292 research outputs found

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    Hvordan gik det så med fremtidens forskningsbibliotek?

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    På DFFU’s initiativ skrev en arbejdsgruppe i 2012 en rapport, der gennem ni scenarier spår forskningsbibliotekernes fremtid 10 år frem. Medlemmer af arbejdsgruppen gennemgår her, hvilke scenarier der ramte plet eller skød forbi – og pejler sig ind på bibliotekernes bæredygtige fremtid

    The driving test in an overall perspective : Paper for the 2nd NORBIT Scientific Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 11th-12th, 2008

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    The Driving Education in Norway is done at driving schools, and normally in a combination of driving at home together with parents or someone else. The assessment for the driving licence is done by examiners in Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Most of them are educated driving teachers, so they know much about the learning process. The Norwegian Public Authorities look at road safety as a national affair, and want to get a quality assurance of the driver trough the Driving test.The White paper from Stortinget, St.meld nr 46 (1999-2000) contains The National Transport Plan(2002-2011), which is the strong leading document about how we shall take care of the road safety in our country. It contains a Zero Vision of no road accidents with death or hardly damaged in the future. This document leaded to a great national lift by giving the driving education another structure and a new curriculum (2005). The driving teachers had to do great changes in the education, but there were no corresponding changes done in the Driving test. It is my opinion that there is too little accordance between goals and working methods in the education, and the working methods and tools for assessment which is used in the driving test today.The Directorate of Public Roa

    Mød den nye redaktør

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    REVY får ny redaktør fra næste nummer. Mød Rasmus Dalland

    Den hundredårige

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    På rundtur i de faglige netværk

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    De faglige netværk er vigtige for sparring, vidensdeling og udvikling i og på tværs af institutionerne. Men hvad laver de egentlig, og hvad får man ud af at være med? Vi har spurgt tre netværk

    KI og DM forhandler om fusionsaftale

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    Summit er en succes: - Vi gør det igen, bare ikke hvert år

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    Language and cognitive profiles of Norwegian 8-year-olds

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    The main aim of this study was to separate transient between language problems from problems caused by SLI and/or dyslexia among bilingual 8-year olds having Norwegian as their second language (L2). The sample in the study was 20 bilingual-3rd grade school children from a larger Norwegian city. We had a control group of 42 monolingual children, from a previous study. Assessment tools were based on both linguistic (L2) skills and neurocognitive factors, according to the three levels (symptomatic, cognitive and biological) of the differential diagnosis model by Morton and Frith. We hypothesized that bilingual children with language impairment can be identified by Morton and Frith’s differential diagnostic model. We thus aimed to explore whether the differential diagnosing model, can serve as a method in defining language impairment in bilingual children. We also wished to see if bilingual participants exhibit some cognitive advantages over their monolingual counterparts. We hypothesized that monolinguals will outperform bilinguals on language abilities, but no group differences were expected with respect to neurocognitive abilities. As predicted our findings showed poor bilingual performances in language tests compared to monolingual performances. The neurocognitive tests showed bilingual strengths in visual and auditory processing compared to the L1 group. Findings from our study clinically imply that the differential diagnostic model can be used to identify bilingual children at risk of having language impairment and/ or dyslexia, from children with between language problems.Hovedformålet med denne studien var å kunne skille mellom språkvansker som skyldes en forbigående mellomspråklig vanske, og vansker som skyldes SLI og /eller dysleksi hos tospråklige 8 -åringer med Norsk som andrespråk. Utvalget i studien var 20 tospråklige 3.-klassinger fra en større norsk by. Vi hadde en kontrollgruppe på 42 enspråklige barn, fra en tidligere studie. Testbatteriet var basert på både språklige (L2) ferdigheter og nevrokognitive faktorer, i henhold til de tre nivåene (symptomatisk, kognitivt og biologisk) hentet fra den differensialdiagnostiske modellen til Morton og Frith. Vår hypotese var at tospråklige barn med språkvansker kan identifiseres av Morton og Frith sin modell for differensialdiagnostisering. Vi ønsket også å se om tospråklige barn har noen nevrokognitive fordeler i forhold til den enspråklige gruppen. Vår hypotese var at enspråklige vil ha bedre resultat på de språklige testene i forhold til L2-gruppen, men det var ikke forventet noen forskjeller på gruppene med hensyn til nevrokognitive evner. Som ventet, viste funnene dårligere resultat på språktestene for L2 -gruppen i forhold til den enspråklige gruppen. De kognitive testene viste at de tospråklige hadde bedre resultat på de testene som omhandlet visuelle og auditive evner sammenlignet med L1-gruppen. Resultatene fra studien viser at det er mulig å bruke den differensialdiagnostiske modellen til å identifisere tospråklige barn som er i risikosone for å ha språkvansker og/eller dysleksi og å skille mellom dem og de som har en mellomspråklig vanske.Masteroppgave i logopediLOGO345MAPS-LOG0

    Predictors of perceived road collision/incident risk among horse users : A survey study from Norway

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    Although horse users in traffic are a vulnerable road user group, traffic safety problems among them are scantly examined by previous research. The main aim of the present study was to examine the role of some demographic variables, traffic safety attitudes, and level of knowledge about rules and regulations applying to horse use in traffic for predicting perceived road collision/incident risk in a sample of horse users in Norway. An online survey was conducted to collect data from a total of 1733 horse users including horse riders and drivers of horse-drawn sulky, wagon or sled. The respondents accessed the survey via a link put to the website of the Norwegian Horse Centre, which is in contact with many different horse user environments in Norway. The majority of the respondents were female and between the ages of 18–30. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the predictors of the perceived collision/incident risk involving other motor vehicles. Results showed that traffic safety attitudes among horse users were the strongest predictor of the perceived collision/incident risk. In particular, horse users reported a negative attitude towards the other road users (e.g. drivers) indicating that they perceive the other road users’ actions and approaches as the biggest source of risk in road traffic. The level of knowledge about the rules and regulations applying to horse use, especially in walking and cycling lane, was relatively low among the respondents. However, knowledge about rules and regulations did not appear as a strong predictor of the perceived collision/incident risk. Results indicate the need to increase road users, especially drivers’, awareness about the problems and needs of horse users in traffic.publishedVersionUnit Licence Agreemen