21 research outputs found

    Diversidade Linguística e Patrimônio Imaterial do Brasil: Talian – língua de imigração

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    La lengua hablada en Brasil y considerada oficial es el portugués. Aunque quienes colonizaron el país hayan sido de Portugal, el portugués no era la única lengua que se habló a lo largo de la historia de la época colonial, e incluso su designación como lengua oficial no se produjo en las constituciones anteriores a la de 1988. Hubo, sin embargo, un decreto ministerial de 1757, que estableció a la lengua portuguesa como oficial, hecho que permitió que perdurara hasta nuestros días. La presencia de los pueblos indígenas, que hablaban más de 1.200 lenguas, la llegada de los colonizadores, y el arribo de inmigrantes, ya sea como esclavos africanos, ya sea como colonos para trabajar en los campos, hizo de Brasil un país multilingüe. La condición de país multilingüe y la política de reconocimiento de dichas lenguas, devino en la creación del Inventario Nacional de la Diversidad Lingüística (INDL), que reconoció las lenguas indígenas y, asimismo, una lengua de la inmigración: el talian

    Performance of helicoverpa armigera larvae on leaves of plant species / Desempenho de larvas de helicoverpa armigera em folhas de espécies vegetais

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    Helicoverpa armigera (HĂĽbner) (Lep.: Noctuidae) has established itself as a soybean pest in southern Brazil; however, as a polyphagous species, the caterpillar has been found in other economically important crops and even uncultivated plants. The nutritional value of host plants as food sources influences biological performance, which can interfere with population dynamics and pest management. In this sense, an experiment was carried out to assess the effect of different foods on biological aspects and larval consumption. Eight plant species were evaluated, including cultivated plants, ground cover plants, and weeds. Soybean, where caterpillars acquired greater importance as a pest, was considered the standard food. The plants were grown in pots in a greenhouse, and the leaves were harvested to feed the larvae as they hatched. The findings show that H. armigera larvae fed on canola or radish leaves exhibit biological performance comparable to that fed on soybean. The larvae did not survive when fed ryegrass, horseweed, corn, or wheat

    Performance of Helicoverpa armigera (HĂĽbner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae in different food sources

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    Recently observed in Brazil, Helicoverpa armigera became a relevant pest due to its rapid spread and the economic importance of crops in which it has established, such as soybean and maize. Understanding its establishment process in different regions and production systems, as well as the population dynamics of a polyphagous pest, as the basis for its management, depends on the knowledge of the effect of plant species as food sources on the pest biology. A laboratory experiment was conducted, supplying the caterpillars with reproductive organs of soybean, maize, canola, black oat, oat, turnip and ryegrass. It was concluded that the different food sources affect the larval development of H. armigera. Maize and wheat ears and canola siliques are the best food sources for the development of H. armigera. Ryegrass ears, on the other hand, are the worst ones. Black oat and oat panicles and turnip siliques are less suitable than soybean pods as food sources for the caterpillars

    Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals. Research Activities and the International Collaboration in 2020–2022

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    U radu su predstavljene aktivnosti provedene u okviru projekta Otkrivanje starih dubrovačkih katedrala u razdoblju 2020. – 2022. godine, koje uključuju novouspostavljene suradnje s domaćim i inozemnim institucijama i konzorcijima. Temeljni cilj projekta stručna je i znanstvena obrada pokretnih spomenika i arheoloških nalaza s lokaliteta dubrovačke katedrale, istraženog davnih 1980-ih. Nakon što je u prethodnim ciklusima obrađeno 80% nalaza (poglavito kamene plastike i žbuka zidnih slika prethodnica barokne prvostolnice), od 2020. godine pristupilo se prikupljanju i obradi podataka za nalaze in situ, što se primarno odnosi na očuvane cjeline najstarije bazilike, njena svetišta i bočnih brodova. Donose se preliminarni rezultati povezivanja podataka za nalaze kamene plastike predromaničkog razdoblja i ulomke žbuka in situ te iz arheološkog sloja, a koji postavljaju osnove za nešto drugačije kronološke odrednice pojedinih faza opremanja crkve od do sada važećih. Dobivene rezultate unaprijedit će analize žbuka i kostiju iz grobova s nalazišta AMS 14C metodom, kao i analize uzoraka morta iz zida svetišta i tla s prostora srednjeg broda crkve, metodama OSL i arheomagnetizma, a koje su u tijeku. Za daljnju interpretaciju nalaza od osobite je važnosti provedena aktivnost izrade nove dokumentacije – fotogrametrijskih snimaka svetišta i pojedinih grobnih cjelina te multipspektralnih snimaka slikanih prizora i crteža iz bočnih brodova crkve.The paper presents the activities of the project Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals in the period 2020–2022, including the activities of the newly established collaborations with Croatian institutions and international consortia. The main goal of the project is the expert and scientific analysis of all movable monuments and archaeological finds from the site of Dubrovnik Cathedral, which was archaeologically excavated in the 1980s. After 80% of all movable finds were analysed in the previous phases of the project (mainly the stone sculpture and the plaster of the wall paintings of the two churches preceding the Baroque cathedral), the collecting and analysing of data for the in situ finds was initiated in 2020. This refers primarily to the preserved parts of the earliest basilica, its sanctuary, and the side aisles. We present the preliminary results of integrating data for pre-Romanesque stone sculpture and different layers of plaster in situ, laying the foundations for a chronological determination of particular phases of church-furnishing that differs from the current ones. The obtained results will be complemented by the AMS 14C analysis of the samples of plaster and bones from the graves collected on the site, and by the OSL and archaeomagnetism analysis of the samples of mortar from the sanctuary wall and of the soil from the area of the main aisle of the church, which are all in progress. It is of great importance for further interpretation of the finds that the site was documented using contemporary methods: photogrammetric images of the sanctuary and individual burial units, and multispectral images of painted scenes and drawings from the side aisles of the church

    Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals. Research Activities and the International Collaboration in 2020–2022

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    U radu su predstavljene aktivnosti provedene u okviru projekta Otkrivanje starih dubrovačkih katedrala u razdoblju 2020. – 2022. godine, koje uključuju novouspostavljene suradnje s domaćim i inozemnim institucijama i konzorcijima. Temeljni cilj projekta stručna je i znanstvena obrada pokretnih spomenika i arheoloških nalaza s lokaliteta dubrovačke katedrale, istraženog davnih 1980-ih. Nakon što je u prethodnim ciklusima obrađeno 80% nalaza (poglavito kamene plastike i žbuka zidnih slika prethodnica barokne prvostolnice), od 2020. godine pristupilo se prikupljanju i obradi podataka za nalaze in situ, što se primarno odnosi na očuvane cjeline najstarije bazilike, njena svetišta i bočnih brodova. Donose se preliminarni rezultati povezivanja podataka za nalaze kamene plastike predromaničkog razdoblja i ulomke žbuka in situ te iz arheološkog sloja, a koji postavljaju osnove za nešto drugačije kronološke odrednice pojedinih faza opremanja crkve od do sada važećih. Dobivene rezultate unaprijedit će analize žbuka i kostiju iz grobova s nalazišta AMS 14C metodom, kao i analize uzoraka morta iz zida svetišta i tla s prostora srednjeg broda crkve, metodama OSL i arheomagnetizma, a koje su u tijeku. Za daljnju interpretaciju nalaza od osobite je važnosti provedena aktivnost izrade nove dokumentacije – fotogrametrijskih snimaka svetišta i pojedinih grobnih cjelina te multipspektralnih snimaka slikanih prizora i crteža iz bočnih brodova crkve.The paper presents the activities of the project Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals in the period 2020–2022, including the activities of the newly established collaborations with Croatian institutions and international consortia. The main goal of the project is the expert and scientific analysis of all movable monuments and archaeological finds from the site of Dubrovnik Cathedral, which was archaeologically excavated in the 1980s. After 80% of all movable finds were analysed in the previous phases of the project (mainly the stone sculpture and the plaster of the wall paintings of the two churches preceding the Baroque cathedral), the collecting and analysing of data for the in situ finds was initiated in 2020. This refers primarily to the preserved parts of the earliest basilica, its sanctuary, and the side aisles. We present the preliminary results of integrating data for pre-Romanesque stone sculpture and different layers of plaster in situ, laying the foundations for a chronological determination of particular phases of church-furnishing that differs from the current ones. The obtained results will be complemented by the AMS 14C analysis of the samples of plaster and bones from the graves collected on the site, and by the OSL and archaeomagnetism analysis of the samples of mortar from the sanctuary wall and of the soil from the area of the main aisle of the church, which are all in progress. It is of great importance for further interpretation of the finds that the site was documented using contemporary methods: photogrammetric images of the sanctuary and individual burial units, and multispectral images of painted scenes and drawings from the side aisles of the church

    Preliminary analysis of activity results for the research and educational project Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals (2018–2020)

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    Istraživačko-edukacijski projekt Otkrivanje starih dubrovačkih katedrala pokrenut je 2015. godine, a njegove su aktivnosti, prije svega, usmjerene na stručnu i znanstvenu obradu pokretnih spomenika i arheoloških nalaza koji potječu s lokaliteta podzemlja barokne katedrale Gospe Velike i susjedne Bunićeve poljane u Dubrovniku. Sva građa rezultat je arheoloških istraživanja lokaliteta poduzetih nakon potresa 1979. godine, a koja je u dugome razdoblju od dvadeset i sedam godina ostala u velikoj mjeri neobrađena i neobjavljena. U prvoj etapi projekta (2015. – 2017.), prvenstveno zbog brojnosti građe i lošega stanja u kojem je zatečena, aktivnosti su najprije bile usmjerene na njezino spašavanje i sortiranje, a tek zatim i na stručnu obradu. Pri tom se pristupilo primarno obradi kamenih ulomaka i ulomaka stakla, dok je ostala građa (ulomci zidnih slika i metala) objedinjena i dokumentirana, ili tek popisana i adekvatno pohranjena (ulomci keramike). U drugoj etapi projekta (2018. – 2020.) pristupilo se detaljnijoj obradi keramike i zidnoga oslika. Preliminarna analiza pokazala je nove vrijedne rezultate koji, s jedne strane, pokazuju potpuno novu kronologiju nastanjivanja dijela povijesne jezgre Grada koji se razvija uz današnju luku, a s druge cjelovitiju sliku faza opremanja, a time i izgradnje složenoga kompleksa „starih dubrovačkih katedrala“ istraženoga u podzemlju barokne prvostolnice i Bunićeve poljane. Uz rezultate obrade keramike i ulomaka zidnih slika, donose se i preliminarni rezultati obrade kamene plastike, s osobitim naglaskom na najranijem, kasnoantičkom (ranokršćanskom) sloju.The research and educational project Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals was launched in 2015. Its activities were primarily focused on the expert and scientific study of movable monuments and archaeological finds originating from the site under the Baroque Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and in the nearby square of Bunićeva Poljana in Dubrovnik. All the materials were the results of the archaeological excavations of the site undertaken after the earthquake of 1979; in the long subsequent period of twenty-seven years, they had been largely unstudied and unpublished. In the first phase of the project (2015–2017), primarily because of the quantity of materials and the poor condition in which they were found, the activities focused on their rescue and sorting before engaging in any expert studies. The primary activity was the study of stone monuments and fragments of glass, while other materials (fragments of wall paintings and metal) were unified and documented, or just catalogued and properly stored (pottery fragments). In the second phase of the project (2018–2020), pottery and ceramics and fragments of wall paintings were studied in more detail. The preliminary analysis resulted in valuable new insights: on one hand, it provided a whole new chronology of habitation for the part of the historic center of Dubrovnik that developed along today’s port; on the other, it painted a more comprehensive picture of the furnishing and building phases of „the old Dubrovnik cathedrals“, the elaborate complex explored under the Baroque cathedral and in the square of Bunićeva Poljana. Along with the results of studying pottery and fragments of wall paintings, there are also the preliminary results of of the analysis of stone monuments, with a special emphasis on the earliest layer from late antiquity (early Christianity)

    Mortality from gastrointestinal congenital anomalies at 264 hospitals in 74 low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries: a multicentre, international, prospective cohort study

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    Summary Background Congenital anomalies are the fifth leading cause of mortality in children younger than 5 years globally. Many gastrointestinal congenital anomalies are fatal without timely access to neonatal surgical care, but few studies have been done on these conditions in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). We compared outcomes of the seven most common gastrointestinal congenital anomalies in low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries globally, and identified factors associated with mortality. Methods We did a multicentre, international prospective cohort study of patients younger than 16 years, presenting to hospital for the first time with oesophageal atresia, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, intestinal atresia, gastroschisis, exomphalos, anorectal malformation, and Hirschsprung’s disease. Recruitment was of consecutive patients for a minimum of 1 month between October, 2018, and April, 2019. We collected data on patient demographics, clinical status, interventions, and outcomes using the REDCap platform. Patients were followed up for 30 days after primary intervention, or 30 days after admission if they did not receive an intervention. The primary outcome was all-cause, in-hospital mortality for all conditions combined and each condition individually, stratified by country income status. We did a complete case analysis. Findings We included 3849 patients with 3975 study conditions (560 with oesophageal atresia, 448 with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, 681 with intestinal atresia, 453 with gastroschisis, 325 with exomphalos, 991 with anorectal malformation, and 517 with Hirschsprung’s disease) from 264 hospitals (89 in high-income countries, 166 in middleincome countries, and nine in low-income countries) in 74 countries. Of the 3849 patients, 2231 (58·0%) were male. Median gestational age at birth was 38 weeks (IQR 36–39) and median bodyweight at presentation was 2·8 kg (2·3–3·3). Mortality among all patients was 37 (39·8%) of 93 in low-income countries, 583 (20·4%) of 2860 in middle-income countries, and 50 (5·6%) of 896 in high-income countries (p<0·0001 between all country income groups). Gastroschisis had the greatest difference in mortality between country income strata (nine [90·0%] of ten in lowincome countries, 97 [31·9%] of 304 in middle-income countries, and two [1·4%] of 139 in high-income countries; p≤0·0001 between all country income groups). Factors significantly associated with higher mortality for all patients combined included country income status (low-income vs high-income countries, risk ratio 2·78 [95% CI 1·88–4·11], p<0·0001; middle-income vs high-income countries, 2·11 [1·59–2·79], p<0·0001), sepsis at presentation (1·20 [1·04–1·40], p=0·016), higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score at primary intervention (ASA 4–5 vs ASA 1–2, 1·82 [1·40–2·35], p<0·0001; ASA 3 vs ASA 1–2, 1·58, [1·30–1·92], p<0·0001]), surgical safety checklist not used (1·39 [1·02–1·90], p=0·035), and ventilation or parenteral nutrition unavailable when needed (ventilation 1·96, [1·41–2·71], p=0·0001; parenteral nutrition 1·35, [1·05–1·74], p=0·018). Administration of parenteral nutrition (0·61, [0·47–0·79], p=0·0002) and use of a peripherally inserted central catheter (0·65 [0·50–0·86], p=0·0024) or percutaneous central line (0·69 [0·48–1·00], p=0·049) were associated with lower mortality. Interpretation Unacceptable differences in mortality exist for gastrointestinal congenital anomalies between lowincome, middle-income, and high-income countries. Improving access to quality neonatal surgical care in LMICs will be vital to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3.2 of ending preventable deaths in neonates and children younger than 5 years by 2030