29 research outputs found

    Additive manufacturing of soft magnets for electrical machines—a review

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    With growing interest in electrification from clean energy technologies, such as wind power and use of pure electric powertrains in various applications, the demand for next-generation, high-performance magnetic materials has risen significantly. Electrical machine design for these applications is facing challenges in terms of meeting very demanding metrics for power densities and conversion efficiencies, thereby motivating the exploration of advanced materials and manufacturing for the next generation of lightweight ultraefficient electric machines. Additive manufacturing (AM), a layer-by-layer three dimensional (3D) printing technology, opens up new venues of improvements for industrial manufacturing of electrical machines via near-net shape printing of complex geometries, reduction of parts count and production lead time, and conservation of expensive critical materials such as rare-earth magnets as well as nanocrystalline and amorphous soft magnetic composites, allowing their use in only critical regions required by desired properties of the printed parts. The magnetic, electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the magnetic materials are also greatly influenced by the selection of the AM method. Among the seven major American Standard Testing and Materials-defined standard modes of 3D printing, selective laser melting, fused deposition modeling, and binder jetting technology dominate the AM processing of soft magnetic materials and their integration in electrical machines. In this work, the state of the art in printability and performance characteristics of soft magnetic materials for electric machines is summarized and discussed. The prospects of soft magnetic materials selection in terms of price, printability, weight, and performance of the electrical machines are also discussed. This review highlights the current status of AM of large electrical machines, AM process selection guidelines, hybrid printing technologies, and the associated opportunities and challenges. An emphasis is put on multimaterial processing that is essential for electrical machines. Hybrid printing technologies that combine multiple AM processes with adequate automation and enable simultaneous multimaterials dispensing, real-time quality control, postprocessing, and surface finish with integrated subtractive computer numeric control machining are the requirements for progressing toward the end-user electrical machines

    Alcance de la implementación del aprendizaje-servicio en cinco universidades jesuitas en Filipinas

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    L'aprenentatge servei és una forma d'educació vivencial en la qual els estudiants participen en activitats que aborden les necessitats humanes i de la comunitat juntament amb oportunitats estructurades dissenyades intencionadament per promoure l'aprenentatge i el desenvolupament dels estudiants. Les institucions d'educació superior filipines estan fent intents d'integrar l'aprenentatge servei als seus sistemes educatius. En aquest estudi qualitatiu actual, es va descriure el mecanisme d'aprenentatge servei en 5 institucions d'educació superior jesuïtes ubicades a diferents regions de les Filipines. La rúbrica d'autoavaluació de Furco per a la institucionalització de l'aprenentatge servei es va utilitzar com a eina d'avaluació. Els resultats van revelar que encara que les institucions estudiades eren totes universitats jesuïtes, cadascuna mostrava experiències úniques i diferents nivells d'implementació de l'aprenentatge servei. També variaven en el mecanisme o enfocament d'implementació. El que era evident entre les cinc institucions d'educació superior jesuïtes és el seu compromís compartit amb el servei i la justícia social com a part de la seva missió i identitat. La diferència en el nivell d'implementació entre les cinc institucions depèn de la longevitat de l'aprenentatge servei a la institució, el nombre de programes que utilitzen l'aprenentatge servei com a pedagogia, el compromís sostingut i la persistència dels administradors, el professorat i el personal no acadèmic.Service-learning is a form of experiential education in which students engage in activities that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities intentionally designed to promote student learning and development. Philippine Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are making attempts to integrate service-learning in their educational systems. In this current qualitative study, the mechanism of service learning in 5 Jesuit higher education institutions located in different regions in the Philippines was described. Furco’s Self-Assessment Rubric for institutionalization of service learning as a framework was used as the evaluation tool. Results revealed that even if the institutions studied were all Jesuit universities, each one exhibited unique experiences and different levels of implementation of service learning. They also vary in the mechanism or approach of implementation. What was evident among the five Jesuit higher education institutions is their shared commitment towards service and social justice as part of their mission and identity. The difference in the level of implementation among the five HEIs depends on the longevity of the service learning in the institution, the number of programs that utilize service learning as a pedagogy, sustained commitment and persistence of the administrators, faculty and staff.El aprendizaje-servicio es una forma de educación experiencial en la que los estudiantes participan en actividades que abordan las necesidades humanas y de la comunidad junto con oportunidades estructuradas diseñadas intencionalmente para promover el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de los estudiantes. Las Instituciones de Educación Superior de Filipinas (IES) están intentando integrar el aprendizaje-servicio en sus sistemas educativos. En este estudio cualitativo, se describió el mecanismo de aprendizaje-servicio en 5 instituciones jesuitas de educación superior ubicadas en diferentes regiones de Filipinas. La rúbrica de autoevaluación de Furco para la institucionalización del aprendizaje-servicio se utilizó como herramienta de evaluación. Los resultados revelaron que incluso cuando las instituciones estudiadas eran todas universidades jesuitas, cada una exhibía experiencias únicas y diferentes niveles de implementación del aprendizaje-servicio. También varían en el mecanismo o enfoque de implementación. Lo que fue evidente entre las cinco instituciones jesuitas de educación superior fue su compromiso compartido con el servicio y la justicia social como parte de su misión e identidad. La diferencia en el nivel de implementación entre las cinco IES depende de la longevidad del aprendizaje-servicio en la institución, la cantidad de programas que utilizan el aprendizaje-servicio como pedagogía, el compromiso sostenido y la persistencia de los administradores, profesores y personal no académico

    The effect of regional culinary education on local food consumption habits, attitudes and knowledge levels of employed women

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziBu çalışma kapsamında; Konya’da il merkezinde yaşayan, çalışan kadınlar örneklem olarak seçilerek; yöresel yemek tüketim alışkanlıklarını arttırmak, tutumlarını olumlu düzeyde geliştirmek ve bilgi düzeylerini arttırmak amacıyla hem teorik hem de uygulamalı olarak yöresel mutfak eğitimi verilmiş; eğitim öncesi, eğitim sonrası ve kontrollerde yöresel yemek tüketim alışkanlıkları, tutumları ve bilgi düzeyleri ölçülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen veriler istatistik programında değerlendirilmiş, demografik bilgelerin ve beslenme alışkanlıklarının yorumlanmasında “Frequence”, anlamlılığın yorumlanmasında “eşleştirilmiş örneklem t-testi (Paired Sample T Test)” ve verilen eğitim modelinin kalıcılığının yorumlanmasında “Friedman Test” analizleri kullanılmıştır. Yöresel mutfak tüketim alışkanlıklarını ölçmek amacıyla hazırlanan sorulardan “yöresel yemekleri yemeyi tercih ederim” sorusuna verdikleri cevaplardan eğitimin kalıcılığı ölçüldüğünde; eğitimi teorik olarak alan grubun eğitim öncesi ve izleme verilerinin karşılaştırması anlamlı bulunmamış (p=0.889), eğitimi uygulama olarak alan grubun ise eğitim öncesi ve izleme verilerinin karşılaştırması anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.001). Yöresel mutfak tutumlarına yönelik tüm sorulara verilen cevaplar doğrultusunda eğitimin kalıcılığının ölçüldüğünde, yöresel mutfak eğitimini teorik olarak alan grupta, eğitim öncesi ile izlemede verilen cevaplar arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamamışken; bu eğitimi uygulamalı olarak alan grupta, eğitim öncesi ile izlemede verilen cevaplar arasında (p<0.001) anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur. Yöresel mutfak bilgi düzeylerine yönelik tüm sorulara verilen cevaplar doğrultusunda eğitimin kalıcılığının ölçüldüğünde, yöresel mutfak eğitimini teorik olarak alan grupta, eğitim öncesi ile izlemede verilen cevaplar arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamamışken; bu eğitimi uygulamalı olarak alan grupta, eğitim öncesi ile izlemede verilen cevaplar arasında (p<0.001) anlamlı bir fark bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda, yerel yönetimler ile İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüklerinin ortaklaşa yapacakları projeler ile çalışan kadınlara yöresel yemekler eğitimi verilmesi önerilebilirThe aim of this study, by chosing women living and working in Konya city center, both theoretical and practical local culinary training was given them to increase their local food knowledge and consumption as well as to improve their attitudes positively. Their local food consumption habits, attitudes, and knowledges were measured before, during and after the education. The data obtained from the study were evaluated by statistical programs, ‘frequence’ was used for interpretation of demographic data and feeding habits, paired T test was used for interpretation of significance and “Friedman Test” was used for interpretation of the persistence of the education model. While the persistence of the education is measured from the answers given tothe questions prepared to measure the consumption habits of local cuisine such as “I prefer to eat local food”; the comparison of thepretraining and control data of the group receiving the oretical training was not meaningful (p = 0.889), the comparison of pre-training and monitoring data of the group receiving practical training was meaningful (p <0.001). When the persistence of education is measured from the answers to the question eder I prefer to eat local food an from the questions prepared to measure the consumption habits of local cuisine; The comparison of the pre-training and monitoring data of the group receiving the training theoretically was not significant (p = 0.889), and the comparison of the pre-training and monitoring data of the group receiving the training was found to be significant (p <0.001). When the permanence of the education was measured in line with the answers given to all the questions related to the local kitchen attitudes, there was no significant difference between the answers given in the group receiving the regional kitchen education theoretically and before the training; there was a significant difference between pre - training and follow - up responses (p <0.001). When the permanence of the education was measured in accordance with the answers given to all the questions related to the knowledge of the local cuisine, there was no significant difference between the answers given in the theoretically group of the regional kitchen education before and after the education; It was found that there was a significant difference between pre - training and follow - up responses (p <0.001). According to these results, It can be recommended to provide local food education to women working with projects to be jointly carried out by local administrations and Provincial Directorates of National Education

    Novel synthesis of silica-graphene composites

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    Two of the most interesting materials in composite chemistry are silica and graphene. Both possess unique properties and features to make them suitable candidates as parent materials for a composite. The coupling of silica to graphene is demonstrated in this paper.This dissertation research presents three different methods to form silica-graphene composites. First method uses adsorption chemistry to bind graphene to diatom silica via physisorption interaction. The second employs deposition of graphene on diatom silica via metal-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique. The last method which promotes covalent interaction between diatom silica, mineral silica and synthetic silica to graphene oxide (GO) is the hydrothermal process. This induces the simultaneous functionalization and partial reduction of GO in the presence of silica. The discovery of the hydrothermal technique is the highlight of the research. Results revealed that each composite presents different application possibilities. The GO-diatom silica can possibly be used as electrode for the detection of cationic biomolecules. The CVD graphene-diatom silica can be applied for biological templating to fabricate optoelectronics with 3D scaffolds while mesoporous silica-GO composite can possibly act as spacer to prevent restacking of graphene sheets

    Art of Teaching

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    Interaction of Diatom Silica with Graphene

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    In this present work, the synthesis and characterization of graphene-diatom silica were studied. Diatom silicagraphene composite was prepared via the adsorption of graphene suspension into diatom silica extracted from 3 different species, namely Amphora sp., Navicula ramossisira and Skeletonema sp. The adsorption proceeded to yield a black solid material that is composed of silica and graphene. The concentrations of graphene in the 3 diatom species based on thermogravimetric and UV-Vis spectroscopic methods were 0.306 mg/mL, 0.449 mg/mL and 0.188 mg/mL for Amphora sp., Navicula ramossisira and Skeletonema sp., respectively. Raman spectroscopy of the graphene-diatom silica revealed band shifts in the D, G and 2D peaks which are indicative of an interaction between graphene and diatom silica. Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) images also illustrate presence of graphene on diatom silica


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    In recent years, the cost of photovoltaic (PV) technologies significantly declined, boosting the expansion of solar PV installations in the country. This rapid development in solar PV utilization necessitates an effective detection method capable of delineating both utility-scale and distributed PV installations to generate a complete inventory of solar PV installations for status monitoring and implementation of appropriate programs of stakeholders and decision-makers. This study aims to detect and delineate solar PV installations in Pampanga, Philippines using different band combinations of Sentinel-2, Sentinel-1, and indices (NDVI, NDWI, and PVSI) through machine learning with the aid of open-source geographic information system and remote sensing software. Moreover, an alternative approach to identifying solar PVs using the combination of pixel-based classification (PBC) and object-based classification (OBC) was introduced. Training and validation data were acquired from the satellite images. The accuracy of each approach in PV detection was then compared using three classifiers: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, and Naive Bayes. Results showed that SVM has the best performance for PBC while Random Forest demonstrated the highest accuracy for OBC. A post-processing procedure was also implemented using a set of spectral rules to further refine the results of image classification. The delineation accuracies of the post-processed data over the ground-truth data showed that the methodology is effective in delineating utility-scale installations for both Sentinel-2 and Planetscope. However, the detection of distributed PV systems showed limitations particularly when dealing with small solar PV installations (less than 45 pixels) due to Sentinel-2&rsquo;s coarse spatial resolution

    One-step synthesis of mesoporous silica–graphene composites by simultaneous hydrothermal coupling and reduction of graphene oxide

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    Silica–graphene oxide composites were synthesized by hydrothermal method with simultaneous functionalization and reduction of graphene oxide (GO) in the presence of mesoporous silica. Two types of silica were used in the study, mesoporous synthetic silica (MSU-F) synthesized by sol-gel method and mesoporous mineral silica (meso-celite) from pseudomorphic synthesis. The infrared spectra of the composites showed the disappearance of the carboxyl peak at 1735 cm-1 which could be due to the reduction of the –COOH group. The enhancement of the band at 1385 cm–1 is attributed to the vibration of the Si–O–C=O moiety formed by reaction of the –COOH group of GO and the silanol (Si–OH) of silica. The Raman spectra of the composites show a diminished intensity ratio of D to G band indicating that GO was reduced to graphene sheets. The TEM images demonstrate the coupling of silica to GO surface revealing dense loading of silica on GO in planar structur