11 research outputs found

    Metodologi Umum Penyelidikan Reka Bentuk Bertokok Penilaian Dalaman dan Luaran: Kajian Kes Sistem Pendaftaran Siswa Indonesia

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    This study is motivated by the fact that the software application and content industry advancement in Indonesia especially in the educational domain is rather limited. This has resulted in the deployment of low quality Information System (IS) for education management due to a poorly adopted system development approach. The statement is supported by many references including an example of a student registration IS (i.e. e-PSB) which did not focus on user evaluation; therefore has recorded many errors plus failed to provide a quality service; and was found to not practice a proper system development life cycle. Moreover, literature reviews indicate that studies on the evaluation of IS have yet to determine the correlation between user satisfaction, perception and service quality factors. In regard to the above, the aim of this study is to propose a IS development approach model that pivots on user satisfaction, perception and service quality as the internal and external evaluation factors. In accomplishing the aim, three objectives are formulated; (1) develop a student registration IS prototype as a case study in Indonesia, (2) implement the internal and external evaluation of the prototype in a real setting, and (3) identify influential relationship between the user satisfaction, perception and service quality factors. Quantitative and design research are the two main approaches followed through in this study. There are mainly three phases, (1) planning and analysis, (2) model and artefact development, and (3) implementation, data collection and evaluation. Data are collected using internal and external evaluation instruments. The internal evaluation is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS). The external is rooted on the Service Quality (SERVQUAL). Altogether 471 respondents participated where 462 are from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, lndonesia and 9 are experts. T-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis are utilized to prove 11 hypotheses. The internal evaluation factors are divided into perceived usefulness (PK), perceived ease-of-use (PKG) and user interface satisfaction (KAP). Whereas, the external factors are divided into quality service (KS), overall perception of quality service (PKS), and overall satisfaction of quality service (KKS). The hypotheses testing show that (i) PKG and PK are significantly correlated, (ii) PK and KAP are significantly correlated, (iii) PKG and KAP are significantly correlated, (iv) PK and PKG together influence KAP significantly, (v) KS influences PKS significantly, (vi) PKS and KKS are significantly correlated, (vii) KS influences KKS significantly, (viii) KS and PKS together influence KKS significantly, and (ix) KAP influences KKS significantly. The proposed IS development approach model, which can be utilized by fellow developers and researchers to develop an IS that focuses on the internal and external evaluation factors, is the main contribution of this study. Furthermore, the prototype, that is named as PSB Terpadu and the identified relationships between the internal and external factors contribute to the software application industry, specifically in Indonesia

    Aurora 3d Presentation Dalam Pembelajaran Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Di Kelas IX SMPN 24 Banjarmasin

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    Software Aurora 3D Presentation yang merupakan media pembelajaran interaktif yang diadaptasi dari software sebelumnya yaitu Microsoft Power Point. Hanya saja, Aurora 3D Presentation menyajikan kemudahan dalam penggunaan animasi presentasi baik dua atau tiga dimensi. Aurora 3D Presentation dipilih dikarenakan software yang berbasis presenatsi dan tidak terlalu mengurangi peranan guru dalam proses pembelajaran, selain itu software ini memiliki fitur-fitur tiga dimensi yang mudah digunakan serta mendukung materi yang akan diajarkan atau diteliti yaitu bangun ruang sisi lengkung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar antara pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif Aurora 3D Presentation dan model pembelajaran konvensional pada materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung di Kelas IX SMPN 24 Banjarmasin tahun pelajaran 2014/2015.Penelitian kali ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan jenis penelitian lapangan dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kelas IX.A, IX.B, IX.C, IX.D, IX.E, dan IX.B SMPN 24 Banjarmasin yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok atau dua kelas. Yaitu kelas eksperimen (kelompok uji coba) dan kelas kontrol (kelompok kendali) yang ditentukan melalui teknik Sample Random Sampling sehingga diperoleh kelas eksperimen adalah kelas IX.C dan kelas kontrol adalah kelas IX.A. Pada kedua kelas tersebut akan diberikan tes kemampuan awal, pre test, dan post test.Berdasarkan uji t pada hasil belajar siswa melalui post test, diperoleh harga thitung = 2.185dan ttabel = 2.000. Karena -ttabel ≤ thitung ≤ ttabel, maka Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak, kemudian disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif Aurora 3D Presentation dan model pembelajaran konvensional pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung di kelas IX SMPN 24 Banjarmasin tahun pelajaran 2014/2015


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    Software Aurora 3D Presentation yang merupakan media pembelajaran interaktif yang diadaptasi dari software sebelumnya yaitu Microsoft Power Point. Hanya saja, Aurora 3D Presentation menyajikan kemudahan dalam penggunaan animasi presentasi baik dua atau tiga dimensi. Aurora 3D Presentation dipilih dikarenakan software yang berbasis presenatsi dan tidak terlalu mengurangi peranan guru dalam proses pembelajaran, selain itu software ini memiliki fitur-fitur tiga dimensi yang mudah digunakan serta mendukung materi yang akan diajarkan atau diteliti yaitu bangun ruang sisi lengkung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar antara pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif Aurora 3D Presentation dan model pembelajaran konvensional pada materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung di Kelas IX SMPN 24 Banjarmasin tahun pelajaran 2014/2015.Penelitian kali ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan jenis penelitian lapangan dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kelas IX.A, IX.B, IX.C, IX.D, IX.E, dan IX.B SMPN 24 Banjarmasin yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok atau dua kelas. Yaitu kelas eksperimen (kelompok uji coba) dan kelas kontrol (kelompok kendali) yang ditentukan melalui teknik Sample Random Sampling sehingga diperoleh kelas eksperimen adalah kelas IX.C dan kelas kontrol adalah kelas IX.A. Pada kedua kelas tersebut akan diberikan tes kemampuan awal, pre test, dan post test.Berdasarkan uji t pada hasil belajar siswa melalui post test, diperoleh harga thitung = 2.185dan ttabel = 2.000. Karena -ttabel ≤ thitung ≤ ttabel, maka Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak, kemudian disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif Aurora 3D Presentation dan model pembelajaran konvensional pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung di kelas IX SMPN 24 Banjarmasin tahun pelajaran 2014/2015


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    This study aims to find out: Direct contributions 1) Supervision of the supervisor on the Kindergarten Principal's Motivation; 2) Principal's Motivation towards Teacher's performance; 3) Supervision of Supervisors on Teacher's performance; 4) Principal's Motivation towards quality; 5) Supervision of the supervisor on quality; 6) Teacher's performance on quality. Indirect contributions: 7) Principal's Motivation through intermediaries Teacher performance on quality; 8) Supervision of Supervisors through intermediaries Teacher performance on quality; 9) Supervision of the supervisor through intermediary of Principal's Motivation on quality; 10) Supervision through Principal's Motivation and Teachers Performance on quality. The primary data obtained and tested were hypothesized from a population of 64 Kindergartens using total population sampling technique and from 238 teachers using proportional random sampling technique using the Solvin formula in West Banjarmasin District with an error rate of 5%, obtained 139 Kindergarten teachers as samples. Data collection techniques through library research, field research, observation and questionnaire. The method used is descriptive. Research instruments using questionnaires and observations. Data Analysis used to test hypotheses using Path Analysis. Data is analyzed by paths built based on the research paradigm. The results of study showed that there are direct contributions to: 1) supervision of the supervisor to kindergarten principal's motivation; 2) principal's motivation towards teacher's performance; 3) supervision of supervisors on teacher's performance; 4) principal's motivation towards quality 5) supervision of the supervisor on quality; 6) teacher's performance on quality. Some other showed indirect contributions to: 7) principal's motivation through intermediaries teacher performance on quality. 8) supervision of the supervisor through intermediaries teacher performance on quality. The results of study also showed there are no direct contributions to: 9) supervision of the supervisor through intermediary of principal's motivation on quality; and 10) supervision of supervisors and quality through intermediaries of principal's motivation and teachers’ performance in kindergarten Sub District of West Banjarmasin.  Article visualizations


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    This paper aims to describe the ability of children to recognize language aspect (English). This paper employed a qualitative approach with Classroom Action Research (CAR) type in two cycles. Each cycle was carried out in two meetings for children in group B1 at Matahariku Bilingual Kindergarten with a number of 10 students. The data was collected through teacher observation activity, children's activity and the result of children’s ability to recognize the language aspect (English). The result showed that through a combination of Picture and Picture Model, Talking Stick Model, Flashcard Media and Movement and Song Method, it can improve children's ability to recognize language aspect (English). This paper contributes for the teacher as input in combination of method, model, and media to develop aspect of early childhood. Then, for the headmaster which can be used as input in carrying out guidance on teacher to improve the quality of activity in the classroom.  Article visualizations


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    Indonesia is an archipelagic country with an area of 5.8 million km2 or equivalentto 2/3 in Indonesia, The territorial waters of Indonesia have been recognized as the Nation's Insight by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in1982, but with the vast waters of Indonesia, do not make Indonesia free from imported fish from various countries. In appropriate aquaculture production can result in financial losses, energy, time, and others. So knowledge of intensive aquaculture production is needed. Knowledge of aquaculture production that can be obtained by fish farmers and related parties requires a short time in obtaining it. Therefore the purpose of this research is to design a decision support system that has been computerized which can determine the type of fish that can be produced intensively based on water quality in the area used

    Dilemma Between Applying Coherent Principle and Signaling Principles In Interactive Learning Media

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    Background: Studies on developing multimedia content for eLearning have widely been conducted. In previous studies, multimedia learning contents were developed without applying any principles, making them less efficient in supporting user’s mental effort. To this end, this study extends the current state by applying the coherence principle and signaling principle to make the multimedia learning content usable and interesting to use. Furthermore, the paper aims at describing the dilemma when applying both principles together. Materials and Methods: In this study, a four-phase methodology has been used. First, a prototype has been developed by applying the coherence principle and signaling principle. Following the development, five experts were consulted for identifying flaws in the developed prototype through a walkthrough session. Results: Finally, this paper showcases the flaws gathered by the experts for further improvement

    Mobile Phone and Family Happiness, Mediating Role of Marital Communication: An Attachment Theory Perspective

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    Mobile phone communication has established itself as an essential element of people's personal and working lives medium of connection in daily interactions and relationships. It has thus become significant for the most intimate form of interpersonal relations, including marital relationships. This small-scale research seeks to find the importance of mobile phone communication in marriage and its influence on family happiness. The study unearths the patterns of mobile phone communication among married partners, by outlining the most common reasons for communicating with the spouse on a mobile phone. In this research, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire to collect data from 30 respondents who were married partners, staff, or students in one of the state-owned universities in South Kalimantan. Each of the respondents possessed a mobile phone. The Mann-Whitney test indicates that the males profoundly believed that mobile phone communication was more important to their marriage than females to strengthen their relationship. Also, the males reported a higher frequency of sending messages and calling their spouses. By and large, the study results describe the most common reasons for communicating with the spouse. The outstanding reason is maintaining a strong intimate relationship by keeping in touch, sharing updates, emotions, feelings, knowing about children, and ensuring the safety of each other through checking on one another using a mobile phone. The findings have significance in showing the need for continued communication in a marital relationship, especially by using the fastest and most comfortable means of mobile phone. Given the synchronous nature of mobile phone communication, the results indicate that married spouses cannot do without it, especially in this Information Society, where we need updates from our spouses, children, friends, and the situation at large

    Signaling principles in interactive learning media through expert's walkthrough

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    This study analyzes the impact of signaling principles upon the effective use of interactive learning media. Normally, designers just design and develop learning media for use in schools without considering the way it eases users’ tasks. Bearing in mind that signaling users while they are learning through interactive learning media is important, this study incorporates signaling principles while designing it. Thus, this paper aims to discuss the appropriate signaling principles for learning media from experts’ perspective. The Iterative Triangulation Methodology was applied to achieve the aim. Altogether, activities were carried out in three phases: requirement analysis, design and development of the prototype, and expert evaluation using a walkthrough. Results revealed that although the prototype was designed by involving users, experts still discovered a number of flaws in the exercises as a result of not properly applying the signaling principles