176 research outputs found

    Титульні сторінки та зміст

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    Goal modeling in general, and i* in particular, are typically taught in specialized courses that are part of postgraduate programs. In this paper, we report on our experience concerning teaching i* and its basic, essential dialect called simple i* to over 130 first-year students of a bachelor degree in information science. We present the intended learning outcomes and activities, we introduce the simple i* dialect that was used in the labs, we discuss the gained knowledge was tested in the final exam, and we discuss the obtained results

    Location-based variability for mobile information systems

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    Advances in size, power, and ubiquity of computing technology, sensors, and communication technology made possible the development of so-called mobile or nomadic information systems. A mobile information system has the potential to autonomously change its behaviour according to different location settings. Variability of location and system behaviour is a central feature of such new generation of information systems. This paper stresses the importance of modeling and analyzing variability of location as a basis for variability of software. We describe graphical and formal techniques to model location information, show their usage in conjunction with the goal-oriented framework i*/Tropos, and propose three analysis techniques on location-based goal models

    Location-based software modeling and analysis: Tropos-based approach

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    Abstract. The continuous growth of interest in mobile applications makes the concept of location essential to design and develop software systems. Location-based software is supposed to be able to monitor the surrounding location and choose accordingly the most appropriate behavior. In this paper, we propose a novel conceptual framework to model and analyze location-based software. We mainly focus on the social facets of locations adopting concepts such as actor, resource, and location-based behavior. Our approach is based on Tropos methodology and allows the analyst to elicit and model software requirements according to the different locations where the software will operate. We propose an extension of Tropos modeling and adapt its process to suit well with the development of location-based software. The proposed framework also includes automated analysis techniques to reason about the relation between location and location-based software.

    Goal-based self-contextualization

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    Abstract. System self-contextualizability is the system ability to autonomously adapt its behavior to the uncontrollable relevant context to keep its objectives satisfied. Self-contextualizable system must have alternative behaviors each fitting to a set of contexts. We propose to start considering context at the level of requirements engineering, adopting Tropos goal model to express requirements and complementing it with our proposed context analysis. We define variation points on goal model where a context-based decision might need to be taken, and propose constructs to analyze context. While goal analysis provides constructs to hierarchically analyze goals and discover alternative sets of tasks to be executed to satisfy a goal, our proposed context analysis provides constructs to hierarchically analyze context and discover alternative sets of facts to be monitored to verify a context.

    Modeling and analyzing variability for mobile information systems

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    Abstract. Advances in size, power, and ubiquity of computing, sensors, and communication technology made possible the development of mobile or nomadic information systems. Variability of location and system behavior is a central issue in mobile information systems, where behavior of software has to change and re-adapt to the different location settings. This paper concerns modeling and analysis of the complementary relation between software and location variability. We use graphical and formal location modeling techniques, show how to elicit and use location model in conjunction with Tropos goal-oriented framework, and introduce automated analysis on the location-based models.

    Location-based Modeling and Analysis: Tropos-based Approach

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    The continuous growth of interest in mobile applications makes the concept of location essential to design and develop software systems. Location-based software is supposed to be able to monitor the location and choose accordingly the most appropriate behavior. In this paper, we propose a novel conceptual framework to model and analyze location-based software. We mainly focus on the social facets of locations adopting concepts such as social actor, resource, and location-based behavior. Our approach is based on Tropos methodology and allows the analyst to elicit and model software requirements according to the different locations where the software will operate. We propose an extension of Tropos modeling and adapt its process to suit well with the development of location-based software. The proposed framework also includes automated analysis techniques to reason about the relation between location and location-based behavior

    Aligning Software Configuration with Business and IT Context

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    Applying tropos to socio-technical system design and runtime configuration

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    Recent trends in Software Engineering have introduced the importance of reconsidering the traditional idea of software design as a socio-tecnical problem, where human agents are integral part of the system along with hardware and software components. Design and runtime support for Socio-Technical Systems (STSs) requires appropriate modeling techniques and non-traditional infrastructures. Agent-oriented software methodologies are natural solutions to the development of STSs, both humans and technical components are conceptualized and analyzed as part of the same system. In this paper, we illustrate a number of Tropos features that we believe fundamental to support the development and runtime reconfiguration of STSs. Particularly, we focus on two critical design issues: risk analysis and location variability. We show how they are integrated and used into a planning-based approach to support the designer in evaluating and choosing the best design alternative. Finally, we present a generic framework to develop self-reconfigurable STSs