165 research outputs found

    Astrocytes’ Role in Alzheimer’s Disease Neurodegeneration

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    Central nervous system (CNS) astrocytes are glial cells performing crucial tasks encompassing energy metabolism, neurotransmission, ion and water stable levels, and immune defense and control local blood flow/oxygen levels. Arising from neural stem cells, astrocytes differentiate into subtypes that vary according to animal species. Human cerebral cortex astrocytes are sturdier and cytologically and functionally more complex, control wider domains, and spread calcium signals more quickly than their rodents’ counterparts. They actively partake in CNS homeostasis maintenance and functioning by teaming up with their client neurons, other glial cell types, and cerebrovascular cells. Alterations of astrocytes’ activities deeply impact on age-related chronic ailments like Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the commonest senile dementia; AD involves the growing accumulation of amyloid-β peptides (Aβs) and hyperphosphorylated Tau proteins the astrocytes, and neurons supply following the interaction of their calcium-sensing receptors (CaSRs) with exogenous Aβs. The activated Aβ∙CaSR signaling triggers a self-propagating mechanism that spreads the neuropathology among adjacent and far away astrocytes and their neuronal clients causing neurons’ death. CaSR antagonists or calcilytics suppress these noxious effects in vitro. Hence, calcilytics are potential therapeutics that could halt the spread of AD neuropathology and safeguard the patients’ neuronal viability, cognition, memory, and ultimately life


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    The aim of the study was to evaluate a sheep milk payment of the milk produced in Tuscany in 2006 based on fat and protein levels. Data were collected twice a month in each of the 371 farms considered. Following the Tuscany Region recommendations three different levels of payment has been created. A neutral zone where the price of the milk remained invariant and other two levels, one positive (base milk price plus bonus) and one negative (base milk price minus bonus), both calculated by statistical procedures. The results showed that the period of the year markedly influenced the price paid and thus the payment grid has to be produced accordingly to these variations. Nonetheless the application of a payment system as the one proposed here needs a strong adjustment of the farms to the new quality requirements

    546 Meat quality of Suffolk and Bergamasca lambs slaughtered at 90 days of age

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    Twenty lambs, 10 Suffolk (S) e 10 Bergamasca (B) born from single (SI) and twin type of birth (TW), were employed. Lambs fed the same diet. Chemical-physical analysis were performed on raw Longissimus lumborum (LL). B showed the lowest cooked loss on cooked LL, the highest value of a* and b* on raw meat. As regard fatty acid composition, LL of B showed the highest saturated fatty acids and the lowest value of polyunsaturated acids. Twin subjects showed raw meat with the lowest value of ether extract and with a healthy fatty acid composition


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    A shift promoted by Regione Toscana have arranged productive dairy farm guidelines for the application of Reg. CE 852/2004. The document defines risk assessment management and obligation. For guidelines drafting we used: dairy production system flowchart, chemical, physical, microbiological risk, and check list. Milk dairy production was divided into four stages: animal health and welfare, nutrition and watering regime, environment, milking hygiene and milk storage

    In vita performance and slaughter characteristics of Suffolk and Bergamasca lambs at 90 days of age

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    The objective of the present study was to compare in vita performance and carcass characteristics of Bergamasca and Suffolk lambs of 90 days of age. Bergamasca (15) and Suffolk (15) male lambs, originated from single and twin births equally represented, were weighed twice a month. Lambs were slaughtered to evaluate post-mortem characteristics and EUROP conformation score. Suffolk and Bergamasca lambs of 90 days of age produced carcasses with good quality; Suffolk had more compact carcasses than Bergamasca lambs whereas they showed higher percentage of intermuscular fat deposit. The results suggested that the two breeds raised with the forage-based feeding system could produce carcasses of good quality

    Adult Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells on 3D Silk Fibroin Nonwovens Release Exosomes Enriched in Angiogenic and Growth-Promoting Factors

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    Background. Our earlier works showed the quick vascularization of mouse skin grafted Bombyx mori 3D silk fibroin nonwoven scaffolds (3D-SFnws) and the release of exosomes enriched in angiogenic/growth factors (AGFs) from in vitro 3D-SFnws-stuck human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs). Here, we explored whether coronary artery adult human smooth muscle cells (AHSMCs) also release AGFs-enriched exosomes when cultured on 3D-SFnws in vitro. Methods. Media with exosome-depleted FBS served for AHSMCs and human endothelial cells (HECs) cultures on 3D-SFnws or polystyrene. Biochemical methods and double-antibody arrays assessed cell growth, metabolism, and intracellular TGF-β and NF-κB signalling pathways activation. AGFs conveyed by CD9+/CD81+ exosomes released from AHSMCs were double-antibody array analysed and their angiogenic power evaluated on HECs in vitro. Results. AHSMCs grew and consumed D-glucose more intensely and showed a stronger phosphorylation/activation of TAK-1, SMAD-1/-2/-4/-5, ATF-2, c-JUN, ATM, CREB, and an IκBα phosphorylation/inactivation on SFnws vs. polystyrene, consistent overall with a proliferative/secretory phenotype. SFnws-stuck AHSMCs also released exosomes richer in IL-1α/-2/-4/-6/-8; bFGF; GM-CSF; and GRO-α/-β/-γ, which strongly stimulated HECs’ growth, migration, and tubes/nodes assembly in vitro. Conclusions. Altogether, the intensified AGFs exosomal release from 3D-SFnws-attached AHSMCs and HDFs could advance grafts’ colonization, vascularization, and take in vivo—noteworthy assets for prospective clinical applications
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