Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals. Research Activities and the International Collaboration in 2020–2022


U radu su predstavljene aktivnosti provedene u okviru projekta Otkrivanje starih dubrovačkih katedrala u razdoblju 2020. – 2022. godine, koje uključuju novouspostavljene suradnje s domaćim i inozemnim institucijama i konzorcijima. Temeljni cilj projekta stručna je i znanstvena obrada pokretnih spomenika i arheoloških nalaza s lokaliteta dubrovačke katedrale, istraženog davnih 1980-ih. Nakon što je u prethodnim ciklusima obrađeno 80% nalaza (poglavito kamene plastike i žbuka zidnih slika prethodnica barokne prvostolnice), od 2020. godine pristupilo se prikupljanju i obradi podataka za nalaze in situ, što se primarno odnosi na očuvane cjeline najstarije bazilike, njena svetišta i bočnih brodova. Donose se preliminarni rezultati povezivanja podataka za nalaze kamene plastike predromaničkog razdoblja i ulomke žbuka in situ te iz arheološkog sloja, a koji postavljaju osnove za nešto drugačije kronološke odrednice pojedinih faza opremanja crkve od do sada važećih. Dobivene rezultate unaprijedit će analize žbuka i kostiju iz grobova s nalazišta AMS 14C metodom, kao i analize uzoraka morta iz zida svetišta i tla s prostora srednjeg broda crkve, metodama OSL i arheomagnetizma, a koje su u tijeku. Za daljnju interpretaciju nalaza od osobite je važnosti provedena aktivnost izrade nove dokumentacije – fotogrametrijskih snimaka svetišta i pojedinih grobnih cjelina te multipspektralnih snimaka slikanih prizora i crteža iz bočnih brodova crkve.The paper presents the activities of the project Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals in the period 2020–2022, including the activities of the newly established collaborations with Croatian institutions and international consortia. The main goal of the project is the expert and scientific analysis of all movable monuments and archaeological finds from the site of Dubrovnik Cathedral, which was archaeologically excavated in the 1980s. After 80% of all movable finds were analysed in the previous phases of the project (mainly the stone sculpture and the plaster of the wall paintings of the two churches preceding the Baroque cathedral), the collecting and analysing of data for the in situ finds was initiated in 2020. This refers primarily to the preserved parts of the earliest basilica, its sanctuary, and the side aisles. We present the preliminary results of integrating data for pre-Romanesque stone sculpture and different layers of plaster in situ, laying the foundations for a chronological determination of particular phases of church-furnishing that differs from the current ones. The obtained results will be complemented by the AMS 14C analysis of the samples of plaster and bones from the graves collected on the site, and by the OSL and archaeomagnetism analysis of the samples of mortar from the sanctuary wall and of the soil from the area of the main aisle of the church, which are all in progress. It is of great importance for further interpretation of the finds that the site was documented using contemporary methods: photogrammetric images of the sanctuary and individual burial units, and multispectral images of painted scenes and drawings from the side aisles of the church

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