36 research outputs found

    Stratospheric Ozone Changes From Explosive Tropical Volcanoes: Modeling and Ice Core Constraints

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    Major tropical volcanic eruptions have emitted large quantities of stratospheric sulphate and are potential sources of stratospheric chlorine although this is less well constrained by observations. This study combines model and ice core analysis to investigate past changes in total column ozone. Historic eruptions are good analogues for future eruptions as stratospheric chlorine levels have been decreasing since the year 2000. We perturb the pre-industrial atmosphere of a chemistry-climate model with high and low emissions of sulphate and chlorine. The sign of the resulting Antarctic ozone change is highly sensitive to the background stratospheric chlorine loading. In the first year, the response is dynamical, with ozone increases over Antarctica. In the high HCl (2 Tg emission) experiment, the injected chlorine is slowly transported to the polar regions with subsequent chemical ozone depletion. These model results are then compared to measurements of the stable nitrogen isotopic ratio, δ15N(NO−3), from a low snow accumulation Antarctic ice core from Dronning Maud Land (recovered in 2016-17). We expect ozone depletion to lead to increased surface ultraviolet (UV) radiation, enhanced air-snow nitrate photo-chemistry and enrichment in δ15N(NO−3) in the ice core. We focus on the possible ozone depletion event that followed the largest volcanic eruption in the past 1000 years, Samalas in 1257. The characteristic sulphate signal from this volcano is present in the ice-core but the variability in δ15N(NO−3) dominates any signal arising from changes in UV from ozone depletion. Prolonged complete ozone removal following this eruption is unlikely to have occurred over Antarctica.National Environment Research Council (NERC) Standard Grant (NE/N011813/1

    Chemotherapy-Induced Late Transgenerational Effects in Mice

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    To our knowledge, there is no report on long-term reproductive and developmental side effects in the offspring of mothers treated with a widely used chemotherapeutic drug such as doxorubicin (DXR), and neither is there information on transmission of any detrimental effects to several filial generations. Therefore, the purpose of the present paper was to examine the long-term effects of a single intraperitoneal injection of DXR on the reproductive and behavioral performance of adult female mice and their progeny. C57BL/6 female mice (generation zero; G0) were treated with either a single intraperitoneal injection of DXR (G0-DXR) or saline (G0-CON). Data were collected on multiple reproductive parameters and behavioral analysis for anxiety, despair and depression. In addition, the reproductive capacity and health of the subsequent six generations were evaluated. G0-DXR females developed despair-like behaviors; delivery complications; decreased primordial follicle pool; and early lost of reproductive capacity. Surprisingly, the DXR-induced effects in oocytes were transmitted transgenerationally; the most striking effects being observed in G4 and G6, constituting: increased rates of neonatal death; physical malformations; chromosomal abnormalities (particularly deletions on chromosome 10); and death of mothers due to delivery complications. None of these effects were seen in control females of the same generations. Long-term effects of DXR in female mice and their offspring can be attributed to genetic alterations or cell-killing events in oocytes or, presumably, to toxicosis in non-ovarian tissues. Results from the rodent model emphasize the need for retrospective and long-term prospective studies of survivors of cancer treatment and their offspring

    Pressure in isochoric systems containing aqueous solutions at subzero Centigrade temperatures

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    Preservation of biological materials at subzero Centigrade temperatures, cryopreservation, is important for the field of tissue engineering and organ transplantation. Our group is studying the use of isochoric (constant volume) systems of aqueous solution for cryopreservation. Previous studies measured the pressure-temperature relations in aqueous isochoric systems in the temperature range from 0°C to - 20°C. The goal of this study is to expand the pressure-temperature measurement beyond the range reported in previous publications.To expand the pressure-temperature measurements beyond the previous range, we have developed a new isochoric device capable of withstanding liquid nitrogen temperatures and pressures of up to 413 MPa. The device is instrumented with a pressure transducer than can monitor and record the pressures in the isochoric chamber in real time. Measurements were made in a temperature range from - 5°C to liquid nitrogen temperatures for various solutions of pure water and Me2SO (a chemical additive used for protection of biological materials in a frozen state and for vitrification (glass formation) of biological matter). Undissolved gaseous are is carefully removed from the system.Temperature-pressure data from - 5°C to liquid nitrogen temperature for pure water and other solutions are presented in this study. Following are examples of some, temperature-pressure values, that were measured in an isochoric system containing pure water: (- 20°C, 187 MPa); (-25°C, 216 MPa); (- 30°C, 242.3 MPa); (-180°C, 124 MPa). The data is consistent with the literature, which reports that the pressure and temperature at the triple point, between ice I, ice III and water is, - 21.993°C and 209.9 MPa, respectively. It was surprising to find that the pressure in the isochoric system increases at temperatures below the triple point and remains high to liquid nitrogen temperatures. Measurements of pressure-temperature relations in solutions of pure water and Me2SO in different concentrations show that, for concentrations in which vitrification is predicted, no increase in pressure was measured during rapid cooling to liquid nitrogen temperatures. However, ice formation either during cooling or warming to and from liquid nitrogen temperatures produced an increase in pressure.The data obtained in this study can be used to aid in the design of isochoric cryopreservation protocols. The results suggest that the pressure measurement is important in the design of "constant volume" systems and can provide a simple means to gain information on the occurrence of vitrification and devitrification during cryopreservation processes of aqueous solutions in an isochoric system