74 research outputs found

    Impaired mechanism of visual focal attention in posterior cortical atrophy

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    Objective: Simultanagnosia, a deficit in holistic visual perception, is among the most prominent features of posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). Deficits in visuoperceptual and attentional mechanisms could contribute to simultanagnosia. In the present study, we explored the impaired visual perception of global configuration with two main hypotheses: (a) It is due to a deficit in processing low-spatial frequency stimuli, and (b) it arises from deficits in adjusting attentional focus. Method: The visuoperceptual mechanism was explored by asking participants (5 PCA patients and 20 age- and education-matched healthy controls) to report the local and global elements of incongruent hierarchical letters. Stimuli were unbiased (black letters/white background) and parvocellular biased (red letters/green background). A cued T-detection task, where the stimulus onset asynchrony and the cues' features varied, was used to explore focal attention. Results: PCA patients systematically failed in reporting the global but not the local element. The parvocellular-biased condition partially improved the performance in only 1 patient. In the T-detection task, controls responded faster to targets cued by red dots and small cues as compared to no cues. Conversely, the cue's features did not affect patients' performance. Conclusions: Results only partially support the hypothesis according to which simultanagnosia is driven by an impairment in processing low-spatial frequencies. Data indicate a deficit in the flexibility of focal attention that prevents PCA patients from adapting the attentional window to the stimulus features. Simultanagnosia in PCA can be conceptualized as a complex result of a deficit involving visuoperceptual and exogenous attentional mechanisms. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)

    Effects of conventional and high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on driving abilities: A tDCS-driving simulator study

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    Due to the multitasking nature of driving, drivers are physiologically distracted by both relevant and irrelevant environmental stimuli. The ability to select relevant stimuli and suppress irrelevant distractors during driving are two relevant factors for safety. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that the frontal eye field (FEF) plays an important role in target selection and distractors suppression, as well as in attentional mechanisms crucial for safety driving performance. Taking these two points into account, this study was designed to examine the effects of different transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) montages over right FEF to determine whether stimulation of FEF could improve attentional mechanisms in a simulated driving environment. Twenty-seven adult participants took part in the study. A specific driving simulator task was developed in which participants had to respond to brake light events of a preceding car in front of them while driving. The second distracting task consisted of road signs of countries and cities that appeared together with braking lights or alone. Participants were required to respond to one of the two categories with their right hand. These two tasks could be performed alone or in a combined condition. Each participant completed three sessions comparing the effects of different tDCS montages, i.e. conventional, focal 4*1 ring high-definition (HD-tDCS) and sham stimulations over the right FEF. Results indicated an overall better performance under the focal HD-tDCS condition. In particular, participants improved their performance both in braking light RTs and in the second distracting task. Taken together these results are interesting from a theoretical and methodological point of view, by demonstrating a direct effect of anodal focal HD-tDCS on FEF in attentional response during an ecological driving task

    The focal attention window size explains letter substitution errors in reading

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    Acquired Neglect Dyslexia is often associated with right-hemisphere brain damage and is mainly characterized by omissions and substitutions in reading single words. Martelli et al. proposed in 2011 that these two types of error are due to different mechanisms. Omissions should depend on neglect plus an oculomotor deficit, whilst substitutions on the difficulty with which the letters are perceptually segregated from each other (i.e., crowding phenomenon). In this study, we hypothesized that a deficit of focal attention could determine a pathological crowding effect, leading to imprecise letter identification and consequently substitution errors. In Experiment 1, three brain-damaged patients, suffering from peripheral dyslexia, mainly characterized by substitutions, underwent an assessment of error distribution in reading pseudowords and a T detection task as a function of cue size and timing, in order to measure focal attention. Each patient, when compared to a control group, showed a deficit in adjusting the attentional focus. In Experiment 2, a group of 17 right-brain-damaged patients were asked to perform the focal attention task and to read single words and pseudowords as a function of inter-letter spacing. The results allowed us to confirm a more general association between substitution-type reading errors and the performance in the focal attention task

    Dissociation in optokinetic stimulation sensitivity between omission and substitution reading errors in neglect dyslexia

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    Although omission and substitution errors in neglect dyslexia (ND) patients have always been considered as different manifestations of the same acquired reading disorder, recently, we proposed a new dual mechanism model. While omissions are related to the exploratory disorder which characterizes unilateral spatial neglect (USN), substitutions are due to a perceptual integration mechanism. A consequence of this hypothesis is that spe- cific training for omission-type ND patients would aim at restoring the oculo-motor scanning and should not improve reading in substitution-type ND. With this aim we administered an optokinetic stimulation (OKS) to two brain-damaged patients with both USN and ND, MA and EP, who showed ND mainly characterized by omissions and substitutions, respectively. MA also showed an impairment in oculo-motor behavior with a non-reading task, while EP did not. The two patients presented a dissociation with respect to their sensitivity to OKS, so that, as expected, MA was positively affected, while EP was not. Our results confirm a dissociation between the two mechanisms underlying omission and substitution reading errors in ND patients. Moreover, they suggest that such a dissociation could possibly be extended to the effectiveness of rehabilitative procedures, and that patients who mainly omit contralesional-sided letters would benefit from OKS

    Catalytic Transformations of Alkynes via Ruthenium Vinylidene and Allenylidene Intermediates

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    NOTICE: This is the peer reviewed version of the following book chapter: Varela J. A., González-Rodríguez C., Saá C. (2014). Catalytic Transformations of Alkynes via Ruthenium Vinylidene and Allenylidene Intermediates. In: Dixneuf P., Bruneau C. (eds) Ruthenium in Catalysis. Topics in Organometallic Chemistry, vol 48, pp. 237-287. Springer, Cham. [doi: 10.1007/3418_2014_81]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Springer Verlag Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.Vinylidenes are high-energy tautomers of terminal alkynes and they can be stabilized by coordination with transition metals. The resulting metal-vinylidene species have interesting chemical properties that make their reactivity different to that of the free and metal π-coordinated alkynes: the carbon α to the metal is electrophilic whereas the β carbon is nucleophilic. Ruthenium is one of the most commonly used transition metals to stabilize vinylidenes and the resulting species can undergo a range of useful transformations. The most remarkable transformations are the regioselective anti-Markovnikov addition of different nucleophiles to catalytic ruthenium vinylidenes and the participation of the π system of catalytic ruthenium vinylidenes in pericyclic reactions. Ruthenium vinylidenes have also been employed as precatalysts in ring closing metathesis (RCM) or ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP). Allenylidenes could be considered as divalent radicals derived from allenes. In a similar way to vinylidenes, allenylidenes can be stabilized by coordination with transition metals and again ruthenium is one of the most widely used metals. Metalallenylidene complexes can be easily obtained from terminal propargylic alcohols by dehydration of the initially formed metal-hydroxyvinylidenes, in which the reactivity of these metal complexes is based on the electrophilic nature of Cα and Cγ, while Cβ is nucleophilic. Catalytic processes based on nucleophilic additions and pericyclic reactions involving the π system of ruthenium allenylidenes afford interesting new structures with high selectivity and atom economy

    Carbapenem resistance expressed by Gram-negative bacilli isolated from a cohort of Libyan patients

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    Background and objectives: Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and other Gram-negative bacteria are among the most common pathogens responsible for both community and hospital acquired infection. The global spread of cephalosporinases in Enterobacteriaceae has led to the increased use of carbapenems resulting in the emergence and rapid spread of CRE. This has become an alarming public health concern, yet the condition in Libya remains unclear. The aim of this study was to obtain a better understanding of CRE strains prevalent in Libyan patients by investigating their phenotypic characteristics and antibiograms. Methods: Gram-negative bacterial species were collected from Misrata Central Hospital, Misrata Cancer Centre and Privet Pathology Laboratories. Clinical samples and swabs were obtained from hospitalised and non-hospitalised patients and from mechanical ventilation and suction machines. Patients who had received antibiotic therapy for at least three days prior to the study were excluded. The identification and characterization of the isolated species were achieved using the growth characteristics on MacConkey and blood agar, spot tests and API 20E or API 20NE biochemical testing systems. Screening for carbapenem resistance was performed using the disk diffusion method with carbapenem 10 ÎĽg and cephalosporin 30 ÎĽg disks and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) determined using the Sensititre Gram-negative Xtra plate format (GNX2F). All strains demonstrating resistance or reduced susceptibility to one of the four carbapenems were subjected to carbapenememase activity detection using the RAPIDEC CARBA NP test, Modified Hodge test and carbapenem inactivation methods. Results: A total of one hundred and forty isolates representing fourteen bacterial species were isolated from 140 non-duplicated specimens. Clinical specimens included urine samples (96/140, 68.57%), sputum (15/140, 10.71%), surgical wound swabs (18/140, 12.85%), foot swabs from diabetes mellitus (DM) patients (6/140, 4.29%), ear swabs (3/140, 2.14%) and wound swabs (2/140, 1.43%). Thirty-four (24.29%) isolates demonstrated resistance to at least one of the four carbapenems with Klebsiella pneumoniae representing 73.53% (25 isolates) of all carbapenem resistant species, followed by 8.82% for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3 isolates), 5.88% for both Proteus mirabilis (2 isolates) and Escherichia coli (2 isolates) and 2.94% for both Citrobacter koseri (1 isolate) and Rahnella aquatilis (1 isolate). The other isolates were either susceptible or cephalosporinase producers. Conclusion: This study has revealed the high rate of carbapenem resistance amongst Libyan patients and emphasizes the crucial need for accurate screening, identification and susceptibility testing to prevent further spread of nosocomial and community acquired resistance. This may be achieved through the establishment of antibiotic stewardship programmes along with firm infection control practices.National Research Foundation of South Africa; Libyan GovernmentWeb of Scienc

    Two different mechanisms for omission and substitution errors in neglect dyslexia

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    Neglect dyslexia is a reading disorder often associated with right-sided brain lesions. In reading single words, errors are mostly substitutions or omissions of letters that occupy the left-sided positions. Typically, these errors have been thought to depend on a single mechanism. Conversely, we propose that they are due to different mechanisms. In particular, a visuo-spatial mechanism is responsible for omissions and a perceptual integration process for substitution errors. We measured the performance of six patients with both neglect and neglect dyslexia, analyzing their reading errors as a function of letter spacing. According to our conjecture, letter spacing should increase omissions by moving part of the string further in the unattended space, while it should reduce substitutions by restoring the integration processes. Furthermore, we predict that letter spacing should be more effective with pseudowords compared to words, in that in this latter case lexical effects are supposed to influence attentional and perceptual processes. Accordingly, we found that for pseudowords only the two types of errors are differently affected by this manipulation and only omissions correlate with the severity of the disorder in visuo-spatial tasks

    Psychopathology and dietary restriction: A comparison between eating disorders and Type 1 diabetes

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    The Authors studied psychological effects of chronic dietary restriction in different pathological groups, with exogenous or self prescribed dieting: a group of Type 1 diabetic subjects, and a group of chronic anorexic subjects. In addition to the comparison with a group of normal controls, the two groups with dietary restriction were compared to a group of bulimic subjects, who displayed dyscontrol of eating behaviour. Four groups of 11 young adult subjects (Anorexics, Bulimics, Type 1 Diabetics and Controls), age range 20-39 years, were studied by I.P.A.T. ASQ (anxiety questionnaire), I.P.A.T, CDQ (Clinical Depression Questionnaire) and Draw a Person test. Variance analysis showed significant differences between groups: both Eating disorders groups showed clinically relevant depression levels, that were significantly higher than controls, whereas Diabetic subjects had scores not different from normal controls. The variable dyscontrol over eating behaviour was related (Bulimic Ss.) to significantly higher level of anxiety in comparison with other groups. At Draw a Person test, Anorexic and Diabetic Ss. showed a less articulated body concept than normal and Bulimic Ss. While diabetes free from long term complications does not seem to be a cause of clinical depression or anxiety, the body dimension is involved in these subjects, in the area of cognitive and emotional dependence. Anxious and depressive components are instead an integrant part of Eating disorders psychopathology and of self-prescribed dietary restrictions

    Psychopathology and dietary restriction: A comparison between eating disorders and Type 1 diabetes

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    The Authors studied psychological effects of chronic dietary restriction in different pathological groups, with exogenous or self prescribed dieting: a group of Type 1 diabetic subjects, and a group of chronic anorexic subjects. In addition to the comparison with a group of normal controls, the two groups with dietary restriction were compared to a group of bulimic subjects, who displayed dyscontrol of eating behaviour. Four groups of 11 young adult subjects (Anorexics, Bulimics, Type 1 Diabetics and Controls), age range 20-39 years, were studied by I.P.A.T. ASQ (anxiety questionnaire), I.P.A.T, CDQ (Clinical Depression Questionnaire) and Draw a Person test. Variance analysis showed significant differences between groups: both Eating disorders groups showed clinically relevant depression levels, that were significantly higher than controls, whereas Diabetic subjects had scores not different from normal controls. The variable dyscontrol over eating behaviour was related (Bulimic Ss.) to significantly higher level of anxiety in comparison with other groups. At Draw a Person test, Anorexic and Diabetic Ss. showed a less articulated body concept than normal and Bulimic Ss. While diabetes free from long term complications does not seem to be a cause of clinical depression or anxiety, the body dimension is involved in these subjects, in the area of cognitive and emotional dependence. Anxious and depressive components are instead an integrant part of Eating disorders psychopathology and of self-prescribed dietary restrictions
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