290 research outputs found

    The Marketing Philosophy and Challenges for the New Millennium

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    The world has changed a lot during this millennium and it still keeps changing. For this reason it sounds logical, that together with these changes marketing faces a lot of challenges which need to be overcome. That is why the second purpose of this paper is to define the challenges for marketing in the new millennium. Both theoretical considerations will be applied to the selected practical cases from international and Lithuanian markets.marketing, marketing orientations, philosophy, millennium challenges, Starbucks, Coffee Inn, the USA, Lithuania

    Genetically Modified Products in Lithuania: Situational Analysis and Consumers’ Attitudes

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    The paper analyses the genetically modified organism products (GMP) in relation to genetically modified organisms (GMO) from two perspectives: 1) from the theoretical standpoint, discussing the GMO and GMP trade conditions and 2) from the practical perspective, namely analysing the availability of GMP in the Lithuanian market. With the growing of genetically modified products (GMP) levels, it becomes important to examine the situation of genetically modified products. According to various studies on Lithuanian public opinion on genetic modification, genetically modified organisms and their products, we can provide for the future of GMOs in the Lithuanian market. Although there are different opinions about genetically modified products not only in Lithuania, but also throughout the world, the level of development in this area increases every year. This is one of the reasons for which it is necessary to know and explore the Lithuanian population, as the buyer of the genetically modified products, and to examine the Lithuanian market of these products. Although the market is limited for these products, it is still very important to know as much as possible about genetically modified organisms and their effects on humans and the environment, and the future of the people, as consumers have their own opinion about them.genetically modified organisms (GMO), genetically modified foods and products (GMP), agriculture in international trade, consumers’ attitude, Lithuania

    An interdisciplinary approach towards sustainable governance of universities: the case of Lithuania

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    Poniższy artykuł przedstawia pojęcie zrównoważonego rozwoju w interdyscyplinarnym kontekście poprzez wykorzystanie zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju przyjętych w systemie edukacji oraz zaprezentowanie wyników badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w latach 2006-2007 na litewskich uniwersytetach. Zbadano studentów oraz wykładowców akademickich w celu określenia wpływu analizowanej dyscypliny oraz zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju jako elementów codziennego życia uniwersyteckiego, programów zajęć oraz zarządzania uczelniamiwyższymi

    Nauja monografija apie Bernardiną Ochiną ir ankstyvąjį Italijos evangelizmą

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    Camaioni, Michele. 2018. Il Vangelo e L’Anticristo: Bernardino Ochino tra francescanesimo ed eresia (1487–1547). Istituto italiano per gli studi storici di Napoli. Bologna: Società Editrice il Mulino, 601 p. ISBN 978-88-15-27853-1 [„Evangelija ir Antikristas. Bernardinas Ochinas: nuo pranciškonybės iki erezijos (1487–1547)“


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    Qualitative research methods tend to be used more and more in academic research. The cost for these methods is quite low and the results may be very interesting and useful for many fields of study. However, the utility and the characteristic of qualitative research methods differ from subject to subject and from discipline to discipline. This paper comes close to a comparison of two qualitative research methods (focus-group and in-depth interview) used in investigating the opinion of academics, analyzing by comparison the results founded in a research conducted in the Bucharest University of Economics using focus group and in-depth interviews. The conclusions of the study reveal that apart of the limits states in the literature, there are other elements that can contribute to obtaining unrealistic results.Qualitative research methods, focus group, in-depth interview, academic research

    Nuo medicus philosophus prie medicus religiosus, arba kodėl Vilniaus jėzuitų akademijoje nebuvo medicinos studijų

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    The article deals with the absence of medical studies at the Vilnius Jesuit Academy. The question in the historiography is linked rather with the local peculiarities than the Jesuit attitude toward medicine in particular. Some attempts to establish medical studies in Vilnius during the 16th and 17th centuries are discussed in the context of Early-modern Jesuit universities that forbade Jesuits to involve themselves in academic medicine. The exclusion of medicine from Jesuit schools is analyzed as an intentional dissociation from the rise of the learned medicine and early modern philosophical tendencies of the medicalization of the soul. Jesuits also introduced the pattern of medicus religiosus instead of medicus philosophus, which represented their image of medical practitioner.Nors Europoje medicinos studijų banga kilo XVI a., Lietuvoje medicinos studijos buvo įsteigtos tik XVIII a. pabaigoje. Istoriografijoje iki šiol trūksta argumentuoto vėlyvos medicinos studijų pradžios Lietuvoje paaiškinimo. Straipsnyje ši problema aptariama platesniame jėzuitų edukacinės strategijos kontekste. Medicinos studijų nebuvimas Vilniaus jėzuitų akademijoje siejamas su principiniu jėzuitų atsiribojimu nuo akademinės medicinos ir ankstyvaisiais naujaisiais laikais prasidėjusių sielos medikalizacijos procesų


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    The development of the modern state of Lithuania after the declaration of independence on February 16th, 1918 triggered many changes both in the development of the state and processes related to modern society building. Education and the opening of modern university in Lithuania was closely related to historical, social and political changes. The occupation of Vilnius and the transfer of the most important state governing and state developing institutions to Kaunas as the temporary capital of Lithuania was closely related to the establishment of Lithuanian University in Kaunas in 1922. The society was also impacted by the socio-historical context since some members of the society took an active part processes of the emergence of the Lithuanian University as the establishment of modern system of higher education in Lithuania. Taking into consideration not only the historical context and the approaching celebration of one hundred years of the opening of modern Lithuanian University in Kaunas in 2022, this article aims to discuss processes, factors and context that made prerequisites for the development of modern university in Lithuania in Kaunas in 1922 that, in turn, influenced the development of modern society and nation with a specific focus on its identity.

    VU Lietuvių literatūros katedra 2019 metais

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    Assessment of the Development of the Circular Economy in the EU Countries: Comparative Analysis by Multiple Criteria Methods

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    In recent decades, attention to environmental resource management has increased worldwide. Circular economy (CE) is a concept that is increasingly being considered as a solution to this range of challenges. Therefore, it is important to monitor the development of CE. This research is an attempt to contribute to the CE surveillance literature by providing a framework for comparing the positions of states and their classifications. The main goal of the article is to assess the level of circular economy development in EU countries according to the chosen methodology. The indicators used in this study are sourced from the European Commission Monitoring Framework database, which includes data from 27 European Union (EU) countries over the time frame from 2016 to 2020. The analysis was carried out using Multi-Criteria Decision Methods (MCDM), such as Simple Additive Weighing (SAW), and the objective method of estimating weights in accordance with proportional differences (APROD), which helped to assess the state of CE. The results showed that EU countries can be divided into three groups based on the level of performance of the CE, and their level of development in relation to the circular economy is different. The level of circular economy development in most EU countries is low. Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Italy demonstrated the best positions. The study findings were derived from the combination of two MCDMs, thus increasing the refinement of the overall methodology. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-02-013 Full Text: PD