380 research outputs found

    The First Billion Years project: gamma-ray bursts at z>5

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    Long gamma-ray burst's (LGRB's) association to the death of massive stars suggest they could be used to probe the cosmic star formation history (CSFH) with high accuracy, due to their high luminosities. We utilise cosmological simulations from the First Billion Years project to investigate the biases between the CSFH and the LGRB rate at z>5, assuming various different models and constraints on the progenitors of LGRBs. We populate LGRBs using a selection based on environmental properties and demonstrate that the LGRB rate should trace the CSFH to high redshifts. The measured LGRB rate suggests that LGRBs have opening angles of theta_jet=0.1 deg, although the degeneracy with the progenitor model cannot rule out an underlying bias. We demonstrate that proxies that relate the LGRB rate with global LGRB host properties do not reflect the underlying LGRB environment, and are in fact a result of the host galaxy's spatial properties, such that LGRBs can exist in galaxies of solar metallicity. However, we find a class of host galaxies that have low stellar mass and are metal-rich, and that their metallicity dispersions would not allow low-metallicity environments. Detection of hosts with this set of properties would directly reflect the progenitor's environment. We predict that 10% of LGRBs per year are associated with this set of galaxies that would have forbidden line emission that could be detected by instruments on the James Webb Space Telescope. Such a discovery would place strong constraints on the collapsar model and suggest other avenues to be investigated.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Deep spectroscopy in nearby galaxy clusters: III Orbital structure of galaxies in Abell 85

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    Galaxies in clusters are strongly affected by their environment. They evolve according to several physical mechanisms that are active in clusters. Their efficiency can strongly depend on the orbital configuration of the galaxies. Our aim is to analyse the orbits of the galaxies in the cluster Abell 85, based on the study of the galaxy velocity anisotropy parameter. We have solved the Jeans equation under the assumption that the galaxies in A85 are collisionless objects, within the spherically symmetric gravitational potential of the virialized cluster. The mass of the cluster was estimated with X-ray and caustic analyses. We find that the anisotropy profile of the full galaxy population in A85 is an increasing monotonic function of the distance from the cluster centre: on average, galaxies in the central region (r/r200 < 0.3) are on isotropic orbits, while galaxies in the outer regions are on radial orbits. We also find that the orbital properties of the galaxies strongly depend on their stellar colour. In particular, blue galaxies are on less radial orbits than red galaxies. The different families of cluster galaxies considered here have the pseudo phase-space density profiles Q(r) and Qr(r) consistent with the profiles expected in virialized dark matter halos in NN-body simulations. This result suggests that the galaxies in A85 have reached dynamical equilibrium within the cluster potential. Our results indicate that the origin of the blue and red colour of the different galaxy populations is the different orbital shape rather than the accretion time.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication at MNRA

    The impact of baryonic processes on the two-point correlation functions of galaxies, subhaloes and matter

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    The observed clustering of galaxies and the cross-correlation of galaxies and mass provide important constraints on both cosmology and models of galaxy formation. Even though the dissipation and feedback processes associated with galaxy formation are thought to affect the distribution of matter, essentially all models used to predict clustering data are based on collisionless simulations. Here, we use large hydrodynamical simulations to investigate how galaxy formation affects the autocorrelation functions of galaxies and subhaloes, as well as their cross-correlation with matter. We show that the changes due to the inclusion of baryons are not limited to small scales and are even present in samples selected by subhalo mass. Samples selected by subhalo mass cluster ~10% more strongly in a baryonic run on scales r > 1Mpc/h, and this difference increases for smaller separations. While the inclusion of baryons boosts the clustering at fixed subhalo mass on all scales, the sign of the effect on the cross-correlation of subhaloes with matter can vary with radius. We show that the large-scale effects are due to the change in subhalo mass caused by the strong feedback associated with galaxy formation and may therefore not affect samples selected by number density. However, on scales r < r_vir significant differences remain after accounting for the change in subhalo mass. We conclude that predictions for galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-mass clustering from models based on collisionless simulations will have errors greater than 10% on sub-Mpc scales, unless the simulation results are modified to correctly account for the effects of baryons on the distributions of mass and satellites.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Replaced to match the version accepted by MNRA

    The impact of different physical processes on the statistics of Lyman-limit and damped Lyman α absorbers

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    We compute the z = 3 neutral hydrogen column density distribution function f(NHI) for 19 simulations drawn from the Overwhelmingly Large Simulations project using a post-processing correction for self-shielding calculated with full radiative transfer of the ionizing background radiation. We investigate how different physical processes and parameters affect the abundance of Lyman-limit systems (LLSs) and damped Lyman α absorbers including: (i) metal-line cooling; (ii) the efficiency of feedback from supernovae and active galactic nuclei; (iii) the effective equation of state for the interstellar medium; (iv) cosmological parameters; (v) the assumed star formation law and (vi) the timing of hydrogen reionization. We find that the normalization and slope, D=dlog10f/dlog10NHI, of f(NHI) in the LLS regime are robust to changes in these physical processes. Among physically plausible models, f(NHI) varies by less than 0.2 dex and D varies by less than 0.18 for LLSs. This is primarily due to the fact that these uncertain physical processes mostly affect star-forming gas which contributes less than 10 per cent to f(NHI) in the LLS column density range. At higher column densities, variations in f(NHI) become larger (approximately 0.5 dex at f(NHI) = 1022 cm-2 and 1.0 dex at f(NHI) = 1022 cm-2) and molecular hydrogen formation also becomes important. Many of these changes can be explained in the context of self-regulated star formation in which the amount of star-forming gas in a galaxy will adjust such that outflows driven by feedback balance inflows due to accretion. Tools to reproduce all figures in this work can be found at the following url: https://bitbucket.org/galtay/hi-cddf-owls-

    A measurement of galaxy halo mass from the surrounding H i Lyα absorption

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    We measure the dark matter halo masses of 〈z〉 ≈ 2.36 UV colour-selected star-forming galaxies by matching the observed median H I Lyα absorption around them, as observed in the spectra of background QSOs, to the absorption around haloes above a given mass in cosmological simulations. Focusing on transverse separations 0–2 proper Mpc (pMpc) and line-of-sight separations 154–616 km s^(−1), we find a minimum halo mass of log_(10)M_(min)/M⊙ = 11.6 ± 0.2, which is in good agreement with published halo mass estimates from clustering analyses. We verified that the measured halo mass is insensitive to a change in the cosmological parameters (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 1 versus Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 3) and to the inclusion of strong AGN feedback. One unique strength of this method is that it can be used in narrow field galaxy–QSO surveys, i.e. ≈30 × 30 arcsec. In addition, we find that the observed anisotropy in the 2D H I Lyα absorption distribution on scales of 1.5–2 pMpc is consistent with being a consequence of large-scale gas infall into the potential wells occupied by galaxies

    The luminosity of cluster galaxies in the Cluster-EAGLE simulations

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    Computational astrophysic

    The response of Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1 to U(VI) exposure: a transcriptomic study

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    Desulfotomaculum reducens is the first Gram-positive sulfate- and metal-reducing bacterium for which the transcriptomic response to uranium exposure has been evaluated. The genes upregulated during fermentative growth in the presence of U(VI) as compared to its absence included those encoding for proteins involved in respiration such as NADH quinone oxidoreductase and heterodisulfide reductase. This finding suggested that electrons were shuttled to the electron transport chain during fermentation and points to the reduction of U(VI) as a metabolic process. Although U(IV) is typically insoluble and readily removable by filtration, U(IV) produced during active growth was not retained by a 0.2 mu m pore size filter and filtration was not sufficient to differentiate between U(VI) and U(IV). In addition, genes involved in iron homeostasis were upregulated in the presence of uranium, which was consistent with the upregulation of genes involved in c-type cytochrome biogenesis. Despite the upregulation of cytochrome biosynthesis genes, the sole c-type cytochrome encoded in the genome was not differentially expressed. Finally, genes encoding metal efflux pumps were also upregulated indicating the toxic nature of uranium. Analysis of the time-dependent gene expression showed that sporulation was the dominant process at the early stationary phase and that the presence of U at that stage did not impact expression

    Physical properties of simulated galaxy populations at z = 2 - I. Effect of metal-line cooling and feedback from star formation and AGN

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    We use hydrodynamical simulations from the OverWhelmingly Large Simulations (OWLS) project to investigate the dependence of the physical properties of galaxy populations at redshift 2 on metal-line cooling and feedback from star formation and active galactic nuclei (AGN). We find that if the sub-grid feedback from star formation is implemented kinetically, the feedback is only efficient if the initial wind velocity exceeds a critical value. This critical velocity increases with galaxy mass and also if metal-line cooling is included. This suggests that radiative losses quench the winds if their initial velocity is too low. If the feedback is efficient, then the star formation rate is inversely proportional to the amount of energy injected per unit stellar mass formed (which is proportional to the initial mass loading for a fixed wind velocity). This can be understood if the star formation is self-regulating, i.e. if the star formation rate (and thus the gas fraction) increases until the outflow rate balances the inflow rate. Feedback from AGN is efficient at high masses, while increasing the initial wind velocity with gas pressure or halo mass allows one to generate galaxy-wide outflows at all masses. Matching the observed galaxy mass function requires efficient feedback. In particular, the predicted faint-end slope is too steep unless we resort to highly mass loaded winds for low-mass objects. Such efficient feedback from low-mass galaxies (M* ≪ 1010 M⊙) also reduces the discrepancy with the observed specific star formation rates, which are higher than predicted unless the feedback transitions from highly efficient to inefficient just below M* ∼ 5 × 109 M⊙

    Cosmological simulations of the formation of the stellar haloes around disc galaxies

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    We use the Galaxies-Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation (gimic) suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations to study the formation of stellar spheroids of Milky Way mass disc galaxies. The simulations contain accurate treatments of metal-dependent radiative cooling, star formation, supernova feedback and chemodynamics, and the large volumes that have been simulated yield an unprecedentedly large sample of ≈400 simulated ∼L* disc galaxies. The simulated galaxies are surrounded by low-mass, low surface brightness stellar haloes that extend out to ∼100 kpc and beyond. The diffuse stellar distributions bear a remarkable resemblance to those observed around the Milky Way, M31 and other nearby galaxies, in terms of mass density, surface brightness and metallicity profiles. We show that in situ star formation typically dominates the stellar spheroids by mass at radii of r≲ 30 kpc, whereas accretion of stars dominates at larger radii and this change in origin induces a change in the slope of the surface brightness and metallicity profiles, which is also present in the observational data. The system-to-system scatter in the in situ mass fractions of the spheroid, however, is large and spans over a factor of 4. Consequently, there is a large degree of scatter in the shape and normalization of the spheroid density profile within r≲ 30 kpc (e.g. when fitted by a spherical power-law profile, the indices range from −2.6 to −3.4). We show that the in situ mass fraction of the spheroid is linked to the formation epoch of the system. Dynamically, older systems have, on average, larger contributions from in situ star formation, although there is significant system-to-system scatter in this relationship. Thus, in situ star formation likely represents the solution to the long-standing failure of pure accretion-based models to reproduce the observed properties of the inner spheroid
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