531 research outputs found

    The QBO and weak external forcing by solar activity: A three dimensional model study

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    A better understanding is attempted of the physical mechanisms leading to significant correlations between oscillations in the lower and middle stratosphere and solar variability associated with the sun's rotation. A global 3-d mechanistic model of the middle atmosphere is employed to investigate the effects of minor artificially induced perturbations. The aim is to explore the physical mechanisms of the dynamical response especially of the stratosphere to weak external forcing as it may result from UV flux changes due to solar rotation. First results of numerical experiments dealing about the external forcing of the middle atmosphere by solar activity were presented elsewhere. Different numerical studies regarding the excitation and propagation of weak perturbations have been continued since then. The model calculations presented are made to investigate the influence of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) on the dynamical response of the middle atmosphere to weak perturbations by employing different initial wind fields which represent the west and east phase of the QBO

    Wyclef: A Rational Reconstruction of Versu Social Engine

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    Video games often lack an accurate representation of the person playing the game, causing a disconnect between the player and the character’s story. With Versu, a proprietary social simulation engine, not only did choices become more connected to the player, but the player could choose to take the place of any of the characters present in the story. This allows the player to find themselves in the story, while also giving vast replayability to the game. Wyclef is an open source, rational reconstruction of Versu providing increased authoring speed of stories and availability of the social engine to more people. We found that based on the limited documentation provided, it is still very possible to fully rebuild Versu. Additional work on providing authoring of characters and worlds to be parsed by the engine could further flesh out the capabilities of Wyclef

    Climate-Ozone Connections

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    Climate change will affect the evolution of the ozone layer through changes in transport, chemical composition, and temperature. In turn, changes to the ozone layer will affect climate through radiative processes, and consequential changes in temperature gradients will affect atmospheric dynamics. Therefore, climate change and the evolution of the ozone layer are coupled. Understanding all of the processes involved is made more complex by the fact that many of the interactions are nonlinear

    Planetary waves in a coupled chemistry-climate model: analysis techniques and comparison with reanalysis data

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    International audienceThis paper presents several analysis techniques relating to large-scale atmospheric waves. Such analysis tools allow the extraction of planetary waves from reanalysis or model datasets, and can contribute to a detailed insight into the forcing, propagation, and vertical structure of planetary waves, and their dynamic impact on the atmosphere. The different tools presented here use time series of space Fourier coefficients in order to extract transient and stationary wave parts by zonal wavenumbers, and to quantify their dynamic effect in the form of sensible heat and momentum fluxes. In this work, they have been applied to model results from the coupled chemistry-climate model ECHAM4.L39(DLR)/CHEM (E39/C) (Hein et al., 2001) and to the ERA-15 reanalysis dataset from ECMWF. We show that E39/C qualitatively matches the variance distribution and vertical structure of transient waves from reanalysis data; quantitative differences can be traced back to the horizontal model resolution and the modelled zonal winds. The modelled polar vortex during Northern Hemisphere winter has previously been shown to be colder and more stable than observed (Hein et al., 2001; Schnadt et al., 2002; a possible explanation is that in the model experiment, a reduced heat flux by long transient waves at high latitudes disturbs and warms the polar vortex less than ERA-15 suggests, thereby leading to an overestimated stationary wavenumber 1 in E39/C. The results show that the tools used are well suited to investigate and estimate the impact of various dynamic processes related to large-scale waves

    Higher tropical SSTs strengthen the tropical upwelling via deep convection

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    Recent observations show a distinct cooling of the tropical lower stratosphere, and chemistry-climate models (CCMs) suggest a link to a strengthening tropical upwelling, arguably related to increases in greenhouse gas concentrations from anthropogenic activity. The present study explores the strengthening of tropical upwelling by comparing ensemble realisations of two different transient scenarios with the CCM E39/C. Both scenarios share the same boundary conditions, including concentrations of ozone-depleting substances, but differ in their climate forcing via prescribed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and well-mixed greenhouse gas concentrations. In the summer hemisphere tropics, higher SSTs amplify deep convection locally and hence the convective excitation of quasistationary waves. These waves propagate upward through the region of easterly winds while dissipating, but still carry enough of the signal into the low-latitude lower stratosphere to induce an anomalous low-latitude Brewer-Dobson (BD) cell. The transport change in turn increases the flux of ozone-poor tropospheric air into the tropical lower stratosphere

    Determining the tropopause height from gridded data

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    Journal ArticleA method is presented to determine tropopause height from gridded temperature data with coarse vertical resolution. The algorithm uses a thermal definition of the tropopause, which is based on the concept of a threshold lapse-rate. Interpolation is performed to identify the pressure at which this threshold is reached and maintained for a prescribed vertical distance. The method is verified by comparing the heights calculated from analyses of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) with the observed heights at individual radiosonde stations. RMS errors in the calculated tropopause heights are generally small. They range from 30"40 hPa in the extratropics to 10 20 hPa in the tropics. The largest deviations occur in the subtropics, where the tropopause has strong meridional gradients that are not adequately resolved by the input data

    Impact of prescribed SSTs on climatologies and long-term trends in CCM simulations

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    Chemistry-Climate Model (CCM) simulations are commonly used to project the past and future development of the dynamics and chemistry of the stratosphere, and in particular the ozone layer. So far, CCMs are usually not interactively coupled to an ocean model, so that sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea ice coverage are prescribed in the simulations. While for future integrations SSTs have to be taken from precalculated climate model projections, for CCM experiments resembling the past either modelled or observed SSTs can be used. This study addresses the question to which extent atmospheric climatologies and long-term trends for the recent past simulated in the CCM E39C-A differ when choosing either observed or modelled SSTs. Furthermore, the processes of how the SST signal is communicated to the atmosphere, and in particular to the stratosphere are examined. Two simulations that differ only with respect to the prescribed SSTs and that span years 1960 to 1999 are used. <br><br> Significant differences in temperature and ozone climatologies between the model simulations are found. The differences in ozone are attributed to differences in the meridional circulation, which are in turn driven by weaker wave forcing in the simulation with generally lower SSTs. The long-term trends over 40 years in annual mean temperature and ozone differ only in the troposphere, where temperatures are directly influenced by the local SST trends. Differences in temperature and ozone trends are only found on shorter time scales. The trends in tropical upwelling, as a measure of the strength of the Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC), differ strongly between the simulations. A reverse from negative to positive trends is found in the late 1970s in the simulation using observed SSTs while trends are positive throughout the simulation when using modelled SSTs. The increase in the BDC is a robust feature of the simulations only after about 1980 and is evident mainly in the tropics in the lower stratosphere
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