201 research outputs found

    Telemedicine in Pregnancy Complicated by Diabetes

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    none3nononeAnnunziata Lapolla;Nino Cristiano Chilelli ;Maria Grazia DalfràLapolla, Annunziata; Chilelli, NINO CRISTIANO; Maria Grazia, Dalfr

    Performance of early pregnancy HbA1c for predicting gestational diabetes mellitus and adverse pregnancy outcomes in obese European women

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    Aims: To investigate the performance of early pregnancy HbA1c for predicting gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and adverse pregnancy outcomes in obese women. Methods: Post hoc analysis using data from the Vitamin D And Lifestyle Intervention for GDM prevention trials conducted across 9 European countries (2012–2014). Pregnant women (BMI ≥ 29 kg/m2) underwent a baseline HbA1c and oral glucose tolerance tests at \u3c 20 weeks, 24–28 weeks, and 35–37 weeks. Women with GDM were referred for treatment. Results: Among the 869 women tested, the prevalence of GDM was 25.9% before 20 weeks, with a further 8.6% at 24–28 weeks. The areas under the curves for HbA1c at the two time points were 0.55 (0.50–0.59) and 0.54 (0.47–0.61), respectively. An early HbA1c ≥ 5.7% (39 mmol/mol) (N = 111) showed low sensitivity (18.2%) with 89.1% specificity for GDM before 20 weeks, at 24–28 weeks (sensitivity of 8.0% and specificity of 88.6% after excluding early GDM), and throughout gestation (sensitivity of 15.9% and specificity of 89.4%). The ≥ 5.7% (39 mmol/mol) threshold was significantly associated with concurrent GDM before 20 weeks (adjusted OR (aOR) 2.77(1.39–5.51)) and throughout gestation (aOR 1.72 (1.02–2.89)), but not adverse pregnancy outcomes. Conclusions: Early pregnancy HbA1c is of limited use for predicting either GDM or adverse outcomes in overweight/obese European women

    Beliefs, barriers and preferences of European overweight women to adopt a healthier lifestyle in pregnancy to minimize risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus: an explorative study

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    Introduction: Overweight and obese women are at high risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Lifestyle programs might help curb the GDM risk. We explored beliefs, perceived barriers and preferences regarding lifestyle changes among overweight European pregnant women to help inform the development of future high quality lifestyle interventions. Methods: An explorative mixed methods, two-staged study was conducted to gather information from pregnant European women (BMI≥25kg/m2). In three European countries (Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom) interviews were conducted, followed by questionnaires in six other European countries (Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain). Content analysis, descriptive and chi square statistics were applied (p<0.05). Results: Women preferred to obtain detailed information about their personal risk. The health of their baby was major motivating factor. Perceived barriers for physical activity included pregnancy-specific issues such as tiredness and experiencing physical complaints. Insufficient time was a barrier more frequently reported by women with children. Abstaining from snacking was identified as a challenge for the majority of women, especially for those without children. Women preferred to obtain support from their partner, as well as health professionals and valued flexible lifestyle programs. Conclusions: Healthcare professionals need to inform overweight pregnant women about their personal risk, discuss lifestyle modification and assist in weight management. Lifestyle programs should be tailored to the individual, taking into account barriers experienced by overweight first-time mothers and multipara women

    The Weak Relationship between Vitamin D Compounds and Glucose Homeostasis Measures in Pregnant Women with Obesity : An Exploratory Sub-Analysis of the DALI Study

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    Altres ajuts: Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw, 200310013); Polish Ministry of Science (2203/7, PR/2011/2); Odense University Free Research Fund; NIHR Clinical Research Network: Eastern; In Spain (CAIBER 1527-B-226); Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) XI Grant for clinical research projects in diabetes.Studies on the relationship between vitamin D (VitD) and glucose homeostasis usually consider either total VitD or 25OHD3 but not 25OHD2 and epimers. We aimed to evaluate the cross-sectional association of VitD compounds with glucose homeostasis measurements in pregnant women with overweight/obesity participating in the Vitamin D And Lifestyle Intervention for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Prevention study. Methods: The analysis included 912 women. Inclusion criteria: <20 weeks gestation, body mass index ≥29 kg/m and information on exposure and outcome variables at baseline. Measurements: A 75 g OGTT at <20, 24-28 and 35-37 weeks gestation (except if previous diabetes diagnosis). Exposure variables: 25OHD2, 25OHD3 and C3-epimer. Outcome variables: fasting and post-challenge insulin sensitivity and secretion indices, corresponding disposition indices (DI), plasma glucose at fasting and 1 and 2 h, hyperglycemia in pregnancy (HiP). Statistics: Multivariate regression analyses with adjustment. Results: Baseline VitD sufficiency was 66.3%. Overall, VitD compounds did not show strong associations with any glucose homeostasis measures. 25OHD3 showed direct significant associations with: FPG at <20 and 24-28 weeks (standardized β coefficient (β) 0.124, p = 0.030 and 0.111, p = 0.026 respectively), 2 h plasma glucose at 24-28 weeks (β 0.120, p = 0.018), and insulin sensitivity (1/HOMA-IR, β 0.127, p = 0.027) at 35-37 weeks; it showed an inverse association with fasting DI (QUCKI*HOMA-β) at <20 and 24-28 weeks (β −0.124, p = 0.045 and β −0.148, p = 0.004 respectively). 25OHD2 showed direct associations with post-challenge insulin sensitivity (Matsuda, β 0.149, p = 0.048) at 24-28 weeks) and post-challenge DI (Matsuda*Stumvoll phase 1) at 24-28 and 35-37 weeks (β 0.168, p = 0.030, β 0.239, p = 0.006). No significant association with C3-epimer was observed at any time period. Conclusions: In these women with average baseline VitD in sufficiency range, VitD compounds did not show clear beneficial associations with glucose homeostasis measures

    The importance of maternal insulin resistance throughout pregnancy on neonatal adiposity

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    Background: Although previous studies evaluated the association of maternal health parameters with neonatal adiposity, little is known regarding the complexity of the relationships among different maternal health parameters throughout pregnancy and its impact on neonatal adiposity. Objectives: To evaluate the direct and indirect associations between maternal insulin resistance during pregnancy, in women with obesity, and neonatal adiposity. In addition, associations between maternal fasting glucose, triglycerides (TG), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), and neonatal adiposity were also assessed. Methods: This is a longitudinal, secondary analysis of the DALI study, an international project conducted in nine European countries with pregnant women with obesity. Maternal insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), fasting glucose, TG, and NEFA were measured three times during pregnancy (<20, 24-28, and 35-37 weeks of gestation). Offspring neonatal adiposity was estimated by the sum of four skinfolds. Structural equation modelling was conducted to evaluate the direct and indirect relationships among the variables of interest. Results: Data on 657 mother-infant pairs (50.7% boys) were analysed. Neonatal boys exhibited lower mean sum of skinfolds compared to girls (20.3 mm, 95% CI 19.7, 21.0 vs 21.5 mm, 95% CI 20.8, 22.2). In boys, maternal HOMA-IR at <20 weeks was directly associated with neonatal adiposity (β = 0.35 mm, 95% CI 0.01, 0.70). In girls, maternal HOMA-IR at 24-28 weeks was only indirectly associated with neonatal adiposity, which implies that this association was mediated via maternal HOMA-IR, glucose, triglycerides, and NEFA during pregnancy (β = 0.26 mm, 95% CI 0.08, 0.44). Conclusions: The timing of the role of maternal insulin resistance on neonatal adiposity depends on fetal sex. Although the association was time-dependent, maternal insulin resistance was associated with neonatal adiposity in both sexes

    The Predictive Value of miR-16, -29a and -134 for Early Identification of Gestational Diabetes:A Nested Analysis of the DALI Cohort

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    Early identification of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) aims to reduce the risk of adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. Currently, no circulating biomarker has proven clinically useful for accurate prediction of GDM. In this study, we tested if a panel of small non-coding circulating RNAs could improve early prediction of GDM. We performed a nested case-control study of participants from the European multicenter 'Vitamin D and lifestyle intervention for GDM prevention (DALI)' trial using serum samples from obese pregnant women (BMI 65 29 kg/m2) entailing 82 GDM cases (early- and late- GDM), and 41 age- and BMI-matched women with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) throughout pregnancy (controls). Anthropometric, clinical and biochemical characteristics were obtained at baseline (<20 weeks of gestation) and throughout gestation. Baseline serum microRNAs (miRNAs) were measured using quantitative real time PCR (qPCR). Elevated miR-16-5p, -29a-3p, and -134-5p levels were observed in women, who were NGT at baseline and later developed GDM, compared with controls who remained NGT. A combination of the three miRNAs could distinguish later GDM from NGT cases (AUC 0.717, p = 0.001, compared with fasting plasma glucose (AUC 0.687, p = 0.004)) as evaluated by area under the curves (AUCs) using Receiver Operator Characteristics (ROC) analysis. Elevated levels of individual miRNAs or a combination hereof were associated with higher odds ratios of GDM. Conclusively, circulating miRNAs early in pregnancy could serve as valuable predictive biomarkers of GDM

    Traumapotilaan golden hour Kainuun ensihoidossa : Tutkimus traumapotilaan golden hour:n toteutumisesta sekä siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä Kainuun ensihoidossa

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla Kainuun ensihoidon laatua traumapotilaiden hoidossa. Opinnäytetyömme on tehty yhteistyössä Kainuun sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon kuntayhtymän ensihoidon kanssa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli hyödyntää tutkimusta Kainuun ensihoidossa traumapotilaiden hoidon kehittämisessä. Tutkimuksemme on toteutettu kvantitatiivisena ja retrospektiivisena tutkimuksena. Aineiston keräämiseen käytimme valmista tiedonkeruupohjaa, johon keräsimme 391 ensihoitotehtävän tiedot. Analysoimme tutkimuksen tulokset Excel- ja SPSS-ohjelmilla. Tutkimuksen perusteella 50 % (N= 196) traumapotilaista pääsi kultaisen tunnin aikana lopulliseen hoitopaikkaan. Keskimäärin ensihoitajilla kului kohteessa 21 minuuttia, joka on yli suositellun 10 minuutin. Tutkimuksen mukaan 15 %:lla (N= 58) ensihoitotehtävistä kuljetus päästiin aloittamaan 10 minuutin sisällä. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että mitä enemmän kohteessa tehtiin hoitotoimenpiteitä, sitä pidempi kohteessa oloaika oli. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että ensihoitotehtävien kokonaisajasta suurin osa kului matkalla potilaan luokse ja potilaan kuljettamiseen hoitolaitokseen. Tämä selittyy Kainuun alueen pitkillä välimatkoilla. Ensihoitotehtävien kokonaisaika kasvoi huomattavasti, mikäli potilas jatkokuljetettiin Kainuun keskussairaalasta yliopistolliseen sairaalaan Ouluun. Ensihoitotehtävillä, joissa potilas jatkokuljetettiin, aikaa kului merkittävästi keskussairaalassa potilaan tilan stabilointiin ennen jat-kokuljetuksen aloittamista. Tutkimme myös vaikuttaako ensihoitotehtävien kokonaisaikaan eri viranomaisjohtajuudet. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että poliisijohtoisilla ensihoitotehtävillä kohteessa oloaika oli keskimäärin kaikista lyhyin. Opinnäytetyötämme voidaan hyödyntää ensihoidon laadun kehittämiseksi Kainuun ensihoidossa sekä henkilöstön ammattitaidon ylläpitämiseksi. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan käyttää simulaatiokoulutuksen suunnittelun tukena, jolloin tunnistetaan mahdolliset kehittämishaasteet ensihoitajien toiminnassa. Traumapotilaiden lopullinen hoito tapahtuu aina sairaalassa, jossa on mahdollista saada mm. leikkaushoitoa. Jotta traumapotilas saa parasta mahdollista hoitoa, tulee ensihoidossa pyrkiä mahdollisimman nopeaan kuljetukseen, jolla pyritään turvaamaan traumapotilaan nopea sairaalahoitoon pääsy.Purpose of this study was to describe the quality of emergency care in Kainuu in trauma patients care. Our thesis is made in co-operation with emergency care centre of Kainuu. Objective of the study was to exploit research in developing of care for trauma patients in emergency care of Kainuu. Our study is implemented as a quantitative and retrospective research. For collecting the material, we used ready data collection sheet which we gathered the information of 391 alarms. We analyzed the result of the research by using Excel- and SPSS-programs. Based on the study 50% (N= 196) of trauma patients were transported in the final sequel care facility during the golden hour. Paramedics spent approximately 21 minutes on scene which is over than the recommended 10 minutes. According to the study in 15% (N= 58) of the alarms transportation was achieved to start within 10 minutes. The study showed that the on-scene time was the longer the more procedures were accomplished in the destination. The study also showed that most of the time on the alarms were spent by travelling to the patient and transporting the patient to care facility. This is explained by the long distances of the area of Kainuu. The total time of alarms was highly increased if the patient was sequel transported from central Hospital of Kainuu to University Hospital in Oulu. In alarms which the patient was sequel transported, significant amount of time was spent in central Hospital stabilizing the patient before continuing the transport. We also investigated if authority leaderships affect to the total time spent on alarms. The study lightened out that in those alarms which was lead by police, the on-scene time was averagely shortest. Our thesis can be utilized in developing the quality of emergency care in Kainuu and maintaining the professionality of personnel. Results of the study can be used as a support of simulation education which allows to identify the possible developing challenges in the action of paramedics. The final care of trauma patients always occurs at hospital where multiple procedures are availa-ble. To guarantee that the patient receives best care, must emergency care always strive to quick transportation which secures that patients gets quickly the care they need