29 research outputs found

    Aprendre en una altra llengua / Learning through another language / Aprender en otra lengua

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    Dipòsit legal: B-16165-2011ISBN 978-84-490-2677-5El present volum recull una selecció de conferències de ponents convidats a les trobades sobre semiimmersió i al congrés internacional TRI-CLIL, sobre aprenentatge integrat de continguts i llengua (AICLE), organitzades pels equips CLIL-SI/GREIP a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, des de l'any 2007 al 2011. Aquestes trobades han girat al voltant de l'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge de matèries curriculars en 'd'altres llengües', és a dir, en llengües no presents en l'enorn més immediat de l'alumnat

    Explaining : a central discourse function in instruction

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    III Colloquium on Semi-Immersion in CataloniaIII Encuentro sobre Semi-Inmersión en CataluñaIt is a well known fact that school lessons are a social practice that is constituted above all else via language, a fact so obvious that it usually remains below consciousness-level. Incidentally, CLIL and multilingual classrooms often act as an awareness-raising catalyst in this respect because the issue of language is experienced as a problem. The question which automatically arises, then, is what characterises the language of the classroom in L2 and what are the discourse conditions which support effective teaching. Starting from the general assumption that all talk implies negotiation of meaning my talk will focus on the activity of explaining during school lessons. After putting explaining in the context of a potential repertoire of academic discourse functions, I will argue its special and central status as a cornerstone of 'good teaching'. Drawing on examples from real CLIL lessons at secondary and tertiary level, we will then explore the activity of explaining in greater detail, looking at how it is embedded in the flow of classroom talk, how it might be modelled and how it is internally structured. Connections between explanations in the spoken and in the written mode will also be discussed

    On the histories of de-verbal adjectives in Middle English

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    Explaining: a central discourse function in instruction

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    Ingo Plag

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    Putting CLIL into Practice

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    Categorywise, some Compound-Type Morphemes Seem to Be Rather Suffix-Like: On the Status of -ful, -type, and -wise in Present Day English

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    The elements -ful, -type, and -wise are productive formatives in present-day English usage as reflected in the 100 million word British National Corpus. They are, however, not satisfactorily documented in the literature on English word-formation. This paper discusses the occurrence and structural properties of the three formatives on the basis of data from the British National Corpus. This descriptive task raises questions about the grammatical status of these elements, and concerns in particular the delimitation between suffixation and compounding. It is concluded that labels such as `semi-suffix' are theoretically undesirable as they do not provide additional insight into the nature of complex words and that the formations with -ful, -type, and -wise should be treated as either compounds (in the case of --type) or suffixations ( in the cases of --ful and -wise)