentnosti. Determinirane su sličnosti i razlike između termina poslovne inteligencije i upravljanja znanjem, uz raščlanjivanje njihovog povijesnog konteksta, evolucije i tendencije razvitka te, u konačnici, njihove konvergencije. U empirijskom dijelu rada provelo se mjerenje utjecaja razvijenosti funkcija poslovne inteligencije na zrelost pojedinačnih elemenata sustava upravljanja znanjem, raščlanjenih po utjecajnim područjima. Istraživanje je provedeno na primarnim anketnim podacima uporabom metoda inferencijalne statistike. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja djelomično su potvrdili postavljene hipoteze doktorske disertacije o utjecaju razvijenosti poslovne inteligencije na razinu zrelosti sustava upravljanja znanjem u područjima: strategije i ciljeva, infrastrukture i izvora znanja, respektivno.The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the impact of the level of development of business intelligence on the level of maturity of the knowledge management system in public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Theoretical part of dissertation is composed of the findings from the field of the doctoral dissertation, overview of previous research and comparative analogy with empirical features of public administration of neighbouring countries in order to find out the most suitable model of electronic government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Following terms were conceptualized: business intelligence, knowledge management, competitiveness and electronic government. Mutual dependence among these terms in the light of using information-communication technologies as one of the sources for competitive advantages of countries was determined. Operating and measuring information and communication technologies in terms of electronic government development stage were systematically presented, and then the influential factors were listed; aggregate measurable indicators, essential for the competitiveness of countries, were defined; the impact of public administration institutional capacity on the country's competitiveness, as well as its role in supporting scientific and technological development as basis for long-term economic growth and competitiveness was determined. Similarities and differences between terms business intelligence and knowledge management, along with analysing their historical context, evolution and development tendencies and, ultimately, their convergence, were determined. Empirical part of dissertation is devoted to measuring the impact of business intelligence functions development on the maturity of individual knowledge management system elements, divided into sections by areas of influence. Research was conducted on primary survey data using inferential statistical methods. Results of conducted research have partially confirmed the doctoral dissertation hypothesis on the impact of the level of development of business intelligence on the level of maturity of the knowledge management system in the areas of strategy and objectives, infrastructure and sources of knowledge, respectively


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    Resource management of a particular area is nowadays one of the greatest challenges, especially when it comes to more sensitive areas, such as rural areas. Human resources, alongside mostly limited natural resources, represent an opportunity for rural areas, especially due to the beginning of utilization of considerable EU preaccession funds. This paper presents one part of the primary research results on the views of project implementors and end-users about the impact of the achieved results of IPA CBC Hungary-Croatia 2007-2013 on human resources of the implementing institutions and local communities of the observed, mostly rural area. The conclusion of this research, that was conducted in 2018, is that the funds invested in an observed area had a dual role. First of all, implementing organizations would not have this amount of work and number of employees, nor would they establish partnerships with organizations from another country, carry out activities or develop the skills, knowledge and capabilities of their human resources. Also, the implementation of their project has increased the number of contacts and collaborations with organizations at a local level, which is a significant resource for the future. On the other hand, the funds have enabled users, residents of local communities along the border, to acquire new skills, increase knowledge and abilities they can use for further development, to understand the importance of lifelong learning and the increase of active involvement in a local community. In conclusion, the project implementation and the investment in rural areas is an investment in the future due to the diversity of processes they can activate.Upravljanje resursima nekog prostora predstavlja jedno od najvećih izazova današnjice, poglavito u slučaju osjetljivijih područja poput ruralnih prostora. Ljudski resurs, uz prirodne resurse koji su mahom ograničeni, predstavlja mogućnost za ruralni prostor pogotovo s početkom iskorištavanja znatnih sredstava pretpristupnih fondova EU. U radu je prikazan dio rezultata primarnog istraživanja stavova provoditelja projekata i krajnjih korisnika o utjecaju ostvarenih rezultata programa IPA CBC Mađarska-Hrvatska 2007. – 2013. na ljudski resurs institucija provoditelja i lokalnih zajednica promatranoga prostora koji je većinom ruralnoga karaktera. Zaključak istraživanja jest kako su uložena sredstva na promatranom području imala dvojaku ulogu. U slučaju organizacija provoditelja projekata, one ne bi imale ovaj obujam posla i broj zaposlenih niti bi uspostavile partnerstva s organizacijama iz druge države, provodile aktivnosti ili razvijale vještine, znanje i sposobnosti svojih ljudskih resursa. Također, provedba njihovog projekta povećala je broj kontakata i suradnji s organizacijama na lokalnoj razini što je značajan resurs za budućnost. Nadalje, sredstva su omogućila korisnicima, stanovnicima lokalnih zajednica duž granice, stjecanje novih vještina, povećanje znanja i sposobnosti koje mogu koristiti za daljnji razvoj, shvaćanje važnosti cjeloživotnog učenja i povećanje uključenosti u lokalnu zajednicu. Zaključno, provedba projekata i ulaganje u ruralna područja predstavljaju investiciju u budućnost zbog raznolikosti procesa koje mogu aktivirati


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    Hallux valgus najčešća je deformacija prednjeg dijela stopala. Bolest se javlja u svim narodima i rasama, a najzastupljenija je u urbanoj populaciji. Najznačajnijim egzogenim etiološkim čimbenikom smatra se neprikladna i uska obuća. Anamneza, klinički pregled te redgenološka obrada glavne su pretrage na osnovi kojih se provodi izbor metode liječenja i planiranje operacijskog zahvata. U ovom radu iznijete su osnove navedenih metoda pretrage, te osnovne smjernice u odabiru operacijskih načina liječenja i njihove tehničke pojedinosti.Hallux valgus is a common disorder of the forefoot. Deformities occur in all races, but the higher incidence was observed in urban population. High fashion footwear was observed as the most important extrinsic factor in developing hallux valgus. Anamnesis, clinical examination as well as plain radiography represent the most important methods in determining the final method of treatment. Here we reviewed the basic principles of plain radiography examination and technical aspects of various operative procedures


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    Hallux valgus najčešća je deformacija prednjeg dijela stopala. Bolest se javlja u svim narodima i rasama, a najzastupljenija je u urbanoj populaciji. Najznačajnijim egzogenim etiološkim čimbenikom smatra se neprikladna i uska obuća. Anamneza, klinički pregled te redgenološka obrada glavne su pretrage na osnovi kojih se provodi izbor metode liječenja i planiranje operacijskog zahvata. U ovom radu iznijete su osnove navedenih metoda pretrage, te osnovne smjernice u odabiru operacijskih načina liječenja i njihove tehničke pojedinosti.Hallux valgus is a common disorder of the forefoot. Deformities occur in all races, but the higher incidence was observed in urban population. High fashion footwear was observed as the most important extrinsic factor in developing hallux valgus. Anamnesis, clinical examination as well as plain radiography represent the most important methods in determining the final method of treatment. Here we reviewed the basic principles of plain radiography examination and technical aspects of various operative procedures

    Balance Index Score as a Predictive Factor for Lower Sports Results or Anterior Cruciate Ligament Knee Injuries in Croatian Female Athletes – Preliminary Study

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    Female athletes participating in high-risk sports suffer anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) knee injury at a 4- to 6-fold greater rate than do male athletes. ACL injuries result either from contact mechanisms or from certain unexplained non-contact mechanisms occurring during daily professional sports activities. The occurrence of non-contact injuries points to the existence of certain factors intrinsic to the knee that can lead to ACL rupture. When knee joint movement overcomes the static and the dynamic constraint systems, non-contact ACL injury may occur. Certain recent results suggest that balance and neuromuscular control play a central role in knee joint stability, protection and prevention of ACL injuries. The purpose of this study is to evaluate balance neuromuscular skills in healthy Croatian female athletes by measuring their balance index score, as well as to estimate a possible correlation between their balance index score and balance effectiveness. This study is conducted in an effort to reduce the risk of future injuries and thus prevent female athletes from withdrawing from sports prematurely. We analysed fifty-two female athletes in the high-risk sports of handball and volleyball, measuring for their static and dynamic balance index scores, using the Sport KAT 2000® testing system. This method may be used to monitor balance and coordination systems and may help to develop simpler measurements of neuromuscular control, which can be used to estimate risk predictors in athletes who withdraw from sports due to lower sports results or ruptured anterior cruciate ligament and to direct female athletes to more effective, targeted preventive interventions. The tested Croatian female athletes with lower sports results and ACL knee injury incurred after the testing were found to have a higher balance index score compared to healthy athletes. We therefore suggest that a higher balance index score can be used as an effective risk predictor for lower sports results and lesser sports motivation, anterior cruciate ligament injury and the ultimate decision to withdraw from active participation in sports. If the balance testing results prove to be effective in predicting the occurrence of ligament injuries during future sports activities, we suggest that prophylactic training programs be introduced during athlete training, since the prevention of an initial injury will be more effective than prevention of injury recurrence