20 research outputs found


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    Nell’ambito del dibattito scientifico sul rapporto fra confini e rappresentazione cartografica, il presente contributo propone un rinnovamento epistemologico in direzione di un approccio ermeneutico di decodifica semiologica dei segni cartografici liminari. Questo spostamento concettuale e metodologico determina il passaggio dallo studio dei contenuti a quello del linguaggio ed è finalizzato a svelare la “grammatica” cartografica, ossia la natura filologica dei codici che sottendono l’organizzazione della rappresentazione cartografica dei paesaggi di confine. Lo schema interpretativo ipotizzato adotta un approccio multidisciplinare e si configura sia come processo ipertestuale di decodifica dei codici linguistici (immagine, toponimi, simboli), sia come processo predittivo orientato agli indirizzi di pianificazione (destinazione, tutela, sviluppo). In questa prospettiva, l’analisi svela non solo il valore ricostruttivo della carta ma anche il suo potenziale progettuale come sistema di orientamento nei confronti di scelte di pianificazione che siano attente alla memoria storica e alle vocazioni identitarie dei territori. Il modello concettuale proposto viene applicato allo studio di alcune rappresentazioni cartografiche dello spazio liminare montano, in particolare in ambito trentino.The paper aims to renew scientific debate concerning relations between borders and cartography, with an hermeneutic approach based on semiologic reading of cartographic border signs. This conceptual and methodological changing carry out to a passage from the content analysis to the language study and aims to reveal the cartographic “grammar”, that is the philological origin of codes contained in cartographic representations of border landscapes. The interpretation model assumes a multidisciplinary approach and represents both as an hyperlink process to break up linguistic codes (image, toponym, symbol) and as a predictive process oriented to territorial planning (changing, preservation, development). In this way, the analysisreveals both a reconstructive value and a planning use of cartography as a direction system useful to preservation historical memory and territorial identity. The model proposed is applied to the study of some cartographic representations of mountain boundary space, in particular in Trentino


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    I valori identitari del territorio sono strettamente legati alla dimensione diacronica e si esprimono attraverso i processi di territorializzazione. Le carte storiche peritali, che offrono una rappresentazione di dettaglio del territorio, contribuiscono non solo a conoscerne e ad evidenziarne il patrimonio storico-culturale; ma possiedono inoltre, grazie ad una valenza di tipo estetico, anche un’intrinseca capacità comunicativa oltre ad un indubitabile valore scientifico. Il rapporto percettivo che l’osservatore instaura con esse è infatti enorme e immediato: è un valore aggiunto prezioso per la didattica di qualsiasi livello formativo. Se confrontate con la cartografia moderna le carte storiche possono ben dar conto sia delle trasformazioni profonde del territorio e del paesaggio, avvenute nel corso dei secoli, sia delle persistenze che si esprimono nella presenza di beni materiali ma anche nella toponomastica o in una certa compartimentazione del territorio, evidenziando i condizionamenti storici della realtà presente.The individuality of a territory is strictly connected with the diacronic dimension and comes to existence through territorialisation processes. Large scale historical maps play a very important role in drawing attention to the historical–cultural heritage of a place and, in addition to their undouted scientific value, they exert a significant communication power, thanks also to their beauty. The perceptive relationship that the observer establishes with them is enormous and immediate; thus it represents a precious tool for teaching at any educational level. Finally, when used in concert with modern carthograpy, historical maps are able to point out the deep territorial and landscape transformations, which occurred during the centuries, underlining both tangible and intangible elements of the historical heritage. Hence, by highlighting the signs of the past in the present contexts, they enable a more conscious approach to territorial planning

    Mapping the First World War Forgotten Material Heritage: A Multi-proxy and GIS-based Proposal for the Trentino Alps

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    [EN] The material remains of the First World War field-battles are gradually disappearing, especially in marginal mountain areas, due to negligence and changes in land coverage. The paper presents the first stage of an ongoing project, devoted to identifying the forgotten material features of war landscapes on the Trentino Alps, using a wide range of historical sources, such as cartography, aerial and ground photos, textual descriptions and field surveys. The case study chosen to test the methodology is a small area of the municipality of Trambileno, in the south of the Province of Trento. Different data from different sources are integrated in a GIS platform, in order to safeguard the memory and the location of cultural heritage, as well as to support future enhancement plans.Dai Prà, E.; Gabellieri, N. (2020). Mapping the First World War Forgotten Material Heritage: A Multi-proxy and GIS-based Proposal for the Trentino Alps. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 883-890. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11397OCS88389

    Representing the War. Early Twentieth Century Maps and Models in the Fonds of the Italian War History Museum in Rovereto

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    Abstract. The representation of the areas in which some of the most significant events of the First World War took place has produced a wide range of materials, such as cartography, aerial and terrestrial photos, textual descriptions and field surveys. In addition, war events were also represented through three-dimensional models. Topographic maps and models constitute composite figurations, which are rich in informative data useful for the preservation of the memory of places and for increasing the knowledge of cultural heritage. Hence, these sources need to be studied, described, interpreted and used for future enhancement. The focus of this paper are archival materials from the collections kept at the Italian War History Museum of Rovereto (Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra), in the Trentino-Alto Adige region. Firstly, we will investigate the cartographic fond in order to assess the composition and origin of its materials. Secondly, we will present the Museum's collection of Early-Twentieth Century models. Such precious heritage is not yet part of an exhibition, and is kept in the Museum's warehouses. The paper constitutes the occasion to present the initial results of a still ongoing project by the Geo-Cartographic Centre for Study and Documentation (GeCo) of the University of Trento on the study and analysis of two archival complexes preserved in the abovementioned Museum. In particular, the paper focuses on the heuristic value of such representational devices, which enable an analysis of the different methods and languages through which space is planned and designed, emphasizing the complementarity between different types of visualization

    Chapter Massimo Quaini e il CISGE

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    Among the geographical associations the Italian Centre for Historical and Geographical Studies (CISGE) was the one with which Massimo Quaini maintained a stronger relationship. In addition to the sharing of the study fields, Quaini was also linked to CISGE by the close and inseparable link between geography and history, the combination of concrete research and theoretical reflection, the plurality of approaches, the continuous dialectic and the marked interdisciplinarity. Elements that have always characterized the Centre since its foundation, becoming concrete in meetings, seminars, conferences, research groups, national and international projects and in numerous publications. Through a careful analysis of Quaini’s writings contained in the proceedings, the collections of essays and the journal Geostorie (which since 2000 replaced the Notiziario del CISGE) – a long and uninterrupted series from 1992 to 2017 – the contribution aims at highlighting the original, critical and stimulating contribution offered by Massimo to the four fundamental study streams of CISGE: historical geography, history of cartography, history of geographical thought, history of travels and of explorations

    L'attualitĂ  della cartografia storica fra convergenze disciplinari e nuove tecnologie

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    Historical cartography between disciplinary convergence and new technologies. This paper aims to present a research project lead by Trento University, the so called APSAT-Ambiente e Paesaggi dei Siti d’Altura Trentini, in wich is involved a geo-historical research unit. Its main subject is to carry out methodological exempla on historical maps analysis, in order to investigate historical and cultural landscape, but in particular about planning, e.g. for water management, protected areas, border landscape, historical topography/ toponimy analysis

    For a New Applied Historical Geography: Prolegomena to a Center for the Study, the Enhancement and the Active Fruition of Historical Cartography

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    A partire dal recente dibattito sul ruolo teleologico della geografia storica, il saggio presenta un modello di Centro Go-Cartografico di Studi e Documentazione d’eccellenza. In primo luogo si delineano radici e pregressi della ricerca geografico-storica applicata sviluppata nell’ultimo decennio in Trentino. In secondo luogo, si illustrano gli obiettivi e le strutture del Centro, in forma di “manifesto” di tematiche e di propositi di ricerca, nonché le potenzialità e le prospettive aperte nel dialogo con discipline affini e nell’ambito della programmazione territoriale, sia essa di destinazione, di tutela o di prevenzione.Starting from the recent debate on the teleological role of historical geography, the essay presents a model for a Geo-Cartographic Study and Documentation Center of excellence. Firstly, the roots and background of applied geographic-historical research developed in the last decade in Trentino are outlined; secondly, the objectives and the structures of the Center are illustrated, in the form of a “manifesto” of research themes and purposes; thirdly, the paper presents the potential and the perspectives opened up by the Center in dialogue with related disciplines and in the context of territorial planning, be it in destination, protection or prevention field

    L'attualitĂ  della cartografia storica fra convergenze disciplinari e nuove tecnologie

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    Historical cartography between disciplinary convergence and new technologies. This paper aims to present a research project lead by Trento University, the so called APSAT-Ambiente e Paesaggi dei Siti d’Altura Trentini, in wich is involved a geo-historical research unit. Its main subject is to carry out methodological exempla on historical maps analysis, in order to investigate historical and cultural landscape, but in particular about planning, e.g. for water management, protected areas, border landscape, historical topography/ toponimy analysis

    Hic leones non sunt. An historical cartographic source for the XIX century ecology, demography and geopolitics of Trentino: the "Carta coro-orografica" by Francesco Masera

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    Il contributo presenta un documento cartografico poco noto, la Carta coro-orografica, politica, statistica, geognostica, botanica e zoologica del Circolo di Trento, redatto tra il 1868 e il 1870 da Francesco Masera, insegnante di scuola tecnica di Rovereto, e litografato dall’editore locale Zippel. La carta, prevista in 14 fogli, di cui tre effettivamente realizzati, si presenta come un caso peculiare nel panorama italiano, poiché riporta segnati, oltre alla morfologia, all’idrografia e all’insediamento, una serie di informazioni eterogenee, che comprendono tematiche demografiche, storiche, botaniche, zoologiche e agricole. Allo stesso tempo, può essere inserita nel più generale quadro europeo ottocentesco di documentazione geografica delle condizioni storiche e geofisiche di spazi a grande e piccola scala. La carta è stata digitalizzata e geo-referenziata in ambiente GIS, e alcuni dei metadati sono stati vettorializzati e geolocalizzati. La prima parte del contributo illustra le caratteristiche del documento, la simbologia utilizzata e la legenda. La seconda parte si sofferma sulla biografia dell’autore, sui suoi collaboratori e sul contesto di produzione della mappa, cercando di ricostruirne le motivazioni e gli obiettivi sulla base di documenti reperiti in archivi locali e nazionali. La terza parte presenta, utilizzando un doveroso approccio critico, alcuni dei metadati estrapolati dal documento, mostrandone le potenzialità per approfondire la geografia del Trentino ottocentesco in collaborazione con discipline come la storia, l’ecologia e la botanica.The paper presents a little known map, the Carta coro-orografica, politica, statistica, geognostica, botanica e zoologica del Circolo di Trento (1868-18670), produced by Francesco Masera, a technical school teacher from Rovereto, and lithographed by the local publisher Zippel. The map was envisaged in 14 sheets, of which three have been effectively completed. It is a peculiar case in the Italian cartographic framework: in addition to morphology, hydrography and settlement, it contains a series of heterogeneous information, including demographic, historical, botanical, zoological and agricultural data. Moreover, it can be included in the more general European framework of XIX century geographical documentation of historical and geophysical conditions of large and small scale spaces. The map has been digitized and geo-referenced using a GIS software; some of the metadata have been vectorized and geolocated. The first part of the paper illustrates the features of the document, the symbols that were used and the legend. The second part focuses on the author’s biography, on his collaborators and on the context in which the map was produced. Reasons and objectives behind it are reconstructed using documents found in local and National archives. The third part presents, using a critical approach, some of the metadata extracted from the document, showing its potential to shed new light on the geography of nineteenth-century Trentino, in collaboration with disciplines such as history, ecology and botany