692 research outputs found

    Radiobiologically derived biphasic fractionation schemes to overcome the effects of tumour hypoxia

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    OBJECTIVE: As a fractionated course of radiotherapy proceeds tumour shrinkage leads to resolution of hypoxia and the initiation of accelerated proliferation of radioresistant cancer cells with better repair capacity. We hypothesise that, in tumours with significant hypoxia, improved tumour control could be achieved with biphasic fractionation schedules that either use acceleration after 3–4 weeks of conventional radiotherapy or deliver a higher proportional dose towards the end of a course of treatment. We conducted a modelling study based on the concept of biological effective dose (BED) comparing such novel regimens with conventional fractionation. METHODS: The comparator conventional fractionation schedule 70 Gy in 35 fractions delivered over 7 weeks was tested against the following novel regimens, both of which were designed to be isoeffective in terms of late normal tissue toxicity. 40 Gy in 20 fractions over 4 weeks followed by 22.32 Gy in 6 consecutive daily fractions (delayed acceleration) 30.4 Gy in 27 fractions over 4 weeks followed by 40 Gy in 15 fractions over 3 weeks (temporal dose redistribution) The delayed acceleration regimen is exactly identical to that of the comparator schedule over the first 28 days and the BED gains with the novel schedule are achieved during the second phase of treatment when reoxygenation is complete. For the temporal redistribution regimen, it was assumed that the reoxygenation fraction progressively increases during the first 4 weeks of treatment and an iterative approach was used to calculate the final tumour BED for varying hypoxic fractions. RESULTS: Novel fractionation with delayed acceleration or temporal fractionation results in tumour BED gains equivalent to 3.5–8 Gy when delivered in 2 Gy fractions. CONCLUSION: In hypoxic tumours, novel fractionation strategies result in significantly higher tumour BED in comparison to conventional fractionation. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE: We demonstrate that novel biphasic fractionation regimens could overcome the effects of tumour hypoxia resulting in biological dose escalation

    Fractionated 131I anti-CEA radioimmunotherapy: effects on xenograft tumour growth and haematological toxicity in mice

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    Dose fractionation has been proposed as a method to improve the therapeutic ratio of radioimmunotherapy (RIT). This study compared a single administration of 7.4 MBq 131I-anti-CEA antibody given on day 1 with the same total activity given as fractionated treatment: 3.7 MBq (days 1 and 3), 2.4 MBq (days 1, 3, and 5) or 1.8 MBq (days 1, 3, 5, and 8). Studies in nude mice, bearing the human colorectal xenograft LS174T, showed that increasing the fractionation significantly reduced the efficacy of therapy. Fractionation was associated with a decrease in systemic toxicity as assessed by weight, but did not lead to any significant decrease in acute haematological toxicity. Similarly, no significant decrease in marrow toxicity, as assessed by colony-forming unit assays for granulocytes and macrophages (CFUgm), was seen. However, there was a significant depression of CFUgm counts when all treated animals were compared with untreated controls, suggesting that treatment did suppress marrow function. In conclusion, in this tumour model system, fractionated RIT causes less systemic toxicity, but is also less effective at treating tumours

    No contribution of GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes to the risk of neutropenia due to benzene exposure in Southeastern Brazil

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    Exposure to benzene has been associated with haematological diseases such as neutropenia (NEB) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). We tested whether the null genotypes of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes, involved in benzene inactivation, altered the risk for NEB in southeastern Brazil. Genomic DNA from 55 NEB patients and 330 controls was analysed by multiplex-polymerase chain reaction. The frequency of the GSTM1, GSTT1 and combined null genotypes was similar in patients and controls (GSTM1, 27.3% vs. 38.8%, p = 0.16; GSTT1, 25.5% vs. 19.7%, p = 0.24; GSTM1/GSTT1, 12.7% vs. 6.7%, p = 0.26; respectively). The distribution of genotype classes in NEB patients was similar to normal controls, suggesting that GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes make no specific contribution to the risk of NEB. As the GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes were previously associated with increased risk for AML in Brazil and elsewhere, we hypothesise that different thresholds of chemical exposure relative to distinct GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes may determine whether AML or NEB manifests in benzene exposed individuals from southeastern Brazil. Although indicative, our results still require support by prospective and large scale epidemiological studies, with rigorous assessment of daily chemical exposures and control of the possible contribution of other polymorphic genes involved in benzene metabolism

    Biological-effective versus conventional dose volume histograms correlated with late genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicity after external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a matched pair analysis

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    BACKGROUND: To determine whether the dose-volume histograms (DVH's) for the rectum and bladder constructed using biological-effective dose (BED-DVH's) better correlate with late gastrointestinal (GI) and genitourinary (GU) toxicity after treatment with external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer than conventional DVH's (C-DVH's). METHODS: The charts of 190 patients treated with external beam radiotherapy with a minimum follow-up of 2 years were reviewed. Six patients (3.2%) were found to have RTOG grade 3 GI toxicity, and similarly 6 patients (3.2%) were found to have RTOG grade 3 GU toxicity. Average late C-DVH's and BED-DVH's of the bladder and rectum were computed for these patients as well as for matched-pair control patients. For each matched pair the following measures of normalized difference in the DVH's were computed: (a) δ(AUC )= (Area Under Curve [AUC] in grade 3 patient – AUC in grade 0 patient)/(AUC in grade 0 patient) and (b) δ(V60 )= (Percent volume receiving = 60 Gy [V60] in grade 3 patient – V60 in grade 0 patient)/(V60 in grade 0 patient). RESULTS: As expected, the grade 3 curve is to the right of and above the grade 0 curve for all four sets of average DVH's – suggesting that both the C-DVH and the BED-DVH can be used for predicting late toxicity. δ(AUC )was higher for the BED-DVH's than for the C-DVH's – 0.27 vs 0.23 (p = 0.036) for the rectum and 0.24 vs 0.20 (p = 0.065) for the bladder. δ(V60 )was also higher for the BED-DVH's than for the C-DVH's – 2.73 vs 1.49 for the rectum (p = 0.021) and 1.64 vs 0.71 (p = 0.021) for the bladder. CONCLUSIONS: When considering well-established dosimetric endpoints used in evaluating treatment plans, BED-DVH's for the rectum and bladder correlate better with late toxicity than C-DVH's and should be considered when attempting to minimize late GI and GU toxicity after external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer

    Relationship between Expression of the Family of M Proteins and Lipoteichoic Acid to Hydrophobicity and Biofilm Formation in Streptococcus pyogenes

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    Background: Hydrophobicity is an important attribute of bacteria that contributes to adhesion and biofilm formation. Hydrophobicity of Streptococcus pyogenes is primarily due to lipoteichoic acid (LTA) on the streptococcal surface but the mechanism(s) whereby LTA is retained on the surface is poorly understood. In this study, we sought to determine whether members of the M protein family consisting of Emm (M protein), Mrp (M-related protein), Enn (an M-like protein), and the streptococcal protective antigen (Spa) are involved in anchoring LTA in a manner that contributes to hydrophobicity of the streptococci and its ability to form biofilms. Methodology/Principal Findings: Isogenic mutants defective in expression of emm, mrp, enn, and/or spa genes of eight different serotypes and their parental strains were tested for differences in LTA bound to surface proteins, LTA released into the culture media, and membrane-bound LTA. The effect of these mutations on the ability of streptococci to form a hydrophobic surface and to generate biofilms was also investigated. A recombinant strain overexpressing Emm1 was also engineered and similarly tested. The serotypes tested ranged from those that express only a single M protein gene to those that express two or three members of the M protein family. Overexpression of Emm1 led to enhanced hydrophobicity an

    The Establishment of Genetically Engineered Canola Populations in the U.S.

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    Concerns regarding the commercial release of genetically engineered (GE) crops include naturalization, introgression to sexually compatible relatives and the transfer of beneficial traits to native and weedy species through hybridization. To date there have been few documented reports of escape leading some researchers to question the environmental risks of biotech products. In this study we conducted a systematic roadside survey of canola (Brassica napus) populations growing outside of cultivation in North Dakota, USA, the dominant canola growing region in the U.S. We document the presence of two escaped, transgenic genotypes, as well as non-GE canola, and provide evidence of novel combinations of transgenic forms in the wild. Our results demonstrate that feral populations are large and widespread. Moreover, flowering times of escaped populations, as well as the fertile condition of the majority of collections suggest that these populations are established and persistent outside of cultivation

    PHANGS-JWST first results: rapid evolution of star formation in the central molecular gas ring of NGC 1365

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    Large-scale bars can fuel galaxy centers with molecular gas, often leading to the development of dense ringlike structures where intense star formation occurs, forming a very different environment compared to galactic disks. We pair ∼0farcs3 (30 pc) resolution new JWST/MIRI imaging with archival ALMA CO(2–1) mapping of the central ∼5 kpc of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365 to investigate the physical mechanisms responsible for this extreme star formation. The molecular gas morphology is resolved into two well-known bright bar lanes that surround a smooth dynamically cold gas disk (Rgal ∼ 475 pc) reminiscent of non-star-forming disks in early-type galaxies and likely fed by gas inflow triggered by stellar feedback in the lanes. The lanes host a large number of JWST-identified massive young star clusters. We find some evidence for temporal star formation evolution along the ring. The complex kinematics in the gas lanes reveal strong streaming motions and may be consistent with convergence of gas streamlines expected there. Indeed, the extreme line widths are found to be the result of inter-"cloud" motion between gas peaks; ScousePy decomposition reveals multiple components with line widths of 〈σCO,scouse〉 ≈ 19 km s−1 and surface densities of [OMISSIS], similar to the properties observed throughout the rest of the central molecular gas structure. Tailored hydrodynamical simulations exhibit many of the observed properties and imply that the observed structures are transient and highly time-variable. From our study of NGC 1365, we conclude that it is predominantly the high gas inflow triggered by the bar that is setting the star formation in its CMZ

    Re-Infection Outcomes following One- and Two-Stage Surgical Revision of Infected Hip Prosthesis:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The two-stage revision strategy has been claimed as being the "gold standard" for treating prosthetic joint infection. The one-stage revision strategy remains an attractive alternative option; however, its effectiveness in comparison to the two-stage strategy remains uncertain.To compare the effectiveness of one- and two-stage revision strategies in treating prosthetic hip infection, using re-infection as an outcome.Systematic review and meta-analysis.MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, manual search of bibliographies to March 2015, and email contact with investigators.Cohort studies (prospective or retrospective) conducted in generally unselected patients with prosthetic hip infection treated exclusively by one- or two-stage revision and with re-infection outcomes reported within two years of revision. No clinical trials were identified.Data were extracted by two independent investigators and a consensus was reached with involvement of a third. Rates of re-infection from 38 one-stage studies (2,536 participants) and 60 two-stage studies (3,288 participants) were aggregated using random-effect models after arcsine transformation, and were grouped by study and population level characteristics.In one-stage studies, the rate (95% confidence intervals) of re-infection was 8.2% (6.0-10.8). The corresponding re-infection rate after two-stage revision was 7.9% (6.2-9.7). Re-infection rates remained generally similar when grouped by several study and population level characteristics. There was no strong evidence of publication bias among contributing studies.Evidence from aggregate published data suggest similar re-infection rates after one- or two-stage revision among unselected patients. More detailed analyses under a broader range of circumstances and exploration of other sources of heterogeneity will require collaborative pooling of individual participant data.PROSPERO 2015: CRD42015016559

    Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix with radiation therapy alone: long-term survival, late complications, and incidence of second cancers

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    The objective of this retrospective study was to determine the survival rate, incidence of late complications, and incidence of second cancers when radiation therapy alone is used for carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Between 1971 and 1995, 1495 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix (stages I–IV) were treated with radiation therapy alone in our hospital. Radiation therapy consisted of a combination of high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy and external beam radiotherapy. The cumulative 5-year survival rates for stages Ib, II, and III/IVa carcinoma were 93.5, 77.0, and 60.3%, respectively, and the 10-year survival rates were 90.9, 74.5, and 56.1%, respectively. Local control rates for stages Ib, II, and III/IVa carcinoma were 92.0, 79.4 and 64.2%, respectively. Eighty-two (5.5%) patients suffered grade III/IV or V (fatal) complications. A second cancer developed in 13 (0.87%) patients. Second cancers were observed most frequently in the rectum (five cases), colon (three cases), and uterine body (two cases). Long-term follow-up data revealed that our method of radiation therapy alone for locally advanced carcinoma of the uterine cervix is effective, with low incidences of late complications and second cancers
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