198 research outputs found

    Discovery of a tight correlation for gamma ray burst afterglows with `canonical' light curves

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    Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) observed up to redshifts z>8z>8 are fascinating objects to study due to their still unexplained relativistic outburst mechanisms and a possible use to test cosmological models. Our analysis of 77 GRB afterglows with known redshifts revealed a physical subsample of long GRBs with canonical {\it plateau breaking to power-law} light curves with a significant {\it luminosity LXL^*_X - break time TaT^*_a} correlation in the GRB rest frame. This subsample forms approximately the {\it upper envelope} of the studied distribution. We have also found a similar relation for a small sample of GRB afterglows that belong to the intermediate class (IC) between the short and the long ones. It proves that within the full sample of afterglows there exist physical subclasses revealed here by tight correlations of their afterglow properties. The afterglows with regular (`canonical') light curves obey not only a mentioned tight physical scaling, but -- for a given TaT^*_a -- the more regular progenitor explosions lead to preferentially brighter afterglows.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures accepted to ApJ

    Toward a standard Gamma Ray Burst: tight correlations between the prompt and the afterglow plateau phase emission

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    To reveal and understand astrophysical processes responsible for the Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) phenomenon, it is crucial to discover and understand relations between their observational properties. The presented study is performed in the GRB rest frames and it uses a sample of 62 long GRBs from our sample of 77 Swift GRBs with known redshifts. Following the earlier analysis of the afterglow {\it characteristic luminosity LaL^*_a -- break time TaT^*_a} correlation for a sample of long GRBs \citep{Dainotti2010} we extend it to correlations between the afterglow and the prompt emission GRB physical parameters. We reveal a tight physical scaling between the mentioned afterglow luminosity La L^*_a and the prompt emission {\it mean} luminosity 45Eiso/T45_{45} \equiv E_{iso}/T^*_{45}. The distribution, with the Spearman correlation coefficient reaching 0.95 for the data subsample with most regular light curves, can be fitted with approximately La450.7L^*_a \propto {_{45}}^{0.7}. We also analyzed correlations of LaL^*_a with several other prompt emission parameters, including the isotropic energy EisoE_{iso}, the peak energy in the νFν\nu F_{\nu} spectrum, EpeakE_{peak}, and the variability parameter, VV, defined by \cite{N000}. As a result, we reveal significant correlations also between these quantities, with an exception of the variability parameter. The main result of the present study is the discovery that the highest correlated GRB subsample in the \citet{Dainotti2010} afterglow analysis, for the GRBs with canonical X\,-\,ray light curves, leads also to the highest {\it prompt-afterglow} correlations and such events can be considered to form a sample of standard GRBs for astrophysics and cosmology.Comment: The Data Table will appear after the paper will be accepte

    Tensions with the flat Λ\boldsymbol{\Lambda}CDM model from high-redshift cosmography

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    The longstanding search for the cosmological model that best describes the Universe has been made more intriguing since the recent discovery of the Hubble constant, H0H_{0}, tension observed between the value of H0H_{0} from the Cosmic Microwave Background and from type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Hence, the commonly trusted flat Λ\LambdaCDM model is under investigation. In this scenario, cosmography is a very powerful technique to investigate the evolution of the Universe without any cosmological assumption, thus revealing tensions between observational data and predictions from cosmological models in a completely model-independent way. We here employ a robust cosmographic technique based on an orthogonal logarithmic polynomial expansion of the luminosity distance to fit quasars (QSOs) alone and QSOs combined with Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), SNe Ia, and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. To apply QSOs and GRBs as probes we use, respectively, the Risaliti-Lusso relation between ultraviolet and X-ray luminosities and the ``Dainotti GRB 3D relation" among the rest-frame end time of the X-ray plateau emission, its corresponding luminosity, and the peak prompt luminosity. We also correct QSOs and GRBs for selection biases and redshift evolution and we employ both the traditional Gaussian likelihood and the newly discovered best-fit likelihoods for each probe investigated. This comprehensive analysis reveals a strong tension (>4σ> 4 \, \sigma) between our data sets and the flat Λ\LambdaCDM model proving the power of both the cosmographic approach and high-redshift sources, such as QSOs and GRBs, which can probe the Universe at early epochs.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables. Comments are welcome. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Constraining cosmological parameters by Gamma Ray Burst X - ray afterglow lightcurves

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    We present the Hubble diagram (HD) of 66 Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) derived using only data from their X - ray afterglow lightcurve. To this end, we use the recently updated L_X - T_a correlation between the break time T_a and the X - ray luminosity L_X measured at T_a calibrated from a sample of Swift GRBs with lightcurves well fitted by the Willingale et al. (2007) model. We then investigate the use of this HD to constrain cosmological parameters when used alone or in combination with other data showing that the use of GRBs leads to constraints in agreement with previous results in literature. We finally argue that a larger sample of high luminosity GRBs can provide a valuable information in the search for the correct cosmological model.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, submitte

    GRB970228 and the class of GRBs with an initial spikelike emission: do they follow the Amati relation?

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    On the basis of the recent understanding of GRB050315 and GRB060218, we return to GRB970228, the first Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) with detected afterglow. We proposed it as the prototype for a new class of GRBs with "an occasional softer extended emission lasting tenths of seconds after an initial spikelike emission". Detailed theoretical computation of the GRB970228 light curves in selected energy bands for the prompt emission are presented and compared with observational BeppoSAX data. From our analysis we conclude that GRB970228 and likely the ones of the above mentioned new class of GRBs are "canonical GRBs" have only one peculiarity: they exploded in a galactic environment, possibly the halo, with a very low value of CBM density. Here we investigate how GRB970228 unveils another peculiarity of this class of GRBs: they do not fulfill the "Amati relation". We provide a theoretical explanation within the fireshell model for the apparent absence of such correlation for the GRBs belonging to this new class.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, in the Proceedings of the "4th Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics", held in Pescara, Italy, July 20-28, 2007, C.L. Bianco, S.-S. Xue, Editor

    Gamma-Ray Bursts, Quasars, Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations, and Supernovae Ia: new statistical insights and cosmological constraints

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    The recent 4σ\sim 4 \, \sigma Hubble constant, H0H_{0}, tension is observed between the value of H0H_{0} from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia). It is a decade since this tension is excruciating the modern astrophysical community. To shed light on this problem is key to consider probes at intermediate redshifts between SNe Ia and CMB and reduce the uncertainty on H0H_0. Toward these goals, we fill the redshift gap by employing Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) and Quasars (QSOs), reaching z=9.4z=9.4 and z=7.6z=7.6, respectively, combined with Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and SNe Ia. To this end, we employ the ``Dainotti GRB 3D relation" among the rest-frame end time of the X-ray plateau emission, its corresponding luminosity, and the peak prompt luminosity, and the ``Risaliti-Lusso" QSO relation between ultraviolet and X-ray luminosities. We inquire the commonly adopted Gaussianity assumption on GRBs, QSOs, and BAO. With the joint sample, we fit the flat Λ\Lambda Cold Dark Matter model with both the Gaussian and the newly discovered likelihoods. We also investigate the impact of the calibration assumed for \textit{Pantheon} and \textit{Pantheon +} SNe Ia on this analysis. Remarkably, we show that only GRBs fulfill the Gaussianity assumption. We achieve small uncertainties on the matter density parameter ΩM\Omega_M and H0H_0. We find H0H_0 values compatible within 2 σ\sigma with the one from the Tip of the Red Giant Branch. Finally, we show that the cosmological results are heavily biased against the arbitrary calibration choice for SNe Ia.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, accepted in MNRA

    Constraining properties of GRB magnetar central engines using the observed plateau luminosity and duration correlation

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    An intrinsic correlation has been identified between the luminosity and duration of plateaus in the X-ray afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs; Dainotti et al. 2008), suggesting a central engine origin. The magnetar central engine model predicts an observable plateau phase, with plateau durations and luminosities being determined by the magnetic fields and spin periods of the newly formed magnetar. This paper analytically shows that the magnetar central engine model can explain, within the 1σ\sigma uncertainties, the correlation between plateau luminosity and duration. The observed scatter in the correlation most likely originates in the spread of initial spin periods of the newly formed magnetar and provides an estimate of the maximum spin period of ~35 ms (assuming a constant mass, efficiency and beaming across the GRB sample). Additionally, by combining the observed data and simulations, we show that the magnetar emission is most likely narrowly beamed and has \lesssim20% efficiency in conversion of rotational energy from the magnetar into the observed plateau luminosity. The beaming angles and efficiencies obtained by this method are fully consistent with both predicted and observed values. We find that Short GRBs and Short GRBs with Extended Emission lie on the same correlation but are statistically inconsistent with being drawn from the same distribution as Long GRBs, this is consistent with them having a wider beaming angle than Long GRBs.Comment: MNRAS Accepte

    The Amati relation in the "fireshell" model

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    (Shortened) CONTEXT: [...] AIMS: Motivated by the relation proposed by Amati and collaborators, we look within the ``fireshell'' model for a relation between the peak energy E_p of the \nu F_\nu total time-integrated spectrum of the afterglow and the total energy of the afterglow E_{aft}, which in our model encompasses and extends the prompt emission. METODS: [...] Within the fireshell model [...] We can then build two sets of ``gedanken'' GRBs varying the total energy of the electron-positron plasma E^{e^\pm}_{tot} and keeping the same baryon loading B of GRB050315. The first set assumes for the effective CBM density the one obtained in the fit of GRB050315. The second set assumes instead a constant CBM density equal to the average value of the GRB050315 prompt phase. RESULTS: For the first set of ``gedanken'' GRBs we find a relation E_p\propto (E_{aft})^a, with a = 0.45 \pm 0.01, whose slope strictly agrees with the Amati one. Such a relation, in the limit B \to 10^{-2}, coincides with the Amati one. Instead, in the second set of ``gedanken'' GRBs no correlation is found. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis excludes the Proper-GRB (P-GRB) from the prompt emission, extends all the way to the latest afterglow phases and is independent on the assumed cosmological model, since all ``gedanken'' GRBs are at the same redshift. The Amati relation, on the other hand, includes also the P-GRB, focuses on the prompt emission only, and is therefore influenced by the instrumental threshold which fixes the end of the prompt emission, and depends on the assumed cosmology. This may well explain the intrinsic scatter observed in the Amati relation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear on A&A Letter

    ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data Communication Networks

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    The explosion in volume and heterogeneity of data communication network measurements opens the door to the massive applica- tion of machine learning and artificial intelligence technology in networking. While machine learning is today systematically and successfully applied in many other data-driven domains, its appli- cation is in an infancy stage of development in the networking domain. The ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data Communication Networks, Big- DAMA, fosters the research and development of novel analytical approaches and technical solutions that can exploit Big Data tech- nology in the analysis of complex communication networks such as the Internet