79 research outputs found

    A new computer method for temperature measurement based on an optimal control problem

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    A new computer method to measure extreme temperatures is presented. The method reduces the measurement of the unknown temperature to the solving of an optimal control problem, using a numerical computer. Based on this method, a new device for temperature measurement is built. It consists of a hardware part that includes some standard temperature sensors and it also has a software section.\ud The problem of temperature measurement, according to this new method, is mathematically modelled by means of the one-dimensional heat equation, with boundary and initial conditions, describing the heat transfer through the device.\ud \ud The principal hardware component of the new device is a rod. The variation of the temperature which is produced near one end of the rod is determined using some temperature measurements in the other end of the rod and the new computer method which is described in this work.\ud \ud This device works as an attenuator of high temperatures and as an amplifier of low temperatures. In fact, it realizes an extension of the standard working range of temperature sensors at very high and very low values.\ud \ud The mathematical model of the device and the computer method are explained in detail and some possible practical implementations and a collection of simulations are also presented

    Exploration for analysis of medicinal foods used to manage dyslipidaemia in Sri Lankan traditional medicine

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    The medicinal foods used to manage non-communicable diseases in Sri Lankan traditional medicine are slowly but steadily disappearing from the country due to many reasons. This study is the first stage of the research project aimed to explore and analyze the medicinal foods used to manage dyslipidaemia in traditional medical practices of Sri Lanka. A qualitative study covering the whole island was conducted cross-sectionally, supplemented by a document review including ancient textbooks and talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifera) leaf manuscripts. The study included all the registered traditional medical practitioners of the country, more than 55 years of age. Practitioners with poor memory and feeble health and those who were not in current practice were excluded. The first participant was selected purposively and the rest by using the snowball sampling technique. The investigator administered, validated, open-ended, semistructured questionnaire was the tool used, and the interviews were conducted face to face or using either telephone, zoom, or WhatsApp technology. The saturation was achieved by the 25th participant and data were analysed using the framework analysis technique. Nine medicinal foods including three herbal congees, one herbal beverage, one green leaf salad, and four curry preparations with antidyslipidaemic effects were explored. Sri Lankan native medicine possesses many medicinal foods with antidyslipidaemic effects and they should be explored, scientifically studied, and used as evidence-based management for the smooth control of diabetes mellitus

    Energy Efficiency Financing, an Opportunity to Reduce Energy Poverty in the South-East Region of Romania

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    Increasingly pressing aspects of the energy transition underline the recurring question about a measure of equity in this process, refering to individuals and communities. The European countries’strategies to address energy poverty include energy efficiency policies, which, however, require significant funding support. We propose, therefore, to carry out a study on how the European funding from the 2014-2020 programming period for energy efficiency was accessed in the SouthEastern region of Romania. The research methods used are case study and comparative analysis. We used the open data published by the management authorities for the operational programs in Romania and those of the European Commission. The results reveal the imbalance between the urban and the rural environment in terms of accessing non-reimbursable financing for energy efficiency. The conclusions of this study could be used in order to support local authorities to enhance their capacity to access financing in the period 2021-2027 as well

    Thermal actuator-sensor structure for microfluidics

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    Study komparasi antara pemikiran K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid dan K.H. Sahal Mahfudz tentang konsep fikih

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    Fiqih merupakan hal penting untuk komponen pelajaran Islam sebagai petunjuk hidup bagi manusia, khususnya dalam menyelesaikan kewajiban khalifah di muka bumi. Yang selalu menjadi isu selama ini untuk membicarakan fiqh bukanlah tentang keberadaan hukum, namun yang sering jadi perdebatan di kalangan para fuqoha adalah sejauh mana relevansi dan realisasi hukum yang sebenarnya, terutama jika dikaitkan dengan tempat (lokal) dan jaman (Temporal). Dinamika tersebut dianggap sangat penting untuk memaparkan konsep fikih ala tokoh Islam ternama di Indonesia yaitu K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid dan K.H. Sahal Mahfudz. Berbagai pengalaman hidup, dan kemampuan mendalam terhadap hukum Islam. Kedua tokoh ini mewakili organisasi kemasyarakatan yang sama yaitu Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) dan juga sama berlatar pendidikan pesantren namun mempunyai konsep tersendiri dalam merumuskan fikih yang ideal Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep fikih K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid dan K.H. Sahal Mahfudh, menjelaskan persamaan dan perbedaan konsep Fikih K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid dan K.H. Sahal Mahfudz, serta memberikan pemaparan implikasi pemikiran dari kedua tokoh tersebut pada pengembangan hukum Islam. Kerangka berpikir yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori Maqashid Syariah yang merupakan konsep penting dalam kajian hukum Islam. Yang mana inti dari teori maqashid syariah yaitu mewujudkan kebaikan juga menghindarkan keburukan atau menarik manfaat menolak mudhorat. Maqashid Syariah terkait penelitian ini yaitu hifdzun diin dan hifdzun nass Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian pustaka (library research), yaitu penelitian yang menjadikan bahan pustaka sebagai sumber utama. Objek kajian berupa hasil karya tulis kedua tokoh melalui pengkajian dan penelaahan pada sejumlah literatur primer maupun sekunder. Sumber data primer adalah buku karya Abdurrahman Wahid, yaitu Pribumisasi Islam dan Sahal Mahfudz, Nuansa Fikih Sosial. Data sekunder dihimpun dari kepustakaan yang refresentatif dan relefan dengan objek studi ini. Bersifat deskriftif analitik-komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsep fikih yang dikembangkan Abdurrahman Wahid adalah fikih realitas (fikih al-waqi’), yang mempertimbangkan aspek realitas yang terjadi. Konsep fikih yang dikembangkan oleh Sahal Mahfudz ialah fikih Sosial dimana fikih yang mempertimbangkan aspek sosial menggunakan metode-metode istinbath untuk kemaslahatan sosial. Persamaannya dari segi fikih kedua tokoh ini kembali melakukan interpretasi terhadap teks fikih untuk mencari konteks baru dimana nass tidak dipahami lagi hanya secara tekstual, sedangkan perbedaannya Abdurrahman Wahid melalui pribumisasi Islam banyak menguraikan materi fikih yaitu pengejawantahan untuk memadukan agama dan kebudayaan lokal. Sahal Mahfudz melalui nuansa fikih sosial menguraikan materi fikih yaitu menggali fikih dari pergulatan nyata antara kebenaran agama dan realitas sosial yang timpang tindih. Kontribusi Abdurrahman Wahid memberikan pemikiran dan reformasi internal dalam konteks NKRI melalui fikih tradisional. Sahal Mahfudz melakukan upaya perumusan fikih sosial, menggunakan pemahaman pada konteks sosial Indonesia yang selalu berkembang

    New algorithm for extreme temperature measurements

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    A new algorithm for measurement of extreme temperature is presented. This algorithm reduces the measurement of the unknown temperature to the solving of an optimal control problem, using a numerical computer. Based on this method, a new device for extreme temperature measurements is projected. It consists of a hardware part that includes some standard temperature sensors and it also has a software section.\ud The principal component of the device is a rod. The variation in the temperature, which is produced near one end of the rod, is determined using some temperature measurements at the other end of the rod and the new algorithm described here.\ud The mathematical model of the device and the algorithm are explained in detail. At the same time, some possible practical implementations and a collection of simulations are presented
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